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the JESUS of Nazareth, The ONE WHO died and rose, but demons disguised as angels of light and ‘JESUS’ to many people who do not exercise the discernment of The HOLY SPIRIT. I began to feel compassion for them, and my eyes were fixed on JESUS as HE walked on the beautiful floor, my spirit said, “Wow! This is The Real JESUS!” And then a revelation was given to me, that on Judgment Day, there will be only one JESUS CHRIST, judging the world, all other false ones will stand and be judged, and that time people will see them as demons: their true state.

Demons will be demons; their power to disguise will not work on that day. As I walked next to JESUS, HE was holding two wheels: silver ones that had rims. They shone and sparkled as they were spinning, and there was this Silver Light that cycled on them—just Light and Glory. I was like, “Wow! Look at this—just too beautiful!” The LORD asked me questions and shared with me about the spinning wheels, and HE asked me, “Do you know what I am going to do with these wheels?” I began to think about wheels in the scriptures, Ezekiel 10:6: “And it came to pass, that when he had commanded the man clothed with linen, saying, Take fire from between the WHEELS, from between the cherubims; then he went in, and stood beside the wheels.”


Ezekiel 11:22: “Then did the cherubims lift up their wings, and the WHEELS beside them; and the Glory of The GOD of Israel was over them above.”


While in Heaven, we began to talk about how the Cherubims have wheels, and how they carry the Throne Seat of GOD, while GOD rides on Cherubims of Glory. And they carried GOD from place to the other, such things. In my many encounters with JESUS I talk with HIM just like I would another human being on earth except, I know HE is The LORD, when I am with IM, it’s like when one is with his Father or Best Friend. There is no way to explain it, it is happy moments. After that encounter I was instantly back on earth.

As I was on earth, and then I was taken to Heaven again, JESUS stood on my right. We stood inside a large Heavenly building like a warehouse, and we looked towards east. There was a giant window, very clean, transparent and pure and when we looked at Paradise, there were large fields of Heaven. They had white corn, as far as the eye could see: white heads. The landscape was just too awesome for words, pure, clean and full of life. The nature is alive, then I heard movements, and then when I turned I saw an angel walking towards me and JESUS. HE spoke something to JESUS, and I listened to HIM speak with the angel. CHRIST would laugh, and the angel spoke about a class that the angels were having, and I learned that there are angelic schools in Heaven. Angels attend classes where they are taught by their ‘lecturer angels’ many things of the Kingdom of Heaven. For example, they are taught about ministering healing while they are on divine assignments on earth, and they are taught on how to minister for us as believers, etc. Many things I will reveal with time.

As I was back on earth, GOD opened my eyes, and I saw a vision. It’s like we (me and some other people) drove with a car to a certain place. Then as we went out to do something, an Indian man came, poured petrol. As soon as I saw him, he saw me too and he took out a gun and started to shoot at me and shoot at the car to burn it. When he did, instead of the car exploding, I saw four lights: white in color, started to move around the car. As the man was shooting more, the light began to whirl around the car until they make the Cross and just shade of white light. The bullets will just bounce back, and the man ran away after he saw that he could not succeed, and then we got into the car. As we drove, when I looked at the skies, I saw the four lights in the skies looking at us; it was so real and clear! I said, “Wow! Thank YOU for protection LORD!” Then the vision ended.



The Scroll of GOD [Wednesday, April 16, 2014]


The LORD took me into a vision, and as I went out, I observed the face of the sky. I saw stars shining in the dark skies. Then I see one prophet I know, we began to converse and The LORD told me about Botswana, and about the unholy laws: proposition to legalize abortion and homosexuality. Satan wants to implement this, in the nearby future. So we MUST pray as Botswana Christians.

After that, as I looked up again to the skies, I could zoom right into space. I saw the giant sun, the planets, and I saw the Scroll of GOD written by The Finger of GOD. It was large, bold, and white. It appeared like a large screen, with the Words flowing from top to bottom like Microsoft PowerPoint Presentation slides. It started flowing slowly, but soon they began to move at a great speed, as I was reading.

GOD talked about HIS Love for humanity. HIS Love goes all over and warms our world. The Love of GOD has no beginning or no ending. It is far beyond what we think and these were Words from The Heart of GOD, when GOD says, “I love you”, it is rich in meaning, you can’t fully grasp the meaning of it. 1 John 4:10: “Herein is love, not that we loved GOD, but that HE loved us, and sent HIS SON to be the propitiation for our sins.”

