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Reading books Psychology A very interesting statement of one of our contemporaries is that any person, to one degree or another, is both a psychologist and a philosopher - they say, life forces him to. On the one hand, the main driving force of every person is the craving for knowledge, the desire to reach certain social heights, the desire to be wise in any everyday situations - and this is the philosophy of life.
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Psychology is an effective and efficient tool in mastering the laws of the inner world, human activity and behavior.
In the case of a real individual understanding of the thoughts of the authors, the horizons of being are truly boundless for the reader. Such a person will receive not only the most powerful theoretical basis in understanding the world, but also practical guidance for action and behavior in almost every sphere of life. Psychology as one of the basic sciences has absorbed many segments and currents, the representatives of each of which were and are the best minds of mankind. It will be quite difficult for an inexperienced reader not only to understand, but even to master the world philosophical thought. The number of people interested in psychology grows hundreds of times every day. And this is accessibly : everyone wants to understand the laws according to which events develop in his family, at school, in the yard, at work, on the street. Mankind has accumulated a huge knowledge base in the field of psychology over the years of its existence, and this base is replenished almost daily by many authors.

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Read books online » Psychology » The planet of biorobots? by Alexander Borodin (best ereader for pc TXT) 📖

Book online «The planet of biorobots? by Alexander Borodin (best ereader for pc TXT) 📖». Author Alexander Borodin

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ideal psyche is considered one that allows you not to remember a person any of his past unpleasant experiences? If you can’t forget something unpleasant and the one who did it to you, and if to stabilize the psyche you need to force the offender to answer for it, then you can do it, but without breaking the law? From the point of view of science, you can forgive everyone, because an ordinary person is half an animal, not in the offensive sense of the word, and the whole animal is not alien to him, do you mean aggression, sexual attraction and more? The creation of organizations and movements, if they arose spontaneously, and not with someone else’s money because of the so-called selfish intent, is this a way of escaping from the state? â€śHow to Revenge the Male,” they say that this book was written by an adherent of the feminist movement, why almost all movements are born and take root exclusively in countries considered rich, and do not take root in countries considered poor, this proves that for each state there must be its own psychology, and it can not be universal for everyone? The effect of birds singing when birds feel good, they sing when people feel good, they also sing, the richer a country or family in the generally accepted sense of wealth, the more musicians, writers and other creative personalities in it, who at the same time realize themselves, since have money? As a rule, everything pleasant is not good for health, everything bad is good for health? A lot of phrases and words were invented for manipulation, but there are those that, in order not to annoy people, like the word "sorry"? Dialogue between the police and Karabas Barabas from a movie, a cartoon or from a book about Pinocchio’s adventure: “Who offended you?” - “Buratino bandit”. In a psychological warfare, do you need to find the right phrases and words? Scientists in ancient times were outside the law and were considered bandits, is a bandit an inspired substance? Are there bandits only in poor countries? Do most words and phrases cause chemical processes in the body? You are not in a rich country, where there is a high unemployment benefit, then create substitutes for benefits in the form of a cash “ hitch â€ť or “alarm bag”? Some rich states provide a citizen from birth to death; does a high social benefit help citizens of these states survive all the so-called personal crises? A wife or husband abandoned, a middle-aged crisis has come, you can’t and don’t want to work, then is there a benefit for you so that you remain in good shape and do not starve while you have a crisis and you are out of work? If you are in a considered poor country, then you must have the money to survive what is called personal crises? Are you in danger in a poor country without money? In poor countries, some do not have the opportunity to wait out what is called a midlife crisis, no one will support some by giving them cash benefits, and wait until they get depressed and stop drinking alcohol? In poor countries, if some have started a midlife crisis, then it may not end and lead to big trouble? Eric Erickson expressed the opinion that childhood is not the dominant period of life for the formation of personality, as Freud wrote? According to Erickson, the development of personality continues throughout life, and each of the stages of development is marked by a conflict specific to it, a favorable resolution of which leads to a transition to a new stage? Is it possible to fashion anything from yourself? Where did the sources of wealth from some rich countries come from? Why do some rich countries not want to share their wealth with the poor because they themselves will become poor? I see problems there, but they don’t exist here, each, as they are called, a propagandist has his own zone of “shelling”, he criticizes those who do not pay him, and does not criticize the one who pays him? Why in some rich countries almost everyone smiles - is it because all needs are met, there are no fears for tomorrow, or because everyone is taking medications, or because of something else? In some rich countries, strangers smile at each other , because for them a person is a friend of a person, and they see each other in each passer-by, and in some poor countries, is a passer-by an enemy or, at best, a competitor in the struggle for survival and for material wealth? Is a person in a psychological sense an initially mixed deck of cards, then ordered? Divers say that if a person is “lonely” by nature, then you can’t hope for him under water? Does character impose a certain prohibition on any profession? Those who grew up with one child in a family are all essentially “loners”, and they need to look for non-team work, as they are as unproductive in a team? Before judging someone, let the seafarers see who they are? How to find out which work is written on an emotional basis by someone, and which is not? Chewed and laid - there is no concept of “non-self-dependent”, there is the concept of “the one who needs to be retrained”, if, of course, he needs it? Who is he who is not embedded in society? It is generally accepted that the one who blames other people for their failures is considered non-independent, but are there even political ideologies that blame the failures of some people for other people? The postulate "someone else is to blame for my failures" is used even in politics, so if you stick to it, it will not be a sign of what is called non-independence? If a person is drunk, does this show that he does not have enough “ puzzles â€ť in the psychological sense? Never be seen drunk somewhere, for people with life experience or for some of the same age as a drunken person who grew up in a full or in the so-called prosperous family, is this a signal that this person is “weak”? Never say that you are engaged in prostitution, or that you use its services, it can say that you are from the so-called non-self-dependent, in the first case everything will be interpreted in such a way that you cannot earn any other way, in the second - that are you addicted, in this case sexual addiction? Does one or more of the people who created us walk the earth in human form and at the same time have perfect knowledge of everything? The more you know, the easier it is to live? A new elite is being formed in the war. Are there some of the places where all elite places are “clogged”? A lot of what is called destructive propaganda, but still it affects only some, while others remain unstoppable ? Those who are called of IT - Schnick originally nevnushaemy , those who are called simple layman, prone to suggestion, at least, if not a lifetime, up to a certain age exactly? Do you need to get married or get married at a young age, since it is at this age that all citizens, called average, act like in a fog? Those who "show off" simply because of the lack of proper life experience, have not yet realized that the law works? Cool in one place groovy? It turns out that, for example, an officer in the security forces who beat you up, it turns out that he is not less afraid of prison than anyone else, and he is also afraid of not finishing off his early and large pension, which others do not have, and the word “complaint” should be said, as he becomes bad, although sometimes he can maintain his composure, but will he have confusion in his soul? Some commit suicide when their vital stability is violated, for example, when they are kicked out of work? Some experience great illusions about the fearlessness of their superiors, have their superiors just not â€śbroken off”, or rather, no one has “broken off” them (in a legal way), or are these superiors afraid of everything, but do not lose what is called self-control? In connection with the previously mentioned facts, some managers do not understand that they (in a legal way, since in almost every job the manager has or had something illegal) can the one they kicked out of work?

