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Book online «Order of the Omni: A Supernatural Romantic Suspense Novel (The Immortalies Book 1) Penny Knight (100 best novels of all time TXT) 📖». Author Penny Knight

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could.” I bow my head.

“You have met your match King Leonidas. How do you feel now?” The priestess asks. Her eyes linger on me, her smile that sees so many other men falter, rings tired over the many years.

“If it pleases the council, there are matters I can’t ignore for too long back home.” I try and reign her in. Celeste was an old friend at one time. A Divinian that worked side by side with me before she became high priestess.

“He is right,” the chief says.

“Son. The Oracle has received word about your son. This is no time for feelings right now. Love or not. There is more at stake.”

“What do you know?” I ignore my father’s unwelcome advice and direct my anger at Celeste, who is in direct contact with the Oracle.

She purses her lips and stands taller, nose up as she recites. “They both will die, if upon birth, he is not brought to where the fruits of Gaia herself are rife.” Her words confirming my worst fears and nailing the final nail in the coffin, for me and Elita.

I can’t stop eating. Moaning, I take another bite of French toast. “Estel. I love you.” I mumble my appreciation with a mouth full of food. It’s early evening, and I have lived this entire day like a cat. I sleep. Wake. Eat. Then sleep again.

Every time I wake, I’m bigger.

Switching plates, I dive into my sausage pasta. Topher looks distraught.

“What?” I hold the fork to my lips.

Food is laid out on the table. Estel’s a super chef, she hasn’t stopped cooking and baking. She said to come in for a feast, and she wasn’t wrong. “This isn’t all just for me.”

“Uh, yeah. Maybe leave some for the guys, too, then.” He looks at me and then looks down.

“Are you calling me fat?”

“No!” he gasps. “But you’re getting kind of big. Seriously, if this is you now, what are you going to be like in four days?”

I drop my fork.

Topher is nodding at me with encouragement.

I’m starting to feel sick, anyway. Nauseous again. It’s the worst. Well, second worst. Nothing compares to the pain of my insides shifting. Something no one should ever have to go through. Thank you, Doc, and your miracle green drink.

“I think I need to lie down again.”

He laughs and shakes his head. “I am going to remember this forever.”

“Yeah, well, this is pretty fucking memorable.”

We both laugh and it feels nice.

Broderick strides in. “Hey. Do you know a bald guy in a red Falcon?” He nods holding his radio.

“Yeah, sounds like my boss. Why?” I say.

“Just parked outside. Looks to be coming here.”

I jump up. “Oh my god! I need to change. He will freak out if he sees me like this.”

“I will get rid of him,” Broderick says.

“No! It’s ok. I want to see him. Just give me a minute.”

“It’s probably best he doesn’t get involved. We should send him away.”

“Listen, you can try. But if he’s here, then it’s for a reason. He’s not gonna let up about it. Let me just throw something over this, so he doesn’t notice.” We all look to my huge belly.

“Good luck.” Topher pops a cherry in his mouth.

“Don’t choke.” I poke my tongue at him.

I leave them both laughing and run upstairs to find something to hide my belly.

While I run, I flip through my closet in my head. There’s no way my largest jumper will do. Especially since it’s summer and above 30 degrees. I’m already wearing the only clothes that fit. This singlet shirt used to be a summer dress and the yoga pants are a lifesaver. There is no other option. How big am I going to get? I look full term already. Nope. Push that panic button another day, Elita. One day at a time. My new life motto.

I burst through my bedroom door and go straight to my fluffy robe. From the water on the side table, I sprinkle a dash on my face and opt to go for the flu card.

When I get back downstairs, Tony’s tired eyes see me.

“There you are,” he says. “I have been calling your phone for days. Both of you.”

Yep, some things never change. That is much needed right now. We’re in trouble.

“I lost my phone.” I throw in a few coughs. “I’ve been sick.”

“Sick? This guy says you’ve been working on a case for him.” He nods towards Broderick.

Topher looks down and shakes his head.


“Whatever. We need to talk.” He stares at me intently.


“Privately.” He eyes Broderick.

I sigh. “Sure, we can go out back.”

“Here is good, too.” Broderick says.

I roll my eyes. “Really?”.

He stands alert with eyes trained on Tony.

“Relax mate. Who are you anyway? I think you’re overstepping your boundaries as a client.”

Oh, here we go again. I can’t deal with another pissing contest.

“Come on Tony. We can go outside.” I pull his arm.

“Not outside.” Broderick looks at me. “Inside, please?”

This I understand. It’s been drilled in. Stay where Broderick can protect me. I keep waiting for the time I have my life back. My own right to protect myself. But I feel like a pawn in this game that I can’t compete in.

“We’ll go in my room.” There is no other room that will give us privacy other than Topher’s.

As we step up the stairs, he doesn’t wait. “Where the fuck have you been? I came to see you in the hospital and you were gone. And that cop of yours, he’s been up my ass for days,” he says, or lectures rather, like always. “You could have told me you were alive.”

Now I feel worse. I didn’t even think of contacting Tony. Too wrapped up in myself.

“I’m sorry.” I open the door and go inside. I’ll make this right. But keep him out of this. His been a mentor for me.

He follows me inside and closes the door. I take a long deep breath, ready for another one of Tony’s grillings. This one I actually deserve.


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