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2003.06.01 - The Word of God on the sixth Sunday after Passover, of the blind man

            The Word of God[1] on the sixth Sunday after Passover, of the blind man[2]



I am the Light of the world, Jerusalem. I come and I open up My gates and I enter as word in My book with you and I teach you to stay in My light, because I have chosen you from the world and I have healed you, so that you may be able to see and to walk in the light, for the night is everywhere, My people. However, you should have Me as your guide and this is how you are supposed to see. Amen.


I come again with a word of blessing upon you that you may get ready for celebration with the Holy Spirit in it, with much, much Holy Spirit in it, so that the spirit of man may take from Holy Spirit who will come to My celebration with you, to give light to the man and to make the man see, My people. Get yourself ready, son, and work with much peace and love and diligence for the preparation of My days with you into the midst of the people that I, the Lord, will gather from margins to margins into the garden of My meeting with the man, a garden in which the spirit of those who are asleep, who wait for their resurrection, has now, at the end of time, a dwelling for celebration, and I put those that I established as guides over you to bring them joys with My word upon you, a word that the dead in the tombs hear, in order to prepare their resurrection with the word, for I make them all by My word. Amen. (See the selection topic: „The dead hear My voice[3]”, r.n.)


Oh, Romanian Jerusalem, I have made you with My word in your days as well, and with this word I want to anoint the man’s eyes and his ears, his mind, his heart and his love, to see, to hear and to understand and then to believe and to love My light by which I lead you through the thick darkness of the time of today, and in which no one, no one sees the light anymore. Oh, how shall one see it anymore? How, when they call the darkness light, as the blind people who do not need to see, if this is how they are taught, because they do not see and do not know what the eyesight is? Oh, how shall the blind people see, who do not see anything but the darkness in which they live? The Jews saw My light when I, the Lord and the God of Israel made the blind from birth see? Life without God, this is what the world calls light and this is how the world is taught and there is no one to tell it that My Holy Spirit have spoken through the prophets and said: «Woe to those who put darkness for light and light for darkness, and to those who put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter, for the Lord will come and the mountains will tremble». (Is. 5:20, 25) Those who say that they see will fall down with their head into the dust, for those that are without God on their way do not see and are blind and have sin when they say that they see, and this sin remains upon them.


However, My people of today, I made the blind man from birth see, and the rulers of the Jews judged Me that I violated their Sabbath, because I did this in a day of Sabbath, in their day of feast and their day of rest. They judged Me that I worked, but I worked out a miracle and not a human or earthly work and to the one who was blind and testified to them about the miracle of healing of his eyesight they judged him and said to him: «You were altogether born in sins, and do you teach us?» (John 9:34)


Oh, My people, it was so blind the people of that time, which called itself God’s people by the grace of its forefathers from the beginning, through Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, and through Moses, whose disciples they said that they were! Israel was so blind and he said that everyone that is born with a disease is born in sins and of sins. Who was supposed to tell him that it was not good for the man to judge in the place of God? Who is supposed to tell the man if the man does not walk into My light? When My disciples saw the blind man from birth they asked Me: «Rabbi, who sinned, this man or his parents, that he was born blind?» (John 9:2) And I answered them saying: «Neither did this man, nor his parents; but, that the works of God might be revealed in him. I must work the works of Him Who sent Me, while it is day. The night is coming, when no one can work. While I am in the world, I am the light of the world». (John 9:3-5) Amen.


Oh, Romanian Jerusalem, I have come now, at the end of the time, into the midst of the Romanian people, and I have taken you near to My spring and I told you to wash in it to be able to see afterwards. This is how I have taught you to see the darkness of the world, which only those that see know it. How is the man supposed to give up sin when he does not see from God? Nothing else means light but only Me, the Son of God, the messenger of the Father Sabaoth. Amen. I came into the world and I said: «While I am in the world, I am the light of the world». However, the world does not want Me. Those of that time did not want Me either; those of that time did not want Me either, who saw the miracle when I spat on the ground and made mud with the saliva to get wet and then I anointed the blind’s man eyeholes with the mud, of which I made eyes for the one who had no eyes. The world does not want Me to be its light, but I am the light of the world as long as I am into its midst. If the world does not see Me, it is judged, because I said when I made the eyes for the one who had not have any eye: «I came into this world for judgment, that those who don’t see may see; and that those who see may become blind». (John 9:39)


Every man who does not love My teaching is blind. The man has no greater sin among others sins than the sin that he does not love My teaching, to see than and to walk in light, because I am the Light of the world, at the beginning and at the end, and the light is the word, My miracle by which I raise the dead. Amen.


John, My loved disciple spoke testifying about Me: «In the beginning was the word, and the Word was with God, and the word was God, and the same was in the beginning with God, and everything that has been made was made by Him». (John 1:1-3) And then he said: «In Him was life, and the life was the light of men. The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness hasn’t overcome it». (John 1: 4-5) Amen. And here is what I tell you, My people from the end of the time: the Word is in the beginning as in the end, and This is from the very beginning and from the very end with God and everything is made again through Him. Amen. And I also tell you: the life is in Me and the life is the light of the people, and this is what you are to be in the midst of the people, for the light shines in the darkness and the darkness cannot overcome it. However, you should have life in you, for the life is the light of the people and this is what it gives light in the darkness and which the darkness cannot overcome it. Be very careful to My teaching upon you, for My word carries life in Him, My people. Amen. I gave light into the world with My life that I lived and I proved into the midst of the people, and My life has had power in it, which surpassed the vision and the understanding of the man without life and without any light in him. My life, filled with the Father, with His teaching and with obedience to Him, that was the power and the light of the people, for the life is the light in the darkness and this is how Moses could become light and guide and greater than any man that was without God in him into the midst of Israel. What was Israel supposed to do if I did not have the faithful Moses into the Israel’s midst and by whom I led the people through the miracles done by Moses? For I was speaking to him and he was raising his hand and it happened as I was telling him to work, the same as I was receiving the work that was to be done from My Father. I had protected Moses before his coming into existence and I brought him in front of Israel and I made him My vessel and I dwelt in him with My Spirit, and Moses was My Spirit, and where My Spirit is, there life is as well. This means life: My Spirit in man, My people and this is what I want to have in you, in your body, which is My house and My life, because that is why I have taken you from the world and I have given you work and I have taught you to do My works into the midst of the people, My people, and for the world to see the life with you, for life is My Spirit in man. Amen.


However, you, My people, you should not love the glory which the people give to you, but rather you should love life, for the life is My Spirit in man. And if you did not have This, then you would not have any life at all. However, you have to be the life of the people with your life, and you should speak with the man about life, not about those that are on earth, and let the man remain with life in him and not with you in him, for you have to be My disciple in everything I speak to the man for his light. My life in your life, My Spirit in your spirit, this is what I ask you to have and to be in your days of celebration, which come now again, and when I am glorified again into the midst of the people with the glory of My word and with you, for you are the people through whom I, the Lord, have been glorified on earth, as I had been glorified once with Moses’ people, Israel of today.


I freshen up a great blessing on you and I tell you that I will bring in the garden of My meeting with the man many people who want life, and who want to learn it from you, children of

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