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he no longer needed either of us. 


Simba had appeared to me (post-mortal) during a nocturnal ‘out of body’ experience some months prior. It is saying ‘Let go’; he no longer knows us, which indicates that he is no longer in limbo and has moved on. The line that was connected to him was an emotional one on our part, hence his struggle against being drawn back. The breaking rod broke that connection with Simba.

Life is an ocean that gives and one day, takes back.


Dream 25

The clock dream I had years ago, is a warning about the future of mankind. Its left face is normal; its right face is completely black from twelve, right down to six.

Three Ominous Sequential Dreams

I had three ominous sequential dreams that followed the clock dream; the first was in 2010, the second, 2011 and the final culminating in 2012. I have never had dreams like these before, that have taken on such a worrying turn and sense of immediacy.



Dream 26


I was standing to the right of the picture. In front of me, was a huge, transparent sphere, divided laterally at its centre point by a transparent floor, creating upper and lower hemispheres. At the bottom of the lower hemisphere was a layer, rather like grains of sand, which I knew represented the whole of humanity. 

Suddenly from behind me on my left, the figure of a man in a dark suit (the God figure) stepped out towards the sphere, pointing accusingly at the human mass as he danced about in anger, voicing his rage. Meanwhile I pointed towards the empty upper hemisphere and asked him why the innocent ones could not be saved by transferring to the higher, empty hemisphere but I was ignored. 


The sphere is portrayed in the dream as an enclosed environment, within which, mankind and all things exist, as opposed to being on the outer shell of a sphere, as it is conventionally perceived. Perhaps this is closer to probability than we imagine.

For an explanation of the sphere display, there is now serious consideration within quantum science that the world is not as we imagine it to be. Instead, it could exist in (what is referred to as) a ‘superposition’, e.g. a coming together and structuring of substance that we refer to as ‘sub-atomic particles’.

 Moreover, this astounding coming together of substance (superposition), sits within an overall vastness referred to as ‘superspace’, within which, there is nothing at all but potential.

What is meant by this potential? This is defined in a later chapter but, is probably better explained in terms of the building blocks of our world –those dual natured little creatures that we referred to previously as, ‘sub-atomic particles’. 

These particles have substance but can flip to their alter- ego wave form that has no substance at all (their condition of potential). Where has that potential gone? It instantly resides, sometimes temporarily, sometimes not, to where all potential belongs – superspace.


Dream 27


This 2011 dream came as a split picture. To the left it showed an angelic figure hovering above the pristine world once left in the care of humankind. To the right is the destructive new angel of technology, seen hovering above the greyer world of its own destructive creativity.



This dream is self-explanatory, inasmuch, that the angelic figure represents the natural and original world, whilst the new angel represents the world of technology that is damaging the planet and its creatures. It connects with Dream 26 of the ‘God’ figure’s anger and frustration over the destruction we have created.


Dream 28


This 2012 dream presented itself as though looking along a line of giant glass egg timers, marching back into the past. They were all full at the base and, empty at the top (time past). Whilst the final one representing the present, showed that its final dregs were just running out. The one ready to follow in the infinite continuance, now lay fallen and broken. 


The general scheme of the imagery implies, that although time appears to flow like a river, it is really given in sorts of ‘egg timer’ allocations that are seamlessly activating one from another as smoothly as liquid flowing.

It also ties in with the first of the three dreams; the anger and frustration of the furious figure and the other, of the avenging angel with retribution in mind. 


Silenced Wings (Paradigm Lost)

Though they lived on the ground,

they belonged to the sky

but, this couldn’t be

and they didn’t know why.


And a whispering voice,

that had long been around,

said “birds cannot fly,

they must stay on the ground.”


Then a solitary bird

appeared in the blue,

like a lark with a trill

that nobody knew.


The whispering voice

grew urgent and strong,

“The eyes falsify,

on the ground, we belong”.


Then it whispered again,

“let us caw the same ode

so that nothing disturbs

our familiar mode.”


Whispering voices

What wishes to own will tell you it serves,

lavish and pomp for itself it reserves,

no matter the system, no matter its name,

bureaucracies play their time honoured game.

Societies fleeced, pockets are lined


by those that build palaces for their own kind.

Officialdom low and officialdom high,

burgeoning presences going awry.


The loss to the few whose motives are pure,

their credit enhances the other kind’s lure,

ingenuous populace farmed for a crop

by confidence tricksters that climb to the top. 

