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A big variety of genres offers in Today we will discuss romance as one of the types books, which are very popular and interesting first of all for girls. They like to dream about their romantic future rendezvous, about kisses under the stars and many flowers. Girls are gentle, soft and sweet. In their minds everything is perfect. The ocean, white sand, burning sun….He and she are enjoying each other.
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What is Romance?

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In this genre the characters can be both real historical figures and the author's imagination. Thanks to such historical romantic novels, you can see another era through the eyes of eyewitnesses.
Critics will say that romance is too predictable. That if you know how it ends, there’s no point in reading it. Sorry, but no. It’s okay to choose between genres to get what you need from your books. But in romance the happy ending is a feature.It’s so romantic to describe the scene when you have found your True Love like in “fairytale love story.”

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Read books online » Romance » My Rejected Heart by Soccerluv4 * (epub e reader TXT) 📖

Book online «My Rejected Heart by Soccerluv4 * (epub e reader TXT) 📖». Author Soccerluv4 *

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looked at me and wondered how I could get with a guy like Drew?
“Just relax. I already picked the perfect outfit for you, and you’re hair and makeup look great, thanks to me,” she giggled at the mirror. I couldn’t help but grin back at her.
“Mel, thanks, for everything,”
“Hey, what are friends for?” she grinned.
After finishing my hair and makeup, I pulled on my outfit. Mel had picked out a white summer dress, with lace embroidery on the skirt. The dress was a little above my knees, and was paired with a light grey blazer. I pulled on some brown wedges.
“Ari, you look amazing!” Mel giggled, satisfied with her makeover. I turned towards the mirror, and gasped at my reflection. My brown hair hung in large light curls, spilling over my shoulders. My outfit made me look like an innocent, yet beautiful girl and my eyes were framed with eyeliner and mascara, making them pop. My face looked flawless, and perfect.
Turning around, I hugged Mel tightly, thanking her over and over for helping me.
“Alright, alright. Now let go of me and go impress your man!” she beamed.
I hugged her once again and walked out of Mel’s room, heading for my own.
My anxiety kept creeping up, as I paced back and forth in my room, clutching the pendant Drew gave me in my hand. I double checked everything: breath, teeth, makeup, outfit, perfume, pendant, till I was completely satisfied. However, the nerves in my stomach were multiplying. Never in my life would I have thought I’d be nervous for a date like some giddy high school teenager, even if I was a teen myself.
A knock sounded on the door, that pulled me from my thoughts. Taking a deep breath, I walked over to the door and opened it up. Standing in front of me was Drew, dressed in a light grey t-shirt, jeans, a leather jacket. I sucked in a breath, acknowledging how handsome he looked.
Drew’s eyes widened as he looked me over. I blushed, clearly happy with his response.
“You look...beautiful” he smiled at me, taking my hand.
“Well you don’t look so bad yourself,” I grinned back.
We descended the steps and out the door, jumping into Drew’s Mercedes SLS AMG. My mouth literally dropped at the sight of it.
“So, where are you taking me?” I questioned Drew. He gave me a sideways glance before answering.
“It’s a surprise,”
I wanted to pout and cross my arms like a kid. My excitement was too much, and I didn’t think I would be able to hold it in if Drew didn’t tell me where we were going.
Finally, we arrived at lake side resort. It was large building, with a beautiful lake behind it. I was at awe, the place was breathtaking.
Drew led me up the steps, and into a large restaurant. I thought we’d be dining here, but Drew led me past the room, and outside. We walked down a cobblestoned pathway, till we reached a large gazebo that overlooked the lake. Around us, brushed filled with colorful flowers warmed the air with a light scent. Inside the gazebo, a table with two chairs sat. The candles in the middle of the table lit the gazebo, making it look romantic and cozy. Just over the table was the sight of the lake. The water looked dark and pristine.
“Wow,” was all I could say.
Drew helped me into my seat before sitting himself in his own.
“Drew, this is amazing,” I exclaimed once again, looking at the scenery.
“I knew you’d like it,” he grinned.
Soon after, our food arrived and we ate and chatted.
“Thank you, Drew. For everything,” I smiled at him.
“Sweetheart, I would do anything to see you smile,” he said.
I laughed softly, “Wow, I didn’t know the big bad Alpha Drew could be so romantic,”
“Oh you have no idea babe,” he smirked at me.
After our dinner, Drew took my hand, and we strolled leisurely through the garden.
“Drew, tell me something nobody knows,” I asked.
“Well, when I was six, I would run around the house naked screaming ‘you can’t catch me’ to my parents when they tried giving me a bath,” he chuckled, while I noticed his cheeks tinge pink.
Chuckling, I kissed his cheek.
“What about you?” Drew inquired.
“What about me?” I teased.
“You know, what’s something you never told anyone?”
I thought about what I could say, my mind temporarily flashing to my mom’s murderer. Drew stopped walking, and I looked back at him, confused.
“How do you know that rogue?” Drew questioned me quietly. I was confused, at how he knew I was thinking about that, until I realized that we were fully mated, and he could probably see the image of that rogue in my mind. I needed to be more careful and put up my mental walls next time, I thought.
“He, uh,” I took a deep breath and decided to tell him everything about my past.
“My mom’s accident wasn’t an accident. The rogue you caught, he was after my mom. I don’t know why, but he was the reason she died. Just before she-“ I choked on a sob, “-died, she told me to get out of there, not because she didn’t want me to save her, but instead, to make sure that I could be safe. That’s how I know him. He’s been in my dreams lately, and i-I don’t know what to do,” I cried silently, letting tears flow down my face.
Drew wiped away the tears gently, kissing a few that still leaked out. Placing a gentle kiss on my forehead, he embraced me in a hug. I clung onto his shirt, and snuggled against him.
“Drew, I’m scared,” I whispered.
“I know baby, but trust me, I will not let him get to you, okay? Do you trust me?”
I nodded.
“Good, now let’s forget about all of this and focus on our date,” he smiled at me and wiped away a few more tears. I grinned up at him and kissed his cheek.
But throughout the walk, all I could think about was the rogue. I just hoped Drew was right.

