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answers, which we see happen every day especially when working with computers, without even realising it:

Question 1: the wish you formulate either consciously or subconsciously.

Question 2: the Cosmos asking you to sign off on the 'positive' results.

Answer 1: you consciously or unconsciously giving the affirmative answer.

Question 3: the Cosmos asking your agreement on the possible 'negative' results.

Answer 2: you consciously or subconsciously giving the confirmation to go ahead.

Answer 3: the Cosmos meeting your demands.

NexT (as Steve Jobs called it): back to the center to be ready for another wish.

Did anyone recognize our view with regard to our Environment in this? The moment there is nothing more to do, we drop into that central resting position, that may not feel like peace to everyone...

Creation can be as detailed as a full-blown design plan on your part, including the realization that follows it. That would mean that the Cosmos only has to deal with smaller tasks, like hammers being in the place where you last put them, or other everyday miracles. And even these are all your doing, since All is One and One.... You get it. Miracles? Yes: since matter is just condensed energy, you cannot actually depend on it being a constant in time. It is merely our expectation of the behavior of matter as we experienced and experimented with it sofar. But once we all get the hang of it... Whoah Boy!!!

Now just like a computer program will tackle unusual situations in the execution of a task, so will the Cosmos. If we meet it halfway with our following actions, it will only have to do half the work, and that is exactly what it does. But then we have already 'messed up' our wishes by adding others to adjust the original one, or been busy doing our own redesigns which go completely against our previous wishes. Actually, you can adjust wishes, but the most effective is a wish, followed by two default yes answers and the proper gratitude, and then forgetting about any additional action. (the Media Player now plays "2 Times, 3 Times" by Ann Lee.... random as always) Fire and Forget, to just express it in military jargon which isn't really my cup o' tea, but which various movies have taught me in detail.... And if the idea ever pops up again, know it is so because you know absolutely, and continue...

At the moment, I'm experimenting with that way of working, but somehow my frame of mind is messing me up. No doubt, my previous realization that "Just enough is also Abundance" is somehow monopolizing my responses to the questions asked by the Cosmos. Consciously I still agree to that statement, but at the same time I'm thinking about redefining 'just enough'.... ;-)

Some days further, I'm now ready to include some more peculiarities about the SevenSphere, because it turns out to be something special in more ways than one. From the earlier publication in 'Infinity plus One' we found how a Yin and Yang evolves into a SevenSphere. What I hadn't realised back then though, is that the evolutionary process from oneness to SevenSphere takes exactly ten steps, which are all a lot like cell division! Is this why we mainly use a base 10 system? And the number of spheres within the larger spheres? Forty-Two!!

Even though I did the coloring of the SevenSphere back in 2001, I just now while writing realised that the six outer colors and the center color perfectly match the steps of the wishing sequence we defined above.

If you never wish you seem to have a grey life, but you may still be perfectly happy.

A wish is the blueprint of something you want to see materialized, hence the light blue.

We first look for (or get shown) the positives, hence the dark blue.

Our choice to continue gives the go-ahead for the Grand Design to swing into action.

Further on, negatives may show up, which are marked in red.

Our choice to do it is like Marty in back to the Future II: "Are you calling me yellow?!"

But in the end it all works out fine, or 'Green!' as Ruby Rhod calls it in the 5th Element.

So it's back to grey, unless you got the appetite for creation by now..... ;-)

OK, so I just pointed out a synchronicity, which you may or may not believe. Einstein preferred to walk the scientific path, which sort of amounted to self-imprisonment, even though he probably loved juggling numbers! I prefer to not walk that path, but still seek solitude to write stuff I think normal people might find understandable and even agreeable. If you feel neither, just toss this in the garbage. I know my boss will, although it is more like the library analogy: he'll never check out my books, or so he said. Still though, download stats are an indication that at least a few people do.....

Also, there has been an observable change in my manifestation talents. It is barely perceptible, but stuff that will go wrong and which will have almost immediate repercussions are things which I see myself averting now: when a glass drops, and is on its way to the floor, and I just have time to think "It's OK...", it is somehow influenced in its trajectory, so it lands on my sock-clad foot instead, and stays in one piece. Subconscious taking over muscle control, did my foot even move? Same thing with a razor-sharp meat knife: it plunged downwards point first, and my upper leg caught it and bounced it back on the table, like a movie played in reverse. All without a thought...

Another one I often use is the wish for good weather going home, even when the floodgates open around lunchtime. Weird thing is I can then usually get home dry, even if our climate is not such that the period from three to five PM is usually dry.... But if it does rain, I usually end up like the Pisces I am: drenched to the skin!