Words attributed to Coelho Paulo: "When they reach the end, people laugh at fear ...".

With age, some who did not understand this earlier understand that everyone is afraid of the law and that the one whom some considered cool is just a “colossus” on clay feet (something that seems majestic, impressive, but actually weak, fragile) ? When two manipulators meet (for example, the employer-manipulator and the worker-manipulator), they will in any case have a conflict, since they want to "fool" each other and parasitize on each other, they don’t succeed, and it annoys them? As a friend said, all the people are ugly, who are from the category of ordinary inhabitants, only some are able to show "ambition" and take revenge in a legal way, while others do not? When someone annoys someone, does that mean that someone has met someone who looks like himself? If I hit him because he insulted a woman with me - some who do not have enough life experience, who like to offend someone because of the so-called high morals, think that when it comes to the police, the police will take their side, because they defended the interests of morality, but the police will not take their side, will they simply answer according to the law if they have committed a crime? If someone commits a crime or an offense, you don’t have to figure it out yourself and punish someone at the same time, is this all in most cases illegal, do you need to call the police? Is everyone “cool” ruled by a humble man in a tie? â€śCool” in one place groovy - the main thing is to hang up labels, and the meaning of everything changes? I can’t learn a foreign language, but it turns out that, as a rule, only about 350 words are used in any language, I can’t work as an investigator, because there are so many articles in the criminal code, in fact the investigator works with about ten or twenty articles, everything easily? For those who are called neurotics, everything is hyperbolized (they create leaders for themselves, are not sure that something will work out), for those self-confident, everything is hyper-diminished (they have developed critical thinking, they have no leaders, they themselves are leaders, they don’t care, will it work out or not, they just do what they see fit)? Is there not only an IQ test that determines the level of intelligence, but also an EQ test that determines the level of emotions? Some of those in power, or those who have a lot of money without life experience, can try to informally (illegally) punish the offender from, so to say, ordinary people, but the offender only needs this if the one in power or the one in possession of money succumbed to a provocation, and due to this he became famous or began to demand something? When someone works, can he pay bribes to the boss so that he puts less pressure on him, when he is fired, can the boss give him bribes so that he doesn't press him with complaints and so-called denunciations (statements)? As already mentioned, they kicked out of work, did not give money, and maybe this saved the life of the one who was kicked out, or the one who was not given money? They didn’t get kicked out of work, rode it, for example, on a bicycle, and they hit a car, they gave us money, they attacked and robbed us. You certainly don’t know whether someone did good to you or evil, to be offended or to thank? The authorities of some states (let's call these states A) want to see the population of their country as healthy, law-abiding, wealthy as possible , and everyone is happy, the authorities of other countries (we will call these states B), which are the so-called geopolitical opponents of states A, want to see the population

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