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car, my passenger and I walked towards the edge but he fell over. 

My attention was drawn towards an arched viaduct that strode across the lower rural areas on enormously long supports, then shorter ones, as it continued on to the higher area where I stood, coming to an abrupt, broken-off end. The sky above was horrible, it was like a sheet of living brain smothered in veins, with the exception of one small closing blue space into which, white things coming from the green direction were seen to ascend on wings from the top of the viaduct. 


This suggests that I was snooping about in places where I did not belong but, made aware that the dual scene before me was displaying the contrasting choices that people make of their lives and what follows through from those choices. The grey place displayed Earth’s aggressors with all their accoutrements of war and, doomed to remain there when the blue sky of deliverance closes. 

The viaduct showed that the two levels were tied to a unified purpose and did so by means of the supports that were firmly rooted down into both places. A third level was indicated by the viaducts top surface. Furthermore, there was no embarkation point from the blighted area; it was only from the green natural place that there was access to the third level, enabling more highly evolved consciousness to proceed onwards to its higher spiritual purpose. Again, ‘three’ is significant. 


Dream 11

In this dream, I was walking across a large grassed field where groups of people were having picnics. To my left, there was a great abyss. Suddenly, I noticed a dark brown primal horse; it had widespread cloven hooves. Its mouth was wider and flatter than the modern variety and was not very tall. Then its dark penetrating eyes focussed on me, so I nervously moved more towards the edge of the abyss but it kept coming and nobody else noticed this. Finally, I had to slide over the edge of the precipice and into a recess just below the top edge. The horse had no intention of giving up; it knelt down and looked over the edge. This made me dig furiously to enlarge the hole, which proved easier than I thought. Suddenly, the horse grabbed my arm in its mouth but, did it so gently that I realised it was a friend and, had guided me to a place where it knew I belonged. Holding on, was its way of preventing me falling into the abyss. Then I noticed that the grasslands on the other side of the abyss, were being grazed by prehistoric animals, whilst below the far precipice edge, I could see a cave with a girl at its entrance; her place was served by a pathway leading upwards to the primal grasslands. 


The abyss represents the vast depths of the unconscious and the division between the objective and subjective worlds; the girl upon the primal side is the Anima; the primal horse is the subjective element encouraging me into a balanced position with the Anima. The other people hadn’t noticed anything unusual, which indicates that what is going on, does so on a different perceptual level to their understanding. Primal creatures on both sides of the divide suggest that the dream also has a relationship to dream number six. These primal creatures serve to remind us that our origins hark back infinitely further, than palaeoanthropological science has any hope of ever discovering.


Dream 12

I was on a high misty place. The mist then started to open into a long, wide tunnel that was quite clear inside. It tapered towards its further end from which, I noticed something moving towards me. It was rotating and moving quickly and closer until my hands instinctively moved in front for protection. As it became clearer, I could see it was a magnificent great sword, that then fell (point up) gently into my hands, as though placed by unseen hands. Then a deep clear commanding voice said, “This sword kills the devil; it can be dangerous.” 



In symbolism, the sword represents the thinking function which discriminates, divides and separates. It also represents the intuitive function that can penetrate below the surface and thrust to the core. The sword also points upwards to the light. “This is the sword that kills the devil, it can be dangerous”, concerns my assault upon the shadow aspect in this book and others.


Dream 13

I was at a house in Middlesex, where I spent most of my young life and whilst standing within the concreted alleyway between our house and the neighbour’s, a penny-sized coin tinkled at my feet from out of the sky. After rubbing the dirt off, it revealed the word ‘Malta’. I placed it in my pocket and went indoors to show someone but, when I took it out, it had changed to a gold fob watch. Opening the watch, I noticed its works were broken, to the extent that I could see right through to the back plate upon which, was a religious icon. 

Further connections with the watch

Several days later my wife’s young relative from Malta, telephoned us. During the course of the conversation, I mentioned briefly about the dream because of the ‘Malta’ connection but, before I could complete all the details concerning the watch, he interjected, saying that his deceased Maltese grandfather had given him a gold fob watch. The condition of the works and the religious icon matched the description of the one in my dream but there is more connected to this. 

Some twenty years previously, my wife’s cousin had paid us a visit from Malta and I had mentioned that I sometimes do psychometry. She then produced an old ring for me to dowse. From that, I drew a detailed sketch of a house I had never seen and, in a country to which I had never been. Moreover, there was no one at all from whom I could have garnered such information. The cousin assured me that every detail was correct, saying that her deceased father had owned the house and the ring.

