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the gifts we can minister, the greatest above all, is The Gift of Love.

This doesn’t mean that the supernatural gifts of the Holy Spirit described in all of Chapter 12 is not to be considered highly. The Gifts of the Holy Spirit are to be considered extremely highly. In fact the Holy Spirit ministers His gifts to us because He loves us very, very much. In fact this motive of love should also be our (human) primary aim as well. Although the Holy Spirit always ministers because of His love to us, as Christian believers and operators of the Gifts of the Holy Spirit our motives may not always be so pure.

We might minister the Gifts of the Holy Spirit to make or maintain a name for ourselves, to raise money, to raise our fame, or for other selfish reasons. God still ministers His gifts when His Word is preached (His Word does not return void) even though the ministers He works through may not always have pure motives. In 1 Cor. 13 the bible explicitly states that we gain nothing (no rewards) when we perform the gifts and even sacrifices without the motive of love. This is why love is considered the greatest of all gifts. In fact since “God is Love” the more we act out of love, the more we become like God.


Love Is The Most Excellent Way

Just today the Holy Spirit revealed something else about this passage of Scripture that I had never seen before in all my years of study of this (love) passage of scripture. In the first half of the verse, 1 Cor. 12:31, it states “But eagerly desire the greater gifts.” The gift of love is one of the gifts that God puts in all of our hearts. Now notice that the word used is gifts – which is plural. Besides love, what are the other gifts being referred to here? The answer is given in 1 Cor. 13:13, “And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love.” – 1 Cor. 13:13. This is saying that faith, hope, and love are the greater gifts. By cultivating these greatest of spiritual gifts we can become much more effective Christians in this world. And the greatest of these three greater gifts is LOVE (1 Cor. 13:13). Notice in the second half of 1 Cor. 13:1 that it states, “And now I will show you the most excellent way.” And then Paul starts on Chapter 13 – the Love chapter of 1 Corinthians. We will study some on faith and hope when we study 1 Cor. 13:13 later, but for now let us continue our study on the most excellent way – which is love.


1 Cor. 13:1 If I speak in the tongues of men and of angels, but have not love, I am only a resounding gong or a clanging cymbal.


In 1 Corinthians chapter 14, Paul encourages believers to speak in tongues. He also emphasizes to do so in such a way that it benefits the whole Christian community. The gift of tongues is for ALL believers. ( Mark 16:17, Acts 2:3-4,11; Acts 10:46; Acts 19:6. ) However there is a Special Gift of the Spirit that is for the church meeting (1 Cor 14:5) and when applied should be accompanied by the Special Gift of the Spirit called “The Interpretation of Tongues” that translates the tongues spoken in the language the church community can understand. Remember the Holy Spirit commands that we EAGERLY desire spiritual gifts – including the gift of speaking in tongues. So 1 Cor 13:1 does not say to despise or diminish the importance of speaking in tongues. It is saying that it , and any other activity, should be done with a motive of love. 


1 Cor. 13:2 If I have the gift of prophecy and can fathom all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have a faith that can move mountains, but have not love, I am nothing.


In 1 Cor. 14:1 it states, “Follow the way of love and eagerly desire spiritual gifts, especially the gift of prophecy.” So this is emphasizing to EAGERLY desire the gift of prophecy. And as important and valuable as the gift of prophecy is, the Holy Spirit through Paul is emphasizing that we should operate with a motive of love. And if love is not the motive (even when operating any spiritual gift) then your reward and standing will be nothing. You will be as nothing.


1 Cor. 13:3 If I give all I possess to the poor and surrender my body to the flames, [Some early manuscripts body that I may boast ] but have not love, I gain nothing.


Again without love, the reward that you gain will be nothing. And notice that from this last verse – if this is the case (even if you give up your life) but if it is not done for love (usually for the people who kill you or harm you, forgiving them so God can bring them to salvation) or to protect someone else out of love for them. Then don’t expect any reward without the motive of love. Wow ! Even if you give up your life ! If love is absent then you will gain nothing. No reward from the Lord.

And this reward is not to be despised – or to be thought little of. It is similar to an Olympic gold medal. The effort and cost and reward of an Olympic Gold medal is not the monetary value of the gold metal itself. It is the recognition, remembrance, the honor of accomplishment. Of course the rewards from the Lord is much, much more valuable than any earthly medal or award. Also God is very pleased when we appreciate His rewards.

