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One of the ancients,once said that poetry is "the mirror of the perfect soul." Instead of simply writing down travel notes or, not really thinking about the consequences, expressing your thoughts, memories or on paper, the poetic soul needs to seriously work hard to clothe the perfect content in an even more perfect poetic form.
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What is poetry?

Reading books RomanceThe unity of form and content is what distinguishes poetry from other areas of creativity. However, this is precisely what titanic work implies.
Not every citizen can become a poet. If almost every one of us, at different times, under the influence of certain reasons or trends, was engaged in writing his thoughts, then it is unlikely that the vast majority will be able to admit to themselves that they are a poet.
Genre of poetry touches such strings in the human soul, the existence of which a person either didnā€™t suspect, or lowered them to the very bottom, intending to give them delight.

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Read books online Ā» Poetry Ā» Little Petals In The Wind:A Facebook Anthology Of Shorter Poems by Frances Ayers-Editor (free novel 24 txt) šŸ“–

Book online Ā«Little Petals In The Wind:A Facebook Anthology Of Shorter Poems by Frances Ayers-Editor (free novel 24 txt) šŸ“–Ā». Author Frances Ayers-Editor

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Copyright: Bernard de Silva October, 2008.


Mother Nature sets her easel, a patent beauty to evoke,
subtle melds of autumn lie, upon her palette crushed.
Summerā€™s canvas, she must repaint, stroke for stroke,
so radiant brashness, into mellowed tones, is brushed.

The earth must wear a coverlet, thickly strewn around,
trees then transformed to russet, ere all leaves are shed.
This mottled mantle she deftly paints upon the ground,
the transient mosaics etched in yellow, amber, and red.

Paled kaleidoscopic patterns, dance upon each stream,
coloured daubs, splashed in gay abandon, she applies.
Languid changesā€¦like the awakening, from a dream,
final strokes she adds to Autumnā€¦then, Summer diesā€¦

Ā© Copyright: Bernard de Silva Sep-2008.

Awwwww Tuuuuummmmmā€¦

The wind pains bent me near to double,
Oh the agony, when I woke up this morn!
I ponder now, upon the source of trouble,
my memory, of the night beforeā€¦forlornā€¦

Wonder, was it the full ā€˜heavyā€™ slab I drank,
or odd tasting seafoodā€¦more, than someā€¦
Crikey, there could be anything, to thank!
Oh the bloody agonyā€¦AwwwwwTummmā€¦.
AwwwwwwwwTuuuuum, Awwww Tummm!!!

Ā©. Copyright: Bernard de Silva.2008.

Be My Valentine?

How can those, bereft of eloquence, express,
the tenderness, the intricacies, of the heart?
Evoke to mind, memories, of a sweet caress,
that lingering touch, a lifelong love to start.

Bring smiles, at glances, telling of the sharing,
laughter and tears, in good times and the bad.
ā€˜Be my Valentineā€™, is but little in comparingā€¦
convenienceā€™s token, to all, true love has had.

Bouquets, candy, are they trapping of a show,
all trivia of convention, that only fools beguile?
Tokens matter little, to those who truly know,
the worth, of a tender touch, a warming smileā€¦

Ā©. Copyright: Bernard de Silva February 2008.

Cast Petals Softly Fall

They fall, as tears of sorrow,
the petals cast into the grave.
Like to dreams of tomorrow,
fragile pieces none may save.

Lingering a sweet fragrance,
lost in passage to the ground.
Sad petals in a dark expanse,
fall to earth with not a sound.

None to feel their soft caress,
save fresh turned earthy clay.
A coverlet, finality to express,
the petals lie there in disarray.

Ā©. Copyright: Bernard de Silva.2007

Fate Accursed, Do You Hear?

I wander, moors of Adversity, on weary unshod feet,
shifting sand erodes, beneath me, vitality, to deplete.
The blazing orb, Futility, sears this body to the bone,
I bid nary one soul to aid me as I struggle on, alone,
I see the evil shadows cast, by vile vultures of Defeat.

Fate accursed, grant one favour, as a torment persists,
none here, begs for Salvation, nor easy escape, enlists.
None may holler, ā€œhypocriteā€ upon this soulā€™s demise,
for I shall await no trumpet call, that bids me to ariseā€¦
Erase my lifeā€™s slateā€¦for this mortal, no longer resists.

Ā©. Copyright: Bernard de Silva-September 2009

Aparna Pathak

Aparna belongs to India.She was born in a small town and brought up in the capital city Delhi. She is Graduate in English (Honors) from Delhi University and Post Graduate in Public Relations. Artistically inclined,during her college days she had the privilege to perform a dance drama for Mr. Sonar Chand, Indiaā€™s gold medallist choreographer of that time. She has been writing for 2 years. Previously,Aparna worked in a school for a few years and now has taken writing as her full time passion. She writes poems at


Isolated was a saint standing in dissolution,
anticipating long for its salvation,
staring the oasis far away,
seems a mirage ready to betray.
Shrunk itself to its resources
Saving torso from external forces,
world declare it as a snub,
cattle uses it like a scrub,
toddlers are rescued by its spine,
but who cares if it is fine.

