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can be turned into an idol. I don't want to be usurped by any inanimate objects. Like it or not, these Words are true. I am not a GOD WHO takes lightly being dethroned by objects of vanity. When they pursue these things and they spend more time beautifying themselves for each other then they are engaging in idol worship. Tell the people that I want first place in their lives and in their hearts. Too many things in this life come against ME. If these activities take precedence in your lives then you have chosen against ME. That is when people get in trouble even your children can become idols. You are to have no other gods before ME. All these things are not evil unless you make them into idols and they come between us and that is when you fall into error. People are not to have tattoos. I am very displeased with that too. Doesn't MY Word speak against it? I do not want MY children to look like harlots. These are MY Words and they are true.

Susan: I think HE said the sin is in the heart and not on the face.



My Visit to Heaven [Tuesday, March 25, 2014]


This morning, my spirit eyes opened, I saw a lady, who recently got saved, she was praying, I saw JESUS walk through the door. HE stands there, and HE held her by his hands, then her spirit came out of her body. HE was telling her how much HE loves her, then JESUS turned, looked at me and said, “I love you too, My son, don’t fear.” When HE said that, I was immediately picked up, started to shoot towards the skies at a tremendous speed. I felt the cool breeze of the air around me, and my eyes were shut. I began to feel wind blowing in my ears. I felt I was moving while been carried by a cloud, the speed was increasing greatly but I did not want to panic as I knew I would come back immediately. I then said to myself, “Let me open my eyes.” When I did, I saw the earth far below me: mountains and hills. I was above the clouds. I saw the blue sky, passing like an airplane, so real. I was in the mid-Heaven. After some moments of travel, I saw bright, dazzling light on the east, shining with many colors: golden, reds, white, yellow, and then I started to fly towards it. I saw the Paradise of GOD, and I noticed variety of dazzling colors. There were lights in the atmosphere. I saw extremely green grass, and different trees: some were very green, others yellow, others other colors, just blend of colors (but I noticed something, their color was not autumn colors, they were not depraved from oxygen, it was their original color). The more you walk deeper into Paradise; you see colors, trees, grass, and just gorgeous scenery. Then I saw a white horse, and JESUS appeared! HE was tall, wearing a flowing white robe of light and just shimmering white: so magnificent, splendid! As HE came towards me HIS Glory was moving all around HIM. There were other beings in white walking with HIM.

I began to feel joy, laughter in my spirit, and I shouted, “It’s HIM, JESUS, JESUS!” I had a close view, I saw HIS Face—full of Glory and Beauty. I could not contain the joy: raptured in pure bliss. HE came to just welcome me, and after I met JESUS, I walked closer. I came onto a lovely garden in the Kingdom of Heaven. As I entered, I saw green grass, trees of different colorings: yellows, reds, and greens, good combination of colors, flowers, and streams of water, perfect arrangements and a well-taken care of garden. It was gorgeous, and also very peaceful. I felt indescribable joy and bliss! There were no mistakes, no death, no decay, just perfection. 

There was a light shining into the garden, and there is no word to describe the beauty of that place.

Then I saw lady, she was full of youth, and energetic. She was standing on the grass, looking towards north where there is a wall, but made of plants and colors. I saw an animal like a beautiful squirrel, and the lady was talking to it, asking it to come to her. The squirrel talked back, and I was really amazed! I was listening to the conversation when suddenly, I noticed all around, animals. I saw that in Paradise there were dogs, baboons, chickens, horses, etc. Both what we will call wild and domestic animals. These animals will interact with one another and have the ability to speak to the saints. It was such a shock to me when I left Heaven; a baboon was talking to a chicken and laughing. Can you imagine? The setting was so colorful, extragorgeous, full of life, vigor, and light. Every animal is in perfect condition, health, and wholeness. Some of the things I saw, it is difficult to explain. I know many people will try to argue, but you see I really don’t care. I am telling what I saw. Did you notice in the Bible, Genesis Chapter Three, before the fall, there was a conversation between a serpent (an animal) and Eve (a human being), and the Bible never said Eve was surprised that an animal spoke to her. That shows it must have been a common thing for animals and humans to speak to each other in the Garden of Eden before the fall of man, so in the Paradise above, everything is restored to what was lost when man sinned.


