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origins and destination of, 23

paycheck-gobbling, 96

pro-chewers’ approach to, 23–24

savoring meditation with, 20–21, 86

in the stuffing of America, 92

super-, 59–60

for suppressing further appetite, 356

ten best pieces of advice on, 361–64

white, rejection of, 94–95, 361–62

see also diet; eating

food chain, avoiding fish high on, 190, 368

food reforms:

gradualism in, 13

more chocolate, booze, and coffee in, 13–16

no more swiping pizza crusts from the kids’ plates, 28

place setting in, 22–23

quantity then quality in, 17

Food Rules (Pollan), 364

football teams, above-average students not on, 175–76

foot injuries, 205

foot rubs, 294

footwear industry, revolt against, 205

For Better: The Science of a Good Marriage (Parker-Pope), 46–47

For Dying Out Loud (unpubl.; Bronzaft), 57, 60

48 Hours, 159

4—Hour Body, The (Ferris), 84, 211, 265, 361

Fowler, James, 162

fox, fabled grapes reframed by, 252


moles in vogue under Louis XV of, 242

parasite use in, 40–41

Franklin, Ben, on cold not causing colds, 211

Freakonomics (Levitt and Dubner), 341

Friedman, Howard, 71

friendship, stress in, 161–62

frogs, loose teeth fixed by, 196

fructose, sucrose vs., 7

fruits, 89

high- vs. low-sugar, 229

our ancestral preference for, 15

F-word, the, 125

Gaga, Lady, warming up to, 249

Galina (acupuncturist), visit to office of, 118–20

gambling, eating while, 21–22

games, losing more precisely in, 177

Gandhi, M. K. (Mahatma), slow chewing advocated by, 24

gas, intestinal, pro-chewers’ view of, 24

gene-coated nano-robot pill, waiting for, 31

genetics, of taste and smell, 297

genetic testing, 300–302

expectations for future of, 301

Tree of Knowledge problem in, 302

genitals, 101–9

urologist’s unsugarcoated view of, 281

see also sexual activity

Germ, Dr., see Tierno, Philip

germaphobia, 76

going full McDougall thwarted by, 206

moral outlook colored by, 82

germ cell, fossilized, as oldest sign of life, 77

germ debate, 75–83

germaphobe’s side in, 76–80

Hygiene Hypothesis side in, 80–81

politics injected into, 82–83

germ porn, 75–76

germproof sheets, 82

germs, 75–83

AJ’s immune system friendly to, 72

in the cracks of your teeth, 195, 197

in drinking water, 273

gyms saturated with, 32

humans descended from, 77

likely habitations of, 79

on Purell dispensers, 79

questions commonly asked about, 79–80

resistance developed to antibiotics by, 79

of the right sort, 82–83

submerging feet in a swamp of, 209

time-consuming warfare on, 82

UV radiation for killing of, 82

Gibala, Martin, 252

ginger, benefits of, 217

gingivitis, 195

Glide Comfort Plus floss, 197

Globe Theatre, groundlings at, 67

glycemic indices, 89

GNC, 83


children’s questions about, 111

dew on front lawn of, 274

disease meted out for sin by, 142

joke about a doctor and, 287

thanked for painkillers, 115

trust in nanny state confessed to, 273

gods of health, massive transgressions against, 191

Goldacre, Ben, 90, 237

gonads, 279–87, 280

Good & Plenty/cucumber romance spray, 102, 106, 109

Good Calories, Bad Calories (Taubes), 92

good for you:

arguing, 169–70

blueberries, 7, 20–21, 26, 97

brushing and flossing, 194, 195, 197–98

cat owning, 151

caution, 335–39

chewing, 23–24

cuts and scratches, 42

dark chocolate, 14, 60

delusional optimism, sensibly balanced, 130

doing new things, 170–71

equations, 169

exercise, exercise, exercise!, 32

fidgeting, 353

forest walking, 43

getting off your butt, 63–71

ginger, 217

goat’s milk, 71

good habits, 245

green field views, 44

hanging out with fit and happy friends or their friends, 161–62

having a purpose in life, 4, 25

holding hands, 308

house plants, 28

just standing there, 66–67

lapping up fallen ice cream, 81

living in hilly places, 64, 221

looking on the bright side, 153

marriage, 45–47; see also Jacobs, Julie Schoenberg

memorizing poems, 169

moderate drinking, 14, 91

moderate optimism with a soupçon of anxiety, 71

more germs, 80–81

near-starvation, 17–21

petting dogs, 150–52

self-massage (not a euphemism), 110, 359

sharpening your sense of smell, 297–98

tart cherry juice, 264

touching, 151, 153

turmeric, 7

unflagging determination and optimism, if possible, 70–71

volunteering, 179–80

watching sports, 163–64

wearing a helmet, 339–42

see also bad for you

Good Night (Breus), 264

gorillas, flat backs an aid to posture of, 316

Gottesman, Lester, 131–37, 227

Graham, Sylvester, as guru of the bland, 101–3

graham crackers, 101–3

grocery store:

