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Book online «Human Imperfection by Teboho Kibe (best e reader for android .txt) đŸ“–Â». Author Teboho Kibe

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God sent his emissary to the world some 2000 years ago, so that mankind can be saved from condemnation to sin as we’ve earlier discussed. So, such an act of salvation actually belonged to or came from ‘Jehovah,’ the Principal God and father of all, as his emissary came to bear the name ‘Jesus’ when he was miraculously born as a perfect human being here on earth. The Dead Sea scroll of First Isaiah, located today in Jerusalem and dating back to the end of the 2nd century B.C.E, has a portion of Isaiah11:1 that prophetically refers to the to be sent emissary, or the would be Jesus, as is seen in the paraphrasing of the Aramaic Targums as follows: “And there will go forth a king from the sons of Jesse, and from the sons of his sons the Messiah himself will be brought up.” “Messiah” is from Hebrew ‘Mashiach,’ meaning ‘Anointed One,’ while the Greek ‘Khristos’ is the equivalent, hence rendered ‘Christ,’ in English. No wonder Jesus later came to be known as Christ. Have you noticed, however, that God’s emissary came to be called Jesus and later Christ, when he was born on earth, suggesting that he could have had another name when he was with God in heaven before coming to earth? Well, we shall not discuss this in detail right now, but this short survey, scrutiny or history served to exhume the names of the most important personages in the entire universe whom we should dreadfully or awfully know by personal name so as to engender or instil true intimacy with such loving heavenly or celestial beings.


Right, friends, now that we’ve tried to identify our invisible spirit Protagonists in the heavenly realm, now it’s time to brace our minds and take yet another sharp curve. Where to now? Aha! Straight to another mind sobering and delicacy-tainted avenue of insight. Let’s start with a question. It goes as follows: If in the spirit world, both the good and the bad seem to come from groups of some invisible or heavenly organizations, can’t also the good and the bad that is seen here on earth also be categorized into groups, i.e. among people themselves? The observation makes sense and deserves commendation. Surely, it should be evidently so. But, no unnecessary quiver, reeling, shuddering and qualms need be sinking in our hearts at present. Don’t panic, just postpone that quandary and take a sip of your cold drink or espresso.


Right, naturally no one wants to belong to a so called bad group or be its adherent. On sail or sea cruise, when “mayday” is shouted, everybody takes to safety. The same applies when a fire alarm siren is rung. So, if the true God can somehow call us to safety and ring the siren or figuratively shout “mayday,” who wouldn’t want to promptly avail himself for the evanescent escape route, exit or door. Any delay may make you to lurk and lurch only with peril in view. So, grab the escape boat while it is near and flee to safety on time.


But still, the question remains. Just how can we ascertain ourselves as to which invisible group we are bent towards. Well, the answer is not easy as abc. It may be difficult as the xyz of maths. But the answer is not undefined, it be traced, known or solved with much scrupulousness, exactness and sound precision, execution or delegation. Okay friends, let’s try. Well friends, we should humbly go back to Jesus Christ and his activity on earth. The truth is, when he appeared as the Messiah or Christ, some openly acknowledged him while some refuted his God sent message. He therefore called those who listened to him as sheep while those who obstinately refused his message he called ‘goats.’ He made it known that the sheep belong to him while the goat-like ones will receive a judgement of permanent cutting off, the same that is reserved for Satan. So, it appears that the goat like ones advertently or inadvertently listen to or follow Satan as their leader by not complying to Christ’s message.


But the challenge we are now facing, is that we no-longer want to individualize rebellion or listenership, instead, we want to speak of them categorically, as represented by certain groups, organizations or spheres, and try to see how Christ and Satan may have a share or goading to these. To establish certain earthly groups as good or bad we need to examine the fruits of these and probe into their purpose of operation. So which major earthly groups, categories, or organizations that comes to your mind as we speak. Remember, inasmuch as the early part of this book dwelt on human imperfection on an individual basis, we’d also like to examine such earthly groups in the same light, as to how they are performing collectively and whether they’ll be serving to wield the ‘fruitage of the spirit’ or to promote the trespasses of ‘the works of the flesh.’


So, which groups have you figured out so far? Well, I see you smiling and showing me your first answer. You make me laugh because you’ve actually written that group’s name in seemingly bold capital letters! Yes, you are right my friend, you couldn’t choose or go for no other besides: SATANISTS! Yes, it’s true that they are an established religious group, and as their name bears that of their chief leader or ruler, it’s undeniable that they risk facing the future of the goats that will be condemned by Christ in his kingly power. Friend, remember though that the search for the fruits need not be to religious groups only cause those who follow the Big Cockroach can hide in places not easily discernible, just like their leader.


