Little Petals In The Wind:A Facebook Anthology Of Shorter Poems by Frances Ayers-Editor (free novel 24 txt) 📖

- Author: Frances Ayers-Editor
Book online «Little Petals In The Wind:A Facebook Anthology Of Shorter Poems by Frances Ayers-Editor (free novel 24 txt) 📖». Author Frances Ayers-Editor
Omoruyi Uwuigiaren’s writing achievements include articles, cartoons, editorials and nine books. Guardian, Vanguard newspapers, Town Crier Times, Moronic Ox Literary and Cultural Journal, the Publicist International and other literary journals have published his works
The Crusader
Ageless forest of legs
Wrote frustration on the face of the old earth
Our foes saw nothingness in their stupor
In the midst of million brags
The Rock of Gibraltar is here
A scrawny hero
His feet cannot hurt a fly
Yet wrecking the hills on the highway
A feat for few
His smile humbles the darkness
Bliss embraces the weak
And cockerels sounded it was dawn
Copyright Omoruyi Uwuigiaren 2012
The Victims
The night walked away
Lost in the sea of rage
Gloom was her conqueror
Yesterday has gone
Singing on the hills
Another day has come
Our prey was her meal
The heart of the cruel evening
It was a troll
A thousand sparrows has fallen
The ones we cherish
Silence of the saddest grave
Copyright Omoruyi Uwuigiaren 2012
Against all Odds
We are not here to growl
The bald faint
Anxiety rages in the brook
Succumb to the flood
Kissed the bare chest of the earth
Misery at dawn
The least wailed
Soldier's legs betrayed him
No one saw the owl
the old rugged fighter
Lurking in the dark
The feet of them that quivered
Copyright Omoruyi Uwuigiaren 2012
Slept in the dark
Covered in ashes
Ugliest regime reigned
Wounded at dawn
Left a trail of waste
Knives for the hunters
Multitude at the road
Silenced on the hills
Shadows of the season grew
The wind had arrived
Darkness on the threshold
Embraces were costly
Copyright Omoruyi Uwuigiaren 2012
Lytnes Kikya
Lytnes is an African-born poet with her hometown in Dar es salaam,Tanzania. She has been writing on and off since she was 16,but this is the first time her work has appeared in an anthology.
She is currently pursuing her Bachelor's degree in medicine at Catholic University of Health and Allied Sciences in Tanzania
Apart from poetry, Lytnes enjoys reading novels,art and sky-watching.
Child Of The Dust
The sun is your blessing
the sun is your curse
with sweat you have toiled
and hunger you have known
all these you have loved
all these you will lose
life too will pass
at the end of it all
to your maker you return.
Copyright Lytnes Kikya 2012
Of Tristan And Isolde
She gave him laughter
he gave her his heart
they shared what little time they had
and that was enough.
They toiled a moment
and loved a moment
and in between the moments
lived a lifetime..
Copyright Lytnes Kikya 2012
Beloved When You Have Gone
I will return one day
to gaze again
upon those sun basked shores
where you and i used to go.
When the tides are high
and longing tugs the soul
i will not forget
i will come back
to place a lily upon your grave
for the light you gave to my days.
Copyright Lytnes Kikya 2012
Lost Sailor
I used to travel with the wind
and drowned at sea
you shed many a tears for me
i have no memories
i shed none for thee..
Copyright Lytnes Kikya 2012
My Muse
She will come when she wills
for she bends not to my whims
much as i wish she did
but i sit here and wait
patient soul that i am
or rather pretend to be(that's between you and me)
trying not to take notice of the passing time
i wait and wait
she will come when she wills
and when she is here
she will whisper into my ear.
Copyright Lytnes Kikya 2012
when the sun sets
when my heart shatters into tiny bits
when the floor is littered with debris
i will remember
that it felt great
to have held you
that to have loved you like this
once felt complete
i will make no excuses
i will look back with no regrets.
Copyright Lytnes Kikya 2012
Race With Time
Time always ticking time
he stops for nobody
we walk lagging behind
and he forever ahead
Copyright Lytnes Kikya 2012
Nancygail Katzin-Nystrom
Nancy is the mother of two special needs children and a freelance editor of both fiction and non-fiction. In her spare time (what little there is of it!) she writes poetry and articles on autism. Nancy is a lover of science, words, and all things abstract
A Book
A book - spine barely cracked
each page new and fresh
each holding a new discovery of you
Face becomes eyes becomes hands
reaching for touch
and the softness of your countenance
Singularity in the center of my universe
pulls in all and subsequently
releases my love for you
Copyright Nancygail Katzin-Nystrom June 2012
Ever elusive,
I search for you
In shadows and corners
I know you’re here, hiding
not wanting to be found
It is a never-ending story, this searching
night after night
day after day
I can feel your laughter
Copyright Nancygail Katzin-Nystrom January 2012
Smoldering, mouldering ponderousness of
orange hazy moonrise with the pulling of tides
and a simulacrum of contentment.
Swollen slick and florentine
intertwined with quixotic
yet mercurial natures unearthing
fractaline waves of emotion strolling, no, meandering
through poppy fields of turning, twisting circumstance.
