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One of the ancients,once said that poetry is "the mirror of the perfect soul." Instead of simply writing down travel notes or, not really thinking about the consequences, expressing your thoughts, memories or on paper, the poetic soul needs to seriously work hard to clothe the perfect content in an even more perfect poetic form.
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What is poetry?

Reading books RomanceThe unity of form and content is what distinguishes poetry from other areas of creativity. However, this is precisely what titanic work implies.
Not every citizen can become a poet. If almost every one of us, at different times, under the influence of certain reasons or trends, was engaged in writing his thoughts, then it is unlikely that the vast majority will be able to admit to themselves that they are a poet.
Genre of poetry touches such strings in the human soul, the existence of which a person either didn’t suspect, or lowered them to the very bottom, intending to give them delight.

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Read books online » Poetry » " HAPPY 2010 " by By Ashwini Kumar Goswami (any book recommendations txt) 📖

Book online «" HAPPY 2010 " by By Ashwini Kumar Goswami (any book recommendations txt) 📖». Author By Ashwini Kumar Goswami

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*******HAPPY 2010*******

Let me blissfully have words in your ear,
“Happy, Happier, Happiest new year !
Hear these words and happen to cheer,
And forward them similarly far or near !

The newer the year, the older are we,
Whatever happens, optimistically see !
Love all people and animals as well,
So will they reciprocate surely, I tell !

Talk every time in your sweetest voice,
That will make you a person of choice !
Then everywhere you can well rejoice,
Whether you are silent or making noise !

That’s dogmatically dynamic device,
Verily viable against vulgarity and vice !
Life is a gambling to throw your dice,
Hopefully ever for result to be nice !

God helps those who help themselves,
Whether they be “havenots” or “haves” !
Do your duty unmindful of result,
Mind not whether it’s easy or difficult !




“Four Funs Of The Sun”


Swarthy, whitish, pinkish are three sisters,
With a bald brother usually facing sinister jitters !
Summer, Winter, Spring, their names to call,
Their brother being yet nick-named as Fall !

# Pleasant looking are both Winter and Spring,
Summer and Fall can never look charming !
Winter mostly prefers protein-rich dishes,
Containing omolettes and well-fried fishes!

# Spring is flexible and a unanimous choice,
Of all humans and animals well to rejoice!
Summer is both teetotaller and vegetarian,
Having also married to identical civilian!

# Winter artistically makes earth picturesque,
With her creations from dawn to dusk!
Wrapping Mother Earth with dense greenery,
Which exhibits thus very beauteous scenery!

# People then choose colour-rich winter-wears,
They warm themselves with alcoholic beers!
In addition they also collect wooden splinters,
To burn them to overcome shivering in Winters.

# Preferred are also mid-day walk and sun-bath,
To energize physique to traverse long path!
Frolicsome we all seem in Winter and Spring,
Unlike in other seasons that create itching!

# Teetotallers, vegetarians also enjoy tasty eatables,
With delicious hot-sweets served on their tables!
Winter and Spring are the Queens of seasons,
Though all four seasons are Funs Of the Sun!

# Winter wins votes of vox populi comparatively, rather!
Flourishing people and traders, nourishing each other!
All rejoice more in winter, rather than in any weather!
Winter is enjoyed easily with coats of leather!

# Squabbles keep going among the three siblings!
As naturally happens so with envious stings! These are natural phenomena, we have to abide by
All over the planets, orbiting in the sky!

# Sky is endless, it's sibylline against why ?
It's too high to reach despite maximum try!
Exquisite warmth is also embracing and kissing,
Winter when gone-by, frequently felt missing!



Mankind manages most measures of maintenance,

For their surviving well with safe-sure surveillance !

To withstand winter, wrapping with winter-wears,

Warming well with alcoholic whiskeys and beers !

# Veggies savour the flavour of tastiest hot sweets,

Non-veg enjoy well with eggs, fishes and meats !

Human-race is alone blessed with choosy feasts,

Scornfully as they are aptly the civilized beasts !

# Now look at the lingering life of loitering animals,

In the streets as well as in the forests and jungles !

Shelter-less, shivering, suffering, dwindling by dying,

So also are other creatures atop the trees or flying !

# Temperature is when diminishing dangerously,

Below zero degree Celsius, rapidly, rigorously !

Windy waves, snowy storms augment the agony,

Disastrous happens atmosphere in every colony !

