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Read books online » Romance » My Rejected Heart by Soccerluv4 * (epub e reader TXT) 📖

Book online «My Rejected Heart by Soccerluv4 * (epub e reader TXT) 📖». Author Soccerluv4 *

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beautiful yourself,” he smiled at me and came over to the bed. Sitting down next to me, he lifted me into his lap and began stroking my hair softly.
I sucked in a deep breath. Well, here goes.
“Drew, I-I have something important to tell you,” I said softly, “about the rogue,”
Just knowing he was a few floors down sent a shiver up my spine.
“He-“ what could I say? That he was the reason my mom died? That because of him, my family fell apart? That his very presence haunted my dreams every night? My heart was hammering in my chest like an offbeat drum. My fingers twitched slightly, shaking with anxiousness. No matter how hard I tried to form a coherent sentence about him, my mind just came up blank. Like my brain being on autopilot, it was controlling what I was trying to say. Drew deserved to know. And by judging his face, it looked like he was pretty curious about this as well. I kind of wonder why he didn’t mention to me that the rogue talked about me?
“Drew, did the rogue say anything about me?”
Drew’s face visibly paled. His eyes went downward, not meeting mine. I tilted his face up carefully, and kissed his cheek.
“It’s okay. I heard. I know you were just trying to protect me, but this fight is too dangerous for you to get into. I-I can’t explain it all just yet, but I want you to listen to me. Please don’t take what he said into heart. You’re too-“ I gulped, “important to lose, and I don’t want that happening. Please, just trust me and leave this alone. At least, until I get my facts straight,” I sighed.
Drew’s eyes were dark, his wolf seemed to be arguing with him, but he finally calmed down by my touch. I kissed his neck softly, and worked up towards his jaw. I placed a feathered kiss on his chin, then his cheeks, and finally a light brush on his lips.
He growled lowly, before kissing me back, with fiery passion. We tumbled down onto the bed, me laying on top. His kisses became more intimate, as he started kissing down my collar bone, up my neck, then down it again. I held back a moan, but it still ended up sounding like a whimper. Pulling his head back up to my lips, I kissed him passionately, his warm lips dancing with my own. For a moment, I forgot everything around us. I forgot the problems with my dad, or the evil rogue downstairs. All I thought about was Drew. The Drew I loved. The Drew that was kissing me so beautifully, so romantically, that my heart melted into a puddle of pure love for him.
I wove my hands around his neck, intensifying the kiss ten-fold. His hands grazed the bottom of my shirt, almost like asking for entrance, which I did by kissing his lips and smiling at him. His hand went up my shirt slowly, sliding across my stomach and moving upwards, towards my bra. My hands followed their own accord, slowly unbuttoning his shirt, and throwing it aside. I took a moment to admire his amazing body, tracing against the smooth planes of his abs and chest.
Soon, my shirt joined his on the floor.
“You’re absolutely beautiful,” his breath husky. My body filled with warmth, for him and for his love.
“I love you,” I whispered.
“I love you too,” he whispered back.
We swiftly undressed, and lay there, naked. Drew kissed up my stomach, massaging my breasts, before kissing my lips. I moaned in satisfaction, his hands doing wonders on my body.
“Drew,” I breathed, huskily.
“Hmm?” he mumbled, still kissing my neck.
“Mate me, fully,” I stated. He looked at me with a smile. I kissed him swiftly, and he kissed me back.
“Of course, beautiful,”
It was then, that I forgot my worries and left my normal self behind. My mate was with me, and I wanted to be fully his, and him fully mine, hoping it was enough to help me forget about my problems temporarily. But I knew, I would have to face them soon, including, the murderer of my mom.