Revealing a melanoma of melancholy
Copyright Nancygail Katzin-Nystrom February 2012
Your Force
The force of you is like a monsoon
on foreign shores.
I am as a pebble on the beach.
Copyright Nancygail Katzin-Nystrom February 2012
Those Thighs
Smooth strength
with an inner well rounded
softness; the sinewy brawn
flexes and contracts as you stride
catlike across the room
or sprawl with knees
along the couch.
Those thighs just kill me.
Copyright Nancygail Katzin-Nystrom February 2012
Thoughts dithering in
tumultuous pandemonium
decrying the want of order from chaos.
The maelstrom inside a mobius of emotion,
a torus skittering across the mental landscape
but always touching down
At you
Copyright Nancygail Katzin-Nystrom November 2011
The Door
The door is opened.
Labyrinthine corridors
filled with susurration that seem
to bemoan and remonstrate
the vacillation of my yearning.
Is the hesitation innuendo or insinuation
Copyright:Nancygail Katzin-Nystrom September 2011
James Robert Myers
James Robert Myers,also known by the pen name ‘MJ Jimmy’,is a Ghanaian writer from Accra, Ghana; West Africa. Even before the age of 18, he become an avid blogger, poet and creative writer. Currently, he is the author of Breaking Silence- The In-depth Words Of A Poet, an anthology recently published on amazon.
James’ literary work often centers around romance and life circumstances as he utilizes his unique blend of imagery, symbolism and sentimentality to convey his thoughts to his audience in a personal and creative way.
While poetry has little appreciation amongst most Ghanaians, this only serves as motivation for him to continue to hone his craft, share his work and promote literary appreciation throughout his country and the world at large. He believes that the beauty of the written word is something that everyone should experience.
His poetry have been published on most literary platforms around the world including; one of the vibrant online poetry site in Ghana, Write To The World; a youthful writers’ movement, Poetry Foundation Ghana; a celebrated poetry networking site and his personal blog via: He has been aired on Writers’ Project of Ghana on Citi fm and Open Air Theater on Radio Universe, University of Ghana Campus, Legon.
Daughter Of The Nile
She`s stunning; a rare kind,
A painting of the maker`s hand-
Black and sensual and her skin so fluid like Nile
Her warm bosom is a sheath for the frail
She walks in beauty like the moon hangs in the sky
So high up every eye pursues her
Her smile burns like the sun
And lightens the hope of others
She sits in the chambers of my mind
I am a prisoner of her beauty
My sleep is a long journey of dreams
Of her beauty and elegance
Copyright James Robert Myers January, 2012
Brighter Than The Sun
Looking deep into your mortal hazel eyes
A feeling strikes hard within my soul
Like flashy thunder in the heavy storms
As your body- the celestial beauty
Initiates a conversation with my spirit
My lip obsesses your name from dawn to dusk
You drive me insane when a simple smile is offered
I can`t sigh but to ask for more
You are more radiant than the sun
Outshining in all direction
Beauty is you!
Copyright James Robert Myers July, 2012
Bernard de Silva
Bernard is an Australian and classifies himself as an
aged pensioner...ex .electronics technician and ex
service business owner and that's the polite assessment...
Those who know him better, likely refer to him as,
"a lecherous, drunken, lay-about old punter " or
something even less appealing and totally rude.
Bernard writes, simply because he enjoys writing,
and in so doing hopes in some small way to aid the
cause of literacy.Expression appears to be a dying
art and the electronic media, effectively turns
today's sensationalism into what tomorrow accepts
as "history"...
A roue` aged and repentant, he is perhaps to be pitied,
guilt consumes him, for there is no way he can atone.
Life shed by her own hand, yet hers, is not the shame,
he finds himself compelled never to destroy her photo.
His suffering prevails, time and again he is drawn to it,
the ever beautiful image transforms, becomes vengeful.
The face of scorn, with rightful loathing, to assail him,
condemning, each time he unwillingly gazes upon it...
A Ghost From A Sepia World
Two faces, un-weathered, aglow with the fresh bloom of youth,
framed by a tarnished gold window, stare out of a sepia world.
Peer, now at the present, with the past's unawareness of truth,
a study, in expectations, before life's dreary banner unfurled.
Old hands, wrinkled, age wearied, carry the frame to the light,
tired eyes brimming with sorrow, peer at the image portrayed.
Tears of a lifetime released, by a memory returned at her sight,
guilt of a sinner repentant, for the fate of one trustful, betrayed.
Studies her face intently, himself in youth, spared not a glance,
those soft eyes seem now to harden, their gaze as stolid as stone.
soft lines of her image transform, a look of contempt to enhance,
a ghost, from a sepia world, haunts the sinner who cannot atone.
©. Copyright: Bernard de Silva February 2007.
An Instant, Pilgrim…That Is Life…
Take a look…but, just one fleeting glance,
Friend, pause not…to view your reflection.
You are but one instant, in time’s expanse…
and death, grants little time for inspection.
You cast the briefest shadow, soon to fade
Pilgrim, what if, there is no second chance…
Requiem first forgotten, then marble to craze…
Like the fleeting image, and the shadow cast,
all thy mortal traces, time’s sands shall erase.
So nothing remains, as residuum of the past…
The brief reflection and marble have vanished,
together with the epitaph, none may rephrase…
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