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Book online «Order of the Omni: A Supernatural Romantic Suspense Novel (The Immortalies Book 1) Penny Knight (100 best novels of all time TXT) 📖». Author Penny Knight

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There couldn’t be a worse time to be called by the OMNI. I flick the black card with the same mark Elita bears in my hand. One word etched in the back. Lycurgus. A message from my father. I am needed for a meeting. Now.

The witches have gone but have added to the growing list of problems that need to be taken care of. Working with the Divinians is common, especially the high order. But the common practicing witches still bear grudges from past crimes from centuries ago. The hatred is bred and taught to the next generation and so forth, never really uniting all species like the OMNI was meant to do. Hence why they have thought us the devil. To them we created the war on witches that ended in countless years of hunts and deaths. The truth is, it was a lot more political than that. And the workings of one man that wanted to get back at a witch that killed his children.

Cyrus. Milan’s father and the ultimate leader of The Uprising.

The old woman, the one who raised Elita when she was a little girl speaks to me with such hatred. Yes, I may deserve it now but there is no doubt in my mind that is how she would still behave, regardless.

Nadav approaches cautiously with one finger on his earpiece.

“Sir, Elita is on the roof wanting to be alone. What do you want to do?” I look at the time on my watch, it’s just past three. Why is she even awake?

“Leave it to me.” I stand.

I leave through the front door and use my strength to jump, latching onto the windowsill, then push off landing on the roof. Elita and three soldiers stand before me.

“Oh great.” She throws her hands up.

I nod for the men to leave. They follow instructions immediately and they exit through her room.

She sighs heavily, walking past me towards the edge of the building, resting her elbows on the ledge and leaning her head on her hand. Gazing into the distance.

For the first time since the morning I destroyed us, we’re alone.

“We need to talk.” I stand beside her.

“I don’t know if I can.” She keeps her eyes on the bridge over the river.

“I have to leave for a bit.”

“What, why?” She snaps her head to me. Catching us both off guard. She corrects herself fast. “I mean, you’re the one saying how important it is you’re here. Then you just leave?” She shakes her head.

“I have no choice.” I want her to know it all. I want her to understand how we got here. “I have been called to the OMNI.”

“Oh right, yes. You’ve mentioned them before. You also said that you didn’t know how the prophecy is completed. So really. Who knows where you’re off to, or if there really is an OMNI? Whatever that is anyway.” She turns her head back to face the water.

“I did not lie. The prophecy to walk in the sunlight, I don’t know how that will come to fruition.”

“How can you not know? Why wouldn’t this big and powerful OMNI just tell you and get it over with?”

“That’s not how it works.”

This time she turns to me. “What does that even mean? I don’t understand Leo, and you speaking in riddles isn’t helping. You said that the prophecy was for the sun power, remember?”

I remember her term, yes.

I nod. Grateful she is even talking to me.

“So, what is this?” Her hands hold her tummy where our child is growing. “You said nothing about this. But you knew, didn’t you? You knew this would happen the other night.”

I nod, “I would never have forced you to do anything you didn’t want to do. You kissed me, remember?”

Her eyes narrow at me, but it’s the truth whether or not she likes it.

“I didn’t know I was going to get fucking pregnant from it though. You used me. You used me to get what you want. Don’t play it down now and act like you care.”

“I do care.”

“Stop.” She holds her hands over her ears. “Stop, I don’t want to hear that crap, please.”

It’s not crap, but the truth, she just doesn’t want to hear it because she doesn’t want it to be true. It will be harder to keep the hatred she has for me intact.

“Elita, I am over two thousand years old. I have lived since birth knowing I would be King of the Immortalies. Just like our child inside you now will be King. When I was a young human man, all I lived for was to train and learn how to rule. Once I was reborn with immortality, I was thrust into the role. It’s then that I learnt about you.”

“Me?” she looks confused.

“Yes. Having a child as an Immortal is not uncommon. It used to be common practice for Immortals to breed with female humans as much as possible to produce more of us. For one child that could survive the trials.”

“Trials? That doesn’t sound good.”

“No, it is not. But it’s the only way to be reborn as Immortal. Majority of attempts ended in death. That’s why it’s uncommon now for an Immortal to be reborn.”

Her arms wrap around her stomach protectively. “So you mean this baby will have to go through that?”

I nod, “But not for a long time and he will have the best training imaginable. He is fated to be King.”

“Well, what if it’s a girl?”

“He will be a boy, and he will succeed through the veil.” I repeat the Oracle’s words.

She rubs the back of her neck hard, looking to ease whatever tension is there. Her eyes welling up again as she squeezes them shut for a few seconds to blink the tears away.

“For me though, there is only one way for that to happen. You.” She exhales a deep breath now coming back to me with full attention. Waiting for what I am to say next. She’s listening. I don’t deserve it.

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