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Reading books Psychology A very interesting statement of one of our contemporaries is that any person, to one degree or another, is both a psychologist and a philosopher - they say, life forces him to. On the one hand, the main driving force of every person is the craving for knowledge, the desire to reach certain social heights, the desire to be wise in any everyday situations - and this is the philosophy of life.
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Read books online » Psychology » Alternative Reality For Illusioned Humanity by Santosh Jha (read more books .TXT) 📖

Book online «Alternative Reality For Illusioned Humanity by Santosh Jha (read more books .TXT) 📖». Author Santosh Jha

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situations. This facility of planning and organization, which kept evolving and contemporary humans have it as their best tool, is essentially the process of metaphor-building and representation of Information for alternative and novel purposes and eventualities. Even in contemporary human world; most advanced planning processes work on the same principle of option-building of alternate and novel choices, through considering alternative probable representations of the current elements of available Information.

What we are hypothesizing is the probability that the emergence of Higher Consciousness may very well be an evolutionary one, having its entrenched basis in biological realities, which itself is part of the holism of physics of Information. Therefore, higher consciousness may not be conflated and mystified as something spiritual and supernatural. Higher Consciousness may be accepted as a ‘specificity’ of emergent reality, which is possible for all humans, as they have common mechanism. However, this hypothesis probably hints at the fact that the emergence of higher consciousness is incumbent upon ‘emergence’ situationality. This means that higher consciousness, very much like consciousness is an ‘emergent’ entity; not a wired, innate and entrenched facility like the unconscious or subconscious, which depends on a ‘specific’ process of a certain quantum of Information Base (knowledge), after years of evolving with varied and self-explored experiences and ‘two-way’ memories of experiences. Therefore, unconscious and subconscious domains are generic to every individual of a species but higher consciousness being an ‘emergent’ facility; it is available only to those individuals, who evolve themselves in a ‘specific’ modality.

For the sake of better understanding, we may accept a hypothesis. So, even if we consider the scientific fact that prefrontal cortex layer has no neural pathways to signal and install its ‘Will’, overriding the wired and instinctive subconscious decision-making; we can still hypothesize that the subconscious layer of cerebellum probably can ‘sense out’ the ‘intent’, though metaphorically, from the essence of the ‘emergent’ Information from the prefrontal cortex neural assemblage and its content. This process, the subconscious does, as we have hypothesized earlier, when we are in sleep and dream.

However, this process is different from dreams in a very remarkable sense that the prefrontal cortex’s ‘emergent’ information emanates in highly aware state, where not only the entire brain state is in better receptive mode, the body and its sensory organs are also more in ‘readiness’ in anticipation of remedies and solutions. Therefore, as the derivative and emergent Information comes in the form of vivid, true and impactuous ‘metaphors’, the higher consciousness has better prospects of ‘reshaping’ the innate, instinctive and entrenched behavior/action of the subconscious.

The long and very powerful history of human cultures is testimony to the fact that humanity has used this mechanism and process of Higher Consciousness to upturn ‘Reality’, as popularly accepted and install novel and alternative Reality, which was once considered ‘Impossible’. The Higher Consciousness is the ‘Human Entity’ in the brain, which otherwise has commonality with all animals. A person, without a developed and evolved Higher Consciousness stands close to its distant cousins the Chimps. Some are even worse of; most however compete very poorly, with only ‘passing out’ eligibilities for being accepted as Humans. This is the tragedy of humanity. This has to change, if we consider to survive and if we accept that this can happen only in an alternative culture, we consciously create, with scientifically objective and holistic knowledge. This aspect has been detailed in author’s previous eBook, ‘Optimality Of I Potentiality’.

Before we end the chapter and enter the new one; it may be useful for you to consider a hypothesis about a very powerful reality of human lives. This hypothesis may facilitate understanding of the notion of higher consciousness very clearly and may also help us in using this higher consciousness as a tool in creating higher and better life-living purposes for better optimization of our potentials. This hypothesis pertains to the idea and idealism of God. We talk about the hypothesis pertaining to God in terms of our current idea of Information. Here we go.

We have understood that higher consciousness is like a ‘witness’ to what all layers of brain states process Information as. This witness is essentially a self-evolved Information-Parameter for ‘Judging’ the appropriateness of a decision or value summation engendered by brain states. For example, I lied to someone to save myself from a certain harm. However, my witness brain part has judged that I did something, which is ‘inappropriate’. However, there are so many behaviors and actions an average human perform and there are shades or elements of ‘inappropriateness’ in them, which the ‘witness’ may not perceive. Or, the witness itself has become so corrupted that it fails to care. Or, the witness has become so used to of repeated and massive violations of appropriateness that it has stopped to bother to judge. As the witness facility is self-evolved benchmark of appropriateness, there is always this lurking threat that the subconscious or unconscious Self may override the witness or even dump it completely.