The LORD talked about how much HE Loved us human beings and HIS children. Also HIS proposal to do very soon and that GOD has Big Plans for the world, and salvation of souls being number one. The LORD told me, that soul-winning is VERY important in HIS Heart, and we are talking about the salvation of souls so that the nations can enter the Kingdom of Heaven. GOD is raising firebrand evangelists, preachers, and Christians that will win many souls for HIS Kingdom. Proverbs 11:30: The fruit of the righteous is a Tree of Life; and he that winneth souls is wise.”

As HE Spoke, I saw Heaven—transparent colors, and then the earth. I saw the big vast space, I saw hell, and this came one after the other. I was screaming, “LORD, I love you!” There was this incredible music from Heaven, as the Scroll of GOD was playing. When the vision ended, I came out.



My Visit to Heaven [Monday, April 21, 2014]


Early in the morning I was taken from earth, and we were seated with JESUS in the spiritual world. There were other saints of GOD, and I remember that we were discussing about the Book of Genesis. It was just sharing and breaking of the Word. JESUS would talk with us and ask us questions, and also we talked about Esau regarding the birthright issue. Those people were really breaking GOD’s Word, making it so simple. I also shared my understanding about the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil: I told them that the part I love was about the fruit of the Tree of Life. The moment I said that, The HOLY SPIRIT Inspiration began right inside my spirit. I started to speak in these Beautiful Tongues of The HOLY SPIRIT, and it was stirring in my spirit. The feeling was so good, and JESUS was just seated and looking at me. When I looked towards the east, I saw the Paradise, the Garden of GOD. There was this, clear, transparent shield, and like it is overlaid with crystal water. This thing was so beautiful. It looked like it was alive, moving, and soft. That is the best way I can describe it. I was wondering, “What is it? Is it water?” “Is Paradise shielded with water?” But JESUS did not answer me on that, and I saw myself back on earth.

The LORD took me on a spiritual tour to the Holy Land in Israel. I saw Arabs killing the Jews, bombs exploding in buildings, stones falling and killing many people. Muslims were told to kill Jews, and that they will receive great rewards from Allah, their god. The LORD also told me, that the Jews had rejected HIM as The MESSIAH. I saw deep in their hearts, many Jews are longing for a savior, a messiah, but not JESUS CHRIST. The LORD said, HE used that to save the Gentiles, and HE opened salvation to the nations until the time of the fullness of the Gentiles comes, then rapture will take place. During the Tribulation, the Jews will repent, and they will be ready to receive HIM. That is when HE will come and establish HIS Kingdom on earth and this will happen at HIS Second Coming.


Coordinating Scriptures


Romans 10:1: Brethren, my heart's desire and prayer to GOD for Israel is, that they might be saved. For I bear them record that they have a zeal of GOD, but not according to knowledge. 19: But I say, Did not Israel know? First Moses saith, I will provoke you to jealousy by them that are no people, and by a foolish nation I will anger you.


Romans 11:26: And so all Israel shall be saved: as it is written, There shall come out of Zion The DELIVERER, and shall turn away ungodliness from Jacob. As concerning the Gospel, they are enemies for your sakes: but as touching the election, they are beloved for The FATHER’S sakes. For the gifts and calling of GOD are without repentance. For as ye in times past have not believed GOD, yet have now obtained mercy through their unbelief: Even so have these also now not believed, that through your mercy they also may obtain mercy. For GOD hath concluded them all in unbelief, that he might have mercy upon all. O’ the depth of the riches both of The Wisdom and Knowledge of GOD! How unsearchable are HIS Judgments, and HIS Ways past finding out!


Luke 1:30: And the angel said unto her, Fear not, Mary: for thou hast found favour with GOD. And, behold, thou shalt conceive in thy womb, and bring forth A SON, and shalt call HIS Name JESUS. HE shall be GREAT, and shall be called The SON of The HIGHEST: and The LORD GOD shall give unto HIM the Throne of HIS FATHER David: And HE Shall Reign over The House of Jacob for ever; and of HIS Kingdom there shall be no end.


After that, I was taken into Heaven, and I saw a large building on my left, with many angels walking about. I saw something like containers holding different liquids with some red and some with `other colors. I don’t know why I asked, but I asked for water to drink. One of the angels brought me, water in a vessel: it was pure, sparkling water from the RIVER of Life. When I drank it, it was sweetened, and I could feel rejuvenation, strength, and an explosion of joy. I was elated. That is when I came out of the vision of Heaven.

Yesterday around 10 pm, I was supposed to post our daily night prayer. My laptop was on the floor, my account was online, but as I was in my bed, here came The Wind of GOD blowing in my room, and my spiritual eyes opened. I started to separate from my body, and I saw the movement of transparent Heavenly beings in my room. I walked right through the door, and then I was lifted up towards the

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