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Reading books Psychology A very interesting statement of one of our contemporaries is that any person, to one degree or another, is both a psychologist and a philosopher - they say, life forces him to. On the one hand, the main driving force of every person is the craving for knowledge, the desire to reach certain social heights, the desire to be wise in any everyday situations - and this is the philosophy of life.
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Book online «Alternative Reality For Illusioned Humanity by Santosh Jha (read more books .TXT) 📖». Author Santosh Jha

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and reality of consciousness and cognition is what we have relied upon so far, to communicate about so many crucial aspects of Reality. We are inquiring into the everythingness of languages as it shall facilitate our understanding of what we have deliberated so far in this eBook. Languages happen to be a very powerful and entrenched ‘media’ of the very critical Media of consciousness and a rather critical tool for unraveling and understanding Reality. Science lays reasonable emphasis on evolution of language as it believes, much of the theories and hypotheses are metaphoric in nature and as language evolves and improves, so do the metaphors and hence improved understanding of Reality.

Here, it is also important to say that humans know it very well that apart from the languages we humans designed and use for speaking and writing; there are other languages in our natural milieus, which some call as ‘natural languages’. So, we must also deliberate about these natural languages and their utility, when we are talking about human languages and their entropic impact on consciousness. This shall help in our quest for an alternative to the languages we may look for.

Moreover, some philosophers have already made it clear that human languages are not the only medium of consciousness, cognition and thoughtfulness. Their assertion is that consciousness and thoughtfulness of human mind is very well possible without human languages as alternative ‘natural languages’ fill in. It must also be mentioned here that the languages we speak and write are not the only set of languages humanity has created. Our complex cultures have many meaningful, beautiful and versatile alternative languages of understanding and expressing consciousness and its thoughtfulness. And, as we talked earlier, science has successfully decoded the Language of Life – the entire 3 billion DNA bases, which constitute our genome – the Book of Life. This is the innate language of chemicals at molecular and cellular levels. Then, there is this beautiful language of mathematics, which physics heavily relies upon to unravel and explain Reality. Many believe mathematics is innate language of cosmos. We shall talk about all these in this chapter. This may facilitate understanding of many aspects of Reality, when we deal with the probable entropic influences of mainstream human languages.

Our primary attention, to begin with, is that we need to unravel some crucial aspects of this correlation and connection between language and entropic propensities of consciousness and cognition. Why? Because, language is primary and predominant medium of our expressions and communication and therefore, all Reality, whatever it may be, is largely understood and expressed through this media of language. As most of us are happy with the way we go ahead with our languages, most of us shall feel that languages are hugely facilitative. We also boast of our linguistic faculties and why not as we feel, only humans have this distinction and intelligence. Rest of all other organisms does not have this facility. But then, this in so many ways is also hugely restrictive. This sure has its debilitating impact on our consciousness and cognition – the way we are and the way we actualize Reality.

For example, a growing child may be told that the universe is so colossal that it’s two ends are almost 90 billion light years apart. Great, the young person surely gets this feel of the vastness but how big he or she shall accept it in his or her consciousness and cognition is uncertain. Why? Simply because the vastness of universe may have been told to him or her as 90 billion light years but we all know, it is never ever physically measurable for anyone and therefore, the actual vastness of universe shall always remain an abstract Reality for we all. Somehow, an abstract registry of Information in the brain states may have weak or conflated recall and therefore, the actual feel of the information may never be the same for the person in repeat use. The language facilitated a Reality but only added abstractions. This abstraction therefore becomes subjective cognition for each consciousness and in turn lands as ‘seed’ of many more abstractions to come.

Not only the objective Reality of science, but almost every speck of Reality stands as abstracted and therefore land as subjective perception. The moment a Reality is communicated, there almost always shall be a gap between the expresser and the receiver. Not only the language, but all Reality has to ride through the media of body-mind. And, as we all know, ‘Media is the Message’, it is therefore a definite certainty that a reality expressed through language shall be necessarily subjective on both ends – the dispenser as well as the receiver. The metaphors the language shall create in two different mind consciousnesses may never be same. The metaphors the two mind shall use may also never be same.

For example, a woman may ask her lover, ‘How much you love me?’ Now, the lover knows it perfectly clear that he loves his beloved truly but he simply cannot state the Reality of his cognition in humanly designed words, without touching the abstractions. If he says, ‘I love you very much’, his beloved may be disappointed and may feel he does not love her enough. He has to therefore adorn his expression with frills of abstractions to make his beloved happy, even while his conscious positioning and cognition remains the same. So, he shall say, ‘I love you as much as is water in oceans and stars in sky’. This may make his beloved happy but we all know it is an abstraction. The metaphors may have worked magic for the moment but it has added loads of entropic propensities for future, for the man-woman intimacy. Moreover, a cunning man, who actually does not love his beloved, may only say flattering words in most bejeweled language and using stupendous metaphors, yet never truly love her. Still, the woman shall continue to believe that her man loves him so very much. It is because, we all are used to accepting ‘worth and utility’ in metaphors of language but seldom in the ‘media of consciousness’ of a person, who uses them. Probably, there is no way one can express the ‘Intent’ in any other media than languages. This however, may very well be labeled also as a slavery of humanity. Intent must never be slave of languages we use for communication. The ‘media’ must always service the master, never slave the master.

