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Book online «Order of the Omni: A Supernatural Romantic Suspense Novel (The Immortalies Book 1) Penny Knight (100 best novels of all time TXT) 📖». Author Penny Knight

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How can she even stand to look at me, let alone hear me out?

“It’s been thousands of years and I have followed the Transit of Venus around the world. They do not happen often, but often enough for me to believe this would never happen. It’s the only time the ritual was destined to work.”

She doesn’t bring up what the witch says. Nor do I. The notion so offending it will just anger me again.

“Why would you not tell me this?” She shakes her head.

“And what would you have done? Agreed?”

“Obviously not.”

“Yes, and the next Transit of Venus is in 105 years. I would never know if you would exist again for me. I have a duty Elita. I had no choice.”

“You say that a lot,”

“It’s because it is true.” The nagging of time running out presses with the sun soon to rise. I need to go see the OMNI and be back before that happens. “Why are you awake?” She should be resting. Her body looks frailer, eyes looking sunken. The baby taking its toll on her.

She scoffs. “Why do you think? Because the doctor has said once I sleep, my body will expand and hurt like hell. That is pretty fucking terrifying, especially when people are telling me it’s a demon king. And no, do not even go there right now.”

I bite down on my words and crack my neck, which is still pulsing with all that was wrong with that sentence. I address what I can.

“Did the doctor not give you anything for the pain?”

“Yes,” she says. Calming the blood flow and releasing my tension. “He gave me some weird brown elixir that I’m meant to accept is going to help me. Drink without question, and fingers crossed I wake up tomorrow. Hopefully without a tail. Add that to all the information that’s being thrown at me and you wonder why I can’t sleep.”

The words hit unlike any before. The enormity of the trust I am asking from her. To be thrust into this complicated world and only be given a couple of weeks to bear the burden of this responsibility.

Now I understand.

“I am sorry.” I bow my head to her.

She must have heard the truth and sorrow in my words because she turns to face me.

Understanding passes between us.

“Me, too.” Breathing in the brisk night air, she pulls her wrap tighter over her shoulders. “I guess you should go. I’ll drink my elixir and sleep now.”

I nod.

“After all, there is a whole new day waiting for me. Can’t wait to see what that brings.” She drops her head, and I watch as she walks to her room, disappearing down the stairs.

I lift my head to the stars. Please let us get through this day in peace.

My shoe slips into the flowing water, running down the narrow ravine in the mountain tops of Crete. The crops are in for a good year, the short, wet winter of Greece sometimes not producing what is needed to fend off drought. Well, not when I was a boy here.

The normal rocky terrain has a decent size river running through.

Frost escapes my mouth when I breathe. This high up leaves a sprinkle of snow on the black rocks.

It hasn’t been that long since my last summons. They are becoming less and less appealing.

Finally, I reach my destination.

I pat both my back pockets, looking for the offering. Only a fool would come empty handed to meet the Kouretes.

I open a small box.

“To the protector of Zeus and the protector of the Omniscient. Take my offerings of thanks for your service and sacrifice.” I recite the words that have been committed to memory.

Placing a small box on the rock beside me, I lift the lid, revealing new battery packs.

One thing I know about the Kouretes, they like their music.

My footing slips when the rumble of the tall stone walls shakes loose. Small debris bounces off the sides of the mountains splashing in the water.

A long arm extends from the dissolving dirt that lay covered. One arm leads to a head, then a body ripping itself out of the terrain that encompasses him.

This seven-foot man with long, sharp, chiselled rock-like hands, delicately picks up my electronic offerings.

“I should slice you from here to there.” His voice rumbles through the wind. He waves one of his razored fingers, but he takes the offering.

“Better late than never.” I’m sure he has been waiting a long time to play the music again.

“Still is better than the rubbish I have been getting lately.”

“You been busy old friend?” There is no way he will answer, but it doesn’t hurt to ask.

“You know very well I can’t tell you the comings and goings of others.” He swore his oath long before I was around. I still like to try every now and again. Maybe one day he will crack.

He pulls a hammer from his back. This part I don’t like.

One arm moves the hanging green foliage that lay atop the mountain’s side. Revealing a large bronzed gong, and with fierce precision, hits smack in the middle. The deafening sound bounces off all corners of the ravine, ringing in my ears. But opening the entrance to the cave that holds the council.

“Before you go young man.” He’s the only one that calls me that. I’m far from young.

I look back.

“Congratulations on the coming child.” He bows his head.

Nodding my appreciation and respect, I still can’t help but wonder how many secrets he holds. Over all these years and staying true to his oath, he knows everyone’s business.

If I am to be back before sunrise, there’s no time to waste. I run until I am before the door of the chambers. The meetings in this room have changed the course of history countless times. And today could be another.

I enter.

And they are waiting.

The High Priestess, the appointed Chief of the Shifters, and my father Lycurgus. All awaiting my arrival.

“You’re late.” My father speaks first.

“I came when I

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