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What is Romance?

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Read books online » Romance » What a Rich Man Wants by Billie Summer (top novels to read TXT) 📖

Book online «What a Rich Man Wants by Billie Summer (top novels to read TXT) 📖». Author Billie Summer

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Chapter Fourteen

Beep…. Beep…. Beep…. Cat stirred knowing she needed to get up, but she was so warm. She just needed the energy to lift her hand to shut the alarm clock off. Beep…. Before Cat could do anything about the annoying noise, there was a curse from beside her, then the clock hit the wall across the room making her jump. Cat half sat up stunned. She looked at the clock then at Eric, who was naked in her bed, then back at her broken clock. Cat couldn’t help herself, she burst out laughing. Looking back at Eric who was trying to bury himself back into the pillow face down. The muffled voice came from the pillow “If you don’t shut up, you’re going to end up in the same place as the clock.” She laughed even harder, Cat couldn’t help it. Eric may get up early most days and work long hours but that first 10 or 15 minutes between sleep and fully awake, he was always grouchy. Eric roared up on the bed grabbing her and pinning Cat to the bed with his naked body. Cat stopped laughing, it was only then that she realised that she was naked as well. Eric must of stripped her last night and put her to bed before joining her. The last thing Cat remembered was him holding her. Yesterday was an emotional roller coaster ride for her. If she was honest with herself it had been emotional since their breakup. Cat looked into Eric’s heated eyes, half closed and sexy, arousal spiked through her body. She knew they needed to talk and mixing sex right now wasn’t a good idea. She could tell herself a thousand reasons why they shouldn’t do this. Her body didn’t care. Eric was naked in her bed not Claudia’s. Cat wondered if she had liked Claudia would she feel any different. Cat really hoped she would. But right now she didn’t care, and her body didn’t care, licking her lips and arching into Eric’s body. His morning erection slipped in between her legs nudging her sex, making Cat gasp and grasping Eric’s shoulders then rolling her body against his.  “Cat..” Eric looked into her eyes with need, she knew he was asking for the ok to move forward. Cat didn’t answer just moved her hands into his hair and rolled her lower body against his again. Feeling the head of his penis push at her folds.  Eric groaned lowering his head to her’s in a pained voice Eric growled “Say it Kitty!” “I need you.” Cat whispered  Eric groaned, capturing her mouth in a savage kiss. “I can’t be slow.” “Then don’t.” She urged him on needing him just as much. “The baby?... “ “It’s fine I promise.”Cat ran her hands down his back to his buttocks, cupping both cheeks to help her push him forward into her. Not slow on the uptake, Eric grabbed her legs moving them higher onto his hips. Opening her body up for his penetration, which was swift and oh so satisfying. At the same time Eric covered her nipple with his mouth. Making Cat’s arousal spread like wild fire. “Please” she begged. She tightened her legs around his hips, driving him deeper. Cat had never felt so turned on so fast. Eric pulled out, gripping her ass to angle her up before moving in her hard and fast, his scrotum slapped at her buttocks, his lower abdomen rubbed against her swollen clit, the multiple sensations of him at her breast and inside, was overwhelming her. Her muscles clenched around him. Cat was burning up…. “Eric it’s to much.” She let out a hoarse cry. This was no sweet slow build, instead Cat catapulted towards climax, throwing her head back, arching her hips into Eric’s as he thrusted down was all she needed to reach her peak and leaped over the edge. Cat screamed Eric’s name. Cat’s hot channel gripped Eric,  swearing he pulled her legs over his shoulders and moved in a frantic pace, in and out before growling his release and pumping his seed into her body. Cat collapsed breathless back onto the bed. Eric fell down beside her. Cat couldn’t believe how fast that had been, smiling as she rested, trying to catch her breath. She had never been so stimulated so fast. It had been that intense. Maybe being without sex for so long or she was sure she had read that pregnant women enjoyed high sexual intensity. Cat turned her head to see Eric had fallen back to sleep beside her laying face down again. Laying a kiss on his shoulder, Cat got out of bed and headed for her morning shower. Eric still wasn’t awake when she was ready to leave for work, frowning she didn’t know if she should wake him or not. Shrugging Cat wrote out a message and left it on her pillow. Leaving her spare keys on the kitchen table for Eric to use. Cat left the townhouse and caught the bus to work. Claudia was waiting for Cat in the foyer of Logan holdings inc.  