# Birds, too, then face fatal with similar tragedy,

Flocks of them are killed, there being no remedy !

Though all of us well know this seasonal calamity,

But egoistic only we be to be a notable celebrity !

# Unmindful all are we of the dogmas of re-birth,

Which may make man any other creature on the Earth !

As humans only are able to pray God for any boon,

He may be pleased on His Own Accord late or soon !

# What form re-birth gives us is based on our daily deeds,

So always adhere to sowing philanthropic fertile seeds !

Let us all give up addictions, if any, to our misdeeds,

That’s a dogmatic device or advice, as each religion pleads !

# Pray God, hence to benignly change His Rigorous Law,

Using His Big Quill with His Ever Invincible Paw !

To make Earth also a High-flying Heavenly Abode,

And free us all from His Heterogeneous Code !

# Why not all populous planets can be quite similar,

Without variations as are in Winter and Summer !

Heaven and Hell ought to be made unitedly unique,

At the Hands of Omniscient God and His Technique !







Woolen-wears, say, coats, jerkins, jerseys & sweaters,
Burners, say, fires, coals, woods and electric heaters;
Hot drinks like coffee, tea, beer or alcoholic beverage,
To win winter by its warmth to be thus above average !
# Disinfectants also used to spray and spread all around,
Whenever, wherever needed up and down the ground !
As a measure of Preventive and Social Medicine,
Just to preclude against being put into Quarantine;
# As certain wintry diseases like flu and malaria,
Often attack people in this season covering large area !
Lascivious ladies and jet-setting gender bender gents,
Wearing lingerie only without trousers or pants !
# Warming each others lovingly by embracing and hugging,
As tightly as needed even unto depth of sexual plugging !
All these activities are prone preferably in winters,
Unmindful of good or evil, whatever may be sinister jitters !

# These are the joys enjoyed with winter-winners ut supra,
Besides all, rainy season anytime may create abracadabra !



The while that enormously amazed me,

Then I stood flabbergasted and stand-still !

The moment that densely damaged me,

The balance of my heart had a thrill !

Coming across a charming chick during perambulation,

Spell-bound, I kept watching her with spying speculations !

# A lasciviously lovely and lusty loitering lassie,

Lingering all through wearing only a lingerie,

Quite lonely living lazily in fatuous fantasy,

Bewildered by windy and wintry white-out misery !

# My age equally was befitting in such fascination,

I felt blissful then beyond my imagination !

I galloped at once to reach her with full swing,

Imagining, as if, I would offer her betrothal ring !

God knows where she disappeared into foggy spheres,

Thus I whiled away the time in toto till exuding tears !

# When I was awake and went on thinking over the theme,

I was sure then, it was merely a deceptive dream !

Whacked while walking, I went asleep at a lee,

Dreamt as to who was she, who now I can’t see ?

Hahahaha, Heeheehee ! That’s all, now for a while, please don't see me !

As I want to pee, pee, pee, wee, wee, wee, wee, wee, wee !



(1) Alliteration (2) Allusion (3) Assonance (4) Bravery;

(5) Comedy (6) Diction (7) Elegy/Threnody (8) Epics;

(9) Free Verse/vers libre (10) Legend (11) Lyric (12) Metaphor;

(13) Metres (14) Monologue/dialogue (15) Myth (16) Oxymoron;

Parody (18) Prosody (19) Renaissance (20) Reverie/Day-Dream;

(21) Rhyme (22) Rhythm (23) Tragedy (24) Travesty and

(25) Stanzas – Couplet; tercet;

quatrain; rhyme royal; ottava rima; spensarian stanza; and sonnet.

ADDENDA: PLEASE ALSO ADD:- “Humour”, “Pentameter” And

“Sestet ” suitably to the above list of “Poetic Parameters” and

also “Pronunciation”, “Musical Tone”.

A poet is he who knows and understands,

At least something about the above 30 poetic trends !

While reading or writing any poems,

The above trends add to poems, wordy poetic gems !

Those who write poetry unmindful of above trends,

Their effort always needs unwanted amends !

Critics, too, should be ever well conversant,

They are supposed more competent to make comment !

Their role more and more is very important,

They should never hesitate for even adverse comment !

No matter, whosoever, may be the poet’s name,

Not the name, but poem is his claim of fame !

Carelessly writing away from above trends,

Results in unusually piling numerous poems,

Meekly I come forward, every poet, to implore,


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