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Book online «Revelation of Heaven and Hell by Othusitse Mmusi (ebooks that read to you .TXT) 📖». Author Othusitse Mmusi

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clouds. I flew at an incredible speed, and when I was in the atmosphere I was sent back to earth. That is when I came, then posted our night prayer.



My Vision of Heaven [Tuesday, April 22, 2014]


Today in the morning, as I lay in my bed, my spiritual eyes are taken right into Heaven, and I saw an exquisite room. I was taken inside a room studded with all manner of gemstones, jewels, and precious stones. It is bright and colorful: the walls were glittering. I looked carefully, and there were chairs. One angel was walking in it. Some of the gemstones were large, perfectly cut, with different colors: there were large ones like rubies. There were all colors you can imagine: blue ones, red ones, yellow ones, green ones, diamonds, sapphires, transparent, clear ones, and that room is so unmistakably dazzling! All you can say is: “Wow!” As I was observing stone by stone, it was explained to me that Heaven is SO big and there are many rooms in Heaven that have different purposes to the point that even some angels have never been to some of the other rooms. I was told there even rooms which are made of pure gold, and the floors, the walls, the ceilings, everything in those rooms are pure gold. After that, my spirit came out of the room into the Street of the City of Heaven, and large buildings and angels were moving about. And I was back on earth in my body.

Then The LORD told me, “I am still going to take you to Heaven many times and show you many things.” Amen!



My Visit to Heaven


Around 4:15 am to 6 am, as I was in prayer I saw GOD seated on The Throne. Then, I saw the Right Hand of GOD and it looked pure and glorious, like a solid diamond sparkling. HIS Garment looked like it is crystal clear, transparent, and shining. When I saw it, my spirit got excited and the joy raptured in my soul. Then I saw a part of Paradise, an extremely green grass by a pond of water, pure and clean. There was a bright golden light on the east, then a waterfall, and pure water—like crystal, with a rainbow passing through it. I saw a large mountain, covered with beautiful grass and trees, with large exquisite flowers: white and purple in color and then round petals, with green stems. I also saw many white doves flying across Paradise: superb nature, perfect, and beautiful.

I saw a goblet, then golden oil was being poured on it, and then I heard The Voice of The LORD JESUS and HE said, “MY Son, this is yours.” I saw a glorious golden color in the skyline of Heaven, it gleams and sparkles, the joy, peace, and love is so amazing. Your spirit fills like it will explode. The LORD JESUS told me, “Tell MY children that I love them so much, and that is why I died for them at the Cross. I don’t want any of them to perish. Tell them I have prepared a Place for them in Heaven…I want them to spend eternity Here with ME. Tell them anyone who wants to make it to Heaven, I will give him or her enough Grace to make it. Tell them Heaven is beautiful, I have many things I want to show them. Hell was never meant for humanity. If anyone wants to escape the snare of the devil, tell them to trust in ME and MY Word with all their hearts. MY Word will set them free. Tell them to pursue ME ABOVE ALL ELSE. Many of them must be purified in these last moments. Tell them their garments must be white in order for them to walk with ME. The trumpet is about to sound. Tell them I will reward every faithful servant of MINE who works in MY Vineyard tirelessly. The enemy knows time is short; he works tirelessly to destroy many souls and cast them into hell fire. Tell MY faithful servants it is time for them to serve ME day and night: to win souls and to pray like never before. Tell them not to be weary, SOULS…SOULS…SOULS…TIME IS SHORT.



My Visit to Heaven [Friday, April 25, 2014]


This is how it has started: In the evening The HOLY SPIRIT told me, to prepare and HE will be taking me to Heaven later. After some time, I finished what I was doing, then went off to wait on The LORD.

As I was meditating on supernatural encounters, about open visions, and spiritual visions, and why the other seems easy to receive unlike other types: right then The LORD Spoke to me, that HE will take us as far as we are willing to go. HE will reveal HIMSELF to us according to the depth and level of faith we have in HIM. What we believe is what we can receive. For example, if you believe GOD can only speak to you through dreams, that is the way HE will reveal HIMSELF to you. If you believe through visions, HE will do so. If you believe HE can only heal a headache that’s how it will be. If you believe HE can heal HIV /AIDS, HE will do so. It all happens according to the measure of your faith.

