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One of the ancients,once said that poetry is "the mirror of the perfect soul." Instead of simply writing down travel notes or, not really thinking about the consequences, expressing your thoughts, memories or on paper, the poetic soul needs to seriously work hard to clothe the perfect content in an even more perfect poetic form.
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What is poetry?

Reading books RomanceThe unity of form and content is what distinguishes poetry from other areas of creativity. However, this is precisely what titanic work implies.
Not every citizen can become a poet. If almost every one of us, at different times, under the influence of certain reasons or trends, was engaged in writing his thoughts, then it is unlikely that the vast majority will be able to admit to themselves that they are a poet.
Genre of poetry touches such strings in the human soul, the existence of which a person either didnā€™t suspect, or lowered them to the very bottom, intending to give them delight.

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Read books online Ā» Poetry Ā» " HAPPY 2010 " by By Ashwini Kumar Goswami (any book recommendations txt) šŸ“–

Book online Ā«" HAPPY 2010 " by By Ashwini Kumar Goswami (any book recommendations txt) šŸ“–Ā». Author By Ashwini Kumar Goswami

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invincible win,

Being Bhuttoā€™s daughter and his deserving akin !

Over the next decade she had to fight for power

With her rival Nawaz Sharif in electoral shower !

Military tensions in the Kargil conflict arose,

General Parvez Musharraf assumed vast executive pose,

After controversial resignation of Rafiq Tarar,

Subsequent to unscrupulous defeat in the war !

Musharraf became President by force in 2001,

Arrogantly just like Hitler at the point of gun !

Until ensuing 2002-parliamentary elections,

To flounder for any possible fair selections !

Later he transferred powers to new elect Premier,

Zafarullah Khan Jamali as Premier to swear !

Jamali was succeeded by Shauakat Aziz,

Until new elections remigrating Benazir and Sharif !

During elections in 2007, Benazir was assassinated,

Elections were postponed causing riots un-awaited !

Benazirā€™s Pakistan Peopleā€™s Party then gained majority,

In the elections held in 2008 with sympathetic surety !

Yousuf Raza Gillani was sworn in as new Prime Minster,

Parvez Musharraf resigned fearing any sinister,

After facing parliamentary impeachment,

Which was appropriate timely treatment !

Republic rule seemed short-lived ever in Pakistan,

Just like in chess remains pitiable single pawn !

Until Pakistan realizes cordiality and fraternity

With India progressing fast towards top entity,

Internal stability shall ever be irretrievable,

Until Pakistan Armyā€™s rule is applicable !

Pakistan being just like Indiaā€™s segregated brother,

No outsider can ever be truly helpful, rather !

Pakistan shall thus remain ever ā€œA Banana Republicā€

Until renaissance is arisen among its populous public !

God alone can invoke fraternity and friendship

Between India and Pakistan using His Mighty Whip !



Wrappers or containers of selling products,
Mostly with labels of tactical trade conducts !
One-free with two, cash memo eligible for a lucky-draw,
En effect, though these are bluffing offers extra !

Car, bike or even a residential good house,
All such offers attract ladies and gents with spouse !
These are only cunning trade tactics,
Taken for granted as a popular practice !

Reality is that trader is never a loser,
It is a cunning device against customer or user !
Marginal cost of all such extra free offers,
Is already included in purchases one prefers !

Overwhelming are ever these trade tactics,
Even in clearing old stock labelled with new strips !
Hand-to-mouth people even are all involved,
Over-expenditure brings them problems never solved !

Traders thus become doubly benefited,
By promoting business beyond what solicited !
Their ready stock, coupled with outdated old stuff,
So easily is sold successfully up to snuff !

ā€œFree Offerā€ is always a lingering illusion,
As its cost preoccupies prethought inclusion !
Traders always adopt such offers as a pet infusion,
Placing people between fusion and confusion !



December 21, 2012 ! Nobody will survive to dwell !
Living ones shall go to either Heaven or Hell !
This is a gloomy prognostication,
Without any scientific ratification !

Basis of this is so-called Maya Calendar,
A French Prophet, too, creating such thunder !
The earth shall face collision with anonymous planet,
Thereby causing total destruction as an aftermath !

A Nasa Scientist, namely, Dr. David Morrison,
Has totally rejected such prophecy as at random !
Prophecies of a few noted men have though proved true,
Yet such matters are awful and create an ado !

Among the intelligentsia, itā€™s a pathetic fallacy,
God alone controls vividly the sky with galaxy !
So let us not fear anyway, inevitable is Divine Law,
Death of Every living life is certain without flaw !

Let us, hence, live the life as long as we survive,
Life is like swimming with any occasional dive !
Be there any fear, that is apt for our re-birth,
Thatā€™s, too, certain whether inside or beyond earth !

Indian myth pleads a life has to cross 8.4-million turns,
To regain human life after so numerous and troublous runs !
Filthy creatures as we very often happen to see,
Carnivores, insectivores or omnivores they happen to be !

Cockroaches, crabs, crickets, maggots, vermin and snails,
Lizards, scorpions, snakes and innumerable aquatic details !
Whenever we come across them, we feel irksomely fearful,
Thereby feeling feared of such life being hard to pull !

