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Book online «Hell Testimonies by Mike Peralta (a book to read .txt) 📖». Author Mike Peralta

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I remember all that pain, I still feel all the pain and terror in my soul in remembering that there are young children in that place between the ages of 12 and 14 years old. They also regret many things they did here on earth.

There are many that believe that their children will not be lost or go to Hell because they are so young. But let me tell you, if your children are not in the ways of the Lord, and can already distinguish between good and evil they will also arrive to that place of torment because it is written in Revelation 20:12 “And I saw the dead, great and small, standing before the throne, and books were opened. Another book was opened, which is the book of life. The dead were judged according to what they had done as recorded in the books.”

All persons that can comprehend and can make the distinction between good and evil will have to stand before the Lord; nothing is hidden from the eyes of the Lord.

We continued walking until we came to a place where it was some sort of football stadium. The demons’ laughing stock were human beings. Their mockery was the very image of the living God; the joy of the demons was to torment the living image of God. They pulled out pieces of their bodies and hid them from them and made them look for them. That made them feel great pleasure because that caused great pain and torment, which is what satan and his demons like the most. It is like what is written in John 10:10 “The thief comes
only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.” It is not like when you are here sitting in a chair and you can ask for water and drink it. In that place, people ask for water and mercy; in that place people regret even the day they were born. In that place, people are sorry that they did not meet Jesus.

Also, many that met Jesus regret that they walked away from Him. But it is already late. I want to tell you that if you have walked away from the ways of the Lord, if you have walked apart from Him, today is the time to come back! Do not be ashamed of what your friends may say; do not think of what your father, your girlfriend or your brothers may say. Think of what the Lord says in His word: those who are ashamed of Him on this earth, He will also be ashamed of him in Heaven (Luke 9:26 If anyone is ashamed of me and my words, the Son of Man will be ashamed of him when he comes in his glory and in the glory of the Father and of the holy angels.)

It is time for you to run to the presence of God; it is time for you to look for the salvation. Do not look for a church, look towards Jesus Christ. Do not look for a church that makes you feel good; look for a church where the Spirit of the Lord moves and repent of your sins! It is time for repentance; now is the time to cry out to the Lord and tell Him: “Lord I recognize that I am not saved; Lord I recognize that I still can not attain salvation on my own.” If this is your situation when you are reading this testimony, just run to Jesus Christ! Your life is in danger, the Word of God says that He will come as a thief in the night. (1 Thessalonians 5:2 For you know very well that the day of the Lord will come like a thief in the night.) Are you ready to be saved or are you still thinking about it?

We continued observing what these demons were doing to those in torment. They took out an eye and hid it. We saw human beings dragging themselves in pain to look for it. For the demons, it was a great joy to see that person. Other demons took away part of a leg to watch him jump and hobble, looking for the part of the body that was missing; to another they took out an arm just to laugh about the pain the person felt. I want to tell you that those who have met the Lord Jesus and once walked in His ways, but die in their sin receive double punishment! As the Word of God says, (Mark 12:40 They devour widows’ houses and for a show make lengthy prayers. Such men will be punished most severely. James 4:17 Anyone, then, who knows the good he ought to do and doesn’t do it, sins.) Those who know how to do good, but do evil shall receive double condemnation. Those who never knew the Lord also have torment and pain, but it is more tolerable than for those who knew Jesus and slid back.

I just want to tell you, that when we were in that place, I felt such a terror in my soul, although I know that here men do not think in that way. I was in as deep of a panic as I feel right now. I felt terror for my life; I felt such a terror for all the torments that I was looking at; I felt such a pain and compassion for all the souls that were crying and begging for mercy; I felt all my being become weaker, but the Lord was there giving me strength and told me: “I will show you how many things are still waiting for all men.”

We passed that place, and arrived at a different cell that was burning in the edges. There were souls crying and suffering and I began to see what was going on with them. Those who were in the torment with flames that looked like gases were the ones that had once stood up in the altar of God. They had led church meetings and preached the word of God. They were the ones that had once cast out demons and spoke in tongues, but now were in torment because one day they made the decision to walk away from the holy way of God. We stood there watching all those in pain burning in the flames. Even when all we could see were almost just bones of a dark gray color, they could still feel the pain. They also could talk, they could beg for mercy when they felt that the Lord was walking by them in that moment. They shouted with loud screams: “Jesus please have mercy on us!” But the time for mercy is today.

