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inviolate then there must be a level where a form cannot manifest further divisions. The quantum thereby imposes duality upon reality. Duality underwrites plurality; first there is two, then there are more. The idea of the quantum gives birth to the concepts of subjectivity and objectivity, for the irreducible quantum requires a contextual field in order to be observable.
We must again explore the moment of creation and its impact upon the created. In ultimate terms, The Creator created The One. It is difficult to explain this using language, based as it is on linear logic. Consider the concept of the self-made man. He starts with nothing, overcoming seemingly insurmountable odds to eventually wrest his desire from the world and become “successful”. In the same general way, God proclaimed and described Godhood in creation. In a fashion, God thought/ thinks/ will think Godhood into Being. The created is this thought process.
Further discernment is necessary, however. Where God’s thought encompasses time, the identity of the created is fixed in the present moment. Identity is the quantum. The created is created eternal, it cannot be destroyed or erased. The quantum is the irreducible aspect of the created identity. Each passing moment, as the identity further disassociates by fragmentation from it’s Source, the created spawns an infinite variety of forms and increases the arena of experience exponentially.
The created says, “I am me.”
In confusion, the created asks The Creator, ”Who are You?”
Taken from the viewpoint of the newly created identity, there is the self and everything else. Both are equally real and equally observable. This duality is self-imposed by the created because of the perceived separation between selfhood and Godhood. In truth, the Self is The Source, is God - experienced. It is the circle in the dot conundrum again. There are two focuses, two paths to choose from, two ways to perceive. The choices are to look through the eyes of the little self or accept the unclouded vision of the Self, the Source. For as long as this choice remains the same, the little self perceives a series of escalating horrors, in which the theme of separation shreds the identity into ever more pieces.
The paradox
Enter the paradox. The paradox can be seen as God’s answer to our choice. The created is fixed in the present until a new choice is made. While the choice remains the same the paradox offers any experience desired by the identity. The identity is stuck in a constantly changing present moment subconsciously designed in conjunction with The Creator. The fundamental goal of this collaboration is experiencing the truth of the union of Creator and created. Stated succinctly, the goal is the experience of Godhood.
To experience is to gain direct knowledge of. It is to become the observed. It is the subjectification of the object. It is to embrace the other and understand the connection. It is to realize that the object and the subject are One.
The paradox is the infinite field of probabilities from which the next reality is selected. The most important point to remember is that all probable realities exist simultaneously as unmanifest potentials. The fact of their unmanifest status does not affect their existence, however. All probable realities exist right now. Any one of an infinite number can be invoked to manifest this very moment. The point of choice is always now and the arbiter of choice is always the individual identity. The problem begins with the misidentification of the Self with the physical body. For the ego is a defense against the truth and faulty choices result from faulty interpretations.
The crux of this philosophy is the paradox. The paradox is present in every moment, available in its entirety but for the asking. The paradox is the portion of the Self that the little self has denied being part of. The paradox is the externalization of unwanted or unaccepted attributes of the Self. It is the refusal to accept reality as it is. Alone, the little self is swamped by the possibilities; the avenues of experience are endless.
The distraction of attraction
The little self wants but one moment to cherish when All of eternity is offered, right now. Furthermore, it is not only an offer but a solemn promise, a vow, from The Creator to the created. Reality is far stranger than even the weirdest dream; more things are possible than could ever be imagined.
Although it is beyond the scope of this work, it should at least be noted that the universe we know is supported and materialized by other universes that surround it. These other universes are other realities, born of the refusal by the little self to accept the truth of existence. There is only one reality, but it is not the one the little self recognizes. If reality is not recognized then what is recognized must be psuedo-reality - it might seem real to the deluded but that still does not make it so. In this deluded state, where only a portion of reality is perceived, those portions of reality that are unrecognized must be kept completely beyond the possibility of being observed. That is the only reason why we must discuss other realities. It is because those other realities are all a part, together with our small accepted reality, of one big system. So long as we remain closed to the larger truth we remain stuck in the smaller one.