What form re-birth gives us, depends on our daily deeds,
So adhere always to sow philanthropic fertile seeds !
Let us all give up addictions, if any, to misdeeds,
Thatā€™s a dogmatic advice, each religion quite so pleads !


ā€œGOD IS ?ā€

All religions, all peoples,
Worship Him differently,
At homes, churches, mosques and temples,
Day-and-night frequently !
With His different Names,
He stands absolute
Playing only Divine Games !

His presence is ubiquitous, why then Invisible ?
Atheists are proliferating making religion feeble !
Just like Judiciary and Science, they ask for His proof,
Why is He hiding besides horizontal roof ?
Earnestly, ergo, I implore Him to appear once for all,
To convince atheists for His Sovereignty over all !

Once if so happens, it may end all His mystery,
It may then be an unchallengeable History !
All the heterodox generation may then be unanimous,
Including all atheists also becoming homogeneous !
A single glance of His may create a fantasy
To undo all the way unforgivable fallacy !



I have a craze to discuss philosophy,
Which always remains unproved !
Though that may be like deep therapy,
Or it be in our Holy Books approved !

Indian religion regards on the top,
The Trio of Brahma, Vishnu & Mahesh,
Innumerable orbs moving non-stop,
Round and around on fixed orbit base !

Brahma is Head of Generation,
Vishnu controls over Nutrition;
Mahesh dominates Demolition;
This Trinity controls all revolution;
Though they uniquely stand absolutely One !
This is the deep Divine Philosophy,
As if, itā€™s God's Own Auto-Biography !

Let me a bit now turn over-

To know the Trioā€™s Predecessors,
Or whether would be their Successors ?
We may refer to ā€˜MARKANDEYA PURAN,
Which is as holy as Bhagvat or Quran !
It narrates the theme of Origin,
How and whence worlds came to begin ?

Being the Prime Originator !
She begot two other DEVEES,
MAHAKALI, MAHAGOURI naming these !
MAHALAKSHMI then produced a pair,
Asking other DEVEES to do similar !

Vishnu-Vidya, Brahma-Gouri, Shankar-Lakshmi,
Being the prime siblings primarily produced,
Whom the Trio of Devees additionally adduced !
Vishnu was married to Devee called Lakshmi,
Brahma and Shankar wedded Vidya and Parvati !
The pairs gradually generated creations,
Producing then succeeding daughters and sons !
This cyclic order is an eternal rendition,
To rotate invariably even post-demolition !!!
Indian myths have laid down even more epics,
To narrate mythological sibylline topics ???



We canā€™t live without You, ā€˜O, God !
As everywhere is Your Owned Abode !
You are inside us and outside, too,
We are the creatures of Your Zoo !
We do all remain to survive and flourish,
No longer than You want to nourish !

Though only One, yet ubiquitous,
For everyone,You are solicitous !
Irrepressible are Your Natural Laws,
Which are free from faults and flaws !
Though shapeless, You may take any shape,
To upkeep the Nature intact to escape !
As we sow, so shall we reap,
No matter whether we smile or weep !

This is the Natural Law of Nature,
Complaisant to it, would be living creature !
We canā€™t see as to where You are ?
Near You are, You are also far !
Farthest You are, it seems quite so,
Yet, may appear at a stoneā€™s throw !
You are the Comptroller of life and death,
You only can protect all the aftermath !

You withstand every grief or joy,
You take everything as Your Toy !
So we pray for changing Your Law,
Using Your Big quill in Your Mighty Paw !
Change our world to Heavenly Abode,
Free us from Your Rigorous Code !
Fill in every life with such seeds,
Free from faults, following good deeds !

All of us are as Your Own Issues,
Pray You God, our, take good use,
Without any further ado or excuse !
Fervently we hope, you may not refuse !
As an Almighty, You can do anything,
Even to change nothing in something !
To conclude with this earnest request,
Implore You again for a solution to quest !
Lest none should allege disparity,
Betwixt the Earthā€™s and Heavenā€™s entity !



So many are there castes and creeds,
Quite as many as tribes and breeds !
Much many more than a nation needs,
India is a land that all them, feeds !
In this regard she world over leads,
Our Nationā€™s budget willy-nilly exceeds !

Temples, mosques, Churches are numerous,
Atmosphere there is serenely humorous !
All these remain populous always,
Long or short may be peopleā€™s stays !
Equally cherish all myths, regard,
Thatā€™s God-gift and our sandā€™s reward !
Hindu religions plead varying faiths,
Solve that all, Upnishads and Veds !

Many times arose, though, communal riots,
Unscrupulous, uncontrollable fights !
Different religions, different citizens,
For silly events, create illusions !
God being one, such else is none,
Why people then making His fun !
Wise people have to impart such a sense,
To bring everywhere, unanimous renaissance !
Pray God, hence, for a charismatic boon,
So that religious disparity ends soon !



I write not only because I can,
And also not because I have pen,
So what for I have to do so then ?
Oh ! surely, if idle, as and when !

My thoughts, though my quite own
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