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if they are to be friendly with international citizens, then they ought to be politically neutral as is pointed out in John17:16. So, there’s no way they can conscript for military service or want to have a definite political or mundane say. They look to God’s kingdom as their original parent and view the present governments or kingdoms as transitory. But they respect them as in paying taxes and obeying all other reasonable rules of a country. In anything that may come between their relationships with Jehovah, they rather obey God than men as did the early followers of Jesus in Acts 5:29. This is the case with their view of blood transfusions, saluting the flag and political alliance. Friend, I’m sorry if this sounds too strong and offensive to you at present. Maybe I’ll elucidate some details further in this book. But rest assured that everything is taken from the pattern of Jesus when he was here on earth. So, true Christians assume nothing for themselves, instead they look to Jesus as their role model and Perfecter of their faith.


So, friend, have you noticed or come to realize such a candid group in your vicinity? What do you admire the most out them as an international society or brotherhood of Christ? Do readily welcome them in your house when they pay you free visits or consultation? Have you noticed their adroitness, expertise, patience and deep love when in answering life’s complex questions? Have you tasted and saw how pleasant their association is, by visiting them at their place of worship, at some rented facilities, and so on? Are you not happy that you have such a wonderful group or organization right in your community, yes, right in the middle of your neighbourhood? If you’ve come to appreciate such a devout group of Christians, then I’m also vey happy that you are in line to receive blessings from Jesus’ father and be helped to fight the loathsome scourge of human imperfection or the works of the flesh on a personal or individual basis. Even if your heart may condemn you at times, God shall never leave you to be consumed by excessive feelings of guilt no matter how many times you may righteously fall or give in to temptation. 1John3:19,20 and Proverbs24:16 testify to this. God is here to help us combat our sinful inclination and its grave consequences. He’ll never allow you and I to be utterly consumed by such contemning ‘natural’ fire of imperfection, he wants to spare both us, if not all us. Look at 1Timothy2:3-4 and 1Peter 3:9. So, one day, human imperfection on an individual basis and organizational imperfection will be a thing of the past, just like an erased scar!


So, my friend, I hope you are taking it nice and easy, sorry if I gave you a bit of a rough ride through some hard and copiously pounding hard hitting facts. I didn’t want to give a sudden massive chunk bite, but I want to give you a smooth ride, so that you can logically assimilate everything in proper sequence and edible order. Sorry friend, if this time I didn’t give you time to think out everything properly. But, hey, at least I withheld the name of the candid religious group, thereby giving you a time and space for you to try and use your perception, and thereby avoid forcing you to any sudden and immature conclusion. So, friend, you have the rest of the book to keep the name of that religious to yourself and release it in your own due time. So, you see, friend, at least I gave you some room for breathing, and not thinking and trying to make conclusions and decisions for you. How you like it!


Sure, friend, what shall we now move on to? Shall we try again to unravel our pack of organizational imperfection and try to find further elements of concern in it, or should we try to move on to some areas of concern other than organizational imperfection? Okay friend, let me see, I think you should decide which turn you’d like to take, bearing in mind that a lot of stuff in the back still remains unpacked. Or, do want you want me to help you? Okay friend, let me try to intervene. Let Andronicus prance, gallop, hound, and cause some reverberation like a never seen before tornado! Right, here we go.


Friend, it’s now time to talk about us seeing the need to be appreciative in the way God has revealed himself in creation. Well, this might sound quite obvious, but it should serve as the bench mark of our display of goodness or the various aspects of the fruitage of the spirit. We were born to reflect to the fullest his goodness, the fact that he created us in his image bears testimony that we are both bound and naturally indebted to exhibit all possible good traits in imitation or resemblance of our Maker. So, yet another reason to see why combating human imperfection, be it solo or on an organizational scale is possible, as long as we keep bearing in mind our Chief and Utmost moral or goodness Compass, hence Benchmark or positive trend setter!


Right, friends, that was just to refresh us once again, even though we might have somehow touched on this earlier. Right, shall we prance in real and earnest effort? Of-course, why not! Friends, even if we may ultimately pinpoint the true religion today, the big onus rests on you as an individual as to how you’ll choose to live your whole private and public life. So, there is no hiding in the bush. Being in the right platform doesn’t necessarily mean that you’ve reached your destination. You have to get in bus or train, obey the rules of travel and then reach your destination safely together with other law abiding passengers. But, anyone obstreperous in the coach is thrown outside or awaits bonds at the next stop.


Okay friends; let’s abruptly interrupt our novel by introducing what some well known people in the past have said about human imperfection.


