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same old born-again oddities, servicing their unreal mindsets out of hearsay, malice, opportunism, Chinese whispers and other such nonsense but, it’s also, par to the course of leadership. 

Another apparent impairment to the paranormal is that it disobeys the laws of physics within which, all things are supposedly subject to its rules at all times. However, it is easy to overlook that Nature also has rules of opposites in all matters (exemplified through the particle-wave duality of atomic particles), therefore, in the same contrasting way, meta-physics is paired to physics. It’s a schizoid world! 

A point easily overlooked is that the paranormal is a science and comes under the umbrella of Ontology, ‘the science that deals with the principles of pure being – the aspects of metaphysics which deals with the nature and essence of things’. It should also be mentioned that genuine psychic abilities do not kill or corrupt.


More than the sum of our parts

Disparagement, is of little account when one is well grounded and secure with ones psychic experiences. I have lived with its objective (often witnessed) realities most of my life. Furthermore, my philosophy on all issues is founded on life’s hard won objective facts within which, hearsay and Chinese whispers play no part. 

These are not empty words; mine are backed up at times by precognitive dreams of almost biblical significance and occasional physical events that make a complete mockery of our laws of physics. Little wonder that I feel very sorry for the conventional mindset, particularly so (as I constantly mention), because the pogroms against cerebral enhancement had left a vacuum of subliminal yearnings that had become infiltrated by specious beliefs and charlatanism.


We move in circles back to the same point

Sanity shakes its head in disbelief at the millions of people who had failed to work out those attendant machinations and insanities that would obviously come attached with the secular religion of autocratic socialism. It was blatantly predictable, that like all emotion led pursuits, they would follow its Middle Ages theological exemplar, to murder, imprison and terrify countless millions of innocents. 

Such is the human ‘blind-side’ madness that strides back endlessly through our unlearning history. 

Scarlet and red is tautology

Despite semasiology, (that semantic quibbling)

both the theocratic system and atheist are sibling.


These labels are mere synonyms; the end game is the same,

‘gilding lilies’ for the ebbing mind – the easiest to train


We are measured by our past

Everything I write is out of concern for the sanctity of innocent life and the need to preserve all that is good. It is for that reason I remind us constantly of everything that works against this. 

In the 20th century, 200 million people and countless numbers of innocent animals, died in our wars. Discounting the millions of minor battles, insurrections and lesser collective killings, there has only been an aggregate 250 years of documented peace in the last 3,400 years, which then tracks back in that same familiar fashion throughout the emergence of Homo sapiens into the wider world. 

The evidence is set in concrete; no matter what the colour, creed or country we live in, modern mankind carries with it, the same shared mindset contaminants that its ancestors brought with them out of Africa. Whilst like the cuckoo, Control-Man and its cohorts always own the social nest. 

There is a poem by Robert Frost, ‘The Road Not Taken’, that yearningly reminds us of mankind’s loss in the forging of that well travelled road of its own making. 

The Road Not Taken

(Robert Frost)

‘Two roads diverged in a wood and I. I took the one less travelled by and that has made all the difference.’


Version - Colin Brookfield:

The First man, in our poetic soul, dreams back to its ancestral San,

and barefoot tread again, that long lost track less travelled by. 

Leaving God behind, freed man to transgress into Nature’s heresy of numbers.


When Apprentices Play

Whilst the Wizard went off for a very long stay,

the apprentice had a magical day,

but playing alone proved limited fun,

so he read from the book and a spell was begun.


With a wave of the wand he made more of his kind,

but they did the same they were caught in a bind.

They could see there would soon be nowhere to stand,

so they went off in groups to every known land.


But once they were there they had to be fed,

they eat with a vengeance, the animals fled.

Soon some of the lands gave little to eat

and only a few were more than replete.


Their numbers kept growing increasing the score,

it passed seven billion and still there were more.

In scarcely three decades their numbers would double

and bring in their wake some unthinkable trouble.


The air, the seas and the lands felt the strain,

some lands weren’t so green they were losing their rain.

There were things going wrong wherever they turned,

warm places went cold and cool places burned.


They prayed and they hoped the Wizard would hear,

for without intervention, their end seemed quite clear,

but the Wizard was late and he didn’t stay,

for every apprentice had perished away.


The Curse of Ignorance

My wife and I displayed some disturbing pictures and film, of inhumanity towards our fellow creatures, on You Tube. 

The problems are universal; a part of the human curse of ignorance. For example, there are false convictions amongst many people that animals have no souls and according to theology are here to serve mankind, therefore, I need to set theology right.


