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him. Huh. It really was back to how it was.

“You are very powerful.” Leo says to Livvy.

She shakes her head violently.

Franziska quickly grabs her arm. “We need to talk. Now.” She doesn’t wait and Livvy doesn’t protest. She takes her past the open kitchen to our small outdoor patio.

What a day.

Using my elbow, I slide open the door balancing the tray of tea outside. I need to check on Livvy. It was a weird reaction, and something doesn’t feel right. No matter what their differences are, I know Franziska to be fair and giving. She opened her home. Whatever reason she had; she was the one who made me feel safe as a little girl. I knew I would eat. I knew I could close my eyes peacefully at night. And it was because of her.

I do the only thing I can to ease the tension. Brew her favourite herbal tea. She always says it’s meant to relieve anxiety and stress. Always making sure I’m fully stocked.

Now I must ask, is it magic? Does this brew she gives me really and truly relieve stress? I don’t remember using it much, it tastes like crap. And I thought it was just one of her hobbies she liked. Herbs, crystals, and oils.

“Are you ok Livvy?” I place the tray on the outdoor table. “You, too?” I smile at Franziska pouring her some tea. When the aroma filters to her, she looks to me and nods. With a simple smile, she accepts the tea and sits back in her chair.

It worked, and she hasn’t even had a sip.

I must remember to drink more of this.

“Oh, I’m so sorry about what happened.” Livvy apologises again, “I hope there wasn’t any damage.”

That makes me laugh. “Don’t worry, it’s fine. Believe me, it was a lot worse yesterday, even with the flooding.”

“What happened that was worse than that?” She takes a sip of her tea.

I exhale. “It’s too long of a story, and ultimately irrelevant. I’m still pregnant.”

“Yeah, I can see. I was back home when Evie had the vision. I came straight here.” She puts her teacup down. “When did you get involved with an Immortalie, let alone King Leonidas?” She sounds astonished.

“I didn’t even know they existed until a couple of weeks ago. And since when can you turn on and off water with a little stomp of your foot?” I raise a brow at her.

She closes her mouth.

“Elita, Elita.” Franziska moves from her chair to come and sit with me on the chaise. She grabs my hand and holds them in hers. “I so, so sorry. I fail in my job to protect.” She bows her head down. She looks distraught

I look to Livvy for an explanation, and her pained expression watches her.

“You didn’t fail me at all.” She looks up. “You gave me a great life when I had nothing. You saved my life. How could you ever fail me?”

Shaking her head, her tears fall.

I freeze at the sight. One that I have never experienced from such a strong woman. Weakness was not that common in the house. And to Franziska, tears are weak.

“The child, the child.” She squeezes my hand. “The prophet was right, my sweet Elita. But it is not then, it is now. What I said before about the devil rising on the tallest hill. It was not back with my ancestor. It is now. The Immortal King has impregnated you with what will ruin us all.”

Her wailing sets me off.

Mouth agape, the cool wind hits my sweating body and I shiver. Or maybe I’m convulsing. I don’t know. I’m stuck on her words.

“Stop. No.” Livvy comes to me and pulls my head to face her. “Don’t listen to that. We don’t know that for sure.”

“No more lies.” Franziska wails.

If this is not a lie, is she saying the devil is inside me? A demon? What does that mean? Leo surely would have told me if it wasn’t human. Would he? Oh my god, all the possibilities.

It’s hard to breathe let alone think. I take a few deep breaths.

“No, stop.” I swallow bile. Franziska continues to cry. “I said stop crying and listen.” Whatever she has kicked off in me feels feral and untamed. “You can’t just tell me I have the devil inside me and that’s it.”

“No, my dear, that is not it.” She scoots over. “Come,” she whispers. “You need to leave here and come with me. We will fix this.”

Fix this? I look down at my belly and even though this is just day two, I’m pretty big now. Most of my growing will be done when I’m asleep, but I have still been getting bigger through the day at a noticeable pace.

“How can you fix this?” What could she possibly mean? She really must think I have what she says inside me. If that’s the case, then why would she help me?

My face falls.

She doesn’t mean help me with giving birth, and most probably not raising the child.

I stand abruptly.

“You mean you want to kill my baby?” I don’t recognise my own voice.

“It’s not a baby,” she says with fear.

“Stop.” Livvy pleads with her. “Stop this, this is Elita. She is our family. And that’s her baby.”

“You need to go. Liv, you need to get her to go.”

“I’m sorry, I know, yes.” Livvy says. Already trying to help Franziska up.

“I can’t leave you alone again. I failed once.” She tries to shoo Livvy off.

“She loves you Elita.” Livvy pulls Franziska towards the door. “I will try and talk to her, but she is so set in her beliefs.” She says, dragging her inside.

Franziska is now speaking in her natural tongue fast and furious. I watch through the glass doors. No one touches or approaches them as they leave. Broderick opens the door for Livvy and follows them out.

Leo is not looking at me, this time. His looking down.

And he is ready to kill. I don’t need to ask.

He heard everything.

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