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Reading books Psychology A very interesting statement of one of our contemporaries is that any person, to one degree or another, is both a psychologist and a philosopher - they say, life forces him to. On the one hand, the main driving force of every person is the craving for knowledge, the desire to reach certain social heights, the desire to be wise in any everyday situations - and this is the philosophy of life.
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Read books online » Psychology » Sanity Is Impossibility by Santosh Jha (free children's ebooks online .txt) 📖

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facility, whereas storing information from actual actions taken by body is a tangible work, the consciousness as a dual mechanism is intangible, emergent, ephemeral and virtual processing of information.

Its dual character makes consciousness a virtual agency. It is not body, not purely brain, not entirely the full spectrum of what we know as mind, but a part of mind. That is why consciousness has an emergent and virtual skin and flesh. At best, it is a bridge between the body and brain, very much part of mind and always evolving. This mechanism makes consciousness a virtual agency and that is why there is so much of mysticism and marvel associated with the idea of consciousness. It is because of the virtual nature of consciousness – the sense of ‘I’, mysticism stands as instinctive first choice of acceptance of realism. That is why the old wisdom as well as science maintains that God, ghosts, angels, soul and after life et al are mystical realisms, which are all inside our conscious self and what we do with the above idea in physical world is a virtualism, emanating out of the very character and nature of our consciousness. This is what we called archetypes in our deliberations earlier.

The dualism, which the idea of consciousness creates is – ‘You’ are in your perspective and your perspective is in ‘you’. This needs elaboration. Modern scientific insight into mechanism of consciousness says nothing new or against what old wisdom of ancient world had elaborated thousands of years back. Science however puts facts in objective way, elaborating the details of the mechanism, which creates the dualism of consciousness. The primary hypothesis is the fact that human evolution designed a brain, which is far more complex and multi-functional than other developed organisms. In addition, human brain is not a typical single part, like other organs, e.g. liver. It has evolved in a way, which makes it a layered organ, with every new layer evolving as a pile up on previous layer. Brain is a complex ‘cooperative’ of multi-functional parts working in an auto-mode synchrony, which we are mostly unaware of and yet to be fully deciphered and understood.

From this analysis emerge two important facts about consciousness. First, consciousness is a virtual intangibility that emerges or is realized because of the very complex collaboration and co-option of multiple and multidimensional plexus of organic layers and channels of brain, nervous system and body’s own electro-chemical systems. Therefore, it is only very natural that conscious is always emergent, hence transient. Consciousness being an entropic expression of the body-brain system, it always has this innate propensity for randomizations. However, this same consciousness has this evolved awareness about the entropy-expansion and therefore a potential ingrained for entropy-suppression.

3. Vectoral: The third aspect about consciousness is referred to as Vectoral property of consciousness. What does it mean? By definition, Vector is a phenomenon that has two independent properties – magnitude and direction existing simultaneously, like electromagnetic field. When science says consciousness is a vectoral realism, it means that consciousness is a variable and ever transient situationalism because of simultaneous operation of not only two but may be many independent, yet cooperating properties. This needs to be understood.

When we say, consciousness is a vectoral property of information processing, we need to realize that brain states is constantly processing huge amount of information from different channels. There are information coming constantly from outer milieus, of which we are aware only of a very miniscule part. Still, the processing of huge amount of info data is continuously going on. Then we have information channels constantly feeding inputs from the internal milieu within our body to which brain states respond, even while we are not always aware of. There are thought processes, emotional elements, attitudinal aspects, quotient of fear and insecurity, etc that are constantly inputting unimaginable amount of data for brain states to process. As consciousness is an emergent property of collective and cooperative summation of multiple agencies, it is easy to accept that our consciousness is transient, shifting as per the dominant inputted info. Therefore, the ‘I’ or self is different when with the family, watching a soccer match, on the busy streets, in the office board room, at the church, etc. The vectoral consciousness suggests that consciousness being a multi-dimensional situation of an emergent vitualism, it is constantly shaped up and reshaped as per the new situation that milieus and other elements unveil on daily basis or in course of life and living.

The three aspects of consciousness that we have discussed is aimed at understanding the idea of consciousness in holism and entirety. This shall help when we now move on to the real issue we started with. For ease and convenience of recollection and swift reference, we list the reality that we can hypothesize after we have detailed consciousness –

This sense of subjective self or ‘I’ is a very layered realism, bordering and swaying into the domain of vitualism. This sense and feel that ‘we are’ is expressing itself in many layered existentialism of unconscious, subconscious and conscious.

This subjective self or ‘I’ is a collective causality of cooperative and co-opting elements of body, brain and milieus of which some are tangible and others intangible. Therefore, ‘we are’ not only body, not only mind, not only thoughts, not only emotions, not only attitudes, not only fears and insecurities, not only bundle of memes but a sum-totality of all, even while being everything. This means, consciousness or sense of self is always a holistic expression of totality and entirety, even when singular elements of its constitution are always there and indispensable for its holism. In other words, ‘I’ have ‘parts’ but its actual expression or core property is always as a ‘whole’. If any single ‘part’ is missing, the ‘whole’ ceases to exist.

