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Read books online » Romance » My Rejected Heart by Soccerluv4 * (epub e reader TXT) 📖

Book online «My Rejected Heart by Soccerluv4 * (epub e reader TXT) 📖». Author Soccerluv4 *

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changing in here!?”
“Then, I wouldn’t mind one bit,” he smirked at me, before kissing my lips and quickly darting out of there. I chuckled. Smart boy.
Now, to get ready.
10 minutes later, I sat at the kitchen island, while Drew insisted he make me breakfast.
“Drew, it’s okay, I can make breakfast,”
“No, you need rest. I’ll make breakfast,” he pouted.
“Alright,” I giggled. He grinned, before turning around and grabbing things out of the fridge. I watched him in amusement, as he tried to make eggs.
“Drew, maybe I should make breakfast,” he smiled at me sheepishly before sitting down beside me.
I grabbed the eggs he was making and finished them up. Along with the eggs, I poured some orange juice, made toast, and cooked bacon. I could feel Drew watching me the entire time. Just out of curiosity, I decided to read his mind.
Damn, why didn’t I see how special she was before? She’s so sweet, caring, friendly, kind, and on top of that, she cooks like a chef! I’m such a jerk. I don’t deserve her at all. Stupid asshole!
I whirled around to face him, and saw him glaring at the countertop in front of him. His face looked so guilty and remorseful, that I could instantly feel it.
Walking up to him, I gently took his face into my hands, forcing him to look at me.
“Hey,” I said softly, “you’re not a jerk. You just couldn’t accept having a mate. I understand that. But that’s all behind us now, okay?” I smiled up at him, “Now smile or I’m not giving you extra bacon, and I know that’s your favorite!”
Drew grinned and swooped me up, placing me on his lap. He nuzzled my neck, smelling my hair, and I couldn’t stop the stupid grin on my face. I lifted his head off my shoulder and planted a quick kiss.
“I love you,” I whispered against his lips.
He growled approvingly, before kissing me back with just as much hunger. His lips were moist and soft, his hands roaming my back and sides, while I placed my hands on his face.
“I love you too,” he whispered back to me. Sighing in content, I kissed him one last time before jumping off of his lap and returning to my cooking.
Drew and I talked animatedly after I finished cooking breakfast, with me sitting on his lap.
“Drew, I’m perfectly capable of sitting on a stool you know,” I pouted when he placed me on his lap after I tried to get off.
“Ari, just sit,” he smirked at me as I crossed my arms and glared at him.
“Alpha Drew, we were just warned that there’s been a rogue on our territory. He looks to be very dangerous. The guards already contained him and moved him to the basement.” One of Drew's guards, Justin, told us after barging into the kitchen.
“Okay, I’ll be there in a second.” Drew slid me off of his lap and placed a quick kiss on my lips. “I’ll be back in a bit, I need to go take care of this,” he brushed a strand of hair back, “and then, I have a little surprise for you,” he grinned at me.
“No, let me come with you!” I begged.
“Sweetheart, please. Just stay here. I can’t let you deal with this rogue. What if he’s dangerous? I can’t risk it if the rogue has a chance of hurting you,” he replied softly. I nodded, and watched him retreat to the basement.
As I sat there, stirring around the spoon in my bowl of cereal, I felt someone behind me. Turning around, I came face to face with my father.
“D-dad?” I whispered, shrinking as much as I could into the island countertop.
My dad’s eyes softened, holding grief, regret, and sadness within them. I was surprised. My dad never showed me as much emotion as now.
“Arianna,” he whispered. I backed up into the countertop, trying to keep as much distance from him as possible.
It was truly funny, how someone so important drove me to where I was now. Scared and cowering from my own father. I remembered when he would carry me on his shoulders, call me his baby girl. I remember when Christmas came around, and I always got the perfect gifts, like the latest collection of barbie’s or a gigantic dollhouse. But now, all those memories of my father were blurred, like when you drop a camera into water and the screen is faulty. It’s there, but it’s not. That’s exactly how I felt with my father right then. All those memories just fragments that took up space in my brain, but nothing more. I wanted to show him how much he hurt me, but I knew it would be wrong. The kind of torture he put me through was just a phase, and I knew, that I’d love him always.
“I heard you confess about what I did. I know I’m not proud of what happened, but I want you to know that the pack did punish me for it. Even though I’m sure you probably wanted something much more worse. Look, I just wanna say that, I don’t deserve you as a daughter. I’m sorry for all the beatings, for the disrespect. But what I’m sorry the most, was for forgetting who you were to me. This apology can’t even measure to how sorry I really feel, but...” small drops of liquid trailed down his cheeks. The look on his face was filled with so much sorrow, as if he was recalling every beating, every harsh punishment, that he dealt out at me, and all I could do was stand there, staring at him.
Finally, the conscious part of my brain kicked in, reminding me that he was standing there, waiting for an answer. I looked up at him, meeting his eyes, and then, I just turned around and walked away. Head held high, feet moving at a smooth stride, I left him. An audible sigh was heard from behind me, and all I could think was he deserved it. Too much seemed to be on my plate right now, and I didn’t need my dad added to the list.
Walking towards my room, I passed the basement door. From inside, I could hear the guards talking to one another about the rogue. Curious, I crept inside. The rational part of my brain seemed to be malfunctioning today, with the whole dad problem, and now this. But I inched myself closer, the now audible sounds of Drew talking to the rogue. Slowly, I found myself down to the last three steps as I listened intently for what was happening.
“Look, I don’t wanna hurt you, but if you don’t answer my questions, my guards here won’t be so friendly when they address you,” Drew sighed. The creaking of a chair sounded, which I could tell, was Drew leaning back in his chair. A grunt came afterward, presumably the rogue.
Just as I was about to hightail it out of there, the rogue spoke.
“You don’t know why I’m here. But maybe you should ask your beloved mate, Arianna” he spat, his vile words forcing my limbs to freeze their ascent up the stairs.
I wasn’t so much afraid that they had caught me, because with all my expertise on sneaking around without the pack finding out, I knew they couldn’t hear me. But what did worry me, was the fact that the rogue’s voice was awfully familiar. His earth-shattering, ice cold, demonic voice that sent eerie chills up and down my spine. His so called cackling laugh echoed through the dungeon. I could feel the amusement and utter hunger in his voice. That voice. The one that shook my bones, that rattled my nerves, that collapsed my lungs. It was that very rogue.

