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Read books online » Psychology » Alternative Reality For Illusioned Humanity by Santosh Jha (read more books .TXT) 📖

Book online «Alternative Reality For Illusioned Humanity by Santosh Jha (read more books .TXT) 📖». Author Santosh Jha

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the specificity. Can we say; metaphorically though; it is the Fifth Force of the universe, which can be a strong building block of Reality as it triggers the Emergence of Reality in its holism? This Fifth Force as the Code of Change is some specificity, which is emergent; may be accepted as seeded in the processes of interactional regime and routine of Information-Media-Milieu. The Reality; till finality, if ever; is an unending symphony of metaphoric melodies. Sure; nothing cacophonous and discordant must creep in. As we have hypothesized very early in this eBook; there is nothing true-right and nothing false-wrong. Either it is harmonious-melodious or cacophonous-discordant.

As we had begun this chapter with a specific intent, we may say; this is the core and critical mechanism and process of ‘alternative’ and novel cognition and utilities. We need to invest our non-intuitiveness into the notions of Information, Media, Milieu, Emergence, Representation, et al to unravel how the core Information of dimension, force, motion, location and attributes can be marvelously, alternatively and non-intuitively expressed and communicated in our new cultures and alternative human systems, so that we humans, as the most endowed, empowered and exclusive ‘Media’ can create for our life-living brilliance of novel purposes and worth. Somehow, apart from science’s own unending journey into Causality of Reality, we as individuals can unravel and decipher on our own, the magical and mesmerizing element of the specificity of change in our life-living. This magic we have to live out. This we are trying to delve deep into.

We sure may benefit from this hypothesis that this singular element of CHANGE – in perception/cognition of the causalities of dimension, force, motion, location and attributes, which happens because of alteration of interactional context between Information, Media and Milieu, is central to the idea of Reality and its emergence. The slavery of consciousness, which we have talked about earlier, is this incarceration of Media in a fixed and faked Milieu, not allowing any CHANGE. This somehow incarcerates the Reality itself. This imprisoned consciousness is the owner of restrictive property of intuitiveness. The non-intuitiveness is a call for emancipation from this slavery – freedom from the fixation of interaction between fake-fudged Information, precarious Media and controlled Milieus.

Non-intuitiveness as an artistry of emancipation and excellence begins with holistic understanding of the Media of Consciousness and the acceptance of Milieu in not only physical and material sense but primarily in terms of Information. The primary trouble for most people is their restricted and only intuitive understanding of the two very critical ideas of Media of Consciousness and Milieus. We are not detailing the Media here because the author has written about Consciousness in details in his previous eBooks, available as unrestricted downloads. I humbly insist that you shall benefit hugely from venturing into the holism of the idea of Consciousness to unravel how it works as Media. This shall help a great deal in evolving the non-intuitiveness.

Here, we focus on unraveling the Milieus as Information, having elements of Dimensions, Force (Energy), Motion, Location and Attributes. We talk about their non-intuitive cognition and perceptions as Information and emergent representations. The idea is – when we understand the twin elements of Media and Milieus non-intuitively and with scientific objectivity and holism, we shall have ease in understanding the ‘contextuality’ between Media and Milieus. This shall facilitate the understanding of how we can CHANGE the ‘context’ consciously and unleash such Representations of the elements or causalities of Information, which as an alternative reality can create novel purposes and utilities for our empowered and excellent life-living. This is what we have exemplified in previous paragraphs.

We have worked a possible hypothesis that Information at Milieu level is Generic and common for most Media of living species. The Milieu itself is the Media for Information, which at macrocosmic level is truly Cosmic and Infinite. Therefore, we as humans must understand and accept that the generic Information about dimension, force, motion, location and attributes, which we Intuitively perceive is only a small and miniscule and restrictive part of the larger Information pool in our microcosmic Milieu of earth and especially the more miniscule space of our family, society, culture and country we live. The holism and expansiveness is infinite and beautifully mesmerizing. This is what we have to Live Out. Naturally, life-living has this hugely satisfying and melodious purpose of living out the infinity of Information.

It is a hypothesis that an empowered and highly aware person, who understands this limitation of its consciousness, is more aligned to larger and wider spectrum of Reality and therefore, has better probability of optimizing his or her life-living wellness, success and fulfillment. It is largely because the Consciousness of such a person emancipates itself from slavery of Cognition of restrictive ‘intuitiveness’ and can very well access innate and entrenched Information from macrocosmic milieus, other than its localized milieus and ambient cultures. This seeds the element of Change and in turn allows emergence of novel and alternative Reality, having better potentials for cathartic utility and worth.

This hypothesis is not new. Since 3000 years back, Indian and many Oriental spiritual and philosophical traditions have documented such a desirable consciousness and cognition for an empowered man and woman. Modern science has only detailed how and why this hypothesis has objective measurable basis. It is primarily because of the Quantum of Information, a person has. More, holistic and macrocosmic Information for Consciousness means larger and better Cognitive abilities and facility to unravel and decipher larger and deeper Causalities, which affect life-living. This in turn means wider, deeper and varied availability of ‘purposes’, utilities and worth in life-living. If Reality is all about Information, very naturally, a person with better quantum of information shall have better grip at Reality and this means – better latitude in life-living engineering and management. We have already talked about how scales and complex interactional loop matters for emergence.

