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responding to loud noises in, 55

role of stress in, 141

sprinting preferred to jogging in, 42

walking in, 64

Paleo movement, see caveman movement

pancreas, mindfulness of, 27

parents, childhood dangers most worrisome to, 341

Park, Steven, 260, 263

Parker-Pope, Tara, 46–47

parties, crudites actually eaten at, 222

Pasteur, Louis, 78

patches, facial, symbolism of, 242

Paul (friend), 14

on futility of healthy living, 31

Paul, Annie Murphy, 301

peanut butter:

harrowing intestinal passage of, 27

sex-drive boost attempted with, 106, 107


alarming risks of, 209–10

Archer’s antifungal treatment before and after, 210

bringing your own equipment to, 210

pedometer, 99–100, 266

walking more linked to use of, 99


as body’s dipstick, 281

fracture of, 104

grafting chimpanzee privates onto, 283

Pennington Biomedical Research Center, 66

Penn Station men’s room, skin-care talk heard in, 236

People Movers (airport), avoiding of, 64–65, 353

Perfect (film), 61

periodontal disease, 60

periodontitis, 195

pets, 150–52, 178, 355–56

health effects of, 150, 151–52

lurking around, 150–51

sleeping with, 152

pheromones, 106

Philips, Emo, 307


arctic water, 310

germ, see germaphobia

sex, 101–3

subway disaster, 342

phones, wiping of, 81

Photochemical & Photobiological Sciences, 197

phthalates, 241, 369

physicians, asking for a placebo from, 123

Physique, 57, 247

phytoncides, plants’ use of, 44

pica (disease), 131

Pilates studio, 233


how appearance affects reactions to, 123

syringes vs., 123

of tomorrow, 31

pineapple, flavonoids in, 89

Pinker, Stephen, on psychology of cursing, 125

Pizarro, David, 83

placebo, placebo effect, 122–24

acupuncture success as, 121

brain’s confusion of real painkillers with, 122–23

“honest,” 124

in neurofeedback, 177

in “self-healing ritual,” 124

in sugar fasting, 232

T-based aggression as, 286

plant-based diet, 92, 93–95

AJ’s opting for, 93–95

raw food vegan diet vs., 227

plants, health benefits of, 28, 44

plastic bags (Ziploc), controlling temptation and portion size with, 84–85, 230, 355, 363


BPA verse test for, 189, 369

endocrine-disrupting, 183, 185, 369

microwaving food in, 190

plastic surgery, farts reportedly upgraded by, 133

Plato, 293–94

Playboys, old, faded, but thoughtfully placed, 282

“Plazibo” (AJ’s proposed drug), 124

pneumonia, 2–3, 46, 152

poems, memorization of, 169

pole dancing:

Anna’s workout at, 249

as art form, exercise or sport, and not sleazy, 248

attended by fifty women and AJ, 248

classes in, 34

sharing poles in, 249

warm-ups for, 248

Pollan, Michael, 13, 90, 364

pomegranate seeds, 60

portion control, 17–22

child’s plastic dinosaur plate for, 22, 50

cocktail shrimp fork for, 23, 26, 50

80 percent prayer said for, 84

plastic (Ziploc) bags for, 84–85, 230, 355, 363

tips for regular people, 355

tips for the obsessed, 355–56

posture, 129, 313–17

not to overthink it, 317

Talmud on, 313

Power of 10 (Zickerman), 159


80 percent, 84

for Kheel’s recovery, 289

time set aside for, 201

privacy, AJ’s self-invasion of, 261

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 164

pro-chewing movement, 23–24

Prochnik, George, 55, 56

produce, sanitizing of, 81

Project Health, 1–12

background of, 1–7

battle plan of, 9–11

bite-size approach to, 11

body parts not covered in, 346

as crash course on AJ’s body, 6

defeatism and fatalism in, 293, 300

as exercise in radical humility, 296

finding missing kids as test of, 331–33

fog of conflicting advice in, 138; see also debates

healthier-than-thou attitude stirred by, 191–92

healthy family time preempted by, 278

Internet comments on, 196

Jacobs boys’ curiosity about, 110

Jim Fixx argument applied to, 293

managing time for, 155–57

mild hernia at midpoint of, 180

mindfulness as first big theme of, 27

mind improvement included in, 168

motivation needed in, 245, 250, 255

nerd’s-eye worldview shocked by, 174

quantifying progress in, 10

receding goal line of, 331

stomach as jumping-off point in, 11, 12

as third leg of AJ’s triathlon, 4

to-do list for, 1–2, 28, 346–47

unintended consequences of, 163

see also specific body parts and functions

Project Libido, 105–9

romance spray tried in, 102, 106, 109

prostate cancer, 15, 273

frequent ejaculations helpful in lowering risk of, 104

prostate examination, 279


insects as good source of, 41

Kellogg’s crusade against, 363

in Paleo diet, 227–29

with plant-based diet, 227

protein shakes, before-and-after ads for, 34

Proust, Marcel, as geek hero, 174

Prozac, 33

Psychological Science, 329

Pukey (CrossFit’s mascot), 248

puppy-urine skin cleanser, 236

Purell dispensers, germ-coated, 79

Pure raw food restaurant, 274

PUR filter, 275

Purim, celebration of, 199–200

quackery, staying power of, 8–9

Quantified Self movement, 99

quinoa, 15, 210, 347

Rachel (cousin), 290

Radical Honesty, 38–39

Radiolab, 231

Rahsaan (caveman), 30, 38, 40

Rand, Ayn, 187

Rastafarian diet, 13

Ratey, John, 64, 175–76

raw foodism, 13, 226–27

raw-food vegan diet, 225–27

plant-based diet vs., 227

reality, co-creating of, 129

Really Basic Life Skills 101, AJ’s proposals for, 198

red ginseng, libido boosting reputation of, 106, 107

red wine, 14–15, 191, 223

Reed, Danielle, 296

reframing, 153, 252

memento mori as ultimate form of, 154–55

rejuvenation techniques, 283–87

religion, healthy living and, 88, 199–202

remote controls, 81

actually getting up vs. use of, 354

germs on, 75

repetition, mindfulness balanced by, 171

repetitive stress injuries, 309–10

Restak, Richard, 305


Benihana, 53–54

Candle 79 (vegan), 225

faux health, 51

flouting fire alarms in, 337

Korean barbecue, 227

mindfulness at Momofuku, 171

Nick & Toni’s, 343

portion-control techniques at, 50

salmon, wild, not blackened, and hold the starch, 222

resveratrol, in red wine, 15

Retin-A, 237–39

Ribot’s Law, 178

ringworm, 32

Ripa, Kelly, 247

Roach, Mary, 103, 104

Rockefeller, John D., 24

Rockefeller University, 106–7

Roman Legionnaire’s Workout, 248

Roosevelt, Theodore, 25, 174

Rosin, Hanna, 287

Royte, Elizabeth, 273

Ruebush, Mary, Hygiene Hypothesis advocacy of, 80–81

running, 29

barefoot, 203–8, 204

dangers and inefficiency of, 158

joy of, 47–48, 322

long-distance, 33

running errands, literally:

downside of, 65

handiness of deodorant and new shirt in, 353

more calories spent in, 65–66

Runyon, Damon, 147

Safe Kids USA, 337

safety, 334, 335–42

CDC index on ways you can be killed or hurt, 335–36

see also specific hazards

saffron, 207

Sagan, Carl, 255

skeptical open-mindedness of, 9, 48

salt, 92

effect of weaning oneself away from, 109–10

origins of our addiction to, 15

San Diego, long-lived Seventh Day Adventists in, 221

Sandwich, John Montagu, Fourth Earl of, 22

Sapolsky, Robert, 142, 200, 283

Sardinia, longevity in, 64, 346

scalp cancer, 183

Schelling, Thomas, 48, 231

Schmozart Effect, 168

Schoenberg, Barbara, 266

saved by AJ’s magical thinking, 148–49


on antisnoring exercises, 261

on aphrodisiacs, 107

on brain-vision relationship, 329

on cold remedies, 72

immortality assisted by, 111–12

juice fasts supported by, 272

on link between cancer and stress, 142

on man-made climate change, 94

on neuroplasticity, 165–71

plant-based diet gaining support of, 94

on prerace carbo-loading, 319

on raw food diet, 227

salubrity of sex supported by, 104

slow fitness movement still short on, 161

tepid water claims dismissed by, 276

on testosterone-aggression link, 286

see also studies

Seavey, Todd, the anti-Marti, 187–88

Secret Life of Germs, The (Tierno), 81

Seiller, Barry, 330

self-abuse, see masturbation

self-loathing, acquiring of, 88

self-massage, 110, 359

selves, present vs. future, 48–50, 49, 356

Selye, Hans, 141

semen analysis, 281–82

discussing the results of, 282–84

at world’s least erotic place, 281

Semmelweis, Ignaz, 78

Serenity Prayer, 360

serotonin, 162, 175

sexaphobes, 101–3

on postcoital lassitude, 103

on preserving secretions, 103

sexual activity, 101–9

aphrodisiacs in, see aphrodisiacs

calories burned for passive, general, and vigorous, 108–9

hiccups cured by, 104

passive, calories burned by, 276

in Project Libido, 105–7

six weeks of, 64

Shachtman, Tom, 179

Shakespeare, William, 67

shampoo, healthy new formula for, 189

Shannon (friend), 262

Shaw, George Bernard, on marriage, 45

Shop Class as Soulcraft (Crawford), 305


injuries to, 113–15

lung channel linked to, 120

sin, illness as penalty for, 142

Sirens, singing

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