Humanity and ‘Wisdom’

There are many false beliefs relating to how we perceive ourselves in terms of humanity and wisdom. We have honoured ourselves with the title, ‘Homo sapiens’. Homo is associated with ‘humane nature’ and sapience meaning ‘wise’. In truth, these qualities are no more than potentials. It is also an established fact that all creatures have their own particular aspects of humanity and wisdom, though usually in a way that best fits Nature’s overall scheme of things. Some are better at expressing these qualities, as indeed are some people. 

It is a distortion of the known facts, ever to portray our wisdom and humanity in terms of a collective reality. Statistics prove that there are millions of sadistic people inflicting cruelty upon millions of innocent creatures throughout the world today and everyday; this is neither humanity nor wisdom. 

We have set ourselves apart from every other species and from Nature itself. In the natural world, each species occupies an essential niche within a collectively dependent relationship with one another – they are cogs in the biological machine – the elimination of just one species unbalances the machine. 

When there is a continuous decimation of these life forms then we move towards a tipping point beyond which, mankind’s own survival is at risk.


The Cultivators

Contrary to most beliefs, the natural-world creatures have always been the true custodians of life. They had been farming the planet across eons of time before the advent of mankind. They attended to Nature’s need for qualities, diversity and population regulation, crucial to which, were their systems of predation. Had there been no predation upon insects and rodents etcetera, then their uncontrolled numbers would have made the world an impossible place for life to flourish.


The Innovators

The beginnings of change to this balance of Nature, began with the appearance of mankind from out of Africa into the wider world and from there to pursue a remarkable evolutionary journey of technological innovation. Furthermore, within a mere blip of geological time, mankind had contravened Nature’s prime rule – its heresy of numbers.


Absolute power corrupts absolutely

The cost of mankind’s eventual over-dominant numbers, upset the balance of Nature to the detriment of all other varieties. 

As I frequently reiterate, it was the creation of hostile technology and mechanisation that gained mankind more and more control and usage of other species. The later repercussions of pharmaceutical, medical and agricultural science then caused man’s numbers to multiply exponentially and at inverse proportions to the time scales within which it did so. Over-exploitation of the world’s resources added to the transgressions and, the carbon repositories that Nature had secured safely away from free circulation were then put into the biosphere in vast uncontrolled quantities.


The Undoing

Worryingly, our darker side appears to be wish-fulfilling the Greek myth, ‘Pandora’s Box’, that when opened, all the ills and afflictions from within, would escape to plague life. 

In terms of analogy, the myth fits perfectly; the opening of the dark side of the human mind from which was released the negative technology, whereby Nature’s rules of balance could be undone. 

Perhaps in Greek mythical terms, we might also consider that with the advent of nuclear fission, we became the real Prometheus who stole fire from the gods. 

The reasons, for which I write the following is to make corrections to particular misleading theological assertions.


God is Multiform

To look upon all creatures with compassion is to be close to God, for God divided itself equally within all creatures; thus a creature harmed is God harmed and it is only through the totality of all its creatures that the image of God is made manifest. 

God created people, that they should be helpful to all forms of life. 

God created people: that they should care for the land and all things that grow upon it. 

God created people, that they should keep the rivers, lakes and oceans, pure. 

God created people that they should keep the air fresh and clean for all creatures to breathe. 

God created no intermediaries; its guiding voice was gifted to each person and called ‘Intelligence’, so that they should not blindly follow others.Yet they were arrogant and followed false leaders, false gods and false thoughts.

Thus, they came to war upon one another and all things. 

Much time was to pass, until all things that were once in balanced perfection had become corrupted.

Then people asked their false gods: “Why do you cause so many problems; 

Why do you plague our world with wars, floods and droughts; 

Why do you make the polar ice melt and the oceans rise?”


 And God looked down in disbelief at their foolishness



Part Two

Part Two

The Divine Paradigm


Symbolic Dreams

Having dreams that proved to be startlingly prophetic is a very powerful wakeup call and a step into the wider reality that our species left so far behind in its dreamtime.


Before the Fall there were guiding dreams

The angelic guidance source of the very first people came through their dreams, not through other people. For reasons that are unclear, I am also linked back at times into this beginning time phenomena of the guiding dream of ancestral ‘Dreamtime’.


Dream 1

(Psychological Dream)

With a revolver against the nape of my neck, a man in grey uniform projected me through the entry of a huge grey stone building. We eventually arrived at a large open quadrangle within the building’s centre. Suddenly, I felt an impact at the back of my head that was followed by the sound of a bullet ricocheting off a wall somewhere ahead; everything that had been in my view then

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