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to the created. Nothing was held back. Good and evil are not opposites any more than love and hate are. The living are selfish and self-sustaining, as is their Source. The Good of All is good for all. There are no accidents or co-incidences.
All are united.
All are One.
The tree for the forest
But the identity, the individual consciousness, thinks, “The One and me makes two!”. And then the rest of consciousness counts themselves in. There are many, too many to count. The numbers are astronomical. The One is many. The many are One. The split mind cannot unite this message with experience.
Identification with the body and its currently perceived limitations acts like a barrier to comprehension. The individual seems to be locked into a fragile body with threats imminent on all sides. This keeps the identity focused upon a particular frequency of reality. It’s like tuning in a radio to a favorite channel - likely it’s already preset. It is the station the identity recognizes, and locks onto. But the station can only be heard if the individual first tunes into it’s frequency.
There are many other realities, each as valid as the one currently focused on . In this reality all identity have complete freedom of will. In another reality there may be no free will at all. The most important understanding, however, is that there are an infinite variety of realities -some only slightly altered from another. In fact it can be said that, each instant the individual creates a new reality to experience next. The point of power is the present, the focus is the paradox and the certainty is the availability of all experience. With proper focus and certainty in the vast range of possibilities, any experience can be created at any time.
The idea to focus upon is that identity is of the mind and that the reality within is valid. The body is a projection of the mind in its effort to separate the entity from its source. It is the belief in littleness. It is the equal belief in the vastness of the outside world. If the body is a projection of the mind then it is certainly possible for the individual identity to change its mind about that.
Certainty springs from this focus. All experience is created by the individual, including the body. But the body is not the identity - that springs eternal. The individual unit of consciousness is the true mystery. Its identity is inviolate and eternal, with no limits of any kind, and possessed of infinite power and creative energy. Nothing, nothing at all, is impossible. That is part of the certainty.
God is omniscient. That means God knows all things, big or small. God is omnipotent. That means God has no limits, big or small. Do you think that with such credentials God would not be in control? God is the Source of All things, seen and unseen, known and unknown. Can the Source betray Itself? Can God cut off a hand and throw it away, denying it is part of the totality of God? God is The Source of Love. Can such a Source beget pain and suffering? Or could it be that the created is mistaken in its personal beliefs?
God knows. If the individual identifies with the ego, that individual does not know. Only once the individual's identity is realigned with the truth, with the divine, can they claim to know.
God knows All.
It is as though you were so intent on one particular tree that you did not notice the forest. The ego, this body, is only one tree in a forest of other aspects of yourself. Your greater self works on many levels of reality at the same time. Although that particular tree is truly grand, the true grandeur is in the forest of selves that live concurrently in other dimensions and the multi-dimensional self that experiences them all simultaneously. There are such entities - and you are one of them. But that one tree is not the forest and you are free to lavish your attention on any other tree at will. That’s the other part of the certainty.
You will your attention. Where do you will it now? Is the resulting experience pleasant? No? Then change your experience! Discover where your will goes, it will show you what you believe. To change your experience, change your beliefs! Do not just pay them lip service, all the while expecting more of the old experience. Remember, then: I am a thought of God, eternal, safe, complete, whole, powerful, and creative. In my Source is my knowing. God loves me and cares for me personally. I rest easy in the knowledge that my needs will always be abundantly met. I create my reality. Aligned with the Source my creations bring salvation to myself and the world.
Binary logic
Nothing is further separated from one than two. Understand this. There is no greater distance among any concepts, in physical, psychological, philosophical or psychical terms, than between one and two. Every other concept can be seen as a compromise position leaning toward the concept of two but not fully giving up the concept of one. Still, either there is one or there is two. They cannot co-exist. And only the concept of two implies the concept of one. The concept of one does not imply the concept of two. Two is the one in motion, but the one is always complete.
In fact, one is not a concept - it is the one and only context. One is the context within which all concepts are created. Concepts are always about the one in motion. The One created all concepts as one creation, in the likeness of Itself. The created one creates in order to express the One in motion. To express is to bring forth, to manifest, to emote, to think and to act. The created one creates in the likeness of The Creator by expressing or explaining or experiencing the limitless aspects of itself. Thus are all creations joined in a causal link that together is the full and complete information about the Source.