Also notice that if you give up all you possess, but it is not done out of love, then you will also not have any reward for that. So we see that it is not your possessions or even your body that you sacrifice that is most valuable. Rather it is the love you show and the motive of love that is most important.

Many people work very hard in ministry. Doing this, and doing that. But many times they are not doing so out of love for people. They are many times just selfishly seeking reward, or fame, or to impress. And according to 1 Cor. 13:2-3 there will be no rewards and nothing gained from such an approach. Cultivate a desire to genuinely love people. To help them because you love them. To give to them because you love them. Even to rebuke them (as God directs) because you love them and don’t want them to suffer spiritual loss.


1 Cor. 13:4 Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud.


Love Is Patient

Impatience is a fruit of selfishness. And selfishness is simply an ugly, accurate description of the fallen, depraved flesh nature, which wants all of creation “to serve me.” Selfishness is the real enemy of love.

Selfishness seeks its own happiness at the expense of others. Love seeks the happiness of others. It will suffer and even die for others in order that their joy might be full.

Love is patient because patience is dying to self. We die to our own selfishness in the belief that in this dying we seek the joy of the ones we love. It’s one of the ways we fulfill the two greatest commandments (Matthew 22:37-40).

Patience requires both faith and humility. It requires that whenever things go differently than we envision or wish, we believe that God is working all things for good (Romans 8:28), that He will complete all the good things He begins (Philippians 1:6), and that we can trust Him because our understanding is incomplete and inaccurate at best (Proverbs 3:5-6).

So, today you will have an opportunity, even numerous times, to lay down your life for the sake of Christ – which also means for the sake of others. It will come when you are tempted to be impatient. That moment will be your invitation to love.


Love Is Kind

Genuine, sincere, honest Kindness is the most powerful way to win someone to your side. You might force someone to your argument, - by a court decision, or by reason of your authority (being the boss, parent, organization head, etc.) But by kindness you can win someone’s heart, and someone’s fully willing mind.

This is more powerful than forcing someone by fear or “authority,” Or by threat of retaliation. There is no weapon possible that can win over kindness.

An example of this is illustrated in 2 Chronicles 10:1-19. King Rehoboam tried to force his subjects to work for him by using fear and harsh treatment. Instead the whole nation rebelled against him and Rehoboam had to permanently escape into exile to avoid their retaliation. 

If King Rehoboam had treated them with kindness the people in his kingdom would have served him loyally and with gladness. P

eople might think kindness is weak. But from this example alone we can see the enormous strength of kindness. Make no mistake about it. Kindness is more powerful than any political or military might (as King Rehoboam found out).


Love Does Not Envy

Cain killed Abel because of envy. Envy is an ugly, ugly thing. It will make you do very ugly things. And make you say some very ugly things. It is best to do the very opposite of what envy wants. If someone gets possessions or promotions that you, yourself want, Bless and pray for that person to get even more. Sincerely congratulate and help the person get even more promoted. Speak well of that person to others.

If envy rears it’s ugly head. Do the very opposite of what that demon wants you to do. Again I say, bless that other person even more – by praying for him to get even more promoted and by speaking well of him or her to others.


Love Does Not Boast

James 4:13,16. Now listen, you who say, “Today or tomorrow we will go to this or that city, spend a year there, carry on business and make money.” 16. As it is, you boast in your arrogant schemes. All such boasting is evil.

Why is boasting evil? It is evil because it is not crediting God for the success or accomplishment you are boasting about. Every ability you have is God’s gift to you – either out of God’s love for you and also God’s love for others – so that you can serve others with your abilities. And if you serve others without boasting people will be thankful (and impressed) without you saying a word about it. Also if you take the credit, there will be no reward from the Lord for you in regards to those acts of service.


Love Is Not Proud

So in your thoughts, honestly now, you think you know more than all the congregation – or at least most all of the congregation. That you work for the Lord more than most.

But did you know that to the extent that you think that you are better than most. To that extent -- in God’s eyes -- you are actually worse than most. (Luke 18:9-14)

Pride is a stench in God’s nostrils. It is the attitude that first caused satan to think himself better than God, thereby rebelling against God and causing him to fall way down into Hell and soon forever into the eternal lake of fire.

It is essential that you declare a permanent war against pride. Because otherwise it will repeatedly cause your downfall. Also pride is very cunning and deceptive. It pervades your soul in subtle ways that you may not see. Earnestly ask God to show you when you move in pride so that you can get God’s help to get rid of it.

Do a serious study in the Bible on

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