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Reading books Psychology A very interesting statement of one of our contemporaries is that any person, to one degree or another, is both a psychologist and a philosopher - they say, life forces him to. On the one hand, the main driving force of every person is the craving for knowledge, the desire to reach certain social heights, the desire to be wise in any everyday situations - and this is the philosophy of life.
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Read books online » Psychology » Sanity Is Impossibility by Santosh Jha (free children's ebooks online .txt) 📖

Book online «Sanity Is Impossibility by Santosh Jha (free children's ebooks online .txt) 📖». Author Santosh Jha

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is not about being caring, accommodative, assimilative, and affectionate. All these are of course the ‘effects’ or expressions of the situation of compassion in someone’s consciousness but compassion is not purely behavioral or actionable. It is far more broad, holistic and over-encompassing.

In this eBook, we have accepted the utility and fruition of Compassion as Higher Consciousness, which can and does see, accept and practice the ‘Holism of Reality’ that is always probabilistic and contextual. Compassion, as we have defined in this eBook is a Cognitive Position of an evolved and empowered Higher Consciousness, which is non-reactive, receptive and contemplative in all life-living situations, being in perpetual, deep and lateral acceptance that Reality is never singular and it is always good, right and healthy to be respectful to all different ‘parts’ of Reality, constituting the Holism of Reality.

As a person internalizes this higher consciousness evolution of acceptance of Holism of Reality, he or she successfully makes compassion his or her first instinct and option-less attitude. The elements of pity, sympathy, fellow feeling, tolerance, benevolence, sensitivity, caring, accommodation, assimilation, and affection, etc shall automatically fall in place. In simple terms, compassion is not a fruit, it is not even a tree; it is rather the soil, which must remain fertile and objectively facilitative. This soil of compassion shall automatically and instinctively grow all trees and all fruits of best utilities and worth. The insanity of collective spaces may rob the fruits and cut the trees but the soil shall always remain there to grow more trees and fruits.

The humble and sincere purpose of writing this eBook is to re-emphasize what the greats of humanity have always reminded us that it may be accepted that different people of this world may have different and even competing goals and purposes but everyone must first have this Compassionate Higher Consciousness. They understood that Reality being contextual and relative, instinctively every person would be competitive and conflicted. Therefore, human world would always remain the theatre of compounding competition and conflict among people. This inevitability would always remain in human world in all times and space as the most powerful and calamitous entropic element, which could kill the sanity of life-living and human world itself. That is why the greats of humanity insisted that there should always be compassion as the evolved higher consciousness of all humans as lasting guarantee that sanity would be preserved.

This could not happen as humanity never ever invested predominantly in compassion, instead diverted all its energies and enterprises on instinct-driven ‘Passion’. Tragically, compassion remained there hanged up on all walls of humanity as ‘poster’ only, presenting a façade to spectrum of passion-driven competitiveness and self-aggrandizement. The worst however began in modern world of 20th century when politics entered as the most influential element of human life-living. Politics of all shades – be it the Left or the Right, played with the divisive sentiments of ‘Identities’ and accentuated the ‘divides’ between people, groups of people and geographical regions.

It is this massive and all-pervading stupidity of populist politics that has infused overdose of passion and killed compassion in contemporary world, where every nation and every identity-driven group within nations have been made to compete brutally against each other. It is the politics of the day that has colluded with economic institutions of nations, captains of industry and big corporate entities to shape the economy in a way that remains in perpetual grip of one crisis or the other. All major global crises – be it actual wars, trade wars, economic crises like recession, human rights violations, extreme inequality of incomes and wealth, governance mismanagement, etc are causalities of stupidities of politics, as it has come to stay in human world in modern times. Is this a hypothesis or a Reality? Definitely open to skepticism!

It is the urgent need of humanity to debate and deliberate those elements in complex modern organized world and life-living, which are proving to be highly entropic, accentuating insanity of the system, instead of mitigating it. Many experts in the field of social sciences believe that one single element that is hugely missing in later half of 20th century and massively absent in 21st century is the ‘Integration’ of humanity. They believe even human knowledge and wisdom of modern times remains scattered and could not ever be integrated and consolidated for common use of humanity.

Not only knowledge, even people and their competing ‘identities’ could not be integrated, within nations and between nations. Globally, this non-integration is blamed on petty politics over ‘nationalism’ and other infinite shades of ‘Identity-Politics’. Almost all political structures and dispensation are to be directly blamed for not only failing to integrate people and nations but also primarily for unleashing such maneuverings that actually disintegrate and delink things.

As we end the eBook, I reiterate that you should not believe what we have deliberated here so far. I humbly invite you to keep your skepticism upfront and enquire yourself about all aspects and only after internalizing Reality, through the compassionate process of Holism, you should lead your life-living choices. My only insistence is on universality of compassion in all your enterprises of skepticism. We are listing points that we have deliberated in the course of this eBook, which is in the form of gist. This shall help in recalling all aspects we have talked about.

