Little Petals In The Wind:A Facebook Anthology Of Shorter Poems by Frances Ayers-Editor (free novel 24 txt) 📖

- Author: Frances Ayers-Editor
Book online «Little Petals In The Wind:A Facebook Anthology Of Shorter Poems by Frances Ayers-Editor (free novel 24 txt) 📖». Author Frances Ayers-Editor
Tears flow with heartbreak
showering the ground like rain.
Small puddles shining.
The moon gathering stardust
spilling diamonds in its wake.
© June 30, 2012 Jane Lynahan Karklin
A silent shimmer
dances across the dark sky
Wind swirls through whiteness.
Dawn’s early sunshine music
sings to deep blue depths of snow.
© July 2, 2012 Jane Lynahan Karklin
I trekked quite as far as I could
Past the neat fences and into the wood
A dragonfly hovered above me to see
If I was edible
Then let me be.
© May 18, 2012 Jane Lynahan Karklin
In the Bare Expanse of Trees
In the bare expanse of trees I place my heart.
Birds flock to protect my vulnerability,
Sunlight guides my resolve
And moonlight my spirituality.
Rain washes all my thoughts to good
And I smile.
© April 12, 2012 Jane Lynahan Karklin
Embrace the Infinite
I want to be surrounded
by trees, by greenery, by bark.
I want to embrace the infinite
and watch the deep redness of the sun
as it slowly sinks into the horizon
and fragments
into endless pieces of time.
© May 11, 2012 Jane Lynahan Karklin
A Withered Palm Branch
A withered palm branch
pretending to be a broom
swept the wilderness
© May 19, 2012 Jane Lynahan Karklin
The Split Rail Shadow-Haiku
The split rail shadow
frames an oriental mood.
Wind chimes whispering.
© March 24, 2012 Jane Lynahan Karklin
Daniel Grome
Daniel is 44 years old and lives in San Antonio Texas. He's been writing poetry seriously for about the last 4 1/2 years. Before that,he considered himself an amatuer songwriter. That was roughly when his life was hijacked, and he was diagnosed with a rare neurological disorder called cervical dystonia/spasmodic torticollis. After being diagnosed,Daniel noticed that playing his guitar just increased his level of pain too much, so he began to focus more on straight poetry. A lot of his poems can be pretty dark, but he likes the old adage says, "Write what you know..". Unfortunately,Dan has had to deal with the pain and suffering this disorder has brought into his life, so this IS "what he knows".He's had one poem previously published - "slice the lie", in a collection by The Addicted Project called "Fides Nostra".
I keep watching the world
Through distortion skewed eyes
As confusion reigns king
In my lost paradise
I've been searching for answers
To all of my ails
But the seas just keep raging
And crashing my sails
Forgotten and weathered
Drifting further off course
In my broken down vessel
To some merciless force
Copyright Daniel Grome 2011
The wreckage of my life
The catastrophic me
Drenched in stress-soaked chaos
I struggle to taste the air
The hardened drought-cracked ground
Beckons me with crooked smile
As the hot, dry wind
Tries to blow me in
The ever expanding gaps
Copyright Daniel Grome 2012
I search for answers
Under black night shine
Blinking in ancient rhythms
Guiding my internal flow
I pray for mercy
On this lost soul drift
And the healing touch
For a thousand cuts
I balance my surrender
On the edge of desire
And kiss the clouds
Without the fear to fly
Copyright Daniel Grome 2011
Mighty Dagger
This instrument that i possess
A mighty dagger all through time
Through sweat and tears has helped express
My hopes and fears through verse and rhyme
This mighty dagger in my hand
That stabs the paper with my mind
Displays my words for all to read
Reveals my soul for all to find
This instrument i find so grand
A rain that floods the dying seed
This mighty dagger all through time
Has cut my soul and helped it bleed
Copyright Daniel Grome 1992
Path To Perdition
Lost in the land of the living
Drenched in the depths of despair
Pounding my path to perdition
Winding my weakness
Through worry and wear
Suffering and seeking surrender
Surviving the sweltering sun
braving and battling burdens
Till my long destined death
Is delivered and done
Copyright Daniel Grome 2011
Memory 94-Tanka
I used to sit there
With my head on backwards
To the sight and sound of crows
Twisted tongue and armored blood
A symphony of thought
Copyright Daniel Grome 2011
Slice The Lie-Senryu
Slice the lie
With bleeding fear
A spit upon the caged
Handshake veins
Bulging out and clear
Deceptive eyes engaged
The needle dry
My heart in chains
A million hours aged
Alice the lie
And bleed a tear
The losing battle waged
Copyright Daniel Grome 2012
Diwakar Pokhriyal
Diwakar is a poet who writes what he feels.and also writes what he perceives. He believe in his senses, which are something special to him. He has been writing for more than 12 years, which started during his school days,from class 9 to unclassified age, Diwakar will keep on writing. It is like journey of a soul, who is in search of solace and will end only with the end of a life. Diwakar admits that he loves writing poetry and will continue forever. This is what he is, a poet, a sports freak, a guitarist, a MBA student and an untold saga of a mysterious soul....he is.. Diwakar Pokhriyal
Poetry books written by Diwakar
• Words of love
• Solacious solitude
• Why me yaar
• From I to We
Diwakar has been a part of different anthologies around the world
• By Brian Wrixon
. The survivor guide to Bedlam
. Reflection on a blue planet -1
. Reflection on a blue planet -2
. Reflection on a blue planet -3
. Reflection on a blue planet -4
Wet Monsoon-Haiku
Rain ballets madly,
Shiver veils syrupy love
Ebb Monsoon adores
Swab Trees shine,
Dwells pretty fragrance,
Abyss lightning memories.
