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life.”, and that first created Self whispered back, “Who am I?”. The echo of this ongoing conversation is what we are. It is what all forms are and it is what bonds us, unifying all existence.
The self is the essence of identity. Identity is rooted in the present, and draws its power, its essence from the Source. All things happened, are happening and will happen at once. Everything is experienced altogether, now, and each self experiences it. It is as if an infinite number of forms were simultaneously whispering, “Who am I?” from an infinite variety of possible perspectives.
The answer lies in their unification, the mystery is in their constant completion.
The only choice
The one thing is many things is one thing. Spirit looks outward upon its many selves and they look back inward at Spirit. Beliefs support perception supports belief. The snake bites its own tail. Each of these statements say the same thing. It is only the psuedo-context, the subject, of each that is altered. The true context never changes: All is the Source and Creator of all things seen and unseen. Circular reasoning is a magical trick of the ego mind, always leading to dead ends or regressive arguments while the logic itself seems flawless. True reasoning is not circular, it spirals outward in widening circles of inclusiveness. Or it spirals inward in an evermore intense union with the Source.
There is a metaphoric, yet very real, fork in the road where a fundamental choice is made every moment of existence. The one choice leads to more choices, the other choice is made once and for All choices. The ego mind is very clever to conceal that there is even a choice to be chosen, for it leads the self merrily down the same old fork in the road, time and again. The fork of many choices is very distracting and it is easy to become immersed in the drama or the fun of it, the circularity of it. But eventually the fun wears thin and the fork in the road becomes vaguely discernable once again.
That is the moment when a more conscious choice can be made. The point of power is always the present moment, it supercedes imposed limits of any kind. No amount of counter-training can withstand the coming of truth. When that choice is chosen no more choices remain, only the will to forgive and the inclination to love.
The ego mind diverts the possibility to truly see anew yet its fabrications cannot fully obscure the light of truth because it is not the self. And the self always knows, being of spirit. To know is instantaneous. And that is exactly how feelings convey comprehension, instantly. Relatively speaking, feelings are information transmitted to the mind of the individual from various sources. From the point of view of the individual, the sources can be the cells of the body, the mind of another or universal spirit. This information is then collected and collated and finally packaged by mechanisms in the mind into feelings, each with a certain gut-level emotive amplitude and frequency. Feelings are then interpreted by the mind as emotional states, sort of like the internal weather of the individual. But if the individual identifies solely with the ego mind, information conveyed as feelings are twisted and distorted to confuse and misinform.
Where feelings interpreted in the light are peaceful, feelings interpreted in the dark are fearful. The ego mind approaches every situation with the same undercurrent of fear and ignorance. This attitude engenders a significant loss of vital information. Feelings are meant to be used as a resource to further the growth and evolution of the individual. All information interpreted in a state of fear results in more information interpreted the same way. The only criteria fear-based logic understands is threat. Threat can only be perceived by those that believe they are somehow different. Differences must be defended by judgments. Judgments require the perception of differences. The perception of differences leads to fear and fear-based logic. Presented this way it is evident that feelings interpreted in the dark are self-supporting and circular.
The metaphoric fork in the road is always right in front of the individual. So long as the individual identifies with the ego the choice between differences seems endless. If one leads to pain and disappointment perhaps the next difference will lead to happiness and peace. But the choice is not between differences. That is not a choice. That is the same choice. To expect different results and still make the same old choice is not logical and it’s dis-functional. All fear-based thinking leads to pain and suffering, every time and in every form.
Ultimately, there is only one choice. The fork in the road is just a glitch in perception. The truth remains despite all random and fickle perception. The vision of the real world is attainable by but the merest turning of the head.
Being Whole, in truth, is more than the sum of its parts. The individual is not a part of the whole, the individual is the Whole. That is the mystery and the magnificence of our Creator. To comprehend such a concept requires the awakening of the individual to a far larger reality. A reality beyond choices, beyond preference, needs a change in beliefs and a re-ordering of priorities. The individual must experience the self as separate from the ego to believe it. Only then can beliefs and priorities change. To see the real world requires a leap in faith. It requires surrendering to what is - and a willingness to learn of the truth.
You don’t know
The truth is not limiting in any way. The truth is complete freedom. The truth is consistent. The truth is love, and peace. The truth is you, and God. The truth does not change. Your truth is Spirit. The truth is you know, and trust your knowing. This is the truth of selfhood.