Chapter 17

“We seriously need to go shopping!” Mel exclaimed, rummaging through my closet for who knows what, “I mean seriously, look at your clothes? Sweatshirts and sweatpants aren’t your life Arianna,” She swiveled around, holding up one of the few sweatshirts I owned.
I pouted at her, “Aw, come on Mel. I don’t need that many clothes!”
“Are you kidding me?! You barely own enough to fill a linen closet!” she exclaimed, throwing up her hands and promptly crossing them in front of her and scowling at me.
“Mel, stop that. You can’t keep using your glare to manipulate me,” I groaned, covering my eyes with my hand.
“Fine!” I huffed, grabbing a pair of Drew’s keys off the side table. “Let’s go shopping,”
Mel jumped up a foot in the air, before grabbing me and running us down to his car.
“Ugh, I’m never shopping again. I don’t know how girls even like doing this!” I cried in exasperation. For the last 2 hours, we’ve been going from store to store, picking out the flashiest and priciest clothes there were. I honestly didn’t need any of these, I was perfectly fine with my own comfortable clothes.
“Don’t be such a buzz kill, Ari. Come on, let’s go to that shoe store over there!” I rolled my eyes at her about to tell her off when I noticed that she’d already ran into the store. Grudgingly I followed her in.
Walking to the store, I couldn’t help but shake the feeling that someone was watching me. It had been happening all throughout the day. I tried to not let it bother me, but something in my gut was telling me I was being followed.
Walking into the store, I was still overwhelmed by that strange feeling. I just couldn’t shake it off.
‘Arianna, you need to get back home now. There’s a problem. I’m sending Justin and Elliot to come get you and Melanie, don’t go anywhere. Love you,’ Drew’s voice abruptly cut off my thoughts as he spoke through mindlink. My heart stopped. What was going on? What’s happening?
Mel appeared from behind a rack of shoes, carrying a pair in her hand.
“Hey, there you are! So I was thinking maybe these shoes would look good with-“
“Mel! There’s been an emergency at the pack house! Drew sent two of his guards to come get us. We’ve gotta go!” I grabbed her hand and pulled her out of the store, racing towards the entrance of the mall. Just as we arrived, the all too familiar pack guards’ black Escalade pulled up to the entrance.
“Luna, we need to get back to the pack house immediately. Please, come,” Justin, one of the guards, ushered us both into the back of the escalade.
The entire ride, all I could think about was what was happening. Mel was equally worried. Her mate was back at the pack house as well. My thoughts immediately drifted to Drew. Was he okay? Was he hurt? If he was hurt, I would feel it. I couldn’t risk this though. I closed my eyes, trying to keep myself calm.
Opening them again, I reached over and grabbed Mel’s hand, giving it a soft squeeze.
“It’s gonna be okay, Mel. Don’t worry,” I smiled at her.
The tires screeched as we arrived in front of the pack house. Both Mel and I jumped out, racing inside.
We ran all the way down to Drew’s office. From outside, we could hear voices.
The door flew open abruptly as we entered the room.
“Drew, are you oka-“ I stopped midsentence, looking at Drew’s stricken eyes.
“Drew?” I breathed out
“He’s gone,” he whispered, staring down at the cloth clutched in his hand.
“Who’s gone?” I said, inching closer to him.
“Zane. He’s been that rogue,”

Chapter 18

My heart stopped. Zane? No, that can’t happen. He’s like a brother to me! No.
Drew’s arms grabbed me and I collapsed in them, suddenly unable to hold my weight.
“I’m sorry Ari, I’m really sorry. Don’t worry, we’ll get this son of a bitch. I promise.”
I could only nod, too shocked to believe what just happened.
This was because of me, all because of me. I was the one the rogue wanted. I was the one that should’ve been kidnapped, not Zane.
“I’m gonna go check the last place he was seen for a scent. Ari, go rest, you look tired. Don’t worry about Zane, we’ll find him,”
“I’ll go with you-“
“No!” his voice was firm,

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