FORGIVE OR HELL by Mike Peralta (best pdf ebook reader txt) đź“–

- Author: Mike Peralta
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Torture In Hell. And this punishment for unforgiveness will be forever in Hell itself – with severe torture by the demons in Hell. (vs 34, “handed him over to the torturers”)
Torment In This Life. If you don’t forgive, not only will you be tormented in Hell for eternity, you will also be tormented and in anguish while in this life because of the bitterness and resentment of unforgiveness. Actual demons, though you may not see them with your physical eyes, will surround you and mentally torture you by vengeful and hurtful suggestions to your mind and soul. Reminding you continually of the hurts that people have inflicted on you.
We Should Forgive “From Your Hearts”. That is, not merely in words, but really and truly to feel and act toward him as if he had not transgressed against you.
Likewise Shall My Heavenly Father Do Also Unto You. Notice that in verse 35 Jesus says that likewise shall my Heavenly Father do also unto you. Observe Jesus says, “My Heavenly Father” - not your’s. God will not be your Heavenly Father unless you imitate His spirit of mercy, and are as ready to forgive others their trespasses as He is to forgive your own. “Blessed are the merciful, for they shall obtain mercy” (Mat 5:7). “As ye measure out to others it shall be measured to you” (Mat 7:2). “Forgive us our trespasses even as we forgive those who trespass against us” (Mat 6:12). “Whatsoever a man soweth that shall he also reap” (Gal 6:7). If we are hard and unforgiving to our fellow-man, we can never expect the Heavenly Father to overlook our own sins. It is a vital doctrine that we, by our own mind towards others, determine what shall be the mind of God towards us.
“If you do not forgive others their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses.” Matthew 6:15
“Son [Jesus], in whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins.” Colossians 1:14
Based on the parable of the unmerciful servant, and these two above scriptures:
• If You Do Not Forgive Then You Will NOT Be Forgiven.
• If You Do Not Have Forgiveness Then You Do NOT Have Redemption.
• If You Do Not Have Redemption Then You WILL Be Damned To HELL.
If You Do Not Forgive You Will Go To Hell.
As you can see the Word of God (the Bible) is very clear on this point. Ignore this truth at your own eternal CERTAINTY of Hell. In later chapters I will present some truthful testimonies about people who saw people in Hell that were there due to unforgiveness. This is real folks. God, which allowed the testimonies, is giving us serious eternal warnings to us about this. Stop doubting and believe God – at least from His word.
A Word About Forgiving With Compassion
Once you believe what God tells you about forgiving others it becomes immediately urgent that you obey God and forgive others. It is possible to forgive others solely because you don’t want to go to Hell. Although you can do this, please realize that this motive is only a beginning as Proverbs 9:10a states: “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom,” What God is really looking for is that you have a true heart of compassion and mercy for others. To have a forgiving heart as a matter of lifestyle - fully ingrained in your spirit and character. This is what Jesus meant in Mat 18:35 by “forgive his brother from your heart.”
If you find it difficult to do this, then ask God to give you His compassion in your heart for that person who wronged you. Sincerely ask God to forgive that person who wronged you. And of course you, yourself forgive him. Ask God to bless him and cause him to grow in Christ and mature and be the person God meant him to be. Ask God to give the person wisdom so that he can avoid making the same mistake with others. In that way God can forgive him and he will avoid hurting others.
As Jesus commands us in Matthew 4:44-45, “Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, that you may be children of your Father in Heaven.”
“That you may be children of your Father in Heaven”… Wow ! The Holy Spirit just enlightened me on this part of this Scripture. To be a child of God, Jesus is saying that we need to love those who harm us or seek to harm us. Then we will truly be children of God. Notice that this is not just icing on the cake. This is a necessary trait that we need to be considered (by Jesus) children of God. Just like forgiveness – which is very closely associated with this scripture. To forgive and to truly love even enemies goes to the core of a Godly character and to be truly considered a child of God.
About The Visions Of Unforgiveness And Hell
In the rest of this book I will be covering some visions and revelations that Jesus has given to people that have seen Hell. It fearfully illustrates how people who refused to forgive were sent to Hell. However, even without these revelations, God clearly and directly from the Bible has already told us that our sins would NOT be forgiven if we refuse to forgive others. So even without these frightful visions and revelations, God’s Word in the Bible has already told us the truth about unforgiveness.
Even if you are not sure about the truthfulness of the visions and revelations, you can still be sure about the truthfulness of God’s Word in the Bible.
God does not give idle warnings and He absolutely, definitely does NOT lie. He fulfills ALL of His promises and warnings in the Bible.
