Read books online ยป Religion ยป I AM COMING! Volume 2 by Susan Davis, Sabrina De Muynck (most read book in the world TXT) ๐Ÿ“–

Book online ยซI AM COMING! Volume 2 by Susan Davis, Sabrina De Muynck (most read book in the world TXT) ๐Ÿ“–ยป. Author Susan Davis, Sabrina De Muynck

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minute while there is still light to work in reaching every single person we can with the Good News of our Lord Jesus. Many blessings to you. - Reader 10


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Dear Susan and Sabrina, I want you to know how much I appreciate your much-needed messages from the Lord Jesus. I have carefully read every one of them and can find no fault. In other words, I know how Jesus thinks from many years of studying and teaching His word and listening to the Holy Spirit's instructions to me personally. What you are saying sounds exactly like what I would expect the Lord to be saying at this exact time. โ€“ Reader 11


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Ladies, I take the letters you write to my heart. I want you to know I read them, search your website and share them with friends. I know Jesus is coming soon... I know, I know and I know! I desire with my heart to be white-washed and spotless for Him. Thank you for the letters and God's blessing on you! โ€“ Reader 12


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Dear Susan and Sabrina, I have been following the letters you have written and the more I read the more I feel the Lord talking to me directly. I am a born again, Spirit-filled Christian who has longed for years for the return of the Lord. โ€“ Reader 13


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Thank you Susan. I believe in what you have said. We just can't give up on the rapture regardless of what isn't happening - we have to continue to have faith the rapture will happen in G-d's timing not man's. Thank you so very much for all the encouraging letters that you put out concerning the blessed hope. May G-d bless you a bunch. If we have more time, I hope that all of us will try our best with His help to draw closer than we have before, and try to be a servant to others as you are being to us. I want to live for Him on a scale from 1 to 10 @ ten that I would please Him. It's all about Him (Y'shua)!!!!!!! not who we are! โ€“ Reader 14


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In Indonesia, Christians are truly a little flock since the majority of our citizens are Moslems. We are hoping that transformation happens in our country. We long to see Godโ€™s restoration happen in Indonesia. We long to see every soul in Indonesia come to The One and Only Savior. โ€“ Reader 15


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This Volume contains Parts 33 to 52.

January 1, 2011 to March 31, 2011.


These urgent prophetic messages are recorded at the website:

Sabrina's email is:


Susan's email is:


PART 33. This letter gives details about the RFID chip as the mark of the beast. In this letter given to Susan, JESUS describes that the people are distant from Him while the dark forces are moving into the world. JESUS talks about the dark times coming but He offers His description of the bride. We received a letter with a word from Augusto Quiala Maquengo, PhD.

PART 34. This message has two messages from CHRIST spoken to Sabrina for this letter. And included is a two-part letter from the LORD JESUS dictated to Susan. In this letter the LORD gave a serious word to Sabrina about the chip which is the mark of the beast. In the letter to Susan from JESUS He implores the bride to be strong in this world. JESUS gives out a serious warning about the mark of the beast in this letter. In another section JESUS speaks on who the bride is to Him. Then JESUS speaks on the short time remaining and how important it is to come to HIM now without delay.

PART 35. This letter is from GOD the FATHER of CHRIST JESUS and comes with an important warning. God the FATHER talks of HIS love for HIS son and His arrival to earth and the wrath following the removal of the bride. GOD the FATHER talks of the incredible feat and compassion of HIS SON on the cross for the lost people. GOD gives a stern warning about touching HIS covenant land Israel and what will happen to those who do. The FATHER gave Susan the verse Psalm 89 to add to the letter regarding HIS covenant with Israel.

PART 36. Our LORD JESUS has spoken to Sabrina and myself, dictating to us two letters, each containing important directions for these last days for you to read. We open the letter with another warning about the RFID chip. In the letter to Sabrina it is title BE MY WITNESSES! This letter states that witnessing about Christ is a commandment of GOD and this is why the bride is here is to witness to others of JESUS in this last hour. In the letter from JESUS to Susan HE asks how can you be holy if you are engaging with the world? He says only a little leaven spoils the whole batch. He speaks of staying separate from the world and keeping your eyes fixed on the LORD. He speaks on the change in the world being subtle but moving away from GOD and the things of GOD.