Ā© Aparna Pathak 2012


Dewdrops filled with moonlight,
hidden in oyster divine,
crushed by proud Cleopatra,
to sip in worldā€™s expensive wine.

Milky tears of god,
rolling purposeless in my hand,
blended with salty drops,
their shine seems to expand.

Experiencing the longed serenity,
safe within embrace of shell,
confined in harmonious boundary,
no more it desires to yell.

Ā© Aparna Pathak 2012

Nella S Wulan

Nella was born in Semarang-Central Java, and now lives in Bandung-West Java ,Indonesia-SouthEast Asia. She loves writing poems and prose. Nella's poems appear in the gathered-anthology of KunFC ebook(2010),Teras Suluh Bulletin(2010), Puisi Kasih (2010), Senja Dibatas Kata (2011),Penyair Mutakhir Kartini Indonesia (2012), Suvivors Guide to Bedlam (2012), The Muse of Violence(2012) and in Reflections on a Blue Planet(2012)

Here We Are

here we are, still
from turning left and right
in the convers' cave
the wall whispers
the angel scarves
a lantern sparkling
to the loved people arms
to the legs' land

Ā© Nella S Wulan November 2011

The Foot Days

some steps run out in a hurry
they don't want to be scattered
all over the place
the soles walk through beginning days
unsplit on through several fingers
split out, then they have picked up
to come a day of two season: wet and dry
while sticky days swing around
the dates and months scattered away
some steps keep in a hurry
sustainably walk, run and jump

Ā©Nella S Wulan July 2012

Where DO

mornings blow
misty rhymes
where do you keep the silence up
where people take smiles up
where does the land pull breath out

cool days
blue ocean, blue ocean
where do you lay down a hawk's holding up
the tight flying, much flown up
tighten wings more

Ā©Nella S Wulan July 2012


whispering sun
to the large morning
to the wind dialog
to the birds' wings
to the leafy serenade
to the flawless fleece
to the amazed arms
to the strong feet
to the flare land
to the fillers' whisper

Ā© Nella S Wulan August 2010

Frances Ayers

Since her mid forties Frances has been writing poetry,mostly in rhyme,although recently she has begun to write free verse and Haiku.She has found writing to be very cathartic,as it has helped her deal with a number of losses,especially the suicide
of her younger brother.Frances has been published in three Facebook anthologies and online.Her poem,"As Old As Sea",came in third place in the May 2010 poetry contest,and another poem,"Of Winter Born",was voted a three star finalist on that same
site.Most recently,her poems have been published in the anthology series,"Reflections On A Blue Planet"by Brian Wrixon on Blurb.When she is not writing,Frances cares for an elderly uncle.Previously she worked as a Social Worker with abused and neglected children,after receiving her MSW from Fordham University in New York.

Rainbow Promises(Tanka)

The rainbow smiles
A wide grin across the sky
While the earth sighs
A sense of relief and awe
Knowing God keeps promises

Copyright Frances Ayers 2012

Remember Me With Smiles

When my long journey on earth comes to an end
And the river of tears flow out to the sea
When silence appears like a long lost friend
And time alone replaces the feeling of "we"

Then please recall special times that we shared
And laugh at mistakes that we seldom forgave
Recalling two souls that often lay bared
For our special bond will survive the grave

Copyright Frances Ayers 2010

Pictures Of Her Past(Tanka)

Pictures of her past
Lovely bright colors
Though dark at one point
As seen through filtered light
And a once darkened mind

Copyright Frances Ayers 2012

The Substance Of Things (Haiku)

Purest essence
The foundation of life
Lies within us

Washes over us
And purifies the soul
A new beginning

Forever one with nature
A gift to mankind

Copyright Frances Ayers 2012

The Simplicity Of Grass(Haiku)

Does it ask much?
Clothed in simple attire

How still it is
Slumbering with the earth
While flowers dream

Beckons man and beast
It's fragrant bed
Always ready

Copyright Frances Ayers 2012

A Souls'Quiet Reflection

Poised along the waters deep
Beneath the darkened sky
Silent thoughts though once asleep
Appear to wakened eyes

Reflections of a time not lost
Of sorrows,joy and pain
The lifelong lessons and the cost
And loved ones that remain

Kind words spoken years ago
Like diamonds in the night
Gives pause to the searching soul
Awaiting dawning light

Copyright Frances Ayers 2011

With Thanks And Love

For all the love you freely gave
The outstretched hand through strain and stress
And words of praise you often lent
Of hope and smiles you quickly gave
For all the joy your presence brought
You lit the paths,which I thought gray
And delivered moments rich in dreams
Your life passed quickly,I often thought
But memories stayed and soothed my tears

Copyright Frances Ayers 2010


Text: Individual Poets Who Retain All Rights To their Work
Images: All photos are copyright free
Editing: Frances Ayers
Publication Date: 08-03-2012

All Rights Reserved

To Our Facebook Friends And Mentors,Who Have Been A Source Of Constant Inspiration

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