Part Three

Part Three

Personal and Paranormal Experiences


There is an intimate connection between all events in this book that needs to be understood in that context and will be explained as it goes along.

My life is centred between the conflicts of the dark and the light ‘otherworldly’ influences. This may sound silly and primitive but the facts of my case prove otherwise. I always look for truths and when found, I factor them into who I am.

There are aspects of my life that have proved quite conclusively that there is indeed a divine force for good, also a satanic force, that on occasions will manipulate minds and physical environments to achieve its dark desires.


Cerca Trova

(Seek and Ye shall Find)

This continuing journey of mine into the unknown, tears up the ‘book of life’ as we know it, by proving the reality of satanic influence upon world affairs. By exposing it, I then became a threat. This truth was made evident to me by the vying infernal and angelic forces within which, I have been embattled all of my life.

In their wider context, these vying light and dark elements seem to emulate the mythical tales shared by all cultures – tales of beautiful angelic places, which then become enveloped by an evil darkness. There really is a truth behind this. It was a darkness such as this, that marked the fall of mankind and continues still, to pervade the brutal side of our nature. The divine battle however, to reclaim the light, is at last reaching out through the mists of time – to unite us once again to its pristine guidance of dreamtime – that divine messaging service of beginning times.

Holding this in mind, I should like to show how it has factored into my own, very strange life, one that could almost have been lifted from the manuscripts of J.K. Rowling’s ‘Harry Potter’. For in a similar way, something dark and infernal has hounded me since childhood. It knew that one day in the future I would pursue a mission that would expose its worldwide defilements. Furthermore, in this same seemingly fictional way, I also have an angelic protector that intercedes at the moment of my greatest peril. Although this must sound surreal, my experiences are utterly truthful and factual. Their implications concern every one of us. Life really is not what we thought it was, as a phrase from the ‘Star Trek’ series informs us.


There’s life Jim but not as we know it

There came a time in my life eventually, where looking back, I could see how certain happenings had been developing their driving forces within me, amongst which, were the horrors of the 1914/18 Great War books that I read as a child, then in later times, the Holocaust pictures that flooded our newspapers in 1945.

It was not until 1975 when the day arrived on which my mission and I finally met. It happened on a day trip to the war graves of the Somme in France. This was a defining moment in my life, a revulsion of all the evil and ignorance that unendingly brings life to be slaughtered in such places. It was made so much worse because the causal reasons had never been addressed. Though not without good reason, those answers always lay in places too dangerous for people to go. I vowed that day to address those causes and I stayed true to that task. The disclosures are now here in this book – it takes us back to that (lost in time) fall of mankind – to that dark branch in the road taken, away from our Creator’s dreamtime guidance.

I again mention, that it was through the utterly inconceivable means by which infernal attacks on me had occurred throughout my life, proved the ‘stage managements’ by an infernal entity, was therefore completely factual. In a simulated way, my own journey from childhood had been that of the 14th century Dante’s ‘Divine Comedy’ passage through Hades, complete at times with my own protective Virgil.

Moreover, from this conclusive evidence, we must surely ask ourselves if it is this same infernal influence that has always steered the hand of mankind into its wider, darker affairs.


Reaping the storm

I touched the nerve of an external malevolence when I exposed our unhealthy taboos and evils. This was then clearly displayed by the unnaturalness and fury of its responses and as it would have been, on anyone pursuing the same objective. For this reason, we can see why delusive beliefs maintain such long, secure existence and why light into those dark places, would need to be extinguished.


Wider probabilities

As I have already shown, it follows that in having achieved such clear evidence of demonic influence (with early pre-knowledge of my future) and the stage management of people and environment around me, it then raises the question of whether these infernal manipulations extend also, to the wider influencing of mankind’s darker side.

Images of Deceit

Every image from the past can be deceitful,

each one has many functions it fulfils,

for images through time have many masters,

gaining potency derived from managed skills.


Images are used for swaying nations,

collectivising thoughts for channelled flow,

such images express a specious promise

and demand returns exceeding quid quo pro.


The Journey into the wider knowing

My own life seems almost at times to parody that of Dante’s ‘Divine Comedy’, that of Dante’s journey through purgatory towards the Mountain of Paradise with Virgil his angelic protector. In a strange but similar way, I also have my ‘Virgil’, for it is proved that I do have an angelic helper blocking the more lethal deeds of the purgatorial darkness

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