Hell Testimonies by Mike Peralta (a book to read .txt) 📖

- Author: Mike Peralta
Book online «Hell Testimonies by Mike Peralta (a book to read .txt) 📖». Author Mike Peralta
Chapter 1: The Gospel Simply Explained
Chapter 2: 23 Minutes In Hell by Bill Weise
Chapter 3: Hell Testimony by Choo Thomas
Chapter 4: Revelations of Heaven and Hell by 7 Columbian Youths
Chapter 5: Hell Testimony by Victoria Nehale
Chapter 6: Hell Testimony by Bernarda Fernandez
Chapter 7: Hell Testimony by Ricardo Cid
Chapter 8: Hell Testimony by a Buddist Monk
Chapter 9: Hell Testimony by Carmelo Brenes
Chapter 10: Gate of Hell by Queen E. Dixon
Chapter 11: Hell Testimony about Lust, Pornography, and Sexual Immorality
Chapter 12: Hell Testimony about Unforgiveness
Chapter 13: Hell Testimony About Keeping The Sabbath Holy
Chapter 14: Hell Testimony by Angelica Zambrano
Chapter 15: Hell Testimony by Emmanuel Agyarko
Chapter 16: Hell Testimony by Michael Thomas Sambo
In Matthew 7:21-23 Jesus tells us: “Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of Heaven, but only the one who does the will of my Father who is in Heaven. Many will say to me on that day, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name and in your name drive out demons and in your name perform many miracles?’ Then I will tell them plainly, ‘I never knew you. Away from me, you evildoers!’ ”
Satan and many preachers, pastors, and teachers have deceived many disobedient Christians into believing that, even in their willfull disobedience, they are still saved. But in Matthew 7:21-23 Jesus directly contradicts this lie from satan and his deceived “teachers.”
If you read and believe the testimonies in this book you will very
dramatically come to see this – if you have a humble and obedient
heart for Jesus.
To start, I include the following prophecy that Lasttrumpet777 received on Oct. 2, 2011. Prophecies have NOT been done away with. You will find many prophets and many teachings about the gift of prophecy in the New Testament – which is the current present day convenant that God has with His children.
I include this because it had a huge impact on me, and it reiterates what Jesus already told us in Matthew 7:21-23. If you don’t want to believe this – then even God will not be able to help you and you will most certainly end up in Hell. I don’t want this for you, and certainly God doesn’t want this for you, but it is your free will to believe or not believe, to obey or not obey. But there are eternal consequences either way. Although all these messages and testimonies can be unsettling – it is better to get this correct now in this life rather than in the next. Because “it is appointed for man once to die and after this the judgment.” - Hebrews 9:27
Prophecy from that Lasttrumpet777 received on Oct. 2, 2011:
Lord, Lord. - October 02, 2011
“My children, do not be deceived. Not everyone who says to Me, Lord, Lord will enter into Heaven. Many are deceived and in darkness, not knowing it. They will be disappointed in that day to hear that they were not pleasing to Me, but it will be forever too late. If you do not want to be disappointed in that day, make sure with Me today, ask while you still have the time, if I am pleased with you or not, tomorrow might just be too late.
Repent and come in right standing with Me while you have the opportunity, do not wait. I see and I hear everything, what can anyone hide from Me? I know the intentions of every heart and all thoughts. I will not strive with man forever. I am the righteous Judge and I will decide who will enter through the Narrow Door. I am the Door and not everyone who says to Me, Lord, Lord will I allow entrance into Heaven. Only those who truly love Me, who obey Me and do the will of My Father until the end, those who were pleasing to Me not to man.
Many only serve Me with their lips but their hearts are far from Me. They just do not want to go to Hell but they think they will spend eternity with Me in Heaven. They believe and love lies instead of seeking the truth from Me.
My children, take heed to My warning. Today is mercy time, there will be no mercy without repentance. In that day it will be too late to cry out to Me for mercy, today is mercy time. Do not wait or take a chance. Am I pleased with you or do you just assume? Ask Me, I can speak and will confirm it to you. If you take a chance you will only have yourself to blame, because no man can tell you if I am pleased with you or not. It is your choice whether you want to trust and believe man and his lies or rather hear the truth from Me for yourself?