Chapter 15

I scampered off the stairs as quietly and efficiently as I could. Somehow-maybe life decided that it liked me for once?-let me get away without warning anyone of my snooping.
Running down the hall to the vicinity of my room, I sat on my bed and dropped my head into my hands.
Just when I thought life couldn’t get any worse! I sighed, falling back onto my bed, still holding my head in my hands.
“Knock, knock,” Mel floated into the room, a bubbly smile on her face.
“’s life?” she giggled again. I gave her a confused look, which probably made me look like a puppy tilting her head to the side, but I’m a werewolf, so don’t judge!
“Okay, spill. Even though you giggle like, A LOT, I know when you’ve got your ‘I’m totally and completely in love’ look. Better start explaining missy!” I scolded her, but a small smile tugged at my lips. It was like watching a toddler open the birthday gift they wanted: all twinkly eyed and grinning madly.
“Well-“ she drawled out. I gave her an over-exaggerated eye roll, but ushered her to continue.
“Jake and I-have officially mated!” she blushed, tilting her face away. My face broke out into a massive grin, as I hugged her tightly.
“Really? I’m so happy for you guys!” I grinned at her, “So, how was it, losing the v-card!?” I wiggled my eyebrows at her, which made her turn more red-if that was possible.
“Shut up, Ari!” she pushed me playfully, which made us both burst out into laughter. After wiping our tears away, we finally faced each other before laughing our asses off again.
“Okay, okay, we need to stop!” I said while wiping my eyes. “Mel, stop avoiding the subject. Really, how was it?”
“Jake was amazing! We stripped each other while making out-“
“Woah, woah, woah! I meant, how does it feel being fully mated with Jake?”
“Oh,” she replied, “well, it’s amazing. The bite mark itself felt surreal, but once we committed ourselves to one another, it was amazing. Now I can hear all his thoughts, and we share the same emotions. If I feel pain, so does he. If I feel happiness, so does he. It’s really...amazing” she stared off dreamily.
“Wow, me and drew can only read each other’s minds, that’s about it. But I do feel pretty connected with him,” I smiled.
“Just you wait,” she smirked at me “when you lose your virginity to him, then you’ll know what the true meaning of mates is!” I blushed, thinking of being that intimate with Drew.
“Hey baby, if you keep thinking those thoughts, I might not wait for your permission,” Drew said in my mind, causing me to jump 2 feet in the air.
Mel giggled, “Yeah, you better wanna block your dirty little thoughts or Drew won’t be able to contain himself,”
We ended up talking more about life, our mates, and just stuff in general. I was relieved that Mel never brought up anything about the abuse or the treatment of the pack. She always knew that sometimes not talking about it was the best therapy for me.
However, once she left, all the residing thoughts about what I heard came back with a force. How was I ever going to tell Drew this?
“Tell me what?” Drew stood at the doorway, arms crossed, with one eyebrow raised. Even standing like that, he looked sexy as hell.
“Well thanks babe, you’re looking

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