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Book online «Encounter With Jesus Christ: End of Time Warnings (Completed) by Regina Clarinda (grave mercy txt) 📖». Author Regina Clarinda

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reaction surprised me. I was confused.

"Why are You still sad, My Lord? I believe it is possible for one person to do all the work. Perhaps it could take months, but I am sure it can be done completely. It would be great if there are others helping, but if there’s none, I’m willing to do it all alone.”

I didn’t mind having to harvest it all by myself.

In the real world today, people can use harvesting machinery to make harvesting easier and faster. However this field is a different kind of field. It is a field of lost souls and cannot be harvested by machines.

Jesus was still silent with grief written on His face. I didn’t say anything else.

Harvesting Must be Done in Daylight

I continued reaping the grains as fast as I could.

Jesus stood not too far from me. He watched me working and not for one second took His eyes off me.

He didn’t say anything but I knew He wanted me to work fast.

I stopped for a second to wipe sweat off my face. The weather was hot and humid. It was summer. Sweat dripped down and drenched my clothes.

I looked up to the sky.

The sky was bright blue and clear. The sun positioned in the exact center of the sky. It was exactly noon.

"My daughter," Jesus said, "harvest must be done in daylight. There is not much time left. Daytime soon will pass and night will come. You cannot reap in the dark because when darkness arrives, it will rule over everything."

I went back to work immediately after hearing that. I worked faster than before, cutting the stalks relentlessly.

Although I didn’t really understand what the Lord meant by “darkness will rule over everything”, I didn’t have time to ask because I had to keep working. I could not waste time, not even one second. I needed to hurry before night fell.

After some time, I looked up to the sky again.

The sun was not in the exact center anymore. It had moved and was now positioned in the western half. The weather wasn’t too hot like earlier, it had become a little cooler with a gentle breeze.

I was exhausted from cutting the stems for hours. But when I saw how much more grain was waiting to be harvested, I forced myself to work again.

I could not give up now.

* * *

Time had flown by so quickly. The sun continued to move down towards the west. It was still shining, just not as bright as before.

I looked around to see how much grain I had reaped, and I was amazed to find them already bound into sheaves.

There were many sheaves, bound and arranged neatly around me. I had no idea who bound them but it was a great help.

I was pleased to see how much wheat I had harvested so far, even though there were still much more to harvest. It was impossible to get it all done by today as the day was almost over. The sun would go down soon.

I will reap again tomorrow, I said to myself.

There was still a little time left before dusk, so I kept harvesting.

Today Is All We Have

By the time the sun was setting, the sky was painted an array of pink, orange and yellow. I stood there in silence and awe admiring the most magnificent sunset I had ever seen.

It was breathtaking, but this sunset would turn into dusk soon, where the sky becomes completely dark.

Normally it would take around 30 minutes from sunset to dusk, which meant the remaining time for harvesting was no more than half an hour. Jesus said I could not harvest anymore after the sun goes down.

Then I saw something in the distance.

Up ahead in the distance, about one or two miles from where I was, something dark was soaring up into the eastern sky.

The eastern sky looked strange. It appeared darker, and the something that was soaring up was moving and headed this way, toward this field.

I squinted to see it more clearly.

How shocked I was when I found out what it was.

It was a tornado! The eastern sky was engulfed by black, swirling clouds.

Even though it was still far away, it was heading this way. Sooner or later this beautiful field would be destroyed!

To my horror I saw the twisting vortex rotate violently in increased velocity. I could feel the change in air pressure from here, and the wind had increased in intensity.

A strange roaring sound was heard. It sounded like the roar of hundreds of jet planes at takeoff. It was incredibly loud.

The huge, black cloud with a funnel shaped cloud beneath it kept moving forward in this direction. That gigantic black funnel, capable of devouring everything in its path.

Flashes of lightning lit up the blackened sky.

The circumstances were horrifying over there, while it was still peaceful and quiet here. But this peacefulness would soon be gone as the raging storm was about to pass through this field. Everything here would be destroyed.

Considering the distance, I estimated it would take less than two minutes for the tornado to arrive here.

“My daughter,” Jesus said, “the storm will arrive in twenty minutes. Its time has been postponed.”

It was a relief to know that.

I looked up to the skies above. The sun had dropped further below the horizon. I estimated this gorgeous twilight would end in about 20 minutes or less.

Then I realized something. I realized that the time when night falls coincided with the time when the tornado would arrive. They would arrive at the same time.

Reaping’s remaining time was only 20 minutes now. Twenty minutes before the tornado tears this wheat field apart. I became devastated when I thought about how there was still so much grain that had not been harvested.

I swung my sickle again with might and main. I tried to work as hard as I could, but it was impossible to finish all the harvesting in less than 20 minutes!