To bring this idea a little closer to home, lets do some math.
The contemporary view of the divine is that, "There might be a God but even if there is, God is too busy to concentrate on the individual's plight." In other words, God is too busy counting to help the individual with personal problems. Now, this is too direct for the contemporary viewpoint. Instead this is the unstated logical stance that is taken. To count is to create. To create it all takes up all One's time. It takes a very large number of things, of forms, to make up the universe. Therefore God is far too busy creating new things to be concerned about the old things already created.
The idea of God being distracted by counting is very appropriate in light of what we do. We are constantly counting. It is drummed into us from a very early age. We begin naming things from the moment we are conceived. Sounds, smells, sights and feelings are all forms of counting. When we have mastered counting most of us wear our diplomas on our wrists, in the form of the timepiece. What is a wristwatch but a counting machine? For where God created One, we create numbers, all of which are just multiples of one. Long ago we mistakenly thought there was two and all our counting has brought about nothing but altered versions of two, which is the original mistake .
God has no need to count. God knows the number, always has. And the number is one.
There are no other numbers, there is only one.
Instead of mindlessly counting, count yourself lucky to be part of the One.
Strangely enough, the One is counting on you, not to count but to sum it all up. Do the math for yourself and you will see that the answer is One!
If God were too busy counting that would mean God doesn’t know the answer. That is impossible for creation is not haphazard nor capricious as it would have to be if there were no answer. No. God knows.
And you do not.
You can count on it
Truth is not logical because it is not linear. From the present perspective of modern society the truth is a spiral. This is only so because our modern logic dances around the pertinent issues with such alacrity. The ego mind is very active in this area. It has denied, forgotten, excused, brushed off, explained away and debunked virtually all connection to spirit. Logic is not logical under the direction of the ego mind for the ego mind is not interested in truth and furthermore, its belief system depends upon the suppression of truth.
Truth is creation while the Creator is beyond even truth.
The Creator created The One. The One creates to express its creativity. The expression of its creativity is love. Love unites all creation. All creation is The One.
The one did not create two, for if it had it would have created unlike its Creator. That is impossible. Creator and created are One and the Same. The dream of two was very short and very long ago. God gave the answer of One even then. Each call since has been answered because each call has asked the same thing in different forms. The original question was, "Two?", meaning is the self, my sense of I am, separate from God. The answer has always been, "One.", without reservation. In other words, "No, we are one."
But in that dream, the counting goes on. Symbol after symbol is created and experienced. Concepts are conceived and explored. The counting is the manifestation of time and the belief in the linearity of events. And it perpetuates itself because there is always another number to count, another symbol to create. Counting is the measure of the success of the ego mind to keep the truth hidden from the self.
Some people are very good at this game. They can count to very high numbers, keeping focused and concentrating on counting higher and higher. Others are scattered. They forget the count early on and have to start over and over again. Still others have different counts going on at the same time. Some multiply, divide or take square roots. A very few don't count at all.
It may seem strange to be discussing counting in this way, or it may seem like a metaphor for thinking. It is not. Mathematics, as it is currently being used, is a contrivance. It is employed to separate and to keep apart. Mathematics is at best an approximation of reality. At worst it is a means to confuse the self and convince it to identify with the ego mind.
Two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ...
That is Truth. But:
One, two, three, four, five,...
is not.
Even now, science is looking for the unifying theory, the Theory of Everything. They will not find it. For there is not everything, there is only The One. The unifying concept is the truth, and this the ego mind does not wish us to ever find.
One is infinite. One is All There Is.
Live and let die
If One is All There Is, Zero is All There Is Not. Remember, this discussion comes from the viewpoint of contemporary society. Zero is nothing. It is All There Is Not.
Let us digress a moment. The concept of All, of God, is not a concept alone. All is also the context. The only difference between our normal understanding of context and God as a context is that All is all-inclusive. There is nothing outside of God. To
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