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to claim you know it all. I always see new and amazing things. Also at different times, you can be caught up to different parts of the Heavenly Kingdom. So trying to describe Heaven to you using mere mortal words is very difficult. It might take more than additional sentences to describe small portions of it. Color is what blows my mind away; GOD has taste when it comes to color. Many colors in Heaven I have not seen on earth, while others I have seen.

In my today’s ision, I saw that these Gates of eaven were big and more than how I thought they might be. When I saw them, my heart was full of joy, laughter, and peace. The song kept ringing in my heart, “Lead Me to the Cross.” Only the Cross can bring me here, to heaven. Let me try to describe to you, what these Gates looked like. I have already explained that there were giant and huge, and they were extremely white. There was some kind of an overlay of golden color, but also I saw The LIGHT of GOD’s Presence which manifested as golden and it shines through and is reflected by the transparent wall, making hues of beautiful Heavenly colors around the Gate. There is primarily gold and white, and so much glory with color. I could easily see that the Glory was so much concentrated from behind the Gates. It was splendor, majestic, and magnificent. It was bright but it did not hurt my eyes. I could look directly into them. The surprising thing was this; the Gates did not look open or shut. It is like these are Gates you walk INTO and pass through, rather than actually needing to open a door. I was just looking and flying towards the Gates, singing and praising The LORD!

At around 9 am, as I laid on my bed, my spiritual eyes opened. I saw a part of the city on earth, a white man was walking at night and three men came from behind stabbed him with a knife. He fell down bleeding, and he was helpless. He thought he was going to die, but after that they left him. As I was observing, I saw an angel in form of a regular black man in jeans, long black leather jacket show up, but I knew he was an angel. He quickly helped the man stand up, and as they walked, one of those men came, and then opened his knife to run and attack the black man (actually an angel). I saw the angel just lift off, flying towards the sky, and the other men arrived. When the men just looked perplexed, the angel transformed into a great round ball of light and fire. I could see colors, fire mixed with red light moving inside the ball. He started to dart to and fro at a great speed, and the angel made a u-turn in the air. While he flew rapidly towards them, when he arrived, the evil men fell down. A great wind came from the fiery ball. The effects of it were like when chaff is scattered by a strong wind. I could not see the men anymore, and it looked like they turned into chaff. The fiery ball with the wind was scattering them all over until it was no more. As I was still admiring the glorious ball, I was caught up in Heaven.

Just instantly, I was there in Heaven. I flew over a street of gold, flying gently and gracefully, so close, I could almost reach my hand and touch it. There were as pure and transparent as glass. When I looked at the environment, there were extremely green trees, large and beautiful buildings, mansions. It was peaceful, clean, and calm. When I looked at the skyline, there were glory clouds, it had golden colors: reds, yellows, just like sunrise colors. When I looked at the streets of gold, they were so clean and looked to be very soft. I could see the reflection of the glorious skyline, and it was perfect in every sense of the word: perfect alignment of structures, streets, buildings, and mansions. The place looked like the dawn of the morning. The peace I felt, my soul was exploding with joy and delight: I was feeling like saying: “Wowwwww!”

When I am in Heaven, I always run out of words! You feel words are not enough to express yourself adequately, and I kept hearing these incredible angelic voices singing with incredibly fined-tuned instruments, and amazing music. As I continued on this tour, I heard The Voice of The LORD JESUS. I did not see HIM but I heard HIS Voice Speaking distinctly and clearly. HE Spoke to me a few things. HE also told me to prepare for a major encounter I would have with HIM soon. At the end of my tour, as Heaven was fading away, disappearing slowly, The LORD told me, “MY Son, there is time for everything; there is time for ME to show you Heaven and time to go back.” I did not want to come back but my spirit was returned back to my body. The LORD has told me, that I am called to reveal the “Reality of eaven” to the people of the earth.



