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One of the ancients,once said that poetry is "the mirror of the perfect soul." Instead of simply writing down travel notes or, not really thinking about the consequences, expressing your thoughts, memories or on paper, the poetic soul needs to seriously work hard to clothe the perfect content in an even more perfect poetic form.
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What is poetry?

Reading books RomanceThe unity of form and content is what distinguishes poetry from other areas of creativity. However, this is precisely what titanic work implies.
Not every citizen can become a poet. If almost every one of us, at different times, under the influence of certain reasons or trends, was engaged in writing his thoughts, then it is unlikely that the vast majority will be able to admit to themselves that they are a poet.
Genre of poetry touches such strings in the human soul, the existence of which a person either didnā€™t suspect, or lowered them to the very bottom, intending to give them delight.

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Read books online Ā» Poetry Ā» " HAPPY 2010 " by By Ashwini Kumar Goswami (any book recommendations txt) šŸ“–

Book online Ā«" HAPPY 2010 " by By Ashwini Kumar Goswami (any book recommendations txt) šŸ“–Ā». Author By Ashwini Kumar Goswami

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of hours !

And suddenly started weeping and murmuring,

Repenting over his being seen outside office at betel shop !

Swore for never going outside office

And consequently facing remark of ā€œOutstandingā€ !



ā€œHope is a good breakfast, but a bad supperā€ !
Follower of this credo seems somewhat duffer !
Where is a will, there is a way,
Optimists always found to so say !

Life starts and continues on hopes,
As hopefully traders open their shops !
Hopes let live everyone so busy,
And make hard-work even some easy !

Pessimists are apt to become paranoid,
Doubtfully piling works that they avoid,
Thereby the works falling into arrears,
Causing in daily life, uncalled barriers !

Hope is only a dose to start,
To keep going always our lifeā€™s cart !
Itā€™s thus aptly called a good breakfast,
Though sometimes, a bad supper in the last !

Parents nourish children with good hope,
They provide them with prosperous scope !
Students-Teachers similarly hopeful,
To make their careers ever fruitful !

Doctors-Patients, Agriculturists-Peasants,
Customers-Sellers, Goldsmiths-Jewellers,
Artists-Scientists, Communists-Socialists,
Government-Servant, Supporter-Dependent !

Infertile Couple or Expectant,
Dominant-Subservient, Owner-Tenant,
Desert-Forest, Homeless-Resident,
Independent-Dependent, Parliament-President !

All remnants, Exclusive elements,
None is existent without any hopes !
Hopes thus always appease sentiments,
Enabling us to cross any bars and ropes !

Hope is atop in our Natural Chart,
It keeps us always dutifully smart,
So, remain ever hopeful, never lose heart,
Until Divine Law forfeits our ongoing cart !



I was watching TV, witnessing a cricket match,
A brilliant sixer snubbed by a fantastic catch !
My wife bade me send one any for vegetables
Of our choice and also some eatables !

I had to turn my chair, opposite to table,
Asking her then kindly to fetch my purse !
Subsequent attempted sixer was invisible,
Match was a draw, people began to disperse !

Last these moments remaining unseen,
I continued still facing the TV screen,
Vegetables for cooking were an instant need,
For cricket, I had then paid no any heed !

Came out of kitchen, my dear virago,
Causing fear, as if in vertigo !
Sustained, as I was, by her such attitude,
I kept mum as a device to elude !

Snaky-sensed then my wife came quite near,
I asked her, ā€œWhat is the trouble, my dear ?ā€
She didnā€™t reply, causing same fear,
Left was too little to hear and bear !

Loudly she asked me to leave the chair,
And find whatā€™s happening here and there !
First of all, she showed me the kitchen,
Before she would tell what I couldnā€™t listen !

The boiling cooker was exuding acrid smell,
As pungent as by burning tyres,
Whole house then was feeling unwell,
L.P.G., too, was flaming fires !

My wife carelessly felt all immaterial,
As she was now indulged in TV serial !
Which she was missing while in the kitchen,
Now that she has completed her mission !

The choosy serial was all cause of the fuss,
The vegetables asked for as a pretext quite thus !
I myself had to set right everything,
Queen when happy, so would be the King !


Note:-This is merely an imaginary poem !



Whenever we satirize any opportunist,

Chameleon is the name, aptly to subsist !

But if we divert to all other sides,

Opalescent people are spread, besides !

Opportunely, people turn renegades,

So as to gain more lucrative grades !

Main such roles are playing political leaders,

Union Leaders and Practicing Pleaders !

Boot-lickers are such notorious elements,

To succeed always to acquire supplements !

The Divine Law is unforeseen destiny,

Facing that all seem quite too mini !

End of opportunists or renegades,

Any day may fall for years and decades !


Give wide berth to opportune boot-lickers,

Lest they be never detachable stickers !

This vigil may make you always easy,

Least fearful, you may then be busy !



Since Independence, India stood under wings of 14-Premiers,

Among whom included were both Juniors and Seniors !

Shaking hands willy-nilly, as if, each-otherā€™s fellow,

Chronologically their names are enumerated below:

J.L. Nehru, G.L. Nanda, L.B. Shashtri, Indira Gandhi,

Morarji Desai, Charan Singh, Rajiv Gandhi,

V.P. Singh, Chandra Shekhar, P.V. Narsimha Rao,

A.B. Bajpayee, H.D. Deve Gowda, I.K. Gujral !