Shabby wind splashes,
Sparkling gushy sissy Brook
Life allow elation
Serenity dance,
Rosy leaflet born anew,
Delicate Freshness
Copyright Diwakar Pokhriyal 2012
Sizzling Winter-Haiku
Icy breadth freezes
Halt governs stormy lives,
Frozen dream sing.
Shivering bodies,
Ice flows astute steadily,
Warmth Dies peacefully
Restlessness sneeze,
Temperature befall death,
Misery dissolves.
Blood clots evenly,
Supreme silence awaken
Death rules sissy life.
Copyright Diwakar Pokhriyal 2012
Syrupy moot sighs,
Astonishing heart Befall,
Tenderness sublimes,
Beauty dissolves ado,
Lifeless adore exists
Copyright Diwakar Pokhriyal 2012
Brisk Energy cuddles,
Bringing Dot spherical shape,
Touching sacred soul,
While scattering pure adore
In pursuit of divine aim
Copyright Diwakar Pokhriyal 2012
Shining sun ablaze,
Reflects divine energy,
Instantly soaked,
To crush the undefeated,
To eradicate the waste.
Copyright Diwakar Pokhriyal 2012
My Sweetheart
Mysterious lips scrolls,
Yummy tasty life.
Saccharine & blissful play,
Waxy skin dissolves heat,
Emphatic energy evaporates,
Energizing at your feet,
Tormenting my seduction door,
Hasty lust knocks indeed,
Emphatically cuddling,
Axing naughty thoughts in creed,
Rowdy senses showers intimacy,
Tempting cheeks attracts lips to feed.
Copyright Diwakar Pokhriyal 2012
Deplorable Action
Slaughtered life for food,
Incarnation beseeches existence,
Assassinating trees brazenly,
Humanity draining substance,
Defiling sacred air with pride,
Cutting edge technology cries,
Water veil from limpidness,
Verve struggles to die
Let’s impede these merciless beliefs,
Roving insanely inside divine mind,
It’s time to fuse like atom,
Twirling soul chaste and kind.
Copyright Diwakar Pokhriyal 2012
Alkali Dejentlemen Andre
Carlos André dos Santos Ferreira,is a 26 year old male who hails from Vila do Conde,Portugal.From 5th to 9th grade he attended Escola Básica Júlio Sául Dias (in English goes something like Basic School Júlio Saúl Dias).And from 10th to 12th grade, he attended The Escola Secundária José Régio (in English is Secondary School José Régio which is named after a known writer from here.)Both schools are located in Vila do Conde.Last year Carlos participated in a writing contest with a short story he created originally for it.He didn't win but that didn't dampen his spirits.When he is not writing,he enjoys listening to music ( especially heavy Metal),reading,going to festivals/concerts,camping and going out with friends.Carlos has been trying to form a band recently and hopes to start something new musically.He loves writing,as it releases his thoughts and creativity.He's been writing for a while now.Carlos picked up a pen around 2002 and has never stopped.In the beginning it was just wannabe-lyrics.But afterwards,he started to write poems as he developed his writing skills.
Adrift in the ocean planet
Remembering always
This dream i had with you.
Copyright Carlos André dos Santos Ferreira 2012
Shine On-Haiku
Dear star of life
Bring us warmth
Shine on,shine on.
Copyright Carlos André dos Santos Ferreira 2012
Breathe Life
Raise your cups
Release a smile
And breathe life.
Copyright Carlos André dos Santos Ferreira 2012
The rain falls
And every single drop
Still weighs on the soul.
Copyright Carlos Andréd dos Santos Ferreira 2012
Embrace The World
Feel the nature
Respect life
Embrace the world
Copyright Carlos André dos Santos Ferreira 2012
No Regrets-Senryu
No regrets
Embrace it fearless
Live,learn and love.
Copyright Carlos André dos Santos Ferreira 2012
Questions without answers
Ponderous thoughts
Your scent in memories.
Copyright Carlos André dos Santos Ferreira 2012
Ruth C. Ibanez
Ruth is an inventor entrepreneur based in New York City.
Dew drops on my parched lips searing
Etching rhymes my heart embedding
Eyes half closed my mind ne’er leaving
Savoring the moments of ecstatic meandering
I reached out for more of mortal’s pleasure
Drifting clouds on skies azure
Heaving breaths in arms of splendor
Fleeting daydreams in midday’s clangor
~Ruth C Ibanez © 2012
New Day Dawning
I embraced the new day dawning
Full of promise earth’s adorning
I moved closer to the sunrays scorching
Teary eyed my vision clearing
I embraced the new day dawning
Undeterred, uncompromising
Life blossoms with every trial vanquished
Rosebuds the summer rain flourished
I embraced the new day dawning
Life and love each moment bearing
Waste not, waste not the new day dawning
Joys and sorrows life’s adorning.
~Ruth C. Ibanez © 2012
Ah! Mr. Piano Man
You played the keys I cannot sing
Repeats of an old time fling
You played the keys I cannot sing
Swinging sounds of measures arching.
Higher and higher goes the strain
Scaling, trilling the notes of pain
Crescendo, diminuendo, innuendo galore
Your craft; the song’s allure.
Mr. Piano man you seduce and defuse
Tantalize and mesmerize
Hypnotic and catalytic
But your song, is rather basic.
~Ruth C. Ibanez © 2012
A Sad Sad Song
Softly I sang this beautiful tune
Memories in my heart deeply hewn
Wistfully I whispered to the wind
Your name, written just around the bend.
I traced the music of the song
The score seemed very long
I touched each word that came along
Lyrics of a sad, sad song.
I read the line, the written words
Scars cut by millions of swords;
Alas, it is too late
Your love has an expiration date
~Ruth C. Ibanez © 2012
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