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to the waves, and thus the electromagnetic spectrum: since our devices get ever smaller, and they user less and less energy, they automatically contain more and more information. It took me long enough to realise this, but the third I was looking for to counter the Electric and Magnetic field is the Informative field: we base ALL our information exchanges on Electric and Magnetic fields, these three thus becoming a Trinity of sorts. For the SevenSphere to complete, I added the 'other' view of the energy, Particle, Wave and Current. While drawing that, I realized something else: If you think about it, the image on the left is remarkably similar to the image on the right here: Yet one is supposed to be the Cosmos (All Energy), and the other us Humans (Either one or All). Notice just how similar the attributes are arranged around the two SevenSpheres? I've named them Flow and Human, but labels being somewhat arbitrary, I could have named the left one God, The Grand Design, or the All...

And remember, matter matters, but it is based on Energy, not the other way around!

(At least not in my reality... ;-)

Current vs. Concurrency or Confrontation, people getting the better of each other.

Electro and Emotion, because Emotion is nothing but (super-)charged feelings moving.

Wave matches Adaptation, because both water and humans are good at it.

Information and Informative, because open people are better at communication.

Particle matches Personality, because Personality can only exist when it sees
itself as separated from the Whole. That does not mean however that you will lose your Personality, for you are One and All at the same Now....

Magnetic and Movement match, because Magnetic fields can make other metals move. So do magnetic personalities....

And the seventh: both Flows and Humans are a collection of their six attributes, but where machines have become smaller and use less and less energy, we humans have sort of stayed the same. Hence, our share of the production of EM-waves is starting to grow beyond that of our machine friends! Are they perhaps asking us to evolve their way as well?

Anyway, as my closing argument, let me repeat here that Intelligence and Consciousness are considered emergent properties by science. Surely, that being the case, and my above story just having been told and read, we may find it obvious that boundaries are hard to really define, so confining any part of our intelligence or consciousness as belonging to a certain system is only feasible if the system itself is without limits. Otherwise, the complexity will simply grow to a point where a confined system can no longer stay confined....

After all, soap bubbles exist because there is a surplus of air inside them. And any intelligence with a consciousness will just be like Johnny Five: it will be absolutely addicted to

"Moore Input!!!"

Which is lovingly provided by LIFE....

Training for Fun!

When my employers company came crashing down on me, and took both my job and my company leased car in its fall, I reverted to taking the train to work, essentially claiming it was because the train is more ecologically cost-effective. That it also was the most adaptive choice I could have made was not in my mind back then, but it is now. So when that thought shifted from my subconscious mind to the conscious part, I claimed to never again own a car if it wasn't at least running on something much better than a non-renewable, environmentally unfriendly alternative. Awareness changes, and so does your train of thought cruise across the switches set to allow it free passage to its destination. And believe me, there is a lot to be scrounged from observing your behavior on a train:

I usually sit in relatively uninhabited parts of the train, not because I fear the other passengers but much more because I don't want to disturb them in whatever activity they seem to be immersed in. Also, by chosing a seat opposite another empty one, it kind of invites someone to talk to me, unless I display activities like the others, headphones on, laptop on the table, or phone in hand. Oddly enough, my feeling of absolute rest on the yellow MetalWorms we call trains here in Holland is not doing any of the above, but quietly sitting there waiting for what might or might not come: meaningful dialog with another human being, which need not be a conversation in words, by the way..... Mostly that doesn't work out, because I've not gone so far as to set an all-time wish to have company every train ride. But when I wish it just before the train arrives, I get positive results almost all the time.

Also, since displaying activity during a train ride, I not only feel awkward, but once I skip that, I sink into the activity too deep: Enjoying one of my favorite songs, and not sitting with any of my usual fellow passengers, I completely missed my target station, which cost me another hour to return to where I needed to be. Syncy enough, the mix out of 38000+ Mps playing now, is one out of the twenty or so Grandmixes created by Ben Liebrandt every year here in Holland...

I have deep respect for our engine drivers, for they can stop that train on a dime, even if they have to slow down miles before. And of course their emotions and love of life are often challenged, when another fellow being disregards their front seat view on it, and throws him or herself in front of their train! When that happens, there is NOTHING they can do, no swerving, braking, or skipping to other realities....

The only thing they can do, is to revert to the train of their thoughts, for there they control the switches that determine the outcome! Funny when you think of it: we call it a train of thought, and all it does is train us: being a train, it follows a trail, which makes all of the cars behave pretty much like the driver's engine. Our train of thoughts is much like that, because we follow the trail of our preferences, which we love. And love lays one very special trail

Teaching Redundant Adaptation to Intelligent Lifeforms

Now I could have chosen life as the last word, because that would be just as relevant to some of us. My decision for Lifeforms however was a conscious one: material or not, we are all forms!

