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Book online «Condition Evolution 4 Kevin Sinclair (top 100 novels of all time TXT) 📖». Author Kevin Sinclair

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two lost lives are the responsibility of all those who backed this course of action. I now demand my right to call a vote.”

“We should wait until everyone is present,” Herial said petulantly from the council table.

“This travesty has gone on long enough, and in light of Shaun’s new, previously unheard-of power, I recommend that you all make the right decision this time.”

“New power?” Herial exclaimed, echoing the interest on everyone’s face.

Jezai turned to me. “Shaun, would you be willing to accept a mental attack from Herial?”

I shrugged. “I’d prefer them to make their decision not to be dicks because they don’t want to be dicks. Rather than because they realize they can’t actually fuck me over anymore.”

One of the Council Elders at the table named Ellam cleared her throat. “For what it is worth, it sat uncomfortably with me. I need to see no evidence. I trust Jezai implicitly and will support whatever he has in mind regarding our future relations with you, Shaun. I’d like to apologize for my part in what has transpired. I sat on the fence and went with the majority. That is no excuse, and I should have followed my instincts by supporting Jezai from the beginning.”

Jezai nodded respectfully to her. “Thank you, Ellam, your support means a lot.”

Galivea had remained quiet since the beginning, letting Herial lead the debate until now. “I am deeply devastated by the loss of Fiekela and Kirel. They were an integral part of our community and the Apochros foundations. They will be sorely missed. However, upon careful consideration, I must now offer an apology to Shaun. If any are in doubt, I ask you how a human with a level in the 250 range may kill two Elder Apochros? And for him to carry out this cruel act while a third high leveled Apochros stood close by, without casting doubt upon Ialos. While I suspect she disagreed with our decision, like her father, I trust her implicitly. As Jezai made clear, if any are to blame, it truly lies at the door of those who voted in favor of using Shaun as a moldable asset, rather than a friend. I give my full support to Jezai’s original plan.”

There was a buzz around the hall after that, with Council Elders all shouting out their support for Jezai. In the end, all members present acquiesced, except for Herial.

“I would still like to see this power you speak of before I make a decision,” Herial shouted.

“Shaun is right, this decision should not depend on such proof, but compassion. There are enough votes to carry,” Jezai said loudly. The chatter continued rising in volume as bickering broke out. I stood in the midst of it all, growing frustrated as they all tried to thrash out finer details on exactly how I should be handled. I decided to just walk out. I wasn’t interested in their politicking in the slightest. Just a bunch of assholes blowing hot air up each other's asses, while stabbing each other in the backs.

Outside in the cool night air, I spoke with Havok. “Hey man, when’s it ever going to calm down? It’s always just one thing after another.”

“Not for me, I’ve been lying on a floor with zero energy, completely deserted for weeks on end. I need some spice in my life. I hoped for a mass melee in there. Extremely disappointing, all in all.”

I couldn’t help but laugh at the insatiable axe. “Yeah, I can see that, dude. You’ll have your opportunity soon enough. Jezai has suggested drawing the Fystr into an invasion of the Dark Sector. He believes the Apochros have the capability to wipe out the fleet that has hunted us.”

“Oh, I hope so! That sounds like fun.”

“He made it all sound straightforward, but it never bloody is. All I really care about right now is getting the crew back.”

We chatted for a while longer, mainly covering the topics of murder and decapitation, until Jezai appeared out of the hall. “Good, then you haven’t run off. The council has agreed for you to collect your people. We’ll provide a transport ship, as the Uprising does not have the capacity to comfortably hold all of your people. Whilst you’re gone, I will arrange for a second ship to gift you.”

“Good, but eh? We had four ships, you know?” I said with a frown.

Jezai chuckled at me. “Ooh, you drive a hard bargain, Shaun. I’ll see what I can do, though you do remember all of your ships were undermanned, yes?”

“That’s hardly the point, Jezai. We fully intended to expand our crew, and the Hunter ships were perfect to protect the larger craft and scout.”

“I’m sure we can come to an arrangement. If there is one thing we do have in abundance, it is cutting-edge technology and spacecraft,” he said as he proudly clapped me on the shoulder.

“I suppose I have no choice but to trust you, again.”

“It might be a nice starting point to rebuilding that between us.” Our conversation was then interrupted by Ialos walking towards us from along the road.

“Hello, Father; hello, Shaun. How has it gone?” she asked on approach with worry in her eyes.

I immediately flushed with embarrassment at the sight of her. I hadn’t properly spoken to her since I’d got my memories back and had calmed down, and the attraction Vakuna had held for her was still there.

Jezai answered, “We’ve made excellent progress, Ialos. The council members present were eventually amenable to a change in direction. We are currently awaiting the preparation of a transport ship for Shaun to collect the crew of Uprising.”

“That is fantastic news! I will accompany you, Shaun, in case there are any injuries or casualties among your people,” she told me happily.

My heart sank. This was the last fucking thing I needed. “Thanks, erm... that’d be great, Ialos,” I replied, not meaning a word of it. If anyone was hurt, I’d rather they stayed that way until we returned and healed them here. Yes,

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