Genesis 3:1-7: Now the serpent was more subtle than any beast of the field which The LORD GOD had made. And he said unto the woman, Yea, hath GOD said, Ye shall not eat of every tree of the garden? And the woman said unto the serpent, We may eat of the fruit of the trees of the garden: But of the fruit of the tree which is in the midst of the garden, GOD hath said, Ye shall not eat of it, neither shall ye touch it, lest ye die. And the serpent said unto the woman, Ye shall not surely die: For GOD doth know that in the day ye eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil. And when the woman saw that the tree was good for food, and that it was pleasant to the eyes, and a tree to be desired to make one wise, she took of the fruit thereof, and did eat, and gave also unto her husband with her; and he did eat. And the eyes of them both were opened, and they knew that they were naked; and they sewed fig leaves together, and made themselves aprons.



My Visit to Heaven [Friday, April 11, 2013]


Before I share my vision of Heaven, I would like to explain something. People ask me why I say, I saw GOD The FATHER in Heaven, while GOD said to Moses in Exodus 33:20: And HE said, Thou canst not see MY Face: for there shall no man see ME, and live.

Let me explain, when GOD said this to Moses, where was Moses at that time? On earth, where is death? On earth. So that means if a man can see GOD The FATHER’s Face in the natural realm (on earth), with their physical eyes the person might die, but in Heaven you can see GOD. Why? Because: 1) Heaven is a Spiritual place-realm of spirits 2) You are already dead and out of your body 3) The Spiritual world is different than the natural realm. So what I am saying is this: in Heaven after your spiritual eyes are developed and matured, you can be able to appear before GOD’s Throne and see HIM. I know that when you get to Heaven, you first arrive in Paradise where it is bright. They prepare you for the Heavenly City where it is brighter and then you get prepared to stand before the Throne of GOD, where it is the brightest. It’s all about preparation, development and maturity in The SPIRIT.

Another important thing, GOD can make a smaller version of HIMSELF, where HE can appear to you, walk and talk with you. It’s called the similitude of GOD, that is how HE appeared to people in the Old Testament e.g., Abraham etc., and GOD can make the surrounding glory around HIS Throne to be suspended, so that you can have a glimpse of HIM while you are in Heaven. Some say, no one can see GOD, quoting: John 1:18: No man hath seen GOD at any time; The Only Begotten SON, which is in The Bosom of The FATHER, HE hath declared HIM. But remember this verse too: Matthew 11:27: All things are delivered unto ME of MY FATHER: and no man knoweth The SON, but The FATHER; neither knoweth any man The FATHER, save The SON, and HE TO WHOMSOEVER THE SON WILL REVEAL HIM. (So you see that CHRIST can reveal The FATHER to you.) John 14:21: HE that hath MY Commandments, and keepeth them, he it is that loveth ME: and he that loveth ME shall be loved of MY FATHER, and I will love him, and will manifest MYSELF to him. (So when you love JESUS, and when you keep HIS Commandments, HE will come and manifest HIMSELF to you.) GOD can appear in any way HE wants to. I have seen FATHER GOD on HIS Throne, sometimes it was too bright. I could not near it: Glory, Light, and Power like I have never seen before, and other times. HE appeared in a way that I could be able to bare HIS Power and Glory.

This is how it started; I had an “out of body” experience during the night. My spirit separated from my body, and flew through the ceiling of the house. I went rapidly into the skies at a tremendous speed, and when I was in the skies then my spirit came back to my body. In the morning around 6 am, I was taken to Heaven, and I appeared before GOD The FATHER. The Place is very difficult to explain, but then I saw six large angels before the Throne, and they put on white raiment: pure and clean. I heard GOD give instructions to these angels. There is something I saw and GOD said, but I will not share it (It is not lawful for me to utter). Then I saw JESUS walking in the midst of the angels. HE walks as a KING with authority. HE was wearing the purest white robe. It hangs on HIM elegantly, and HE is tall, very handsome, like I have always seen HIM. I was immediately drawn to HIM and HIS Lovely PERSON. Also The HOLY SPIRIT confirmed to me like HE always does in my visions. Then my eyes were drawn to HIS Feet and Hands, instead of scars, I saw nail prints, like large holes seen in HIS Feet and Hands. The HOLY SPIRIT revealed to me that this is JESUS of Nazareth, WHO died for our sins at the Cross, rose again, and sat at The Right Hand of GOD. This is JESUS CHRIST WHO has been appearing to me for four years after I became born-again, filled with The HOLY SPIRIT. This is WHO has appeared to HIS true servants like Kenneth E. Hagin, and others, giving them revelations of Heaven and hell, revelations of the Word, teachings, etc…

This reality was so overwhelming. I can’t really put it in words. When that happened, I thought about so many claims of people, that they saw JESUS, yet lots of such revelations go against the written word of GOD. While in Heaven, it was revealed to me that those people did not see

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