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Book online «David Bishop and the Mystic of Creation T.C. Crawford (icecream ebook reader txt) 📖». Author T.C. Crawford

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gave the city a cooler feel than the surrounding areas and allowed a wide swath of vegetation along its banks that wouldn’t grow anywhere else in the region.

The river, apart from the obvious relief from the sun, was also the city’s lifeline to the abundant natural resources of the sea – fish, crab, shrimp, and of course, sea salt. It was once the most trafficked trade route of the Southern Kingdom, having a direct route from Brineport to Ashmire and the Southern Tunnel that led through the mountains to the Northern Kingdom.

Erin and Tyrius shared a quick look of determination before urging their steeds onward. They galloped for a little over an hour, heading down the hills and through the flatlands before reaching the outer slums of the city.

The sun was high in the sky by the time they reached the first of the buildings, and the heatwaves could be seen rising from the scorched ground like ripples through the air. They quickly found an inn where they could tie off their horses and get them some water at a trough, while cooling off and getting some refreshments of their own at the bar inside.

As they entered the dusty tavern and their eyes adjusted, they quickly found a couple small stools near the bar and took a seat, ordering a set of light-colored ales from the bartender as they did so.

He gave them a quick look down before shaking his head and passing them a pint each and walking to the other end of the bar to converse with some of the locals. The ales were refreshing, with a hint of zesty fruit that neither Tyrius nor Erin had tasted before.

“I don’t like the looks of this place,” said Erin, eyeballing the crowd around them who seemed to be glancing their way frequently and whispering under their breath.

“Me neither, but that heat is just unbearable, and the horses needed a rest as much as we did.” replied Tyrius, wiping the sweat off his forehead with his sleeve.

“Where do you think they’re holding David?” asked Erin, “It’s been several days since he was taken from us. I fear we don’t have much time to waste.” she said, worry in her voice as she glanced nervously around the room for any signs of trouble.

“I know, child, I know. I fear for him too, but trust in the Creator God. His blessing is on our side, we will find David.” replied Tyrius determinedly.

“Yeah…” replied Erin, looking down at her mug not as convinced, “Do you really think so?” she asked, glancing up at her mentor and friend.

“I do, child. Now, finish your drink and let’s get back to our search. Something tells me we are headed in the right direction.” said Tyrius.

When they finished their drinks and left payment for the bartender, they exited the building and returned to their horses. A woman was standing by Erin’s horse, whispering softy to the animal, and tenderly brushing its long white mane with her fingers.

When she saw the two of them approach, she smiled kindly and asked where they had found such beautiful animals.

“They were gifts to us, and only borrowed” replied Erin, smiling in turn.

“I see…” said the woman, “Where are you heading? Do you have shelter for the night?” she asked.

Erin and Tyrius exchanged looks before Tyrius answered her, “We are just passing through, looking for a friend of ours who may have come this way. Have you seen a boy, roughly her age?” asked Tyrius, gesturing towards Erin. “He would have had a brown tunic on, with dark brown shaggy hair and fair skin that had the cares of a traveler worn from a long journey.”

“Hmm…you know, I think I may have seen him. He came through here just this morning. Would you like me to bring you to him?” asked the lady eagerly.

Erin and Tyrius eagerly agreed, feeling fortune had finally come their way but remaining skeptical in case it was some kind of trap. One could never be too careful in the city, Tyrius knew that much.

They followed the woman through the dusty streets of the city for several minutes before they reached the part of town that was clearly where the poor took up residence. The buildings were poorly built, made up of a variety of materials that were probably just found lying around. They looked as if a strong gust of wind would knock them down, some even leaning dangerously far, but somehow still stood tall.

Two men suddenly came out from behind one of the side alleys and stopped the woman in her tracks.

“Missy, Missy…up to no good today, are you?” asked one of the men.

“I don’t know what you mean.” she replied, smiling, and glancing nervously back at Tyrius and Erin who were both now on edge.

“You know exactly what we mean. Now get out of our territory before we send you back home with a reminder of what happens to traitors such as yourself” threatened the man.

Missy grunted in disgust and spit at his feet before she turned and quickly ran past Tyrius and Erin headed back the way they came.

The man shook his head as if he were disappointed before addressing Tyrius and Erin.

“Sorry about that. Missy’s one of the folks who’s loyal to the Guild. She lures unsuspecting travelers such as yourself into a secluded area where members of the Guild are waiting to ambush them and throw in prison. But not until they get what they can from them. You’re lucky we saw her when we did.” he said.

Tyrius and Erin looked at the man skeptically, they didn’t know what to believe at this point. For all they knew, he could be one of the Guild himself, and this could all be a part of their tricks.

“The name’s Kal, and this here is Ty. We’re part of the resistance.” he said, holding out his hand for Tyrius and Erin to shake.

They each shared a look of caution before taking his hand in turns

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