It is very commonplace with languages. Almost everyone subconsciously accepts the restrictiveness and inefficacy of languages in communicating the true and right intent. Subconsciously, we all even begin with a doubt, if we listen something said, which does not fit into our own subjective sense of proportions and righteousness. We often encounter a situation in our life-living when we see someone saying to other, ‘Do you mean what you are saying?’ Or, ‘Do you understand what you are saying?’ Even, the doubt remains on our side. We say the same about ourselves, ‘Do you understand what I said?’ Etc. What does this mean? They point out to our subconscious mind creating the probability that first, we may not actually be aware of the meaning conveyed to someone to whom we speak and secondly, we may not actually be able to convey the true and right meaning from the choice of words and syntactic presentation we make while speaking. Subconsciously, most of aware people understand that language is metaphor or representation of some reality inside our minds, which the former may not truly and rightly portray. Doubtfulness is on both sides – minds of both speaker and listener!

What we wish to point out here is this dualism, conflict and resultant debauchery, which language innately or subconsciously occasions and invites. It has its entropic impact on human consciousness and cognition. Cyclically, the debauchery and deception of consciousness has their impact on languages we speak. This entropic cyclicality of embedded propensities multiplies in cultures and we can clearly witness in contemporary human milieus that growing complexities of life-living has withered the sanctity and sanity of languages hugely. This in turn has vitiated the sanity of consciousness and cognition as both are supposed to be ‘synced realities’. This we shall elaborate to understand and scientifically hypothesize a linkage between language and entropic propensities of consciousness-cognition.

It also needs to be understood why we are attempting to unravel a probable linkage between languages we speak/write and possible vitiation and debauchery of human consciousness and cognition. Essentially, when we seek to unravel and understand Reality, the only possible medium to do that is our body-mind plexus. There may be loads of already existing information and knowledge about Reality but all these shall be processed only by an individual body-mind plexus, through the agency of consciousness. From scientific perspective, this ‘Agency’ is a huge factor in propagation of Reality for individual as the agency is an emergent-transient Media. That is probably why when theoretical physicists express about Reality, they sort of bypass the agency by using the language of mathematics. Most scientists believe language of mathematics has been unraveled, like reality itself and not created by humans. However, we sure do not wish to go into the details about the possible conflation of agency and its metaphoric propensities in language of mathematics too. Anyways, mathematical communication; that too the hugely complex and difficult communication about Reality is beyond average humans. Even scientists admit the dualism involved in mathematical expressions as it may prove something right and real but still elude simple understanding. Philosophers at least, are never sure of the finality of mathematics as the language of reality expressions.

Interestingly; may be tragically too, the consciousness shall process vast majority of things that comes to it through the media of languages we speak and write. This is facilitative, yet hugely restrictive too. Primarily because, language is also a ‘representation’ of some innate reality and that too perceived through the agency of mind consciousness. So, a Media using another Media and both media are essentially creating a metaphor or representation of some innate information. That is why it is relevant to have a feel of how troubled exercise it is to communicate; especially about knowledge of Reality. When we are into an enterprise of languages and words – reading and writing about Reality; we must have this debilitation in the back of our minds. This sure can be facilitative enough to counter or balance the restrictive nature of this enterprise. We are not into mathematics; we are worse off using artistry of media to understand the science of Reality! Hoooof…!

There have been studies that have already sought to establish a possibility that contemporary human consciousness could evolve primarily because of the complexities of language humans could master, which no other species on Earth have. Many however, do not agree to this hypothesis as consciousness, even language is not exclusive to humans, even while we can say language in its current complexities is. Moreover, even among humans, it is hypothesized that consciousness happened to humans, before they could devise and design languages. The Reality however may be a mix of both. The cyclicality and dialectical element is too evident to be denied. There cannot be a denial that human consciousness and its evolution to current state was influenced big way by emergence of languages. Probably gradually, if not at a certain stage of evolution, human brain could evolve the brain plexus; especially the very human thing we know as prefrontal cortex, that facilitated creation of language. The Broca’s Area of brain, which is considered responsible for facilitation of languages, evolved in the cerebral cortex. This in turn probably unleashed such development in brain states, which may have worked as catalyst for evolution of consciousness in a certain way and in its current complexities. Therefore, both Media of consciousness and language interacting in dialectical cyclicality and evolving in sync with each other!

This possible linkage and probable impact of languages in consciousness requires deep studies and scientific enquiries as

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