Here we go –

There probably is a larger and more crucial question than ‘Who Am I’ and ‘Why I Am’. This question seems to be, ‘What Reality Is and How It Expresses Itself To Us’. The contemporary knowledge of humanity has no definitive answer to the question but from whatever knowledge we have, and we have reasons to be sure that we are in right track, we can hypothesize that Reality cannot be singular; it shall always remain contextual and relative therefore shall be different to different people. This means – the answer of the question, who am I and why am I shall never be singular too. This is the core causality that shall always be seed-inputting for perpetual tree and fruits of conflict and competitiveness among humans, thus a permanent threat to sanity of humanity.

This very innate nature of Reality and how it expresses itself in multi-dimensional ways is the singular reason for humanity to accept only one element as ‘Intelligence’ and subjugate all other competing realities as subservient to it. This singular Intelligence is Compassion of Consciousness. It is the only possible panacea of the inevitability of insanity, disorder and chaos in human world and life-living.

Entropy seems to be the defining character of cosmos and its macrocosmic functionality. Entropy therefore looks like the over-encompassing and predominant destiny of not only humanity but all things in the universe. Everything in this universe is energy and thermodynamic equilibrium seems to be the finality everything is moving towards. Entropy itself is the most creative energy of most cathartic and novel enterprises of human world and life-living. Therefore, most people easily accept that Reality is never good and right, which itself becomes the primary energy of all humans to improve the Reality to the desirable point of Good and Right, which is the benchmark of Idealism. As humanity has had a long journey of ‘improving reality’ and a long series of such enterprises have made Reality far more catastrophic, it seems, contemporary human world has reached a higher stage of entropy and this shall keep compounding, leaving almost negligible possibility of sanity ever being restored. The journey of entropy to finality of mortality is the only inevitability of cosmic construct.

The contemporary knowledge of humanity points out to the fact that human consciousness is also an evolutionary outcome of entropy expansion. The very primary questions of ‘Who Am I’ and ‘Why Am I’ in most likelihood have answer in the entropic causalities, which evolved and engendered consciousness in humans, thus seeding the sense of ‘I’ or self. Therefore, instinctively and by innate nature, every human being is a reactionary stupid, designed by evolution for short-cut reactionary solutions for basic purpose of survival. Therefore, sanity is not human design, rather it is the reactionary self-survival with the entropic tool of competitiveness and cooperation. Sanity however is evolved higher consciousness goal, for which human brain states have well structured logical and reasoning plexus.

Contemporary human brain design and its genetic orientations seems like a definite vestiges of the past, which are now obsolete and primary source of compounding entropy in human world and life-living. The current human genetic design and body-brain mechanisms are structures that could have been suitable and oriented for life-living even as close to 5000-10,000 years back. It is now a burden on humanity and requires major changes, for which the brain states have structural arrangements. Human history indicates that this design had come to be questioned by evolved humans in around 3000 years back. The earliest organized and documented human philosophical questions and their attempted answers indicate that the human design had started to stand as major trouble even when humanity had just successfully started to lead an organized and civilized life. In 21st century, this human design is a perfect script for calamities of untold miseries. The sanity no doubt is impossibility with such a design. The new challenges of the changed life-living milieus and this obsolete human body-mind design leave such a huge gap that catastrophic entropies are the only outcome. This needs to change but it is tough.

This change can be ushered in by the critical element of ‘unlearning’ the old, archetypal and obsolete perspectives, beliefs, attitudes and orientations. It shall not happen automatically as ‘unlearning’ is the functional domain of higher consciousness, not the subconscious mind states. Contemporary milieus do not allow average person the luxury to drop the guard of his or her reactionary subconscious and evolve the higher consciousness. The contemporary benchmarks of success, utility, worth and attainments are so deeply ingrained in subconscious mind states that average person can never dump them for something in exchange, which shall not be approved by the majority. Populism and majority-aping is our instinctive first nature. Unlearning populism in 21st century is toughest task, even when every human is bestowed with a brain with logical and reasoning layers on top and unlearning-agenda is explicitly charted out.

The primary unlearning for all human beings is his or her sense of being the subject or the protagonist in the theatre of life-living. We need to accept that the real and true subject is the cosmic causalities, not ‘I’ or ‘self’ and everything else, be it the living beings including humans or non-living being are just the objects. Human body-mind is just a poor media for expression and playing out of these causalities. The subconscious mind, which dominates around 98 percent of all human actions and behaviors, is the essential media of causalities. Therefore, essentially, the ‘I’ or self is a slave of cosmic causalities and those in human milieus. However, every human being can free itself from this slavery and become independent to a good extent if he or she evolves his or her higher consciousness, which then enables the ‘I’ or self to keep itself detached and dissociated with the causalities. This is not easy, rather a tough task.

Higher consciousness is an emergent and evolved media of the body-mind medium itself but is engendered when a person rides on the entropic causalities but reining them with the energy of objective skepticism. Questioning begins by doubting the very validity of the ‘I’ or self and then proceed onto question everything that is part of the subconscious mind package. It is this skepticism energy that unleashes the enterprise of unlearning and paves way for evolution of internalization of synthesized learning. This sets the stage for engendering of higher consciousness. However, in modern contemporary society, culture, polity and economy, questioning is hugely discouraged and even suppressed. Evolution of higher consciousness begins at an age of 12-16, when a growing up child has the innate propensity for skepticism. However, contemporary world society and polity have well-laid out and powerfully

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