Eighteen years later armed with the original sketch of the property and details, I arrived for the very first time in Malta and went with my video camera to film the house. To our great surprise, all details were exact, establishing remote viewing as an indisputable reality. 

The original clairvoyance and inter-relationship with the later dream carried all the hallmarks of post mortal survival activity; such information could not have come to me unless life was being continued elsewhere.


Dream 14

I was shown a beautiful cushion, as though it was intended for a crown to sit on. There were some strange unknown glyphs on it, then a disembodied voice deciphered the glyphs saying the word, “Consciousness”, meaning that consciousness must be mankind’s crowning goal.


The dream then transferred my view to the angelic place, where only those who had elevated their state of conscious awareness might enter, it showed a small group of spirit people that were apparelled in semi-transparent white and seemed to be in conversation with one another. Next, I was given a name, pronounced as ‘Syme’ (Cime); a word with which I was totally unfamiliar. 


The next day, I looked the word up in the dictionary and to my surprise, it actually existed. It was associated also with Cimelia, meaning the flower-head; the pinnacle; the treasure; the store house. Furthermore, there was no possibility on my part, of cryptomnesia having been involved. Interestingly, consciousness connects with the psychological aspects of Dante’s ‘Divine Comedy’.


Dream 15

I was standing upon a vast plain; the sky on the horizon was dominated by some equally vast imagery, it took the form of great elephant type tusks set into the ground and reaching miles into the sky. The tusks were set into a semi-circle encompassing many square miles of ground and the sky, outside of the area was quite ordinary. Stranger still, the tusks were permeable in places and the ordinary sky was leaking through them but, in the process, was transformed into speckled colours of the rainbow, which then completely filled the tasked inner space. A male and female figures were in the foreground and there were beautiful white birds flying ever upwards within the colour. 


Tusks are archetypal symbols – mythologems of transformation. These particular symbols were set in the context of altered states of mind. The ordinary exterior sky symbolises ‘unconsciousness’. These symbols indicate, that through the guidance of such angelic symbolism, the ordinary can become the extraordinary. Put another way, it is through positive interactivity with this primal language that we acquire intelligent direction (as did early people before the Fall). The male and female figures are an androgynous representation; a balanced togetherness of both male and female qualities that, in coming together within one, have wings to fly.


Dream 16

Whilst out walking with my wife, I took a short cut through some fields. As we progressed, I noticed a man in black clothing in the far distance standing by a gate, staring at me. In another part of the field, I saw a very large agitated bull. This startled me, so I asked my wife to run for the safety of a nearby hedge. Before I could follow, my attention was drawn to an enormous primal cow that was bearing down on me at great speed with its dark eyes transfixed on mine but at the last second, it swerved past as though giving me a warning. 


The dream was easy to understand - I was being warned. Not only had I been overworking but had now over extended my capabilities by diverting into new territory. I had recently become part of a very energetic dance group, whilst ignoring the overwhelming tiredness that always followed. 

The bull ahead = destruction; the dark man = the collector; the primal cow = the warning helper. Nature was saying, ‘There are no wasteful short cuts for you, there are more important things for you to do’. 

The primal cow dates the connection with our pristine origins.


Dream 17

I was standing on the bank above a large lake that I was determined to cross but I accidentally toppled over the edge, sliding on my heels down into the water. Undeterred, I started swimming towards the other side but a heavy mist began to develop that could soon leave me (without any directional reference) swimming in circles, until cold waters claimed me. I was about to return to avoid that possibility, when I saw a very faint dot of guiding light sparkling from the shore that I had originally wished to reach. 


It speaks for itself. Sometimes, I can be precipitous in my way of doing things but there is always a guiding light that comes to my aid.


Dream 18

There were two of us making our way across country to a village Inn and we were both well dressed in 18th century period clothes. The area was not familiar and we found ourselves in swampy land within the confluence of two rivers. The river to our right was too fast and deep but the other one proved to be fordable, so the other man took me across on his back. Then in a blip, I was safely in my room at the Inn. My room door was open and a country voice from the passageway said, “Your hot water sir,” which I took, then asked if he could provide some water for the other gentleman. “What other gentleman?” he answered with surprise. 


I put this dream into a reincarnation context – part of my journey through time, the same actor on a different stage, but always with an unknown helper towards the necessary goal.


Dream 19

An old friend called Ron Smith (now deceased) was driving me along a road when we passed a magnificent, dapple-grey Shire horse on the right side of us with its head concealed by the overhanging foliage of a tree. I was

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