Those who are in right standing with Me, must seek to stay right with Me all the time until the end. Not everyone who says to Me, Lord, Lord in that day will enter into Heaven. I will say to many: Go away I never knew you, you who work iniquity. What will I say to you?
by Lasttrumpet777 on Sunday, 02 October 2011 at 15:12
About The Hell Testimonies
March 1, 2012
The message in this book is in two sections:
1. In the first chapter, I explain the gospel in very direct terms based on what the bible says. This is the pamphlet that I use when I go out to spread the gospel. Please read this and take it to heart and pray the sinner's prayer. Pray this even if you prayed this prayer before. And really mean it from your heart. God will enter your life in a big way. He will change your life so that you can sense Him near you.
2. In the rest of the book, I am including several revelations of Hell that God has given to various people around the world. These messages should be taken very seriously. There are many, many people in Hell right now that thought they were right with God but they found out at the moment of their death that they were not, because of sin and disobedience in their lives, and then they found themselves in Hell. Because of this it is eternally vital that you read these testimonies of Hell and to repent of any and all sins.
The gospel is easy to understand. The thing to understand is that it's all about loving God more than anyone or anything else. Now loving God is about entering in and keeping a continual love and devotion to Jesus. This means to have a real relationship with Jesus at all times and in all aspects of our life. Above all else we need to stay in a pure and obedient relationship with Jesus. God created us, He paid for your salvation by His blood, and He greatly loves you well beyond what you're able to comprehend.
Even if you have prayed to receive Jesus in your heart in the past please pray the prayer below again. And really mean business with God by repenting of all sins and rededicating your life to Jesus. It is extremely important to always repent quickly, forgive quickly, and to believe everything God says in His Word - The Bible.
I myself review my life daily to see where I have sinned and to repent, ask forgiveness, and to get God's forgiveness and help to avoid sin in the future.
As God commands us in Philippians 2:12,
“Work out your own salvation with fear and trembling.”
I wish there was a softer way to give all these messages, but satan has been so effective at deceiving so many of us that I have to give these messages full strength as God has provided these revelations to many around the world. And it is God’s mercy that He gives us these warnings – But we must believe and act on His warnings –otherwise we will be doomed to Hell forever. And God is trying so desperately for our sake to help us avoid this eternal fate of torment.
If you discount or ignore these warnings then you will only have yourself to blame for ending up in Hell. God is trying everything He can to save you and to keep you. – But it is up to you to listen to Him, to believe Him, and to obey Him as He commands throughout all His word in the Bible – both Old and New Testament.
by Mike Peralta
If you were to die today, would you be certain that you would go to Heaven?
If you are not certain, then please read on.
Many think that since they have lived a good life then they will probably go to Heaven.
It's good to do good deeds and God wants that, but your good deeds cannot make up for your sins. It's like a bank robber that gets caught and tells the police that he gives to the poor and helps people. That does not make up for the fact that he robbed the bank.
God wants everyone to go to Heaven and be with Him. That is why He sent Jesus to die on the cross for us.
In John 3:16 it says, “For God so loved the world that He gave His only Son, so that everyone who believes in Him will not perish but have eternal life.”
The word perish here means the opposite of eternal life -- which is eternal death or Hell. God gives us His instructions in the bible to lead us to Him so that we can receive salvation. He does this because He loves us and wants everyone to be in Heaven with Him when they die.
In Romans 3:23 it says,
“For all have sinned; and fall short of God's glorious standard.”
What this means is that all of us have sinned. We have all done wrong and do not deserve to be in God's glorious presence. None of us deserve to go to Heaven. I don't deserve to go, you don't deserve to go. None of us deserve to go to Heaven. We have all disobeyed God in our lives.
In Romans 6:23 it says,
“For the wages of sin is DEATH, but the free gift of God is eternal life through Christ Jesus our Lord.”
Here “the wages of sin” means the “consequence of sin” or what we earn by sinning.
And the type of death being described here is spiritual death -- which is Hell -- as explained in the Bible in the book of Revelations where it states
“The lake of fire is the second DEATH. If anyone's name was not found written in the book of life, he was thrown into the lake of fire.” Revelation 20:14-15.
So these last 3 scriptures are very serious because they are saying that:
1. We Have All Sinned,
2. The Consequence Of Sin Is Death, and
3. Death Is The Lake of Fire or Hell.
What this means is that we are all destined to go to Hell -- unless we allow God to intervene in our life.
But God does not want anyone to go to Hell. That is why He
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