Chapter 16

Warm breath tickled my neck as I opened my eyes. Looking down, I noticed I was naked, with just the sheets covering me. A large arm was draped around my waist tightly, pushing me to a hard chest. Turning around, I noticed Drew’s face, only inches from mine. A small smile was displayed on his face, and his eyes were closed. Smiling softly, I brushed back some hair from his forehead and kissed him lightly on the nose.
Now, to get this arm off of me, I thought. Slowly, I inched myself further away from Drew, prying his fingers off one by one, and lifted his heavy arm off of me. I was practically out of breath by the time I was free from his hold. Grabbing Drew’s button up shirt off the ground, I slid it on and went into the bathroom.
After I cleaned myself up a bit, and fixed my rat’s nest I called hair, I walked out to see Drew getting up. Even with bed hair, he looked extremely sexy. I was glad he was at least wearing some boxers or I don’t know if I could hold myself from repeating last night’s events. My cheeks reddened at the thought. Snapping myself out of my daze, I called out to him.
“Morning,” I smiled at him.
“Morning to you too” he smiled back and walked over to me. His large arms encircled me into a hug, and he kissed my temple softly.
“Did you sleep well?” he smirked at me.
“Shut up,” I slapped his chest playfully before squirming out of his hold.
“Aw, babe don’t be like that,” he smirked at me, before grabbing me from behind and hoisting me in the air.
“Drew, put me down now!” I argued, slapping his back. Suddenly, I felt Drew slap my ass and give out a loud chuckle.
“Drew!” I screamed, which only caused him to laugh. He none too gracefully plopped me down onto the bed and pinned my arms up above my head.
Just as I was about to scream my head off at him for picking me up and slapping my ass, he clamped his lips over mine, leaving my thoughts a jumbled mess.
His kiss started slow and sensual, softly sucking on my lips. Pressing harder, he turned the kiss from passionate to evocative. My arms slid down his chest, resting on his perfect abs, as I deepened the kiss. A low growl came from Drew, as he began unbuttoning his shirt I was wearing. My hands slid lower, brushing the edge of his boxers. I felt Drew stiffen, and I smiled inwardly.
“Oh no you don’t,” Drew growled huskily, flipping us over so he was underneath. My shirt, which was now completely unbuttoned, hung limply, displaying my breasts and stomach. I blushed, quickly trying to cover myself, but Drew’s hands stopped me.
“Arianna, never hide yourself from me,” he growled, kissing down my neck, across my collar bone, and continuing downward to my breasts. He began kneading one of them, while the other he sucked on. I moaned loudly, while I felt Drew smirk against my skin.
Slowly, I pulled down his boxers and began placing kisses down his chest. Reaching all the way down, I abruptly pulled myself away and planted a passionate kiss on his lips.
Heaving heavily, I collapsed onto the bed beside Drew. After our mind blowing foreplay and another intense love making, I found myself completely content.
Curling up to Drew, I sighed, enjoying his body warmth against mine. His arm wrapped around my shoulders, playing with my hair softly.
“Hmm?” I muttered, snuggling closer to his side.
“Why?,” he whispered.
I sat up abruptly, turning my body to face him.
“Why what?”
“I know I’ve said this before, but I want to know why you would forgive me so easily? I was a jerk. I screwed up. What I did was wrong, and I wanna know why you still forgave me,” he unwrapped his arm from me and sat up as well, staring at the wall ahead.
“Because you’re my mate Drew. You may have done those things to me, but that doesn’t change how I feel about you. I know it was wrong, but people make mistakes, it’s normal. The important thing is that you said sorry, you accepted your faults. That’s all I need to know. You’re my other half, Drew, and I love you. There’s no way I can’t forgive you,” I smiled at him, intertwining our fingers. Drew’s eyes met mine, full of warmth and love, and I couldn’t help but kiss him softly.
“You don’t know how glad I am to have you, right?” he muttered, snuggling his head into my hair. I giggled softly, before pulling away and placing my hand against his cheek.
“Oh shit!” Drew cursed at the clock. I looked over and noticed the time, 12:30 P.M. We’d been up here that long? I was completely shocked.
Drew scrambled off the bed, pulling on his clothes quickly.
“Baby girl, I’m sorry. I have an important alpha meeting I need to get too soon,” he placed a quick kiss on my lips.
“Oh, almost forgot,” he grabbed a small box off the dresser.
Opening the box, I gasped at the gift. I couldn’t possibly accept this, it was too beautiful and looked just as expensive.
“It’s beautiful,” I breathed out, staring at the stunning necklace. It was a pendant, shaped like a sword, with two wolves on either end facing out. It’s intricate designs, and beautiful silvery coating looked antique, almost priceless.
“This was my great grandmother’s, and was passed down all the way to me for my mate. So, I’m giving it to you,” he said, while turning me around and clasping the necklace onto my neck. Its cool exterior brushed against my skin.
Placing a soft kiss onto my shoulder, Drew turned me around to face him.
“Wear this tonight, because I’m taking you out somewhere,” he grinned, before kissing my head and leaving the room.
I was too shocked to even realize he had left. My mind was whirring at everything that had happened. How did I go from being a nobody, to getting an ancient necklace, mating with Drew, and going out with him?
Sighing, I pulled myself out of my thoughts, and dressed. If I was going on a date, I would need all the help I could get.
“Aw, my little Ari’s growing up!” Mel shouted for the billionth time, as she curled my hair.
“Mel, how many times do I have to tell you, it’s just a date,” I rolled my eyes at her.
“Hey!” she pouted into the mirror, looking at my reflection, “I can’t help it if I’m so excited for my best friend to finally go on a date! At least give me some credit!” she huffed, crossing her arms.
“I know Mel, but I’m just nervous. I’ve never been on a date before, I don’t know what it’s gonna be like?” I shifted in my seat uncomfortably. Just the thought of going on date frightened me. What if I overdressed, or underdressed? What if people

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