PART 37. This message begins with a letter from our FATHER of JESUS given to Sabrina and the second part of the same letter was dictated to Susan by our LORD JESUS. There is an additional letter dictated to Susan by our FATHER of JESUS. The FATHER describes the extent of JESUS' sacrifice of GOD as a human suffering on the cross for mankind. HE continues about the importance of not rejecting HIS SON's incredible sacrifice salvation. The letter to Susan from JESUS speaks of the horribleness of HIS death on the cross and the price HE paid. Then the FATHER gives a letter to Susan about the horrible death HIS SON JESUS endured for mankind and the significance of what HE went through to save men.

PART 38. Sabrina and I each received a letter this time from GOD the FATHER. The FATHER speaks of creating the world and now it is about to fall into darkness and HIS wrath and the importance of receiving HIS SON JESUS' salvation now and not to wait. In the letter to Sabrina, the FATHER warns of playing with the things of the world and approaching HIS throne and not dabbling in the occult and engaging in the things of the devil. HE warns to never take the mark of HIS enemy's system or the people will be doomed.

PART 39. This letter has more important details about the RFID as the mark of the beast and a sign of the soon-coming return of Christ. In this letter, JESUS warns of the world system that will completely reject GOD and doom men for eternity. The letter speaks of human time as limited so choice must be made of how time is spent, whether devoted to GOD or rejecting GOD. JESUS warns again about the mark of the beast that is already coming on the earth damning men for eternity and that soon the LORD will remove the bride to leave the world to this evil system. Detailed links about the RFID chip is included to show that the mark of the beast is already being implanted in people.

PART 40. This message contains two letters from Jesus, each letter has its own important message. JESUS warns of the audacity of the world's attack of HIS covenant people and the consequences of such actions. JESUS promises destruction to the lands that touch HIS covenant land. In the letter to Sabrina, JESUS talks about the bride and who she is and this letter speaks of intimacy with GOD.

PART 41. Sabrina receives a letter from GOD the FATHER. HE tells how HE gave up HIS SON to provide a sacrifice to the world for their sin. HE tells how people must choose for this sacrifice by total surrender. Then Sabrina received a letter from JESUS about the church preaching HIS message and the importance of doing this now. HE says to preach the blood! HE asks: Who is willing to go? JESUS gives a letter to Susan and in it HE tells how few are really not ashamed to be the bride and promote holiness. JESUS says: The world will continue to tremble from earthquakes in diverse places, the world's economy will sink, and with it the people will sink to evil depths. MY hand that brings about all good is being lifted. Men pat themselves on their backs believing they can bring success. I am the ONE WHO brings success.

PART 42. In this letter to Susan by JESUS He tells how the churches that don't operate in the power of HIS SPIRIT are not really and truly following HIM. These churches HE says are lukewarm and open to the enemy. These churches will be sent to hell for their lukewarm positions. In the letter to Sabrina, JESUS warns the pastors that the flocks belong to HIM and to be careful their leadership. He speaks of the worldly compromise in the churches.

PART 43. In the letter given to Sabrina, the LORD warns the church not to wait in the closet for the rapture, but to get out and to warn the people. JESUS tells in the letter to Susan that it is only HIS Word that has truth and all other messages in the world will lead people to hell.

PART 44. In this letter to Susan, JESUS speaks of how GOD alone created the universe and man's effort to explain away GOD's involvement in creation is evil, leading men to eternal hell. In the letter to Sabrina, the LORD speaks again of His creation and who the bride is and how she is washed in His Word.

PART 45. Two letters below from our precious LORD JESUS about the times we are in. In the letter to Sabrina, JESUS speaks of HIS blood, HIS Book and being baptized in His Spirit. In the letter to Susan, JESUS speaks of creating man and wanting him to turn to him but that these letters won't go on forever HE states because HE is coming back soon.

PART 46. In the letter to Susan, JESUS declares that HE is involved in the affairs of man and soon HE will retrieve HIS bride leaving those choosing the world to be left to face the worst. JESUS tells Sabrina that HIS judgment is coming to the earth and the time is short and the people need to choose.

PART 47. In the PART I letter to Susan, JESUS talks about the extraordinary world heaven is and can't be compared to earth. So many people ask the question: "How can I know if I am really ready to go with the LORD when HE comes to rescue HIS bride?"๏พ PART II of the letter below given by the LORD JESUS gives the definitive answer. PART II talks about any plan but GOD's perfect will for someone's life is

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