The subjective self or ‘I’ is always emerging, shifting and changing because of its very nature of being a ‘process’ and not a fixed and tangible entity. Consciousness is an expression and property emerging out of complex and multidimensional processing of huge amount of info in the ever-shifting internal as well as external milieus. Therefore, the very single body of ‘I’ has many functional selves, even while structurally there is only one entity of ‘I’.

Importantly, as this sense of subjective self or ‘I’ is a function of entropy of our body-mind system, the consciousness in its very nature has the propensity for entropy-expansion. This means, in our daily lives of subconscious self or ‘Unaware-I’, we are inclined to and oriented towards destabilization, un-organization, randomization, abstractions, virtualism, confusion and conflicts, etc. The very entropic property of consciousness ensures the above states for us. However, as we have said earlier that randomizations are powerful energies of creations and creativity, it is also true that entropy expansion makes us express ourselves in varied spectrum of cognition of Reality, enhancing our satisfaction and sense of reward. Interestingly, as the domain of subconscious brain state dominates the mind space to the extent that science compares subconscious to a soccer field where conscious self is just a small goalpost; average human being is predominantly a stupid at freewill and a mechanism of chaos, confusion and conflict. But, average human has the structures for personal sanity too, in the consciousness spaces itself.

As the dialectical mechanism always ensures, the very conscious self or ‘Aware-I’ itself emerges and evolves because of the stupidity and disorganization of subconscious. The thesis-antithesis-synthesis process is applicable to consciousness too. When the subconscious or unconscious actualizes a cognitive ‘realism’ for self or ‘I’, the same brain states, which have evolved top layers handling logic and thoughtfulness of reason, engenders a virtual domain or space of ‘Conscious’ self. This ‘higher consciousness’ by innate nature of its dialectical origin, supplies the elements of skepticism, facilitating another dimension of cognitive realism. This dimension is human’s ‘entropy-suppression’ process that keeps system sanity at optimality.

Therefore, consciousness is probably the microcosmic model of evolutionary mechanism that the cosmos has as a macrocosm. Every system has its entropic expression and the same system innately has an embedded and ingrained mechanism of entropy-correction or entropy-suppression for sustained ‘optimality’ of system enterprise. This dualism of cosmic system that is its infinite evolutionary energy, is also the primary and embedded property of consciousness. The dualism of consciousness works on dialectical cyclicality of entropy expansion and entropy suppression – confusion writing the initial script of life-living drama and then sanity of propriety enacting the best protagonist on the theatre of life. This dialectics keeps playing out but in the long run, as we have talked earlier, the collective entropy of the cosmos shall definitely reach its finality of mortality, even while people at personal levels may buoy up and down in sanity levels.

This all leads us to the finality of our assertion of that singular hypothesis or scientific philosophization and that says –

Intelligence and Sanity Of A Human Being Is In Higher Awareness of This DUALISM Of Consciousness And Its Unwavering ACCEPTANCE. Wellness Is In Healthy, Effective And Smooth Functioning Of The Dialectical Cyclicality Of Consciousness. And, Empowerment Is In Conscious Mastery Of Artistry Of Engineering & Management Of Dualism Of ‘I-Cognitions’ For Optimality Of Thoughtfully Opted Goals Of Life-Living…


Epilogue: Finality Of Sanity

As we come to the last part of the eBook and begin to end the talk, we once again need to go back to where we started from. The start was with assertion of compassion as the only human attainment that has the seed-utility and finality of fruition in the lives of we all. We therefore shall also end it with the re-assertion of compassion, however this time with greater belief and conviction. This confidence in compassion as the core and critical sanity point emanates because now we have reasons to accept that the very design of Reality in our cosmos, the world we live in and the way our own consciousness accepts it have inbuilt, innate and embedded entropic causalities. Therefore, the only way out to have sanity and install it deep in our lives is to accept the finality of singular and irreplaceable element of personal compassion.

As we have talked earlier, the energy of conscious and logical skepticism must always be our guiding force for evolving and becoming empowered. There is no reason to believe or disbelieve anything as the very energy of skepticism shall always keep both beliefs and disbeliefs evolving and changing shades. The energy of persevered and unstoppable skepticism is our life force to keep growing, evolving and learning. The thing that we always need to keep in mind is that while keeping the energy of skepticism alive and kicking, we always shall be required to remain compassionate. Skepticism cannot be of any utility and worth if it is not aligned with compassion. This is the simple recipe of personal sanity, irrespective of what the world does and which way our milieus lead us. This no doubt shall be toughest as other people and the milieus shall test our resolve and persistence with compassion. Easy it is to give way to passion!

The very purpose of writing this eBook is to bring to deliberation the very crucial and critical idea of compassion at the center-stage of human world and life-living as it has always been compromised at and remains the only hope for successful future of humanity. The very hypothesis this eBook has dwelt upon that sanity is impossibility in collective spaces of human world and life-living and therefore sanity is possible only in personal domain, revolves round the core idea that compassion is deeply and laterally only personal and individualistic. And as compassion is possibility at only personal level, sanity too stands a definitive possibility but only at personal level.

However, what we have talked in this eBook is the idea and notion of compassion, completely different and novel from what populist beliefs accept compassion as. The popular definition of compassion stands it in linearity with pity, sympathy, fellow feeling, tolerance, benevolence, sensitivity etc. What we have proposed is that compassion

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