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Book online «Human Imperfection by Teboho Kibe (best e reader for android .txt) 📖». Author Teboho Kibe

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candid and beauteous Universal Sovereign. This is what actually makes human imperfection to be really nasty, because it is being invisibly reinforced by such a ruthless instigator. So, it is no-longer only our personal fight or wrestling against the first world, but actually a fight with such a wicked spirit or invisible army. So, this makes us to see that there is actually a universal issue that is at stake concerning man, that as free moral beings, will we choose to use our free will to do or choose to execute good deeds, or will we use our free will to practise or execute deeds of harm, that pleases the Chief Antagonist of good. This is the day to day issue to which we rise up to face.


So, having previously referred to the second world now as the ‘fruitage of the spirit,’ this should automatically make us want to review the phrasing or naming of the bad deeds. We’ve been calling it as the use of the first world. However, since such bad acts are seen to be conspired or cheered by the Evil Force to manifest itself in the fallen flesh, or the flesh bearing inherited imperfection, it should make sense to now term the use of the first world as “the works of the flesh,” since such distasteful acts continue to expose the worthless acts of pure humans, i.e. unassisted by the Ruler of good.


Nevertheless, even with the ‘new’ universal issue facing us, together with the thorn of our inherited imperfection, it still shouldn’t kill our morale or determination to go on in life. You see, I often like my friends to call me: ‘Andronicus.’ Why? Simply because this Greek name mean, “man-conquering.” So, man was meant to conquer evil, both in perfect and imperfect situations or conditions. Yes, any ordeal or martyrdom that may be placed before us ought not to scare, instead, we were meant to devouringly overcome or conquer all such circumstances, or execute righteously in them, obviously with the help or external support of the God or Ruler of good, hence righteousness! So, human imperfection is not here to scare us, instead it is here to bring out the best out of us that we can be like a severely bent tree that continues to produce good fruits despite its inconvenient position or angle from the ground.


If it is claimed that the Ruler of evil has his invisible cohorts, would it be a mistake to also conclude that the Sovereign Ruler of good also has his invisible entourage? Not really, it certainly wouldn’t be a skewed deducing, that would be an equilibrium possessing logic. Hydrogen and oxygen are existent yet invisible gases. Yet if placed at a certain temperature, the two compounds or gases materialize and become visible to the naked eye as water or water droplets. This transformation is necessary to the preservation of the life of humans. So, if the inanimate and invisible biological or scientific gases can materialize in one way or another to save human, plant and animal life, can the invisible spiritual entourage of the Sovereign somehow materialize so as to save or protect the most important human life in one way or another? The answer is yes, they can materialize. If rain can be alluded to as coming from the Sovereign, as a gesture of preserving life, then, surely if need be, then he can dispatch or make one of his attendees to materialize so as to save or preserve life on earth according to the need. Is such a conclusion logical? Oh yes! How so?


Well, histories has it that God did send one of his dearest spirit creatures to the earth so as to further create awareness of Him and thus try to instil hope that man’s inherited imperfection was not going to make them suffer forever. The inherited imperfection would cease to exist in our bodies and mind in some undisclosed future and therefore allow man to freely exercise his/her moral choice without the nagging distractions of the works of the flesh and their Chief Prodder. The proof of such history is seen in the many convictions and writings of several religious organizations, some museums even bearing tangible written proofs or fragments of such an emissary even before he materialized on planet earth about 2000 years ago. So, many say he came to introduce the new term to mankind that of ‘redemption,’ release from sin ’or‘ salvation This seems to be an ultimate human imperfection combat tool ever designed and provided by the God of chief justice or Preserver of mankind!


So it is in this ‘new’ light that we should now consider or approach the whole issue of human imperfection and implications, not forgetting its Fomenter. So, if water was to save you, you would have to imbibe or drink it, otherwise you would perish from existence even among its presence. Likewise, it ought to make sense that in order for us to benefit from the divine gift of saving us from the condemnation of sin and its effects in our perishing bodies, we ought to ‘drink’ or heartily embrace God’s provision of providing the means of escape to us. This we’d show, not only in public verbal confessions, but in the way we live our lives or allow such an emissary to influence our behaviour and lifestyle.


I hear some other friend of mine over there asking me if the Evil Ruler’s invisible cohorts also have the power to materialize and be visible on earth? My friend, a simple answer to this is, “No!” Why? Cause it serves the Evil ‘Prince’ well to always masquerade, so as to always make himself unrecognizable. So his invisible force also follows suit. You see, they act like a virus or infection that always changes faces in order to cause further harm to body cells and tissues and there ruthlessly or cunning bypass the antibodies to their dismay. The evil hate light, or ‘sunshine’, because their works are wicked and they don’t want their vile acts or manner to be discovered or exposed. That’s why it is quite difficult for us to biologically exhume or eradicate sin, or imperfection, it’s ,enigmatically, hysterically, rambunctiously, mysteriously and mystically hiding in our immune system. It’s simply undefined yet in perturbing and scathing operation. It’s a constantly open inlet valve, gushing forth catastrophe. Only God through his crowned Emissary will render this genetic pestilence and pandemic dysfunctional and defunct in the proper time.