Shit! This is one person she didn’t want to face this morning, not without having her talk with Eric first. Cat didn’t say anything and just walked passed the other woman. She refused to start anything here, so anyone can listen in. It was up to Eric anyway to say anything to this woman. Head held high Cat walked into the lift and pressed the button to her floor. Claudia followed her of cause making sure no one else got onto the lift with them. Double shit! She really didn’t feel sorry for this woman. Claudia was a nasty piece of work. Claudia started as soon as the lift doors closed. “You lying bitch , what did you do fall pregnant with someone else’s baby and then decide to pin it on Eric? Your nothing, your just a low life gold digger. Pregnant! it’s a trap, at least Rachel was in his class. Your nothing but a country hillbilly who will only embarrass him with your low connections…..” Cat heard no more after Rachel’s name was mentioned. It was the way it was said “”Pregnant! it’s a trap, at least Rachel was in his class”” had Rachel fallen pregnant? If so did Eric already have a child. No, that can’t be right Allison would have said something. Eric had insisted they marry! If this Rachel had been pregnant wouldn’t they have married? Cat was so confused she needed to talk to Eric and find out about his past, would he tell her?, more importantly they also needed to talk about their future, plus she really really needed to tell him about being pregnant with twins. So there was no point guessing if Eric had a child out there or not, she really needed him to tell her. Pushing it to the back of her mind. Claudia’s voice still went on “ ….. so don’t think I’m going to give up Cat, Eric will come back to me, he always does.”  The lift doors opened Cat stepped out without saying anything to Claudia, even though she really wanted to punch the woman. She really didn’t know where she stood with Eric. She knew he had changed his life around lately travelling less and delegating. He had been with Claudia! He didn’t say how he felt about her. Feeling sick again knowing Eric didn’t love her, he was marrying her for her babies…. His babies. She had been ok with that hadn’t she? Her children should come first right? Then why did she feel so upset.  Cat put her handbag on her desk. sighing, until they talked Cat wasn’t going to know for sure if Eric loved Claudia or not, she also needed to find out more about Rachel. Plastering a smile on her face Cat walked into Allison’s office to start their morning.    Cat had decided it was best to wait for Eric before saying anything to Allison and she didn’t see him until around lunch when he strolled into her office, saying the second he saw her “ have you told her?”  Cat shook her head saying quietly “No, I thought you’d want to be here.” Eric nodded taking her hand, he pulled Cat up from behind her desk, into his arms. Lowering his mouth to hers. Cat was very conscious of the hallway door being open, but if they are to be married soon what difference does it make if someone walks by and sees them together. “Why did you leave me in bed alone?” He placed little kisses along her jawline to her ear, which he nibbled on. Cat’s breath caught, she grabbed his shoulders for support. Eric placed a hand on the new roundness of Cat’s belly, reminding her why he was standing there embracing her in the first place. Eric wanted his child, if Cat wasn’t pregnant he would be with Claudia. It was like cold water, Cat froze going stiff in Eric’s arms. “This really isn’t the place Eric.” Eric pulled back looking down at her with a puzzled  look. He opened his mouth to speak but Cat didn’t get to hear what he was about to say because at that moment Allison’s voice came from behind Eric. “Do I take it that things are back on with you two?”  Eric turned smiling “We would like you to be the first to know. Cat has agreed to marry me.”  Allison looked totally surprised, a gasp came from the doorway everyone turned in time to see Claudia drop the papers she was holding, they scattered all over the floor. Cat looked at her face as Eric bent to pick up the mess. Cat knew she had just made an enemy for life, snorting who was she kidding! Claudia already hated her. She really hadn’t wanted Claudia to find out this way and seeing her reaction Eric hadn’t bothered to tell her first. Men! Claudia would blame her, it wasn’t like she was making Eric marry her. Honestly she would rather have him love her, not marry her because she was pregnant. Bending Cat helped pick up the papers so she didn’t have to look at Claudia anymore. The other woman couldn’t hide how angry she was, it was plain on her face and in her eyes. One thing Cat promised herself, she would not let anyone make her child feel unwanted. No child of hers was going to live a life like she had. If anyone including Claudia told her child their had been a mistake, she would kick their ass. Sighing Cat picked up the last page and handed her pile to Eric. Standing up a little fast, because a dizzy feeling hit her hard. Eric was there, shoving the papers at Claudia. Eric lifted Cat before she could fall. He just scooped her up and walked her into Allison’s office, laying her onto Allison’s office couch. He really needed to stop making a habit of this. Allison was beside her in seconds with a glass of water. Handing it over “Here you are dear.”  Cat took the glass saying “Thank you.” Taking a small sip. “I’m taking you to the doctor today. This cannot be normal.” Eric growled out, squatting down in front of her “Eric, I was very low in iron. I have had it very easy with morning sickness, I would take the dizzy spells over that any day.” Saying without thinking about their audience. “A Baby, a wedding and a baby oh…. Eric. Cat… I’m so happy.” The next thing Cat was in Allison’s arms. “When is the baby due?” Cat was very aware of Claudia standing at Allison’s office door. “I’m about 14 weeks pregnant” heartfelt she added  “I’m so sorry I hadn’t told you before.” She couldn’t say she was carrying twins yet. Eric needed to be told first without an audience.  Allison patted her hand saying “You had your reasons, I’m just glad it’s out now. You will both need to get married as soon as possible.” “We are mother, a very quiet wedding.” Eric agreed “ No one outside family and friends are to know about the wedding or the baby until after the wedding. Cat wouldn’t want a three ring circus or the media getting wind of it.” Well at least he did understand her even if he didn’t love her, Cat thought.

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