Identification with the ego mind is the active disassociation from the self by the self. It is a constant projection outward of unwanted portions of the self by that portion of the self identified with the ego. The mind thus split is in conflict with its own inherent integrity. The ego mind sees itself separate from the rest of creation (the rest of the self) and pitted against a foe of incredible power. Its tactic becomes a constant retreating action, the outcome held at bay for a time but inevitable. The ego mind battles itself and knows that, while it may win a few battles, the war is already lost.
Death is the idol of the ego mind, held sacred and inviolate. All things are born, live for a while and eventually die. That is the dictum of the ego mind. Its bleak verdict on the nature of existence acts as a catalyst for fear-based perception. And all fear-based perception verifies the validity of death. Thus, the function of the ego is to murder its host. Since it cannot murder the spirit it turns to the murder of the body, its own invention. This it can do, and does.
The awareness and comprehension of this basic pattern can take a moment or a lifetime to learn. When it is learned the individual realizes that, “I do not know”. And it is this surrender to the truth that brings about the reversal of all the world’s teaching.
You do not know, nor can you of yourself ever trust your traditional senses. You do not know what you see, or why you see it. You do not know what you think or why you think it. You cannot be sure of your feelings or why you feel them. Alone, you are lost for you do not know. You do not know what love is, or peace. You do not know because you have never been certain. You cannot be certain because you don’t know.
You do not know.
This is the first threshold of comprehension. It opens the door to a higher reality from where a new choice, a new commitment can be made. Its choosing is inevitable, though it may take what seems like a long time to accomplish. Time is an illusion to keep the reality of your totality from your awareness. Realize your true potential and time becomes elastic, stretching to include a larger portion of reality in each instant. This stretching expands the limits of self awareness and activates dormant circuitry within the psyche. This circuitry allows for far vaster volumes of information to be processed simultaneously.
Identified with the ego mind, you do not know.
Once disassociation from the ego mind is accomplished you will find the One Who Knows.
The One Who Knows awaits your receptivity.

Chapter Two
the nature of consciousness, infinite sets, states of matter, divine desire
All Just Is
All created reality.
Reality consists of a singular consciousness that spawns new consciousness with every passing thought. And each of those new consciousnesses spawn more new consciousness with their every passing thought. Each consciousness, however, is an individual and its identity remains intact for all time. It is as though each consciousness fragments into a myriad of probable selves, each of which then also fragment into a further infinity of alternate selves, and so on. Soon there is an infinity of infinite probable selves for each of an infinite number of consciousnesses.
The paradox is formalized and pre-packaged, yet it constantly responds spontaneously to every change in the multi-universe. It is the present that alters the paradox, as the paradox alters the present. The present is always the point of power of each consciousness. It is the moment of choice, which is the crux of experience. The paradox is the means to the summoning of that power. It provides the energy conduits and the framework to conduct and focus power.
The history, to use the closest approximation in words, of the universe is contained within the confines of zero and infinity. They mark the limits of understanding, as they also demarcate the boundaries of the infinite. All There Is created All There Is Not. Yet in that creation was All There Is also altered, changed. All Just Is, but All There Is beget, and was begotten by, All There Is Not. There is a world beyond opposites, a land of certainty. All Just Is proclaims it. The nature of zero and infinity is to act as signposts of truth by sending signals through the emotional body that the identity receives in the form of feelings.
Causality was born in the effort to interpret the truth. What comes in totality cannot be separated. Interpretation is not required for truth, being the native tongue of All the created. To project this rather troublesome effect of first cause, required the construction of a linear sequence of events to distract the identity - from its true identity. Past and future segment the truth and spread it throughout history in a futile effort to hide the truth from the self.
Positive and negative are the energy conduits that connect each identity to every other. They act as the information of the system encoded onto, into, and through every living portion of it. The truth is holistic in that every portion of it always contains the whole. Words begin to wear thin in this area. Rocks are conscious, they have identity. An atom, a molecule, a cell, all are conscious. Information is power transformed, transmitted and received. You have thus been, are, and will be energized.
The circle, being the sign of the divine, exists in everything. Even the unnamed has the stamp of the divine. Consciousness is continuous in all conceivable directions. The circle in the dot states just that. There is no ending to consciousness, there are no boundaries. God gave All
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