Going back a little bit, out of curiosity some friend out there, trying to balance things, may ask: “ If we are to take rain as coming from God as a good gesture to preserve life on earth, would it also be proper to conclude that such things as torrential floods, hurricanes and so forth also emanate from him? Hardly! Why? Just because a sneeze may ooze out of your mouth, that doesn’t mean that you are the one that fermented or promulgated it. It’s simply a reaction to something. Likewise, not every form of ‘bitter’ or devastative precipitation should be alluded to as a gift from God simply because it comes from the firmament.


Now I hear someone asking me: “ If you use the word “reaction,” are you trying to show that there may be some natural irregularities that somehow contribute to the ‘misbehaviour’ of our ecosystem?” Yes, true my friend. Not every function in the ecosystem is perfectly controlled by God, just like how our bodies, immune system or genes are also not in perfect condition even though existent and somehow preserved from total or complete malfunctioning by God himself throughout the ages. Also, some man-made or man-generated activities may also serve to aggravate or worsen the also ‘fallen’ ecosystem just like how substance abuse and the like may also serve to intensify or worsen the already malfunctioning immune system in human bodies. So, just like how our imperfect genes were kept or allowed to still sustain or bring forth human life in a reasonable manner throughout the ages amid intense abuse by humans themselves through substance abuse and the like, we can rest assured that God will never allow the ecosystem or biosphere, though imperfect or somehow worn, to be completely out of order and thereby fail to sustain life or ruin it here on earth. Human existence on earth and its preservation is of utmost or paramount importance to the God of righteousness.


Okay friends let’s try to go tap into this now. What? No, the same thing we’ve talking about, this time just on a bit of an extended or magnified scale or latitude. What is it, another imperfection story? Ah, not exactly! Then come with it then. Okay it goes as follows, as you’ve seen, in my general style of a question. Don’t waste time, just come with it! Okay it’s here now, the question is: “Since the invisible gases in the atmosphere and beyond have names, can the invisible spirit beings in heavenly places also have names? Ah, my friend, I must congratulate you for coming with such a sound question to further stabilize reality, and not myths, fables and fairytales.


The answer is yes. Some names of these can be traced to our satisfaction. Which one would you like to start with, the God of Good or the Evil god? Okay, let’s try to start with Evil and save the best for last. The true heavenly or divine name of the Evil one is not known unless we name him in relation to his character or for what he’s been known for doing or accomplishing, hence behaviour. The Evil one’s nature and will are given to evil. Moral evil is his controlling attribute. It is evident that this description could not be applied to him as originally created. Ethical evil cannot be con-created. It is the creation of each free will for itself.


To illustrate the malignly procured nature of the heavenly Profaner, let’s think of a cockroach. The Romans called it “lucifuga”, from its habit of fleeing from light. The English word “cockroach” is from the Spanish cucaracha. In this case, the first guess may seem to be Lucifer. But hey, that’s not the case with the chief Master of Opposition because he is actually ‘photo-negative,’ so to speak, so we cannot take him to be the true light bearer as embedded in meaning of the word ‘lucifer.’ Even if he could somehow bear such title, still he wouldn’t be the True Lucifer, instead he could rightly be called Pseudo-Lucifer as in the case of a misleading light that pirates use to attract or draw ships and plunder their cargo.


So now, what shall we call someone who opposes true light, or influences others to shun true light through lies, slander, trickery and deceit, someone who actually resists the force of good to humanity? Okay friends, in the first language on planet earth, i.e. the Hebrew language, they always had a word for a ‘resister,’ the word being ‘satan.’ So, it seems that this word, ‘Satan,’ seems to suffice many people around the world today in describing the chief Evil Force Generator in the whole universe. Later on, the Greek word ‘diabolos,’ meaning, ‘slanderer,’ also came to be adopted as part of the Evil Foe’s descriptive names, as generally known as the devil today. His invisible subordinates are neither known by individual names. The common Greek word dai’mon later came to characterize each spirit member of Satan, as today they are widely known as demons.


Okay friends, shall we now try to unleash the names of our most anticipated spiritual good class? Sure! With much haste! So, we shall begin with the Father, head of all. Well, as early as the last centuries before our common era history has it that there were people by the Latin name: Je’sus. Exactly what does the name mean? Well it means, ‘Jehovah Is Salvation,’ especially if we think of its Greek derivative of ‘Iesous’ and thereby corresponding to the Hebrew ‘Yehoh-shu’a.’

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