Little Petals In The Wind:A Facebook Anthology Of Shorter Poems by Frances Ayers-Editor (free novel 24 txt) 📖

- Author: Frances Ayers-Editor
Book online «Little Petals In The Wind:A Facebook Anthology Of Shorter Poems by Frances Ayers-Editor (free novel 24 txt) 📖». Author Frances Ayers-Editor
The Victims 97
Against All Odds 98
Brutality 98
Lytness Kikya
Child Of The Dust 101
Of Tristan And Isolde 102
Beloved When You Have Gone 103
Lost Sailor 103
My Muse 104
Tomorrow 105
Race With Time 105
NancyGail Katzin-Nystrom
A Book 108
Insomnia 109
Weighted 109
Your Force 110
Those Thighs 110
Maelstrom 111
The Door 112
James Robert Myers
Daughter Of The Nile 115
Brighter Than The Sun 116
Bernard De Silva
Untitled 119
A Ghost From A Sepia World 120
An Instant Pilgrim.That Is Life 121
AwwwwwTuuuuummmmm 123
Be My Valentine 123
Cast Petals Softly Fall 124
Fate Accursed,Do You Hear 125
Aparna Pathak
Cactus 128
Pearls 129
Nella S.Wulan
Here we Are 132
The Foot Days 133
Where Do 133
Whisper 134
Frances Ayers
Rainbow Promises(Tanka) 137
Remember Me With Smiles 138
Pictures Of Her Past(Tanka) 139
The Substance Of Things(Haiku) 139
The Simplicity Of Grass(Haiku) 140
A Soul's Quiet Reflection 141
With Thanks And Love 142
In this Facebook anthology,we present shorter poems,written in 12 lines or less.Words that portray the beauty of nature,the struggles and appreciation of life and concepts of love.Most of the Poets whose poems are included are accomplished in their own right and are published.
Although steeped in brevity,these poems exude wisdom,and share a common idea;they tell a story or express an emotion in so few words.You will find poems in different forms;rhymed,unrhymed,tanka,haiku and senryu.The Poet Emerson thought we should begin each day by reading a poem.And what better way could we gain inspiration then by reading the words of others!Enjoy!
Frances Ayers
Scott Ransopher
Scott was born in Tempe, Arizona on September 25th, 1974. He currently resides in Garland, Texas. He is the author of The Poems of Scott Ransopher, The Jataka (coming soon), Buddhist Fables (coming soon), and Collected Poems 1995-2012 (coming December 2012),His web site is:
Born of a virgin--
Crown of thorns, whipped, crucified--
All for you and her.
Copyright Scott Ransopher 2000
Dune Sands
Dune sands spray dry grass
As cool waves whip lacquered rock
While the earth exhales.
Copyright Scott Ransopher 2006
Georgianna Laid To Rest
Crushed Violets,
Silks turn from plastic stems
Limestone lost since spring.
Copyright Scott Ransopher 2006
Beaded, shimmering
Bright sunlit doilies of dew
Bless the dawning day.
Copyright Scott Ransopher 2006
Formed in ocean depths
Disdained cloud children
Eclipse Father Sun.
Copyright Scott Ransopher 2006
Kids are fun,
They like to run,
In the sun.
Copyright Scott Ransopher 2011
Riding a pale horse,
Death is not a hooded skeleton.
Scythe bone-knuckled gripped,
Sockets wide as lunar craters
With stars flickering in their depths,
And teeth gleaming like ashen tombstones
Under the arc of a massive crescent moon.
Death is when
They would sooner bask
In the shadow of the cross,
Than venture through splintery light
At each crossroad on their journeys.
Copyright Scott Ransopher 1998
Brian Wrixon
Brian Wrixon is a poet, author and publisher from Burlington, Ontario, Canada. In addition to his own works, he has published several anthologies featuring the writings of hundreds of his social networking friends from around the world. Brian Wrixon Books provides a venue and publishing opportunity for scores of new and emerging writers and operates on a not-for-profit basis
The Last Rose
Here in our December cold
One lone rose braves winter
Its petals held tightly clasped
Not daring to unfold itself
I carefully open its intricacy
Breathe deeply of its center
And discover the joy of summer
Here in our December cold
Copyright Brian Wrixon 2011
Smiling Faces
When I look upon a pansy bed
A sea of smiling faces looks back at me
Each one with its own special face
Nodding and bobbing in the breeze
Like little gnomes living in the garden
Each with a secret to tell or share
Quietly laughing at a hidden meaning
Surely if I listen carefully enough
They will whisper to me, please!
Copyright Brian Wrixon 2011
La Cours Saleya
Market of Nice, stretched before us
Flowers and more flowers, vendors' chorus
The sights, the smells, nature's delight
Never before have we seen such a sight
Like Matisse, we inspiration find
And paint forever in the mind
What he on canvas with genius did capture
For us to hold in memory, in rapture
Oh beauty of la Cours Saleya
Copyright Brian Wrixon 2011
The Flower
Living beauty of nature
Painted in a rainbow of colors
Each one a work of art
Some massive and showy
Some tiny in their perfection
Each one a masterpiece
Breathing life in scented airs
Attracting all to view their slendour
Man can build the seven wonders
But only nature can grow a flower
Copyright Brian Wrixon 2011
A Field of Faces
A field of faces following the sun
Moving unseen as the day wears on
Tracking the bright beacon in the sky
Slowly turning to gather light and life
Petalled brilliance dazzling the eye
Vincent's inspiration multiplied
Who could imagine a vision as lovely
As a field of sunflowers on a summer day
Copyright Brian Wrixon 2011
So many colors in nature's palette
So many shapes to capture them
One can only say with certainty
There is no proof for atheism
For how could such beauty and variety
Be the product of random chance?
Surely some greater power was the artist
That painted this canvas before us
If we accept the randomness of atoms
And deny the hand of a creator force
Then we who marvel at this picture
Are ourselves no more than chance
Copyright Brian Wrixon 2011
Raven Lee Baxter
Is a Father and Grandfather,who besides raising Tarantulas, loves to write poetry. He likes to write about different subjects and also tries his hardest to put much of his life experience into his work. Check out his notes on Facebook. Raven also has a poetry blog He resides in Sheffield,England
Blackbird (Haiku Chain)
Yellow beak,
Black feathers,
Sits in tree.
Gives smile,
Looks at me,
In curiosity.
Soon done,
Flies around,
To pastures new.
Copyright Raven Lee Baxter 2012
Memories (Senryu Chain)
A photograph,
Recording time,
Always there.
Memories stay,
Forever embossed,
Just waiting,
For recollection,
To make us smile.
Copyright Raven Lee Baxter 2012
Art Of love (Senryu)
Flesh entangles,
No end or begining.
Copyright Raven Lee Baxter 2012
Passion (Senryu)
Rapture erupts,
Two lovers relax,
Letting love grow.
Copyright Raven Lee Baxter 2012
The kiss (Senryu)
Lips mingle,
Heat exchanged,
Moisture flows
Copyright Raven Lee Baxter 2012
Joy Of Life (Senryu)
Soul filled,
Copyright Raven Lee Baxter 2012
Jane Lynahan Karklin
Currently residing in beautiful Sarasota, Florida, with her husband,Jane is a graduate of the American Academy of Dramatic Arts in New York City.Although she did tread the boards for a time,her first love has always been writing.In addition to her poetry,she also writes a column for her small community’s monthly newspaper.Her grown sons live with their families in various areas of the country.Life is good.
Light through cold pine trees
brings warmth to the barren land
Stars cover the sky.
As darkness stalks the woodlands
Mother Earth caresses all.
© June 26, 2012
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