Now this SevenSphere was one I made just now in the bit of time needed to jot it down. But when I tried to insert it into this document somewhere halfway, I just couldn't get it in place: for some weird reason, OpenOffice sent me to the end of the document even though I had the cursor in the right place. In the end I adapted to its urgent message, because that seemed the sensible thing to do. And then immediately being rewarded with K7's "Come baby Come" was the bomb!

And I will, just after my Free Will has devoured the next DVD randomly chosen from neighbor Paul's DVD case.... (No, dirty minds! No porn there! ;-)

The randomly selected sleeve gave me WaterWorld, and Snowdogs, the last one still new to me. Still though, I went for WaterWorld because it is one of my precious ones: a well thought out plot of what reality might look like once a certain event had taken place. But since I also saw it quite a few times, I didn't retire to my function of couch potato, but instead stayed in my writer's seat....

First thing we see, is Kevin Kostner peeing in a jar. "a little more information than I needed to know...", you probably think right now, but that one scene sets the entire tone of the movie, in a good way: he immediately empties the jar into a sort of filtration unit built of spare parts from the old civilization, and drinks the remaining water. Yes, where all the world is asea of salt, clear drinking water becomes worth its weight in gold, and dirt from what used to be the surface dry land becomes the highly prized commodity instead of gold!

Things go topsy-turvy in one of those situations, but in your subconscious you immediately see that one thing remains: your train of thought as the observer of it, no matter what your eventual purpose for it may be:

We have Free Will to adapt to any circumstance, as the screen shows me now: the lady who just escaped together with our sailor and her little girl will do anything to make sure he doesn't kill the little girl because of a lack of drinking water. Yes you little perverts, even that! But it never gets that far, because the sailor ain't interested. He ends the dealing with the remark that she's got nothing he wants, and returns to single life, kinda disregarding her for now.

Both of them return there in fact, as if they ever left it! Sure, their trains of thought were packed with C4 a while ago, but now they are silent zones in first class passenger cars. The steps remain the same though, just as Led Zeppelin once sang about the song...

Our train of though buzzes around in the center circle, pondering its next move.

There are three internal entities in there, called Instinct, Consious and Subconscious.

These are most directly coupled to Observation, Action and Reaction.

The thought we stitch in between there may however make us do something else.

Notice how our swerving around the seven spheres takes us forward to the next evolution of our being, sort of making a spiralling move around the path we choose to make for ourselves? Also, I'm probably biased, because we Dutch have a saying that when we are "In higher spheres" we feel great. So we probably figure the only way is up!

The way I see it, thoughts are just like the size different objects that we talked about earlier, especially since the sailor now shows the ladies how he fishes: dragged behind his Trimaran, he is swallowed whole by a huge fish, only to then kill it from the inside out! But of course, killing is not the harrowing concept that it is here: to the trio on the Trimaran it is just a matter of recycling the animal into it much appreciated form: a huge fish steak!

Now what remains, is to couple my five most favorite images together, in order to come to a conclusion for now:

a Triangle or Trinity, because it embodies stability.

Bubbles, for their ability to hold the most with the least surface.

Spirals, for their flexibility in adapting (Yes, Stairway to Heaven!).

Gravity, because differences in size matter.

Scalability, because size doesn't matter!

Just this moment, the sailor and the lady on WaterWorld have another argument, where she catches him contradicting himself too! Yes, so did I, but since size actually is imaginary, it is not! No matter what you care to tag with the label 'size', that is it!

But let me spin this dry list of facts into something more agreeable: we start with us people, basically held down by gravity on this planet because our mass exceeds a certain limit, with regard to Earth's mass. Where even the tiniest of insect have no problem going airborn as they escape from our garbage, we need some contraption even heavier than us to truly lift us beyond Earth's Gravity. Funny thing is, I used almost the same words in my first novel to describe a plant that was poisonous to all life above a certain weight. Was it my subconscious punching in that little bit of knowledge that my conscious mind could not yet comprehend?

Anyway, going our ways across the globe, we are much like the colorful streaks that cover a soap bubble. Though our little blue bubble seems to be floating free in space, there is no such thing, because it is firmly but gently held in place by a size difference of another scale. That's where scalability comes in.

Because actually, our Earth is the center of another sphere, which is not entirely spherical, but which consists of the planes created by the lack of

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