We continued walking until we arrived at a place and the Lord told me: “Look at this wide street.” I stood looking at the street and saw a multitude of believers with their Bibles in their hands. Their hands were raised up; some of them were praying some of them were shouting. The road of the Lord continued to the right, but they continued walking straight to Hell, and I asked the Lord why they were going that way. He told me: “They have a double life; they are living two lives: one in My house of prayer, and another in their own houses.” And I said to the Lord: “But Lord, these people come from praising your Name!” And He said: “Yes, and even when they cry, shout , and say nice things about Me or to Me, their hearts are full of
adultery, full of evil, full of lies, full of deception, full of hate, full of roots of bitterness, full of bad thoughts.” Then, I could understand what is written in the Scripture in Matthew 7:21 Not everyone who says to me, “Lord, Lord,” will enter the kingdom of Heaven, but only he who does the will of my Father who is in Heaven.

There are times that we think we are doing things okay, that we are walking right before the eyes of the Lord. The truth is, however, that maybe there is a brother or sister that we may not like, and perhaps we do not go to church because of that brother. When the pastor asks in the church, “How many of you love the Lord?” They say
“Amen!,” but the Bible says that those who do not love their brothers and hate their brothers are like murders, and no murders, can come in the kingdom of Heaven. (Matthew 5:22 But I tell you that anyone who is angry with his brother will be subject to judgment. Again, anyone who says to his brother, “Raca,” is answerable to the Sanhedrin. But anyone who says, “You fool!” will be in danger of the fire of Hell.) This is one of the biggest reasons inside the church of the Lord why many do not like each other but rather hate each other and are still waiting for the coming of the Lord. But the Bible says that the wages of sin is death. (Romans 6:23 For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord)

Many persons in that day will have regrets. Some of them say: “Oh no, today I won’t go to church because brother so and so will preach and I do not like him.” But in that place in Hell you will cry out for that man so he can come and preach the Word of God to you. There, you will beg for an opportunity for that one you have hated on this earth, so you can hear him once more. You will beg in that place to hear at least once more that word again. In that place, you will be sorry that you hated your brother; in that place you will be sorry that you did not follow the word of God that tells you, “You shall love your neighbor as your self” (Leviticus 19:17-18 Do not hate your brother in your heart. Rebuke your neighbor frankly so you will not share in his guilt. Do not seek revenge or bear a grudge against one of your people, but love your neighbor as yourself. I am the LORD).

In that place you will be so sorry of all the times that you lost in the church of the Lord, there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth as the Word of God says. (Matthew 13:42 They will throw them into the fiery furnace, where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.) You know how sad it would be to live an evangelical Christian life in this earth, but not go to Heaven when you die, and for your soul not to receive salvation? I think that today you have to meditate, and think over whether you are doing the will of God. If Christ comes today would you go with Him? I want to tell you with this call; Meditate on this today!

Do I want to enter into Heaven? Does the Christian life that I am living please God? Today, it is still time to recognize your faults and to turn your heart to the Lord. If you are reading this today, today is the day to turn towards the Lord! Today is the day when you can accept Jesus as your personal savior and escape from the dungeons of Hell. You know some people think, “Well, it doesn’t matter where I am going, it doesn’t matter what will happen after this. I will enjoy this life.” But I can tell you, to enjoy this life is to walk hand in hand with Jesus Christ; to enjoy this life is spend the time in the house of the Lord. You do not enjoy this life in the bar, with liquor, or with women. You enjoy it in the house of the Lord. Unlike those who come to the house of the Lord just for some nice moments, we have to look for the Lord in spirit and in truth, asking Him for mercy for those who are still walking on roads of death and sin.

We continued walking inside that place, and surprisingly people who believed that they were truly holy while on earth, were begging for mercy and for another chance. They were there saying: “Lord please have mercy on me!” I was begging the Lord right along with them. I was begging the Lord to have mercy on me! In those moments my soul ached, I felt an immense pain, for those souls too. I felt that there were many reasons to continue living. I felt that man needed an opportunity with Jesus. I felt so much pain when I began to see how people drag themselves in that place,

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