This hypothesis or idea must be understood from different perspectives so that we have better understanding and acceptance of the veracity and utility of the hypothesis in our pursuit to have novel and alternative purposes, which could augment our wellness and excellence. Another way to approach the above hypothesis is to unravel the varied aspects of the five elements or causalities of Information – Dimension, Force, Motion, Location and Attributes. This approach also arrives us at the same destination.

We probably can be well off when we accept that Information is the entity of Change in Causality in the incessant interaction between Media and Milieu. The change may itself not always be purely physical but perceptional to the way media metaphors or represents the elements of dimension, force, motion, location and attributes. Therefore, it is well within the ability, reach and maneuverability of Media to change Information by merely altering the cognition and feel of the five elements or causalities constituting Information. We however, must take into account the fact that perceptional reality or the so-called non-physicality of feel is also seeded in the physicality of brain plexuses. Emergence has to be seeded in physicality. This may well be a right hypothesis!

Let us explain this hypothesis by picking up an example from our daily life-living, which could ease the understanding and acceptance of the idea we are attempting to arrive at. This example we pick up here is Dreams. We all dream and most of us are very much bewildered and mesmerized by its mystical manifestations. As contemporary science has not yet fully deciphered the mysticism of dreams, we have the latitude to attempt a scientific philosophization for understanding of our own hypothesis.

We are attempting to hint at a possibility that dreams may well be a unique piece of Reality, though not exclusive to humans, which explains how cognitive alteration in five elements or causalities of Information, changes the Information itself and thus alters the Reality for us. This example may explain how we can do it very ‘Consciously’, as many aware and empowered humans already do, what Dreams do ‘unconsciously’ for us. This we shall explain later. First we attempt to decipher dreams, with a hypothesis, as scientifically as possible.

Dreams have been explained in many ways – mostly mystical, religious or spiritual and some scientific ways. However, we explain dreams in a novel and alternative ways to facilitate our hypothesis. We can explain dreams as our subconscious mind maintaining and continuing its primary role of being the survival-sentinel, even when the usual and ‘Official Guards’ of our Five Senses are on leave or much earned recess when we sleep. As dreams happen to animals too, we can safely say, this process is almost generic to higher animals, including humans.

What probably happens is that when our body is ‘parked’ for ‘servicing’ during sleep and body is paralyzed, it is at the highest risk of predation and other survival threat as the five senses, which usually input Information about a threat are off duty. Therefore, we may accept that when we are in deep sleep, when the dreams happen, the brain states are not getting any information about dimension, force, motion, location and attributes of the external milieus as the five senses, especially the most potent supplier of these five elements, the Eyes is on leave. The subconscious mind state is however never off duty and while we sleep, it actually is at its best and ablest state of work. When we sleep, our subconscious mind is not only busy mending roughed up cells, wounds and supervising growth; it also cleans up the ‘debris’ of loads of Information that the five senses offload on the brains. We can safely hypothesize that subconscious mind is also continuously ‘processing information’ about our immediate milieus to ensure, nothing threatening to our survival approaches our paralyzed body.

The prompt and unavoidable question is – how can the subconscious mind process information from external milieus when the five senses, which pour in these information are paralyzed too and not feeding any information. Well, this probably is the ‘magic’ and this is the basis of mysticism of dreams. This is the domain of neuroscience and we still do not know with definitiveness as how and what happens at the level of brain plexus. What we are scientifically philosophizing is a hypothesis that the subconscious probably ‘alters’ the cognition of the five elements of Information present in the milieu a person is sleeping, probably using some ‘metaphor’ or representation of the five elements or causalities of milieu information. This altered and metaphoric Information is them mapped in subconscious plexus and dreams are like your computer screen, which screens an imagery to send warning signals. Most of us are jolted out of sleep by dreams, often either bizarre or bad.

We cannot say with definitiveness as what processes go on in subconscious brain states, which create a specific dream imagery but we can hypothesize that it is only a natural function of brain to keep processing Information from ambient milieus so that the survival optimization of a person is not harmed. It is definitively a harmful and life-threatening proposition if a person’s body remains continuously paralyzed for seven-eight hours. Our body-mind processes were not designed today. They happened millions of years back when a person did not sleep in his air-conditioned closed bedroom, with soft mattresses, pillows and fluffy teddy bear stacked all around for a safe and comfortable sleep. We slept in open, under the sky or a tree or in a cave, coexisting with snakes, spiders and threat of night predators. Our survivalist brain probably designed a mechanism to protect us. For science, not only dreams; sleep itself is still a mystery. Sleep patterns in animal-bird world is hugely diverse and mesmerizing. We know, some animals sleep so little and do so when standing. Some birds sleep when they are flying. Etc. We have reasons to hypothesize that in higher organisms, including bigger animals and humans, sleep is an evolutional emergence aimed at system maintenance. Sleep probably is designed in higher organisms to keep the body-mind system clean of entropic elements as the body-mind

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