“In order to grow in grace, we must be much alone. It is not in society — even Christian society — that the soul grows most vigorously. In one single, quiet hour of prayer it will often make more progress than in days of company with others. It is in the desert that the dew falls freshest and the air is purest.”- H. Bonar


“The first freedom is freedom from sin.”- M. Luther


“In speaking of the benefits of trial and suffering, we should never forget that these things by themselves have no power to make us holier or heavenlier. They make some men morose, selfish and envious. Such is the effect of pain and sorrow when unsanctified by God’s saving grace. It is only when grace is in the heart, when power from above dwells in a man that any thing outward or inward turns to his salvation.”- Newman


“I believe hundreds of Christian people are being deceived by Satan now on this point, that they have not got the assurance of salvation just because they are not willing to take God at His word”.- Moody


Well friend, you may agree or disagree. So you make the scrutiny, analysis, and take only what’s good for you. Was Bonar right or incorrect? You use your judgement and see if he promoted belief in a good society or not, bearing in mind the words of Proverbs 18:1 and Jeremiah 17:9

In The Science of Being and Art of Living (page 299), Maharishi (called “His Holiness” on the title page) explains: “Whenever and wherever religion dominates the mass consciousness, transcendental deep meditation should be taught in terms of religion. Whenever and wherever metaphysical thinking dominates the consciousness of society, transcendental deep meditation should be taught in metaphysical terms, openly aiming at the fulfilment of the current metaphysical thought. Whenever and wherever politics dominates the mass consciousness, transcendental deep meditation should be taught in terms of and from the platform of politics, aiming at bringing fulfilment to the political aspirations of the generation. Whenever and wherever economics dominates the mass consciousness, transcendental deep meditation should be taught from the level of economics, with the aim of bringing fulfilment to the economic aspirations and goals of the time.”

Zen Buddhist expert Daisetz T. Suzuki emphasized: “To us Orientals . . . there is no God, no creator, no beginning of things, no ‘Word,’ no ‘Logos,’ no ‘nothing.’ Westerners would then exclaim, ‘It is all nonsense! It is absolutely unthinkable!’ Orientals would say, ‘You are right. As long as there is at all a “thinking” you cannot escape getting into the dilemma or the bottomless abyss of absurdity.’”


From here we can see that various scholars, theologians or religion founders have different views when it comes to what should govern man. Still, however as we’ve mentioned earlier in our book, someone external has to dictate to us the proper way of life we should all follow and this way has to be ubiquitous and accepted across the world. We have undoubtedly come with an amicable answer to this irrespective of what other pundits may bring forth. So, by me quoting other geeks I don’t mean to add further confusion but I just wanted to broaden the matter to you so that you may know how other intellectuals feel about human imperfection and our relationship with God and its approach. Some of these men may be 100% correct, partly right or grossly wayward in their reasoning.-Luke 11:24-26.


So, I sincerely beg you friend to respond to the right or proper prodding of the only accurate path in life. Matthew 7:13,14 says: “Go in through the narrow gate; because broad and spacious is the road leading off into destruction, and many are the ones going in through it; 14 whereas narrow is the gate and cramped the road leading off into life, and few are the ones finding it.” So, please the avoid the pitfall that will catch many as showed by verses 21-23 of the same chapter of Matthew, “Not everyone saying to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter into the kingdom of the heavens, but the one doing the will of my Father who is in the heavens will. 22 Many will say to me in that day, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and expel demons in your name, and perform many powerful works in your name?’ 23 And yet then I will confess to them: I never knew YOU! Get away from me, YOU workers of lawlessness.”


So friend, eternal life in a beautiful paradise earth is what we are promised at surah 21:105: “Before this We wrote in the Psalms, after the Message (given to Moses): ‘My servants, the righteous, shall inherit the earth.’” The footnote to this surah refers the reader to Psalm 25:13 and 37:11, 29, as well as to the words of Jesus at Matthew 5:5.


So, there is no doubt that if Adam and Eve did not sin in Eden, there wouldn’t be sickness, death, imperfection and many other non-benignant consequences or outcomes to mankind and the whole environment in general. This we find by comparing texts such as Genesis 2:15-17; 3:19; Isaiah 38:18a and Ezekiel 18:32. So, it is only by exercising faith in Jesus where the now miserable children of Adam can have the hope of release from sin and death, thus eternal life when God’s kingdom takes control over earth’s affairs in the near future. This we find at Daniel 2:44; Matthews 6:9,10; Romans 5:12,18,19; 6:23;8:20-22. So, death doesn’t end it all cause there will be a resurrection inasmuch as Christ himself was resurrected from the dead. This we find by reading Isaiah 25:8; 26:19; John 11:24, 25 and 1Corinthians 15:32.


There are, or that there will be two types of resurrections. The first and already existent or presently in operation is the heavenly resurrection while the latter will be the earthly resurrection. The heavenly resurrection is best

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