as origin of food, 23

shopping the perimeters of, 95–98, 362

guerrilla (contextual) exercise, 64–67

avoiding airport People Movers in, 64–65

beating the elevator in, 64

literally running errands in, 65

for normal people, 353

for the obsessed, 353–54


for being terse with a dermatologist, 243

for bingeing, 66

booze, chocolate, and coffee consumed without, 13–16

for improving delts over brain, 233

about obsession with health, 278

about project’s missing body parts, 346

in sitting, 66

in skipping gym, 65

in straying from healthy food, 88

gut, germs in, 75, 76

“gymnasium,” origin of word, 34

gyms, 29–36

AJ’s introduction to, 34–36

etiquette observed at, 61

exercising in nature vs., 39

fellow regulars at, 60–61

glute-lifting demanded by lolling instructor, 250

infectious diseases caught in, 32

New York itself, 221

number of Americans who belong to, 33

Sabbath avoidance of, 201

slow fitness vs. cardio, 157–61

why clanking weights while grunting is OK at, 61

world as, 65; see also guerrilla exercise

see also exercise; working out; specific gyms

hamantaschen, 200

Hand, The: How Its Use Shapes the Brain, Language, and Human Culture (Wilson), 305

hand-holding, 308

hand paraphernalia, 306

hands, 303–12, 304

germs on, 75

new maladies of, 309

periodic shaking of, 309

see also fingers

hands, unwashed:

in germ porn, 75–76

in Hygiene Hypothesis, 80–81

Hands (Napier), 303

hand washing, 74

brief history of, 78

virtuoso performance of, 78

happiness, contagion of, 162

Hardees’ Monster Thickburger, calories (not counting fries) in, 17

hare, Aesop’s, sprint-and-rest racing by, 252

Harvard University, 7, 31, 64, 162, 329, 341

Hausman, Michael, 309–10

HDL, LDL vs., 7

Healing Spaces (Sternberg), 141, 294


deadlines incompatible with, 139

time needed to keep up with, 155–57

WHO’s definition of, 9–10, 168

health advice, five-word summation of, 245

health food, how Graham became an inventor of, 101–2

Health Food Junkies (Bratman), 88–89, 364

health habits, gradualism applied in reforming of, 13–16

Health Project, see Project Health

health villains, top five, 239

healthy behaviors, 8

see also good for you

Healthy Garden, dining at, 51

Healthy Vices, 13–16

growing list of, 168, 330

Heal Your Aching Back (Katz), 317–18

hearing loss, decibel levels sufficient for, 59

see also ears; noise

heart, 29–52, 30, 246, 247–55

see also exercise; gyms; working out; specific types of exercise

heart attacks:

marriage and, 46

noise-related, 55

postcoital risk of, 104

heart disease, 32, 92, 218, 220, 241, 258, 259, 282, 284

dark chocolate for lowering risk of, 14

frequent orgasms and, 104

HIIT and, 253

marathon sitting as cause of, 64, 66

optimism in patients with, 70–71

Paleo diet’s unknown effect on, 229

predictors of, 3, 94

worrying about worrying about, 142


exfoliating of, 208

landing too hard on, 207, 209

Hefner, Hugh, 282

Heisenberg, Werner, 59

helmets, 334, 340–42

for apartment living, 340

for babies, 336

hemorrhoids, 134–36

sitting vs. squatting for prevention of, 136

HEPA filter, 220

Herbenick, Debra, 105

herpes simplex, 32

Hicks, Bill, working out satirized by, 29–31

high blood pressure, 55, 258

see also blood pressure

High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT), 277, 347

effective, but no free lunch, 252

why AJ did it once a week, 253–54

hip thrusts, warm-up, 248

Hitler, Adolf, bullhorn fascism of, 56

holidays, feasting vs. fasting on, 20

Home Safety Council, 337

hormone replacement therapy (HRT), 284

horse grooming, calories spent in, 109

hospitals, deaths from infections acquired at, 77

hot dog eating contests, 60

hotels, bringing

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