My Vision of Heaven [Saturday, May 17, 2014]


On Saturday night, The HOLY SPIRIT gave me a Word of Wisdom that HE will show me Heaven. I thought it will happen at night, but I woke up at 12 O’clock, and still no vision. Then that morning around 8 am, as I was on my bed, GOD opened my spiritual eyes and took me into a vision, and in the spirit HE took me to Heaven. The place I found myself standing, it was Paradise of GOD. I saw stupendous mountains, hills, very high waterfalls with clear sparkling water. There were so many of these waterfalls. I could hear the sounds of water falling from the heights and there were the most beautiful, colorful flowers growing everywhere! I saw extremely green grass, forest of trees, full of life and vibrancy, nature, just going as far as the eye could see. When I looked at the atmosphere, it was exhilarating with light; the light I saw was mostly golden. The Glory of GOD seen from everywhere: the scenery was so beautiful, colorful, and full of Glory. I felt so much Peace, Joy, and the Love of GOD. Then I saw a bird, it looked more like a dove, but it was a bit transparent and golden, so beautiful. I remember that I was so thrilled, and I looked and admired it. It flew across the skies of Heaven: from the west to the east.

Then I was lifted to another Place in Heaven: as I looked towards a certain place, there were golden structures, and I was given a revelation that “gold” is one of the major colors of Heaven. Also most structures, equipments, buildings are made of gold: it was so beautiful to see gold everywhere in that world of Heaven. The gold of Heaven is so pure and beautiful. Heaven is the most beautiful and colorful place. You don’t want to miss it.





My Visit to Heaven [Saturday, May 24, 2014]


In the early parts of the morning, the LORD took me into the spiritual realm, when I looked towards the skies, I saw that the heavens were opened, I saw the glory of GOD, and it looked like fire mixed with light, It appeared like fiery or blazing Light that covered the heavens.

I heard the voice of Jesus Christ speaking to me, HE said ;” If you ask for bread from an earthly father, he won’t give you a stone, the same thing with GOD, HE is your Heavenly father” The LORD was answering the question I had, before this experience I wanted to pray and ask for something from GOD, but I was wondering if GOD will do it or answer that prayer.

Then I saw JESUS, I saw HIS Wonderful face, HIS Beard, there was a halo of light around HIS Face, like golden light. HIS Body and Clothes were dazzling with beautiful Light, as if there were made of light. HE was so beautiful, full of majesty and glory. I was just admiring HIS Beauty and awesomeness.

In that vision, the LORD made me know, HE is coming soon, also that there is a great difference between HIS Second coming to earth and the rapture of the church. In HIS Second coming HE will come to earth with the clouds of heaven and the glory of GOD, the whole earth will see HIM, but at the rapture ONLY the saints will see HIM. The LORD made me know that , The way I saw HIM in this vision, is nothing compared to how HE will appear in HIS Second coming, HE will come with great power and great glory of GOD.


My Visit to Heaven [Sunday, May 25, 2014]


Around 8am, As I laid on my bed, I felt a sensation I always feel when GOD takes me into the spiritual realm, I began to hear sweet music in my ears, the song was ‘You are worthy oh LORD’, I began to accelerate into the atmosphere, I felt cool breeze on my face, I shut my eyes tight until I felt I was out of the earth sphere, as I was moving at a great speed, I looked down where I came from, I saw the planet earth, like round large bluish ball, I went into space, in matter of short time I went into another realm, I saw a stream of water, then nature, I came unto a huge mountain, all around it were golden corn, as far as the eye could see, the stems were golden, but the top of it, were gleaming like diamonds, I could see light sparkling on top of the golden corn, it was so beautiful, I remember, I was trying to figure out, “how is this possible?”, I began to slow down and landed gently on that area, I was just observing this, golden corn as far as the eye could see, tops like diamond sparkling, light shining everywhere on top of this corn. So splendid and I was brought back to my body.

The LORD visits me and takes me on tours of Heaven, Hell, spiritual world many times, as the rapture delays I will be working on my 3rd Book on Encounters of Heaven and Hell, which will be released in the year 2015. If you wish to contact us, or to partner with our ministry, or for speaking invitations, our contact details are displayed at the top and bottom of this book.

2 Corithians 13:14: The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the communion of the Holy Ghost, be with you all. Amen. 





I come humbly before Your Throne in The Name of JESUS. LORD, I am a sinner. I ask you to forgive me all of my sins. Cleanse me with the Blood of JESUS. Please write my name in the Book of Life. I believe that JESUS is

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