Although a series of books could be devoted to but the diversions and digressions spun off by this work, they must remain mostly untouched here. The idea of a smaller truth holding at bay a larger truth is evident in many diverse areas of science. A few examples could be: the catalyst, the quantum, the black hole, the tornado, the cell, the atom, critical mass, E = mc², DNA, the light of a candle in a dark room, the bio-slime of certain bacteria, vengeance, etcetera. As long as we cling to one tiny aspect of the whole of reality the rest of reality will remain beyond experience. What is refused to be seen is not there. Instead, when they impinge upon our accepted realities, we twist them into untrustworthy experience. They become quite literally phantoms of the mind. They haunt us, each and every one of us. They are real, despite our refusal to acknowledge them. It takes a great deal of energy to deny what is, and make it seem as though we are being reasonable in doing so.
It cannot be stressed enough how great the attraction is to identify with the ego and the ego mind. If the identification is established the ego mind can easily turn the individual away from truth. In the great reversal of reality, which is what we believe in, the half-truths and partial explanations, the attack and blame, the guilt and shame, the fear and the pain, All are employed to distract the self from the truth. The little self is not the truth. There is only one Self and it encompasses All Realities. We each are the actualized portions of The Source, materialized. We are God’s attention, focused. We are very powerful...
Our creations haunt us because we have forgotten our Source. The moment we create them they fade from view, for their creation is an impossibility in the ego mind’s estimation. Thus, some other reason has to be given for the obvious effects of what cannot be seen. These other reasons are only excuses for not seeing what is so obviously right there. That is both the great distraction and the main attraction. The excuses for the obvious are a great distraction from the obvious and the excuses, in such a state, become the main attraction because the truth haunts us like ghosts from the real world - they are impossible to ignore but their denial is imperative.
We are caught in a nightmare of our own design, from which escape is impossible. The only escape would be to change the beliefs about the self that are not true. To do so would require a lot of dedication and discipline, and a sincere willingness to see truly.
The real world is right below, above, beyond the one we see. It is crucial to understand this is an experiential philosophy. It cannot be intellectualized because of the split within the mind. When intellectualizing, it becomes possible to discuss both what we see and what is really there, as if both exist and are equally real - which, subjectively speaking of course, is true. It is necessary to develop a certain distance from immediate experience, to objectify it - to become the observer. It requires diligence to catch the ego mind at its tricks and not get caught up in the drama of the moment, whatever it might be. In any event, the drama is always the diversion designed specifically to keep the truth from the individual's awareness.
The two sides of all
The real world is an experience of knowing, connection and love. Whenever any of these three are present the real world has come. But when the experience becomes one of understanding, separation and fear then the real world has been replaced by the world of the ego. The ego's understanding of reality is valid from the viewpoint of the ego mind. It is coherent within its own context. To see either reality they must have the allegiance of the individual. The allegiance of the individual identity is the key factor. The identity must make a choice, in this it has no choice. The identity will give its allegiance, there is no doubt, to one or the other, but never to both - or to neither.
Where one reality is perceived the other cannot be present because they are mutually exclusive. You cannot love and hate simultaneously. Nor can you see the many separate things and the oneness of being at the same time. That is what the training was all about in childhood. We were taught to see contrary to what we knew and what felt natural. We were taught to distrust our intuition, to be objective, to compete aggressively in our field of endeavor. We were trained to see the world in a certain way and no other. We were trained to think, dress, eat, talk, and behave in a particular fashion. We were taught who “they” were and who “we” were. We were ingrained with our work ethic. We were introduced to the God of our culture and that deity’s rules and guidelines. We were taught the laws of the cosmos as our culture believes it to be.
By the time the individual reaches puberty they are so far removed from their Source that their God is not a serious consideration in their lives. Lip service is paid, but God is not to be counted on. People are expected to pull their weight and eke out a living in the harsh world on their own. It is only the luck of the draw and beyond the individual’s control whether the individual is rich or poor, happy or sad, healthy or sick. Feeling out of control and like the problems facing the world are overwhelming, the individual has been trained to accept the authority of others in almost all areas of life.
The re-enforcement of the earlier training continues uninterrupted throughout adulthood. The individual is encouraged to judge the merits of others, to study their character by the cut of their clothes, what they eat, how they talk and who they pray to, among a vast number of other criteria. Individuals are to be emulated, accepted, or shunned according to these judgments. Our information networks provide a constant stream of pre-packaged judgments by the “authorities” and proclamations about the nature of reality. These judgments, but especially these proclamations, are presented as accepted fact and are already presumed
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