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Reading books Psychology A very interesting statement of one of our contemporaries is that any person, to one degree or another, is both a psychologist and a philosopher - they say, life forces him to. On the one hand, the main driving force of every person is the craving for knowledge, the desire to reach certain social heights, the desire to be wise in any everyday situations - and this is the philosophy of life.
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Psychology is an effective and efficient tool in mastering the laws of the inner world, human activity and behavior.
In the case of a real individual understanding of the thoughts of the authors, the horizons of being are truly boundless for the reader. Such a person will receive not only the most powerful theoretical basis in understanding the world, but also practical guidance for action and behavior in almost every sphere of life. Psychology as one of the basic sciences has absorbed many segments and currents, the representatives of each of which were and are the best minds of mankind. It will be quite difficult for an inexperienced reader not only to understand, but even to master the world philosophical thought. The number of people interested in psychology grows hundreds of times every day. And this is accessibly : everyone wants to understand the laws according to which events develop in his family, at school, in the yard, at work, on the street. Mankind has accumulated a huge knowledge base in the field of psychology over the years of its existence, and this base is replenished almost daily by many authors.

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Read books online » Psychology » The planet of biorobots? by Alexander Borodin (best ereader for pc TXT) 📖

Book online «The planet of biorobots? by Alexander Borodin (best ereader for pc TXT) 📖». Author Alexander Borodin

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electronics, a strong signal drowns out a weaker signal.     

5) You may not know how to get to know each other and how to behave with the opposite sex if you need it, because, for example, it all depends on the amount of testosterone in the blood, the availability of money, etc. And you an unfulfilled need will appear (if such a need, of course, takes place).     

6) You will probably follow what is called morality (even if you become a gangster, it will be gangster morality, such as not acting according to concepts), you may be ashamed of everything, etc., in a word, you will absorb everything that which is called propaganda, official education, that which is beneficial to others and almost always disadvantageous to you.     

7) "I'm too old for me fooling" - roughly the words reacted grandfather, a veteran of Second World War, in the stories of the so-called high matters of another hero of the film "Silent Outpost", Russia, 2011, director Sergei Makhovikov .     


“The devil is smart not because he is the devil, but because he is old, â€ť they say that this is an Italian saying.

What is negative charm, and who does it affect and who doesn’t? Those who have life experience find it difficult to manipulate.

You may all be manipulated in various ways, both on a domestic and global scale, if on a global scale, it will be through TV, radio, newspapers, the Internet, etc.

There are probably a lot of definitions of manipulations, but the simplest, in the philistine sense, manipulation is when they want someone to do something for someone, i.e., some action, for free, as in the global sense ( for example, to go to the demonstration for free for or against someone), and in everyday life (to do some work for free). But there is one “but.” Some people like it when they are manipulated, they feel pleasure from it, adjoining any movement or group and doing everything for free, they produce endorphins from it .

8) You will probably be ready to work for the idea, while some do not forget to work for money.     

9) You may have what is called self-doubt because you have convinced yourself that the laws do not work, but only communications and telephone law work. In any civilized state, and even in an uncivilized state, laws work, though differently, but they work, and even politicians should work out.     

10) In the end, you can, in a bad situation, approach a dangerous line, what is called drug addiction, alcoholism, an emotional crime, a prison, etc. 

11) Then everyone can add a new paragraph of what can happen to those from an incomplete or from the so-called dysfunctional family. 

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12) But you can "recoup" in a legal way on anyone who has made you disgusting. In some circumstances, there may be excitement before some (for example, those who conduct the interview, or the bosses), because there is a misunderstanding that if you are insulted or, in your opinion, unfairly dismissed, you too may not respond to the insult or dismissal formally or incognito, in the form of an application to the court, to law enforcement bodies or to leave, “loudly slamming” the door, pull out, as they say, “dirty laundry” out, the main thing is that this will not affect your next job if it wife your reputation from a previous job. Not without reason, some pensioners say: "I have nothing to fear, I'm retired." 

In general, you may face the fact that no one will help you in the required amount or will not help at all, and that you will have competitors in life who know more in a certain psychological sphere than you do, and not only in this area, as a rule, as their parents taught them this. You should not use alcohol or drugs, it will generally throw you a huge distance from competitors in life. Conclusion: at a certain time and in certain places there is a lot of “harmful” information that destroys the psyche and body, and there is almost no useful information that contributes to the so-called healthy lifestyles (psychologically healthy lifestyles) and healthy lifestyles for those from incomplete or from the so-called dysfunctional family.

What is it that those who grew up in the so-called complete and prosperous family were most likely taught by their parents, in any case, the majority with whom they had to communicate:

1) Psychological comfort should not be achieved using means that adversely affect health.     

2) Do not listen to anyone, do not listen to any propaganda about decency, morality, shame, and so on, be decent, bashful, moral, if only it is beneficial, that is, wear a mask when necessary. A strong spirit, a weak spirit is a manipulation by creating an inferiority complex, there is no strong spirit, no weak spirit, there is a person psychologically prepared by higher powers or someone else for different places.     

3) Do not be shy, because there is no one to be shy, because everyone is mortal, and if so, if you are shy, you are shy of the dead in the future (and even this can be heard in the so-called prosperous families), and the meaning is shy dead, albeit in the fake, but in the future, people, dead after all anyway.     

