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Reading books Psychology A very interesting statement of one of our contemporaries is that any person, to one degree or another, is both a psychologist and a philosopher - they say, life forces him to. On the one hand, the main driving force of every person is the craving for knowledge, the desire to reach certain social heights, the desire to be wise in any everyday situations - and this is the philosophy of life.
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Read books online » Psychology » Alternative Reality For Illusioned Humanity by Santosh Jha (read more books .TXT) 📖

Book online «Alternative Reality For Illusioned Humanity by Santosh Jha (read more books .TXT) 📖». Author Santosh Jha

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neural plexuses perform similar processes – as ‘altered’ elements of information engender ‘alternative’ cognition.

What we have hypothesized is somewhat similar. We are saying that what our mind consciousness does ‘unconsciously’ or subconsciously in dreams or under intoxication or psychedelic state, can also be successfully created very ‘Consciously’ and with better and larger control and maneuverability. Why? Because, essentially, the brain states do not make any difference in their Information Processing mechanism; irrespective of the Information being ‘altered’ unconsciously or consciously. Scientifically, it has been proven that even when we ‘fake’ a smile, brain plexus and concerned neurons react very similarly when we smile truly. This probably is the artistry of somatic nervous system, a definitive science, about which we do not intend to go deep into here. It is primarily about ‘connect’ between muscles, nerve cells and central nervous system.

Brain processing of Information seems to be a ‘liberal intellectual’ as it does not discriminate on the basis of ‘how’ information has been ‘sourced’. This probably lands humans into more trouble than benefits. That is probably why so many people ‘hate’ Liberal Intellectuals! Jokes apart; this very facility is the basis of the hypothesis that we can very consciously create ‘alternative’, novel and more meaningful purposes in our life-living, if we are highly aware of the complexity and magnitude of wider plexus of Information Processing by our Media of Consciousness. Knowledge is the key.

… This aspect of highly aware mind consciousness creating a ‘conscious bridge’ between the subconscious and unconsciousness, for larger health and wellness in life-living has been exclusively dealt with and detailed in author’s previous eBook titled ‘Optimality Of I Potentiality’, available for unrestricted download. How we consciously manage our Media of consciousness and how we consciously engineer higher purposes of health, wellness and general excellence is a very interesting area and contemporary science has facilitated this knowledge for internalization…

Now, the more relevant aspect of this hypothesis is how we can attain this artistry of consciously creating alternative, novel and more propitious purpose of life-living with the tool of the Media of Higher Consciousness. I very humbly wish to say here that I have already detailed this idea, mechanism and processes of Higher Consciousness as the very powerful and fruitful Media for better wellness and excellence in my previous eBook. Here, I wish to only outline the basic information about higher consciousness so that this eBook does not unnecessarily attain the burden of bulk and we do not divert our attention from our current discussion. Do kindly refer to the author’s earlier eBook titled, ‘Sanity Is Impossibility’, if interested in details. All 44 earlier eBooks are available for unrestricted downloads.

The higher consciousness, which emerges as protagonist of conscious engineering and management of ‘I’ or self, is not an external mechanism of body and brain but a Specificity of the body-mind Media itself. The seed of higher consciousness is planted by an individual when it begins to attain a stage of maturity, age-wise or experience-wise and both, to have enough information-connect with his or her internal as well as external milieus to allow and accept the powerful energy of skepticism.

To doubt, to question to accept something different and non-conformist to one’s own knowledge and belief is the seed stage of higher consciousness. It has been mentioned in ancient wisdom that those who begin the process of higher consciousness, before they reach the stage of consciousness are the blessed ones. This happens when parents play their rightful role and allow a child to grow in a family environment where skepticism and questioning is encouraged and rewarded. This shall implant energy of skepticism deep in subconscious, helping the child to grow his or her conscious self, preparing the platform for the child to evolve his or her higher consciousness early and strong.

In simple one line – Higher Consciousness of an individual is his or her understanding and acceptance of the idea of Holism of Reality. This holism of reality is seeded by the powerful energy of skepticism towards all Information that comes to mind consciousness for processing. A young child or a maturing teen may be accepted as moving towards evolving to higher consciousness if he or she asks questions and is not only allowed but also encouraged by family, friends, peers, society, politics and cultures to keep asking questions and strive for alternative answers. What questions a growing up child asks and how he or she asks it, largely hint at his or her preparedness and readiness for Higher Consciousness. Moreover, it is equally important that all the while, the child keeps respecting other’s questions and their respective and even compassionate about answers.

The consciousness is just a media of body and mind and the ‘I’ of average person simply works as media to play out the realities, which internal and external causalities prompt and induce him to. This however, has to stop and an individual needs to detach himself or herself from this auto-mode reactionary ‘I’ or self, which acts and behaves like a media, without ever understanding the ‘self’ and the causalities that it works with and works on him or her. This we have termed as ‘slave cognition’. So, the primary step towards Higher Consciousness is to install a ‘Cognitive Change’ to be aware of self and causalities and detach the consciousness from the internal and external causalities; as far as possible.