Okay, friend, let me try to help you in a form of a series of questions. a) If Jesus Christ were alive today and still serving as God’s representative, which work would he be mostly interested in? If he would cure the sick, to whom would he direct the credit of such healing powers? Would he do it for gain? If he were to organize a certain group to follow him, for which fundamental purpose would he do this? Would he be interested in forming a financial hierarchy of any sort so as to live an exotic life at the expense of others?


Now, try to review your thought and think again about the many institutions and big yet varied organizations that you see around you. Think and think my friend. Right, my friend, let’s say you won or caught a jackpot. Well, usually that would mean that you hit 777. This number would give you full rewards, isn’t it? But if it were 666, that wouldn’t set you anywhere close to getting a price. So, you’d take 666, as a big miss, even though in reality we know that such a number in winning machines doesn’t exist. So, imaginatively you’d take such a number as something you wouldn’t want to ‘strike’ or bet on, so to speak.


So, if Christ’s Rule can be everybody’s most anticipated, desired or sought after ‘jackpot,’ so to speak, to whom shall the figuratively undesired ‘666’ rule, organization or system go to? Wow, I see you marvellously having a cheerful smile and pointing to the opposite direction with your finger. Yes, you are right my dear friend, such a number would perfectly represent or symbolize Satan’s grossly imperfect earthly system, comprising or consisting different non-efficient or bitter- fruit-bearing organizations.


You see friend, when Christ was here on earth, he didn’t seek financial or political power, but he regarded himself as an ambassador of God’s kingdom. So all those desiring to live in accord to his model or pattern of life ought not to seek permanent or fixed positions in the ‘big’ businesses of the world and its governance, ruling or political system. We see the organizational imperfection of these in the mandates, constitution or purpose to which such corporations or organizations are formed or erected for, also not neglecting the fruits or repercussions beard or sustained by these in the public at large.


Okay, friend, wait a minute, someone out might say, “Man, never make that mistake, our government is a good government, there’s no way in which it could be line to be classified under the ‘666’ category of the gross imperfect system of Satan!” Well, well, well. My dear friend, you may be right. But let’s consider an illustration here. Say you were a foster child to step or adoptive parents or guardian. If they were to ask you to change to their surname would welcome that or readily do so? Not really, isn’t it? Likewise, while we may somehow ‘enjoy’ the company or operation of good governance, that ought not to automatically make us to owe our allegiance to them as our very ‘paternal’ ruler. No! They are secondary, if not transitory. Our primary and first allegiance or ‘last name’ should be registered with the God of the universe, to whom we owe our very being. Which is why some discerning persons find it hard to clinch their fist into the air or some salute the flag as their hope or ‘gesture’ of nationalistic or sole governmental reliance.


So, friends, I am not at war with anyone here nor am I trying to undermine governments world-wide. Rest assured that I am a law abiding citizen and I fully respect and appreciate all the hard work that governments world-wide put in place so as to try and bring some sort of solidarity, unity, development, and policies that try to help the vast majority out there, be it from providing basic services, further education and training, health resources and the like. All these serve as a somewhat urgently ‘needed’ stitch to the wound or operation. I am not the judge of any organizational imperfection, be it gross or subtle.


But friends, now we need yet to venture into another taboo field of organizational imperfection. This may again sound too deep, complex, ‘biased,’ ‘spurious’ or superficial, but we need to try to take this dive together. It also scares me a little bit because it’s too sensitive, much like performing a brain surgery. So, please brace up your mind and allow historical facts to simply station themselves in your clairvoyance, in turn the sobering detail and facts procured will bring or add lustre to your countenance, hence, intellectual ergonomics and a pulchritudinous comprehension.


Okay friends, now this field is too diverse, and requires much patience, good thought and no early conclusions or judgements. So your fairness, patience, reasonableness and impartiality will be a winning key and success in all of this to-be-ordeal. Right, how shall we start it, as it also makes my stomach to growl shrilly. Okay, let’s pierce the puss open and allow swelling to subside.


Friends, it’s the field or sphere of religion. We need to approach this vast sphere that is the home of many today by asking ourselves several questions. Firstly, should I just belong anywhere and ignore the organizational fruits or produced? Can I be in an unwholesome group and expect to regarded individually irrespective of what others may do in the rest of the group? Is it necessary for my religion to be international or ubiquitous? Should its head-quarter’s and branch administrations really matter? Should it have ancient roots or history? Lastly, should its reputation and the name of the Deity worshipped really matter?


Ah! After a strong inhalation, now is the time to perform some craniotomy and introduce some craniometrical scorpions. Well, to begin with, let’s try to lay a ‘red-carpeted’ early bird elucidation in a form of yet another series of mind-probing questions. Nice! Now tell me, if you were a parent having various kids, would you expect all your kids to have the same talents and abilities? In turn, would you give them the same names? Would you expect the same behaviour, speech pattern etc from each? Hardly! Right, now let’s raise

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