4) To send everyone to hell, not to execute anyone's commands and orders, if the orders do not come from your boss or their execution is disadvantageous to you. There are situations when someone is embarrassed or afraid of someone else's criticism. Why should someone be ashamed or afraid of someone’s criticism (for some this comes to psychological distress), because someday, including someone you are ashamed of or who criticizes you, they will become corpses, what's the point of being ashamed or afraid of future corpses, because the corpses do not care why you should be shy and afraid of future dead people.     

5) Work for money, not for an idea, give work exactly as much as you get paid for it.     

The programmer created some kind of program without working officially in any company, the sales representative found new customers, also not working officially, the driver brought firewood to a private person, the machine tool turned out something at the request of someone, etc. - this it’s not called hack work, but freelance ?


“... On Moscow’s curved streets, to die, to know, God judged me ...” is a line from the work of the poet Sergei Yesenin. As soon as you begin to feel sorry for yourself, is there any chance of becoming the one who is called an alcoholic and drug addict? When someone does not have what is called fearlessness or the will to implement the programs established in him by the higher forces, does he start a self-destruction program? The main thing is not to overdo it in terms of what is called self-pity, and not to experience what is called irrational fear, and everything will be harmonious in the psychological state of someone?

“Clear Skies”, 1961, USSR, director Grigory Chukhrai , in this film the main character also has what is called self-pity, and there is no information how to proceed?

If you are in the army or in prison, then do only what you must do according to the law, not be afraid to fight if your comfort is violated. Do not be afraid of anyone, because there is no reason to be afraid, to feel sorry for yourself and because of this to sacrifice your psychological comfort, but it makes no sense because no matter how you were afraid and did not spare yourself, you will die sooner or later. Paradoxical as it sounds, it is more likely to die in prison and in other places of closed type for the one who is afraid of everything and takes care of himself, than for the one who is not afraid of anything. Something similar and at large, those who are afraid of everything, become those who are called neurotics, begin to drink alcohol and take alcohol. You look at people with so-called borderline mental disorders, which are based on fear (when some people are afraid to leave home, to be in a big city), and they want to say: What are you afraid of? Anyway, whatever you do, you will die sooner or later, relax, do not predict the situation, everything will be as it will be. ”

Since everyone will ever die, you need to feel “squeezed”, “squeeze” and start to have fun, but not with the help of alcohol and drugs, this is not pleasure, it is “breaking” or what is called withdrawal symptoms. Higher forces do not want a person to just drink alcohol and use drugs, they must be supposed to show through unpleasant sensations after using them.

7) Satisfy your needs, and not suppress them, since what is the point then to live at all. If there is an opportunity, to realize them, if not, then endure and seek such opportunities.     

8) Sound ways to protect your lifestyle and how to satisfy your needs.     

9) Then everyone can add a new paragraph of what is likely to be taught to those from a complete or from the so-called prosperous family.     


Some psychology is universal, stereotyped, promotes morality, shame, etc. What mother and father teach in families considered normal and complete are not voiced, but in such families, based on life experience, they teach just the same thing that morality and shame are empty, the main thing is money and a money hunchback . Sooner or later, everything can “collapse”, especially when you are a civil servant, and your specialty is unlikely to be in demand by someone after your dismissal, so you need to have an untouchable supply. If you are already married, you have missed or missed your chance to find a rich or rich bride or groom. Some psychology is not “tailored” to individual states, personalities, and certain separate life situations, for example, you need to know that if you yourself are not rich, you live in a country that is considered to be poor, and you marry a poor, then most likely you will face big difficulties sizes than those who have the opposite, and how you will respond to these difficulties, already depends on your personality. In order to stabilize society, managers invented morality, shame, etc., which in some cases in some cases acts depressingly and even destructively.

Those who want to understand what emigration, deportation and different standards of living can watch the fantastic film “ Elysium is not a paradise on Earth, â€ť 2013, USA, directed by Neil Blomkamp . In it, of course, everything is more hyperbolized than what is actually currently in some places, but the meaning is conveyed correctly, which says that some residents who are successful in terms of the standard of living of some states are isolated from citizens with a lower standard of living, isolated in the sense of not accepting them on their economic holiday of life, without sharing the material goods that they themselves use.

Lyrics: if some popular science films were correctly understood, then when it’s psychologically difficult, then new neural connections are created in the person’s head. To someone who says that it is difficult for him, can we say that he simply creates new neural connections in the brain, that is, he is reprogrammed?

There is discrimination on endocrinological grounds, those who have problems with the production of hormones of pleasure get into trouble, are they forced to get them artificially through chemical psychostimulants ? Are there any beneficial and unhealthy chemical reactions in the human body? Hugging parties , when some meet to hug , the richer the society, the more strange it seems to some of the poor society? Are generalizations misleading? If a person would be immortal, it would be impossible to control, since it would be impossible to manipulate, would he know everything about everything? There are no "cool" ones, there are those who have not "broken off" yet, since they have not yet had a sufficiently long life experience for this? With age, some become calmer, and some understand the meaning of things, the meaning of which was not previously understood? Is it necessary to create an offender with the presumption of the inevitability of punishment for his act, so that he will be prescribed in his life experience? What is toxic psychology and who is a toxic person? Need to be able to forgive, but also need to be able not to offend? An

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