On date, remains reigning Man Mohan Singh,

Opposition calling him Puppet in Soniaā€™s string !

Behind the screen aspirant hidden is Rahul Gandhi,

Though as usual denying like his Paa Rajiv Gandhi !

None among all names proved at par of Late Indira,

Whose tenures were unquestionably Golden Era !

Her achievements were superbly over them all,

Operation Blue Star resulted in her fatal fall !

1971-War was Indiaā€™s memorable victory,

Which glorified the nation with a Golden History !

Unmindful of Foreign threats of VII-War Fleet,

India won the war both in the West and the East !

10-millions of the hoi-polloi of East Pakistan,

Were succoured with well-wishing efficacious plan !

Resultantly born was Independent Bangladesh,

Pakistan was thus conquered and it eclipsed his face !

Further thrilling achievement was of nuclear power,

Displayed in 1974 at Pokaran with thunderous shower !

Indira was thus appropriately a unique entity in India.,

Well-said, ā€œIndia is Indira, Indira is Indiaā€ !

Also by her name Indira even exceeded India by ā€˜Rā€,

Politically, diplomatically, she was Indiaā€™s Superstar !

She is an adorable personality of Global repute,

This assessment ever anyone can hardly refute !

Surname Gandhi has proved ever charismatic,

Mahatama Gandhi, Indira Gandhi prove this arithmetic !

Successor like Rajiv Gandhi cherished such instinct,

Center-forward Rahul Gandhi must accomplish the link !



Post-British-Rule India turned to be the Republic !

Nehru was the chosen leader who scored a hat-trick !

Until his breathing last, he dominated unchallenged alone,

Emotional Indians thereafter chose Indira to adore the throne !

Hereditary virtues made her a superb Global Idol,

Until ā€œOperation Blue Starā€, which endangered her survival !

Consequently, her Bodyguard Sikhs brought her to ruins,

Thrusting nation-wide agony with ever-saddening tunes !

Sympathetic vox populi bestowed its instant favour,

Rajiv Gandhi hence stepped in to savour ruling flavour !

One-after-one from family of Superstar Jawahar Lal,

Succeeding and coming forward for Congress Rule to stall !

Well-taught were all the ingratiating members of this clan,

Everyone on turn appeared better in oneā€™s own span !

Unfortunately like Indira, Rajiv, too, was assassinated,

By unscrupulous delinquents clandestinely instigated !

This agony of distress is an unforgivable stigmatic blame,

Which will always defame India with the tone ā€œshame-shameā€ !

Despite sustaining a couple of such unwarranted sacrifices,

The rest of the clan has not yet given up all future enterprises !

Advancing forward now appears ultimately a luminous star,

Eagerly, emotionally, hic et ubique, perambulating without car !

Apparently fast forwarding Rahul is well conjectured next star !

Opponent quarters might be peering through doors closed ajar !

Such a popular perambulation of Rahul is peculiarly picturesque,

He is efficaciously canvassing among the youth from dawn to dusk !

His political terminology advocates mainly homologous instinct,

Which is, of course, a way towards a renaissance quite distinct !

Madam Sonia Gandhi is all over well controlling and umpiring,

With sense of complaisance to honourable martyrsā€™ aspiring !

May God bless them with potency to achieve the target,

Through benevolent hands of ambitious Rahul at his best !

The weight of clean-chit, endowed patriotism and honesty,

Unquestionably stand in favour of this well-known dynasty !

No any such clan else has ever yet appeared parallel,

Rahul Gandhi thus would succeed well in his travel !

Charismatic has proved invariably ā€œGANDHI- SURNAMEā€,

Sacrifices through assassinations have exalted its fame !



Early in 1947, the British ended their rule in India,

Comprehending situation with an invincible awe !

Indian national leaders including Nehru, Maulana Azad

On behalf of Congress blessed with Hindustan Azad !

Mohammad Ali Jinnah and Master Tara Singh

Per pro Muslim League and Sikh each distinct wing

Agreed to transfer of power and independence !

India thus faced her segmentation, thence !

Pakistan was born on the west and northern-east,

Displaced were Hindus and Muslims as if in retreat !

During 1947-56, Pakistan was Dominion State

Until 1956 when it gained a Republic fate !

The Civilian rule then was stalled by a coup dā€™etat

By General Ayub Khan becoming President thereat !

During his tenure Pakistan waged a violent war

Against India in 1965, despite being below par !

Demurely defeated was then Army of Pakistan,

Successor later was then General Yahya Khan !

East Pakistan then had to face a devastating cyclone,

Causing casualties upto 5 lacs as far as known !

Subsequently, 9 monthsā€™ guerrilla warfare emerged,

Pak. Army and Bengali Mukti Bahini were indulged !

Resultant was third India-Pakistan war in 1971,

India won the war, Bangladesh born in this turn !

Civilian rule again revived during 1972-77 term,

Zulfikar Ali Bhutto then gained the momentum !

Third Martial General in power was Zia-ul-Haq,

Who was Zulfikar Ali Bhuttoā€™s a fatal bad luck,

As Zia sentenced Bhutto to a merciless death,

Which cursed Zia also to die in a plane-crash !

Benazir Bhutto then grew up with
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