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evil and will lead them to hell by they enemy. The letter to Sabrina, the LORD warns that the people do not seem to think that now is the time of the LORD's return and they are not turning to HIM, but HE warns of their foolish beliefs are putting them in a dangerous lukewarm condition.

PART 48. In the letter given to Sabrina, JESUS outlines the importance of being ready for HIS return and that salvation needs to be worked out daily with fear and trembling. In this letter to Susan, JESUS speaks of what it means to surrender to HIM. HE speaks of giving HIM the small details of life and not just the big things. HE is a GOD of details. Soon the people need to decide before evil fills the earth completely.

PART 49. The LORD is unhappy with HIS lukewarm church and lets them know what HE thinks of their choices and decisions toward GOD.

PART 50. In light of the Japanese disasters (and how the Bible speaks of earthquakes in diverse places), the LORD JESUS sternly reminds us of the nearness of HIS coming and the importance of not waiting to be prepared for HIS return. Great urgency is found in HIS words in these letters. Also with this letter are Words from the LORD about HIS near coming from a 10-year-old daughter of Christian Guinea missionaries and an update of Buddy Baker's incredible daily visions.

PART 51. This letter speaks of what JESUS endured on the cross and what HE truly looked like when HE was crucified. There is a love letter to the Bride from JESUS.

PART 52. This letter has young Ethan's vision and testimony of how damaged JESUS' face was at HIS crucifixion, also two important end time letters where JESUS speaks HIS heart to HIS children in choosing for HIM before it is too late!




We wish to acknowledge in the first place our precious GOD, JESUS, THE FATHER, and THE HOLY SPIRIT who brought us together to write the Lord's Letters and bring them out in this last hour.



We wish to acknowledge our brother in the Lord, Mike Peralta, who gave us the idea about a book and who wrote it all out for us.


We wish to acknowledge everybody who has any part in working with these letters to bring them out in any way.  

PART 33: This letter gives details about the RFID chip as the mark of the beast.

In this letter given to Susan, JESUS describes that the people are distant from Him while the dark forces are moving into the world. JESUS talks about the dark times coming but He offers His description of the bride. We received a letter with a word from Augusto Quiala Maquengo, PhD.


January 4th, 2011.

This message has a two-part letter from the LORD JESUS. We receive many wonderful notes and letters, but we wanted to include a letter from Augusto Quiala Maquengo about the LORD’s letters. Also, a big “THANK YOU” to Higashi Nobuo for taking time to translate five of the LORD’s letters to Japanese. If you would like the Japanese-translated letters, send us an email and we will forward.

Next time you are warning someone about the soon return of the LORD for HIS church and are met with opposition and the phrase: no man knows the day or the hour, be sure to remind them of the first part of the verse that frequently is left out: Matthew 25: 13: Watch therefore, for ye know neither the day nor the hour wherein the Son of man cometh. Most people dismiss watching for the return of the LORD by this verse, but the accurate meaning is BECAUSE YOU DO NOT KNOW THE DAY OR THE HOUR YOU ARE TO WATCH. Also remind them that watching is so important that the LORD rewards you with a crown of righteousness for watching: 2 Timothy 4:8: Henceforth there is laid up for me a crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous judge, shall give me at that day: and not to me only, but unto all them also that love his appearing.

I would like to take this opportunity to speak on a serious subject. It is about the Mark of the Beast which is also the RFID chip. My feet  are on the fire now to warn people because this chipping business is no longer “science fiction”, it is “science nonfiction” and a dangerous situation is arising as many organizations, companies, and even night clubs are chipping people right now, see info below. The LORD is confirming many that the RFID chip is, in fact, the Mark of the Beast spoken of in the Bible. Let’s take a look at this more seriously:

1. The LORD spoke about the Mark of the Beast in the Bible: Revelation 13:16-18. 16 It also forced all people, great and small, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hands or on their foreheads, 17 so that they could not buy or sell unless they had the mark, which is the name of the beast or the number of its name. 18 This calls for wisdom. Let the person who has insight calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man. That number is 666.

And then this passage: Revelation 14:11. And the smoke of their torment ascendeth up for ever and ever: and they have no rest day nor night, who worship the beast and his image, and whosoever receiveth the mark of his name.

2. Notice in this passage of Scripture above that the Bible says is it will be on the right hand and foreheads, by the way, after extensive research that is exactly where the creators of this technology plan to implant the RFID chip in people, what a coincidence that the Bible should speak of this so many years ago. This truth should make you sit up and notice this prophecy- come-true alone.

3. I can guarantee you this: the promoters of this technology, RFID chip, are not going to put a “disclaimer” on it warning you that this product could be hazardous to your eternal salvation. So who in their right mind would decide that this chip is okay to take and think that probably it is not the mark of the beast? Do you want to do something so risky with your eternal salvation? Do you want to tell others around you something so risky based on someone else’s sheer guess work?

4. Just how do you speculate that GOD planned to notify the people as to just exactly what is the mark of the beast and when it should not be received? I ask this since so many currently believe the RFID chip is not the actual mark of the beast. Well the only two possible ways that GOD will notify the masses of just what exactly is the mark of the beast is first, through HIS Word, the Bible, and second by telling HIS people directly. Well, according to the Bible the mark will be used for buying and selling and also installed in the right hand and the forehead. The RFID chip meets these criteria now. And also, God has informed many of HIS followers the RFID chip IS the mark of the beast as well.

5. Finally, if you read Revelation 13:16 carefully, it says: 16 It also forced all people, great and small, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hands or on their foreheads. If you notice, this copy does not read: the first, second, or third consecutively produced mark on their right hands or their foreheads, it says only mark, the first and only mark. So if there is something that looks like what is being described here and it is going to be a tool that functions the way the Bible describes it here, then without question there is only one mark and the RFID chip fits this description with precision accuracy. So putting the word out that the RFID chip, is either not the mark of the beast or a questionable possibility is a dangerous assumption. Now is the time to accept the fact that it is the mark of the beast and to warn everyone who now has immediate access to this technology to not take this chip.

Note: The act of not taking the chip and/or being martyred to resist this technology by itself will not save you from hell, you still must surrender and repent to the LORD JESUS for your salvation and profess your faith to another.

*A friend provided us with this information: TSA will begin chipping both essential and non-essential employees – everyone from baggage handler to food court employees. Also, CNN ran a report explaining how both military and domestic police personnel are being “marked”. If you do a “Google” search of the name Somark Industries, this company does an RFID “tattoo” or “mark”. Currently used nationwide on cattle and lab animals. The tattoo has the same capabilities as the chip except it is a tattoo – also, the tattoo can be applied in red, blue, and clear ink.

Please Note: with this message below are different links put together by our friend Jude of the Philippines of the LORD’s letters in brochure format for public distribution and also some of our linking partners and the LORD’s letters translated into other languages.


Letter 62. Part I January 1, 2011. Letter from JESUS for you.

Yes Susan I have words.

I JESUS have words for this lost generation. I am serious about MY Words. I have many Words, Susan.

This generation views ME as a tyrant, they want nothing to do with. They see ME as a distant GOD, as a GOD who cares very little for the people. They think I don’t exist. They pay ME no heed. I am nonexistent to them. They run to and fro and pay no attention to ME. They are distant to ME. I don’t enter their minds at all. I am a distant memory to most. I don’t cross their minds. I am absolutely not in their minds at all. They don’t want to think of ME one minute.

I am saddened by this lack of respect for their CREATOR. This is incredibly sad to ME. I know them all so well. I know everything about them, every detail of their lives and yet I am not in their minds at all. I am a distant memory. Well it is

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