Remarkable is also that the money never runs out, even though it looks like that very often. No matter how many extra expenses I have to cover, there's always a sudden bit of cash coming in, or I have paid something twice, thus giving me a refund! Lotteries work best if I just enter them and never check the numbers. Because if I do have to check the numbers, the observer in me influences things, and they turn up nothing... And the big test comes this month I guess, with all the extra vacation expenses of my daughters, and the stuff they need for next school year. I'm gonna have a stack of bills left at the start of the new month, that even the Cosmos may have a hard time fixing! But I'm gonna go into it full of trust, and not worrying for a moment. But this is reported to be a general effect, not just relevant to little ol' me...

The other day I finally caught a "Get Rich Quick" E-mail that felt right, so I shelled out the required 25 Euros to learn more: but the moment the instructions came in, I just knew I'd never get rich quick that way! A good example of me dropping the cycle before the negative side-effects. Just another bit of absolute knowledge free of charge from the subconscious mind, the common genius that is Us!

As for the withdrawal into solitude, Merlin just asked Igraine why she locks herself in the building where she lives. Her answer was: "to be closer to God", which is basically just our love for our preferences being reflected to us from His or Her being.....

Meet the Neighbors...

Life is something which most people consider to be 'out there' where everything seems to happen. The moment we turn inwards, reality seems to fade away, leaving you something that one cares to call solitude, and the other loneliness. Although I occasionally love to return to solitude and silence, it is no better or lesser component of Life than our everyday environment. Most of us may feel that at times we have no free will, and yet we truly respect the existence of it in others: if I play my music too loud on the train, a fellow passenger may ask me to turn it down. Since I had the intention of listening to Ayreon at the level it should be played (to my taste), I turned it off instead, at which time the complainer indicated that he didn't intend to make me stop listening. No, but that's free will for ya: the continuous possibility of choosing to comply, refuse, or do 'none of the above'. So yes, the first layer of difficulty in Free Will is the set of constrainers and enablers where people around you (and all their various laws and decrees) will try to nudge you into certain directions. But you guessed it already, the ultimate decision is always yours: either adapt, or take a stand. Or, like Ellie (I'm watching Contact) is just answering her friend when he asked her why she wants to go on the mission: because there is nothing in her heart that she would rather do! Now in the diagram above, the six surrounding spheres are the do's and dont's that our environment rewards us with. Mostly, like all aspects of the Cosmos, they are perfectly balanced, so in the end no influence of the environment throws us off balance. In this case, I've arranged the three pairs of responses in such a way that the restrainers are on top, and the enablers are on the bottom, basically because we usually build on the enablers, and have to try and break through the restrainers. The pyramid of humans, remember? But setting them to surround us is equally valid of course, maybe even more so. Of course the six alternatives are way more effective if there is additional data following them, but that is another issue.

So it is all about our responses to what we perceive as outward influence. Here too, there is a sixfold structure that eventually shows all alternatives, including the 'none of the above' alternative: this simply means you leave this circle and skip to an adjacent one, like I did in turning the music off rather than listening to it at a volume that wasn't to my liking! I don't know about you, but I still typically make a few cycles around this sphere before settling on a decision. In that process even other circles may be involved, but the overall behavior is much like the 'locality of code' idea that is found in programming: we hover around a certain area of the program, repeating stuff over and over, in loops that have various sizes and forms. In three dimensions you would most likely view it as a set of nested soap bubbles, with your train of thought actually being a tiny dust speck that glides along the soapy surface of the various bubbles. Going from one thought to the next is basically just skipping from one bubble to the next. In 2D SevenSpheres you'd do it too, riding the color boundaries...

I figure that like a route planner, the Cosmos will revert to alternate routes once you 'stray' from your desired destination, by showing you the examples you need to again arrive at the surprise it is cooking up for you: with our self-inflicted restrictions, the way out will be the discovery of the optimum solution, which is shown in form to us by the bees, and the fact we are carbon-based, so many chemical compounds show the same hexagonal structure. Thus, we get hints from all around, about the easiest way to deal with things.

Working from another premise than Einstein, I will not try to prove to you that any concept can be visualised in a SevenSphere like I do in these books. Instead, by mere example, I hope to make it clear like a death verdict in an American murder case: reasonable doubt should suffice for a 'not guilty' verdict!

Next up is another hangup of mine: for no reason at all, I've always believed that we do not know everything, yet we do know how certain we are of everything! Once I came to this realization, I found that Life gave

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