Chapter 3: Hell Testimony by Daniel Ekechukwu
As Narrated by David Servant
(Free website download.
Used by permission.)
Pastor Daniel Ekechukwu and his Resurrection from the Dead.
Soon after it occurred in December of 2001, I heard the report of Nigerian pastor Daniel Ekechukwu's resurrection via e-mail from my friend, pastor David K. Aboderin, of Lagos, Nigeria. I also heard about this miracle from my friend Brent Regis, son-in-law of Reinhard Bonnkee. Bonnkee had been preaching at the church where Ekechukwu was resurrected a short time before it occurred. Brent told me at that time some of the details of pastor Ekechukwu's experience in Hell. Some months after that, I also watched the video documentary of that miracle produced by Christ for all Nations, which focused primarily on the miracle of the resurrection. I wanted to learn more about the incident. Since I was scheduled to spend the first two weeks of September, 2002 teaching at three pastors' conferences in Nigeria, I told David Aboderin that if it would be possible, I would like to meet pastor Ekechukwu, and I prayed that the Lord would make it possible.
I learned that pastor Ekechukwu was from a village called Amaimo, Imo State, and that he was pastoring a church in the city of Onitsha, Anambra State, called Power Chapel Evangelical Church. Onitsha was about a three-hour drive from where our final conference would be held, in the eastern Nigerian city of Umahia. So I asked the pastors at that conference if any of them knew how we could find pastor Ekechukwu. One young man raised his hand and told me that he had a friend who had a friend who personally knew pastor Ekechukwu. However, we also learned that pastor Ekechukwu was very difficult to meet, as he is in great demand.
To make a long story short, we eventually learned that pastor Ekechukwu was temporarily staying at a hotel just five minutes from David Aboderin's home in Lagos, where I would be lodging during my final three days in Nigeria. We were also given the opportunity to meet him. So in a country of 130 million people, and in a city of 12 million, the man I wanted to meet was lodging just five minutes away from me! It was either great coincidence or wonderful providence. I was given the favor of personally meeting with Daniel Ekechukwu twice during those three days and also talking with several people on his ministry staff who were very familiar with his story.
The following report has been compiled from several sources:
1 from pastor Daniel Ekechukwu himself by means of personal discussions I had with him from September 12-14, 2002, while I was in Lagos, Nigeria,
2 from his personal written testimony contained in his own selfpublished booklet which he gave me, titled Miracle of the 21st Century,
3 from listening to his public testimony on September 13th at The Chapel of Glory, Lagos, Nigeria,
4 from the documentary video produced and sold by the ministry of Christ for all Nations, which includes the testimonies of pastor Daniel, the doctor who pronounced him dead, Daniel's wife, Daniel's father, the mortician who embalmed Daniel, and several pastors who were present at his resurrection, and
5 from a personal discussion with Ede Samuel, a long-time friend and personal assistant to pastor Daniel, who also was an eyewitness of many of the events surrounding Daniel's death and resurrection.
The events described in the following report are factual to the best of my knowledge and memory. I've sent this report to a Nigerian man named Uche Chikezie, who was Daniel Ekechukwu's Public Relations Director, and he affirmed that all that I reported is true. I am persuaded that due to complications from an automobile accident, Nigerian pastor Daniel Ekechukwu physically died in the late evening of Friday, November 30th, 2001, was dead for at least 42 hours, visited Heaven and Hell during the time of his physical death, and was raised from the dead between 3:50 PM and 5:15 PM on Sunday, December 2nd, in the basement of the Grace of God Mission, located in Onitsha, Nigeria. Pastor Ekechukwu's resurrection is the greatest modern miracle of which I've heard.
Although some of what happened to pastor Ekechukwu is certainly extra-biblical, none of it is unbiblical. Indeed, neither the story of Daniel Ekechukwu's resurrection or the story of your salvation is found in the Bible, making them both extra-biblical, but neither should be discounted on that basis.
The Account.
On Thursday, November 29th, 2001, Pastor Daniel Ekechukwu and his wife, Nneka, had a misunderstanding that degenerated into an argument that ended in her slapping him. He was very offended by this incident, to the point of not even acknowledging her attempt to reconcile the next morning. Pastor Daniel admitted that throughout the day of November 30th, he angrily thought about how he would put his wife in her place when he returned home. He would not, however, make it home that Friday.
As he was driving home that evening, the brakes on his 20-year old Mercedes 230E failed as he was heading down a steep hill, and his car crashed into a concrete pillar that was built to prevent cars from going over a steep embankment. He was not wearing a seat belt. few Nigerians did in 2001, but that changed in 2003,
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