That is probably why the God entity was weaved into the widest-possible and culturally enforced Information-Benchmark for judging the righteousness and appropriateness of every action and behavior of humans. The God was assigned the highest metaphor of being the Ultimate Judge and also the punishment dispenser for offenders. God was thus delegated something, which is Self-Evolved – a creation of the brain states, especially the organizer and witness brain part called prefrontal cortex. All religions therefore may very well be accepted as the Delegated Wisdom of brain-created Information-Benchmarks of righteousness and appropriateness. This Information as God was then culturally mandated and as instinctively, average human does not dare to go against the Will and Righteousness of mass majority, it was always embedded deep inside the subconscious brain plexus. These benchmarks have two broad elements of righteousness and appropriateness – universal and local. As local elements of righteousness and appropriateness differ because of ambient geographical and cultural factors, two religions may have difference in some aspects but at the core they are the same. Why? Because, they are the creation of humanity’s self-evolved ‘Information-Benchmark’ of righteousness and appropriateness. God was delegated this role of the brain states and religion was assimilated as powerful part of cultural life-living. Interestingly, in almost all parts of the world, this ‘Delegated Witness’ was very powerfully enforced in the languages people evolved. So, people would say, ‘May God not make me speak untruth’ or ‘May God prevent me from the vice of greed’, etc. Whenever, there is a probability of an inappropriate behavior or action, the ‘Delegated Witness’ of righteousness, embedded and entrenched in subconscious, would be automatically invoked, through language or plain emotional thoughtfulness. This is what we have been talking about. The higher consciousness can very consciously create alternative and novel life-living purposes and this is the primary source of all cultural appropriateness. We all know, not only one’s own consciousness but also divinity and religion are susceptible to corruption of minds and they can be and are growingly being sidelined and dumped. In a certain country, which was once considered the most powerful one, people say, ‘God has left us and that is why we have messed up everything’. Sure, if God is accepted in terms of Information reality; what probably has left people is this Information of appropriateness and righteousness. The cultures become hell only when humanity’s own self-evolved Information-Benchmarks of appropriateness and righteousness are corrupted and dumped. That is why it is important that we understand the fundamentals of the art and science of Information and use the knowledge for optimization of our potentials as humans.

This discussion leads us to another level of deliberation and we propose to do it in the next chapter. We need to move onto a very crucial aspect of life-living and its wellness excellence, which we can hypothesize to be critically associated with the notion of higher consciousness, we have deliberated above. This is the domain of Languages, which is what many believe separates humans from animals. Next, we are going to talk about how languages could be inseparably linked and connected to the emergence of the facility of higher consciousness and how languages and syntactic complexities of grammar are intrinsic to the prefrontal cortex emergence of higher consciousness. This shall enable us to understand language and grammar in holism and this in turn shall lead us to a very critical question of the need to create an ‘alternative and novel’ communication platform, bypassing the ‘mediocrity’ and contemporary vitiation of the languages we use as means of expression and communication. This may facilitate better utility and worth in life-living, cultures and human systems. Thanks for coming this far. Do kindly continue the journey. We are almost arriving…












Language and Human Destiny…


There is a familiar situation in our daily life-living. When something becomes so universally commonplace and inevitably optionless, there is an innate tendency for this to be oversimplified, rundown and even disrespected. The languages we speak, have probably acquired this unfortunate distinction of being so unavoidably everywhere and always; yet reduced to a highly neglected and even abused entity.

It is painfully deplorable situation that the language, the words, the expression and communication through structured acoustics of mouth, seem to have become very restrictive as they stand vitiated and neglected; probably lost their primary purpose. We all are so used to speaking and writing as medium of communication that though we know, yet we seldom give it a serious thought that contemporary state of languages as means of communication may have become reasonably crippling, doubtful in its utility and therefore restrictive for the way we accept ourselves and the world. The hypothesis is – human languages, as they stand and prevail in contemporary Times, are essentially stupid-hypocritical and therefore may well be looked upon as possible element of trouble in our life-living wellness and excellence. Or, the languages may itself be the reflection of some big time trouble with consciousness, humanity and its contemporary cultures.

To make it more straight and simple – Human languages probably are not as good and useful a means of communicating and understanding Reality; both inside us and outside. There probably is this need to question the very utility of languages as vehicle of consciousness and cognition. It is probably also therefore important to deliberate the need for humanity to revisit this whole issue of language as predominant medium in our culture; if not the only one. The need for an alternative platform, other than the current languages, is also on the anvil. Let us check out the hypothesis and deliberate all possible aspects of the idea.

A wise person said, thousands of years back, ‘Silence probably was our original design; the only true purpose of sound is music – the language of consciousness. Syllables as vehicle of intent and reality is patchy design, hence accident-prone. It should be only sparingly and very diligently used.’ In contemporary human world; probably many hundred thousand years after the primitive human language was evolved, it shall surely be declared the worst stupidity, if we say that languages we speak today are probably one of the worst ‘entropic’ elements in human evolution; especially the evolution of human consciousness. But, if we think over its impact on human lives, comparing ourselves with rest of the millions of living species on Earth, we may admit that language no doubt was critical and yet hugely ‘entropic’ emergence in the evolution of humans; especially the human consciousness.

No doubt, this aspect of human life-living has not been seriously deliberated upon so far. This probability of the correlation between language and consciousness creating a major trouble-tree for human societies and cultures requires deep study and scientific enquiry. What we are doing here is simply attempting to accept a possibility that human language is probably a very entropic (given to dysfunction and destabilization) element in the evolution of human consciousness. This very hypothesis is required before we conclude this eBook, as language as vehicle, as carrier or broadly as ‘Media’ of intent

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