At 0100 hours in the morning, my spiritual eyes were opened, and I could see my room clearly in the spirit. Next there came a great sound like a whirlwind filling my room. I felt my spirit started to separate from my body, there was like a suction force, and I flew out of the room through the ceiling, and when I looked down I saw the earth. When I looked up, I was accelerating into the skies, and I saw clouds in the atmosphere. I could see this vividly, and then I was in space, and the next thing I was in a certain place. I saw a river, trees aligned very well, then I saw JESUS in white, I heard a Voice say, “You can come to GOD as many times as GOD wants.” As I was flying, I came right back to my body, spend some moments, just contemplating on what I have seen, then my spirit was about to come out of my body. The wind began to blow again, and then I heard a small sound, like a pin falling on the ground. Then I couldn’t lea e my body, it’s like my spiritual senses were super-sensitive and even the smallest distraction could hinder what The HOLY SPIRIT wanted to do, full focus and attention that is what HE requires in order to work in us.

The third time, the sound came, the wind blew, my spirit came out of my body, I travelled at a great amazing speed towards the skies, I arrived in the planet of Heaven, went in through paradise, I began to see the wonderful nature of paradise, I saw trees of divers colors, yellow ones, red ones, blend of colors, so beautiful, leaves so fresh, vigorous, the whole region was creation, glorious, full of life, radiant with light, the light behind them made it look like a brilliant and beautiful sunrise, and shades of colors. Then I saw The RIVER of Life passing in the middle, flowing towards the north, and the water was sparkling clear.

I saw some water from The RIVER form into three balls, ascend from The RIVER, and fly towards the skyline. I flew behind it, I noticed something: everything in Heaven is so alive: the animals, trees, leaves, and the water. I began to hear sounds of joy echoes and many saints, angels, and children. The sounds of children seemed like they were having so much fun and pleasure. I heard holy laugher, pure joy. There is so much activity in Heaven. I began to experience this tangible love, peace and joy. I saw the water rising and forming round balls that were flying like they are alive. I was flying behind them and I could not stop praising GOD! Then I said, “Wowwww!” I was so intrigued by the beautiful scenery and splendor of Heaven, and I felt I will explode with such joy. It was magnified, and there were too many words rushing into my mind: praises of GOD welling up in my whole being. As I flew up The RIVER, I saw a path going to the left. I saw a large beautiful mansion there and just a distance from The RIVER at the end there were these incredible rainbows, transparent lights, and glory in the atmosphere. Then I could not fly forward anymore. I heard the Voice of GOD speaking to me, “Go and tell them what you have seen,” Then HE told me other things as well.

The LORD gave me messages to some of my friends in Facebook to prepare for Heaven. You can’t possibly miss Heaven for ANYTHING! There is a prepared Heaven for a prepared people. GOD’s Peace be upon you all.

In the early morning, as I was in my bed meditating, my spiritual eyes were opened. I saw my spirit pulling out of my body. Then I saw an angel standing on my left, and HE took out a new white robe put it on me, and helped me to put it on.

When I looked far in the spirit, I saw a man of GOD I usually see on TV, and I saw JESUS walking next to him. JESUS CHRIST was not speaking or talking but just walking.

Before my eyes appeared the huge Throne of GOD and it was high and lifted up. The front side of the Seat appeared like a perfectly fine cut jewel that sparkled like a precious stone: it was so huge and glorious. The magnitude of HIS Holiness, Greatness is so overwhelming, I felt like dust before HIM. I remember when GOD gave me grace to see HIS Right Hand; it appeared like a diamond. HIS robe was like crystal: transparent and clear. GOD’s oly Throne is the most glorious and magnificent piece. On my first visit to Heaven, when I saw the Throne it was very Far, High, and Elevated Upward with a Huge Rainbow around it, Glory, Lights, and Power. The core is the Brightest and Whitest. GOD’s Voice projects from the Throne: Powerful, Majestic, Holy, and Authoritati e. You can’t hear HIS Voice and have a glimpse of HIS Throne and not remain the same.

GOD is showing me many parts of Heaven on a weekly basis, and HE wants me to share it with those who dwell on the earth. GOD’s Grace be upon you all.



My Visits to Heaven [Friday, May 9, 2014]


Last night, I was talking to The LORD and telling HIM that HE must strengthen me, as I felt drained because of the work I am doing for HIM. I needed a supernatural strengthening; I did not expect it to be a Heavenly encounter HE will use. The first vision I saw happened around 7 am. It was a long vision with a series of events, but I will just go straight to the point. I remember in that vision, I was flying above the air at a tremendous speed, there was this path in the spiritual world, suddenly I saw the Gates of Heaven appearing before my eyes. I was singing a song, “Lead Me to the Cross,” singing and worshiping in tongues.

Let me explain something about the Gates, I have already explained in my previous visits to Heaven, that it is a Great Planet with a shield. There are Twelve Gates into the Heavenly City: the New Jerusalem. They are called the Pearly Gates, the wall is made of jasper, and the Pearly Gates are extremely white. I saw that there are twelve gates at every side of the wall: east, north, south, and west. Heaven is too great for you

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