"My Lord,” I cried out, “it is impossible to reap all today. And it is not possible to harvest again tomorrow as there will be nothing left. The tornado will destroy everything!”

“It is true, you only have today. You cannot reap anything tomorrow because this field will be destroyed. When darkness and storm arrive, they shall tear this field apart."

My heart broke when I heard it.

Today was all I had, yet there was not even much time left anymore. I had to leave soon before the storm arrived!

I could not harvest again tomorrow as this beautiful wheat field would be gone. The big tornado would devour it without mercy. Earlier I was planning to work in the field for months, but it could not be realized now.

Now I see why Jesus was so deeply broken. He knew we were running out of time. We only had one day to reap all the wheat, which was today before night falls. Yet the day was nearly over, and the tornado about to come.

The Meaning of "One Day", "Night", and "Tornado”

Later on the Lord granted me the wisdom to comprehend these following three things:

1. “One Day (Today)” Symbolizes The Age Of The World

Today, the world is at the end of its age.

When I was in the field, I saw the sun was almost down. It was almost dusk, where the darkness of the night nearly comes. This means the world is at the end of its time; our earth almost comes to an end. As Jesus says in Matthew 24:35,”Heaven and earth shall pass away, but My words shall not pass away.”

We must always remember, that one day, sky and earth will pass away. And the time is coming soon.

We are living in the end of time, where the time for the earth to pass away is at hand. We are living in the last days.

Unfortunately there are still many lost souls out there. And sadly, there isn’t enough time to save everyone. In Matthew 9:37 Jesus says, “The harvest truly is plenteous, but the labourers are few.”

So many souls ready to hear the Word, yet there aren’t enough people sharing the good news.

2. Night Symbolizes The Powers of Darkness Taking Control Over The Entire World (The Reign of The Antichrist)

The work of the devil culminates in the very last days. The unbelievers of the world will be deceived into believing that the Antichrist is a god. Only those whose names are written in the book of life will refuse to worship him.

They will receive the mark of the Beast (the Antichrist) upon their foreheads, or in their hands. Those who accept the mark will acknowledge their spiritual submission to the Antichrist and will be lost to Jesus forever.

Things during the end times will be chaotic. A time of confusion and uncertainty will cause the people to desperately look for a strong leader that could bring hope and security in a time of fear and apprehension. The Antichrist, along with the False Prophet (the satanically empowered partner of the Antichrist), will seem to have all the answers and take control over the entire world.

The false prophet will then demand that all people throughout the world worship the Antichrist and his image, or be killed. “And he exerciseth all the power of the first beast before him, and causeth the earth and them which dwell therein to worship the first beast, whose deadly wound was healed.” (Revelation 13:12).

Even though the Antichrist has not yet risen, nowadays Satan has been working hard to deceive us. He has many strategies, schemes, and devices to deceive us - seeking to turn our hearts away from God, and from the way of life that will bring true happiness.

The powers of Darkness has slowly darkened the entire world with its deceptive practices. It shall not stop until the world is “completely dark”, which will happen when the Antichrist reigns.

Sunset symbolizes that the time for Darkness (the Antichrist) to come is at hand. He/she will reign and destroy more human beings than anyone who has ever lived.

* * *

We must always be vigilant and watchful, for our adversary, the Devil, walks around like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour.

We should not conform to the pattern of this world. We are called to live differently from the way the world lives. We must reflect Christ in our lives. We must be a living letter "Written not with ink but with the Spirit of the living God."

Since many people never read a Bible, we must be Christ's living and walking "letter from Christ”. A living letter from Christ to lost souls. A living letter that draws them to Him through the power of the Holy Spirit.

These lost souls could be our loved ones or those who we may see everyday. Our family, our close friends, neighbors, or our colleagues. The truth is their souls yearn to hear the Good News of salvation. They thirsteth for God, for the living God.

They are watching us closely. Do they perceive and recognize Christ in our lives?

Time is ticking away. Remember, time is very short. The sun has dropped below the horizon.

Day nearly turns into night.

“We must work the works of Him who sent Me while it is day; the night is coming when no one can work.“ (John 9:4 - NKJV)

3. Tornado Symbolizes The Great Tribulation

I saw how horrendous the tornado was. The violently rotating winds reached down from a storm and touched the ground; the clouds were black. It was frightening.

The fury of the cyclone was incredible. It had the power to destroy everything in its path.

Terrible and trying times are coming upon the world. The world will be buckling under great pressure like never before. This is the kind of pressure that affects every aspect of human life. Mass chaos will rule in every aspect of life. This will be an unbelievable time of strife and fear that the world has never seen before.

The most dreadful tribulation that mankind has ever experienced will take place. Major catastrophes and

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