We know that evolving and growth has two stages – auto-mode learning and conscious unlearning. From infant stage to adulthood, an individual keeps assimilating information and available knowledge from its milieus in subconscious state of ‘auto-mode learning’. Very few individuals, who have managed to evolve strong consciousness as early as 14-16 years of age, may begin to start the parallel process of ‘conscious unlearning’ or pruning of subconscious auto-mode learning. However, after the stage of adulthood, say 20-25 years of age, an individual needs to accept that he or she as a ‘Media’ must change. The media must shift its primary situation from a ‘Reactionary-Subconscious Being’ to a ‘Receptive Conscious Being’. It means; the Higher Consciousness begins to shape up as aware and holistically inclined ‘authoritative command’ center to effect engineering and management of the body-mind media’s causative auto-behavior and action.

If we have to understand this higher consciousness mechanism, in terms of what we have discussed so far, we can say that high consciousness is this very aware and objective ‘Witness’ of all Information Processing, constantly happening in different layers of mind consciousness. It is also then a very impartial, neutral, objective and proactively prudent ‘Judge’ of the Reality of Causalities, which the Information presents and body-mind Media offers. Finally, the higher consciousness is a brilliant ‘Technician’ to engineer novel and alternative Metaphors, symbols and representations of the five elements of Information – dimension, force, motion, location and attributes, for higher, novel and alternative Purposes to optimize life-living wellness and excellence.

As this higher consciousness is seeded well and begins to blossom into a healthy branching tree, expect the flowers and fruits of holism to come calling. The fruits of holism shall further facilitate detachment of consciousness from the Auto-Mode causalities and its context and relational elements. The higher consciousness shall lead the journey to disengagement of ‘I’ or self as Media to internal as well as external causalities. It means, an individual shall not be an ‘object’ but gradually shape itself to become a true and real ‘subject’. This true and real subject shall have the empowered and authoritative Will and Cognition to command all causalities to play out Realities in a way that optimize sanity, system, order, purpose and poise. This is the ability and facility of creation of alternative and novel Realities, with the help of alternative and novel metaphor-building and representations of available Information from Milieu, but specifically from the internal milieu of ‘consciously experienced memory’. This real and true subject, the empowered and evolved individual shall be ‘master’ of all causalities of love, fear, anxiety, desire, empathy and associations and not the ‘slave’ of them all.

The hypothesis of Higher Consciousness must not be approached from philosophical or spiritual perspective only. Contemporary scientific knowledge of brain plexus may lend us better insight into what and why we are accepting Higher Consciousness as a specific or ‘Super Media’, probably presiding over the generic Media of consciousness. The science benefits our understanding as it lays down probable mechanism and processes of structural and functional ‘design’ of our body-mind systems.

We know that human brain has evolved in layers. The top layer, especially the prefrontal cortex evolved as ‘specificity’ of unambiguous and particular roles human species required for survival optimization as it moved to varied milieus in relatively tougher conditions. This evolution of brain and its specific role is reflected even today in most human systems. The prefrontal cortex and its growth in human brain corresponded to species-specific roles and this included thoughtfulness, planning, organization, retrospection and the crucial faculty of Imagination. These elements of human behavior and cognition still get the top leadership position in most human systems. The prefrontal cortex may not be exclusively human but more humanistic than animalistic.

The idea of higher consciousness corresponds to the roles the prefrontal cortex evolved as, to specialize in and perform dexterously. The prefrontal cortex can be accepted as the ‘workshop’ of higher, alternative and novel processing of Information. This workshop was evolved to be assigned those higher and alternative Information processing, which the new and exclusive roles required for humans to succeed in their new and tougher milieus, as they moved from one place to another as hunter-gatherer tribe. This Organizer brain state, with functional facilities to ‘Witness’ other parts of brain states, is the repository of conscious brilliance.

This Observer-Organizer ‘new brain’ is somewhat an Emergence of the Media-Specific brain system in higher animals and later more specific in humans as it was ‘specific’ to the challenges they faced in their new milieus. Essentially, this new emergence of prefrontal cortex was probably ‘designed’ to function as the ‘Workshop’ of Metaphor creation and higher representation of available Information from the milieus. This was the current need of survival optimization. Evolution works this way. The best this workshop produced was ‘representation’ of something, which was ‘not there’ but could possibly be created, if ‘planned and organized’. This facility created the utility and worth of non-reactive instinctive delayed action, as against the auto-mode reactionary and instant action. The new human brain could neither fight, nor take flight nor freeze but ‘hold back’ and Information from the ambient milieu and plan. This new brain created the ‘Future’ for human excellence. It must therefore be optimized and assigned its due leadership and proactive situation in life-living.

We can say that the planning process for human brain is like assessing each of the five elements of Information – dimension, force, motion, location and attributes and then feed them into the new workshop of prefrontal cortex to design a possible alternative and novel ‘representation’ of these available Information for better prospective results. For example, instinctively, humans would flee away at the very sight of a lion or would fight it out if it was impossible to take flight mode option. However, when prefrontal cortex worked its facilities, humans could ‘hold back’ when they saw a lion and react very differently. The Planning Process assessed the four elements of the Information – they estimated at what distance the lion is, whether the prevailing wind was blowing from the back of humans towards the lion or the reverse, whether they had the collective strength to scare the lion with scary sounds, whether they could even prey on the lion taking advantage of the location and numbers they had, etc. The dimensions, force, motion, location and attributes were ‘assessed’ and the brain furnished metaphors of alternative information, which could create an alternative imagery of a possible defense or even offence against a threat, which was earlier a non-option situation. This sure is over simplification of a reality. The human brain definitively is far better equipped to handle even more complex

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